Reborn Capital Empire

v1 Chapter 554: Petrobras

?Chapter 554 Petrobras

In terms of flickering ability, Guo Shouyun has talked a lot over the years, and he is also good at eloquence. Of course, it is still a lot worse than Jobs and Papa Ma. However, he knows the development trend of future technology, and combined with his eloquence, his appeal has grown exponentially.

Looking at all the Apple executives, including Jobs, who showed excitement and anticipation in their expressions, Guo Shouyun still had some satisfaction in his heart.

"Okay, all that needs to be said. Steve, can we go down for dinner now? You know I'm here today, and in addition to congratulating you on your discharge, I plan to try Powell's pasta and blueberry cheese."

"Bruce, I just heard what you said. I just want to get back to the company and get the iPhone out. I can't wait to see it shock the world again!"

"It's not bad for a day or two to shock the world! Let's go!"

Under the greeting of Guo Shouyun, everyone stood up. In fact, they didn't want to endure this seemingly comfortable way of sitting cross-legged for a long time, but with sore backs and legs for a long time.

"Bruce, can you give me these designs?" Jobs asked.

Guo Shouyun, who folded the last artwork and put it in his pocket, nodded.

"Of course, but I have to register the patent first!"

Apple is Apple, he is him, not to be confused. These designs that can be registered are all available for fixed royalties. Although these royalties may add up to millions of dollars compared to his assets, mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are. Moreover, this is his personal income.

Hearing his words, Jobs didn't say much. In Europe and the United States, which pay attention to intellectual property protection, this situation is normal. Even as Apple's CEO, he has a lot of patents. The most famous of these is the 'personal computer' awarded by the US Patent Office in 1983.

Because part of the pancreas was removed, Jobs' digestive function was affected, and his appetite decreased a lot. But because everyone came to congratulate him on his discharge today, he ate a lot.

After a lively night, at half past nine, the crowd began to disperse one after another.

However, although Jobs' pancreatic cancer was a near miss this time, it also reminded Guo Shouyun. The health of employees needs more attention, especially those at the top and elite level who are critical to the future of the company.

So, a week later, he convened a video conference with executives from all of his direct companies. It is stipulated that the company will organize a physical examination every year for ordinary employees, the middle-level leaders will organize a physical examination every six months, and the senior leaders will organize a quarterly physical examination, and the required expenses will be reimbursed by the company.

After Jobs' episode passed, Guo Shouyun arrived in Rio de Janeiro, the former capital of Brazil, in October according to his scheduled itinerary.

"It's nice here!"

Looking at the famous Bread Mountain and the blue coastline in the distance, Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction.

He is not used to staying in hotels, so before arriving in Brazil, he asked Rebecca Mark, who arrived here in advance, to help him choose a seaside villa.

"The boss is satisfied!"

Glancing at her, he pointed to the sofa next to him and sat down.

"Tell me about the current situation!"

"This time, Brazil's sixth round of oil exploration bidding has a total of 15 blocks. All of them are located in the Santos Basin on the southeast coast. Among them, blocks SM-E-01 to SM-E-07 are located in the shallow sea area of ​​the Sao Paulo platform with a water depth of 300 meters. ~500 meters; Blocks SM-F-08 to SM-F-12 are located in the deep water area of ​​the 500~1500 Sao Paulo continental shelf; SM-G-13 to SM-G-15 are located in the ultra-deep water area of ​​the Sao Paulo platform with a water depth of 2 kilometers ."

"... 7 shallow-sea exploration blocks with a total area of ​​7,504 square kilometers; 5 deep-sea exploration blocks with a total area of ​​6,730 square kilometers; 3 deep-sea exploration blocks with a total area of ​​5,923 square kilometers. The largest is the SM-G-15 block, with more than 2871 square kilometers."

After Guo Shouyun nodded, "What about the geological data I asked you to prepare?"

"It's all ready."

Rebecca Mack took out a drawing marked with different colors and figures and placed it in front of him.

"According to your request, we have marked the distribution area of ​​the salt layer in the Santos Basin. The white part is the salt-free area in the shallow sea. The blank area in the middle is the transition area of ​​the rock layer, and the center is the layer thickness area. Seen from the cross-section , which can be divided into three layers, namely, the non-marine bottom in the rifting period, the non-evaporite bottom in the transition period and the marine bottom in the post-rifting period. The thick evaporite divides the entire Santos Basin into two structures: suprasalt and subsalt.”

“…From the 1970s to the present, the Brazilian Petroleum Administration has drilled 274 exploration wells in the Santos Basin, of which 55 have discovered oil and gas. Although most of them have low reserves, they are all located in the suprasalt area. So, this time Most of the oil companies participating in this bidding are concentrated in the deep water area with the F number, as for the ultra-deep water area with the G number, there are currently no other bidders except us and Petrobras.”

Guo Shouyun understood why Rebecca said this. But even he doesn't know much about oil. But also know the reputation of pre-salt oil in Brazil's famous Santos Basin.

Obviously, the real treasure trove of oil offshore Brazil is not at all in the so-called upper salt layer, but in the sub-salt layer below 2,000 meters. Of course, it was impossible to say such things to Rebecca.

However, even knowing this, Guo Shouyun was still unable to calm down. Because even the combined area of ​​the three exploration areas is the difference between mung beans and steamed buns compared to the huge pre-salt formation in the Santos Basin.

After buying these three exploration areas, it is still unknown whether we can find the Tupi oil field that made Brazil's presalt oil famous all over the world in completely get rid of the poor oil hat.

Moreover, it is now 2003, although it will be 2004 in two months, but in the next two years or more, he does not know whether the Brazilian Petroleum Administration will hold the seventh round of oil bidding. If it happens, he just buys it, and the Tupi oil field that he longs for is in it, then everything will be fine.

But if the Tupi oil field is in the three ultra-deep sea blocks in the sixth tender, then he will lose a lot.

You must know that the Tupi oil field is the fifth largest offshore oil field in the world with recoverable reserves of 8 billion barrels.

Therefore, Guo Shouyun did not dare to gamble. He could only maximize his chances of finding the Tupi field.

"If deep-sea oil exploration were faster, I wouldn't be so embarrassed!"

Even though he thought so, he also knew that it was just wishful thinking. Under complex sea conditions, it takes half a year or even a year to hit a depth of several kilometers. Moreover, if you want to hit a semi-submersible drilling platform to find oil, it is all about luck. You can imagine how difficult it is to try your luck in an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.