Reborn Capital Empire

v1 Chapter 553: stunning design

?Chapter 553 Amazing Design

Of course, Guo Shouyun didn't draw too much either. Just some basic functions of future smartphones. But even the basic functions are amazingly talented now!

After a dozen sketches were drawn, Guo Shouyun put down his pen when he felt that it was almost the same. Looking at the Apple executives around him, "These are the software desktop designs that I think the first-generation iPhone should have. The software on the desktop is arranged in the form of icons, and each icon is 0.8 inches (about 1 cm or so) in size. The square. Considering that the number of software icons is not enough to fit on a desktop, we can use layered, or book-style design.”

"...Simply put, if there are 9 icons on the first desktop, then we just need to hold down the phone screen with our finger and swipe left, then just like turning pages in a book, new applications will be exposed on the second desktop. If To go back, swipe right!"

"...Considering the high usage rate of some applications, turning pages leads to a decrease in efficiency and increases the cost of human-computer interaction. A fixed application bar can be designed at the bottom of the mobile phone, and commonly used functions, such as phonebook, making calls, The icons for text messages and Internet search functions are placed here. Of course, because everyone pays attention to different things, like business people, they may be more concerned about news or finance. Therefore, the fixed application bar applications can be changed according to personal needs!”

" a drop-down menu at the top, as long as the finger is pressed and swiped down, a new page can appear. This page can display the 'mute button', 'airplane mode button', 'lock screen button', ' Bluetooth button' and other commonly used functions. As well as missed calls, missed text messages and other message information."

"…About the page back, close, etc. We can design a left arrow in the upper left corner of the page, click the arrow to return to the previous page, design an 'X' sign on the right, click means to close the page. Then on the mobile phone A 'He' key is designed at the bottom, and you can directly return to the desktop of the mobile phone from the current web page by pressing it. Press it again, and it will show that the mobile phone is running, and there is no closed program. Click the program you want to enter, and you will return to the previous one again. The page you follow. This way, when users are browsing the web or surfing the Internet, they will not have to search and enter again after suddenly receiving a call or receiving or sending a text message, which improves the convenience of human-computer interaction!”

"Bruce, you are a genius!"

Jobs exclaimed with excitement and a hint of admiration in his expression.

In his cognition, there are only two kinds of people in the world, namely 'genius' and 'stupid'. The former is someone Apple needs, or is willing to make friends with. The latter he completely dismissed. As far as his family is concerned, Jobs is known to have two younger sisters, Patti Jobs and Mona Simpson. The former is the adopted daughter of his adoptive parents. The two grew up together, but their relationship was not good. In the process of getting to know Jobs, Guo Shouyun almost never saw her. It is also rare to hear him mention this sister from Jobs' mouth.

On the contrary, Mona Simpson, who only met in recent years, is different. The two hit it off, and Jobs once said to him more than once: Mona is his best friend in the world, and I don't know what I would do without her.

There is a very important reason for such a change: Mona is a well-known writer and belongs to the elite class in the mainstream evaluation of society; while Patty is just a company employee! For Jobs, Mona's achievements and existence can better reflect the superiority of his blood.

No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. There is a powerful side in human nature, but some people can overcome and correct, and some people have strengthened a lot. Jobs undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

His "dichotomy" of people led to many people in Apple's early days who couldn't stand his verbal abuse and cold violence and left. Among them was Mike Scott, Apple's first president. This is also one of the reasons why he was kicked out of Apple later.

"Bruce, I think in addition to the chairman of the board, you should also get a position in the design department, otherwise it will not only be a loss for the company, but also a loss for the technology world!" Jonathan Ivey looked at the design and said excitedly.

Only those who know how to really understand what these designs mean!

"Bruce's design is really amazing, but what about editing? Is it swiping too?" Jonathan Rubinstein asked.

"Of course not! ... The editing function can be solved with the numeric keyboard. Of course, there are also distinctions. For example, when entering into the search box, just tap the numeric keyboard to automatically pop up. If it is to reply to text messages, edit memos and other functions When in use, as long as the page is opened, the number pad will automatically pop up. If the user does not need to edit, but only opens the page content to read the reply, then just click on the blank space, and the number pad will be put away. Similar to this!”

When the words fell, Guo Shouyun drew a sketch again. Things that are not complicated in the first place, although his painting level is not high, he can handle them.

"This way we don't need a keystroke keyboard!" Scott Foster exclaimed.

"It's too difficult to swipe your finger to achieve the functions you just mentioned." Jonathan Rubinstein said.

"Of course it's difficult. To achieve the page-scrolling function, you need to develop a 'wheel technology', and to move your fingers freely on the screen, you need to develop a 'multi-touch technology'. In addition, large-screen mobile phones need to develop 'multi-touch technology'. Breaking through the existing materials, especially the mobile phone screen. To solve the trouble of replacing the battery, increase the standby time, and improve the beauty and technological sense of the mobile phone, we must redesign the circuit. If we want to be accepted by users, we also need to cooperate with telecom operators. Let them cooperate with us to provide more content channels and broadband standards.”

"...Everyone, what we are going to do is a new product that will subvert the mobile phone industry, which is very difficult and even unprecedented. But I think everyone is a top smart person who understands better than me that once this new type of mobile phone is launched, the entire electronic consumption can be achieved. What a shock the industry has brought! Here, I can say without hesitation that if we can make an iPhone, then our future of Apple will surpass Motorola and Nokia, and even be several times that of them! And everyone here is also Multiply your worth, and your wealth in a few years will exceed the sum of your careers in the past 20 or even 30 years!"