Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 465: Desperately powerful

The results of the emergency meeting may be correct, but there is no way to change the grim situation faced by the countermeasures bureau.

"Command, what should we do next..." The agents in the mobile headquarters didn't know how many times he had said this.

But this time, I was really desperate.

The agent slumped and didn't know what to do. The huge monster not far away seemed to have grown bigger in his eyes, and was about to swallow him like a scourge.

This is true in the mobile headquarters, not to mention the soldiers and agents fighting outside.

They picked up hope again and again, and their hopes were shattered again and again.

They are in the devastated battlefield and burning flames, waiting for the judgment of death.

Because they all heard the monster's most angry cry after the explosion of the cruise missile.

This time, the smoke from the explosion had not completely dissipated, and the ray in the monster's mouth broke through the smoke and shot directly at the artillery position.

In the next second, the artillery position flashed with dazzling fire, which instantly covered the surrounding area of ​​100 meters, and then was blown into the sky.

The huge explosion was no less than any previous attack, but this time, it was the Self-Defense Force artillery unit that was exploded.

The rays did not stop, and the angry monster did not leave the frontline troops with a bit of breathing time this time.

The rays burst out of the smoke again, and the second artillery position disappeared.

After removing the surrounding threats, the monster turned his head and looked at his feet.

It didn't move on any more, because it stared at the ants under its feet, this group of ants, and then made it feel pain in a row.

It will not let this group of ants go!

Then there was another ray, without a target, just flattening the top of a mountain.


"Command! The artillery units are all destroyed! We have lost contact with the heavy artillery units and the first artillery units!"

"Let the nearest troops support the past and see if there are any more alive."

It is incredible to survive such a big bang.

Perhaps the only valuable command from Suzuo was to collect the bodies of the artillery troops in the past.

However, now is not the time to think about that. The point is, who can stop the monsters from raging!

The cold sweat on Linggozuo's forehead swelled, but he was helpless.

"Command! The third batch of helicopters was attacked and crashed!"

"Command, the chief ordered us to continue."

"Command! The frontline agents lost more than 30%! The monsters slaughtered our troops in place!"

"Three subjects, four subjects request support!"

"Five Divisions suffered heavy losses in the rays just now! Request a retreat instruction!"

"The support of the new mechanized troops is here!"

"Airborne fighter support has arrived!"

Countless news filled Linggozuo's ears, buzzing like mosquitoes.

It was useless, useless, regardless of the large number of squeezed orders, Suzugo paced back and forth.

No use, no matter how many people come! It's just to die!

There must be a way! There must be a way to deal with this terrifying monster.

Linggozuo's thoughts flew, at least they had successfully blocked the monster's progress.

Next, as long as they find a way to hold the monster, there must be some weakness in this terrifying monster that they haven't discovered.

As long as you drag the monster, you can definitely find its weakness.

At this moment, Suzuo Zuoren's eyes were blurred, and the huge pressure made him gradually fall into chaos, completely lost his former calm and wisdom, and even forgot the passage of time.

"Command! Command!"


Fortunately, the shouts of the subordinate agents screamed Linggosho's consciousness back.

"That's it." Linggozuo asked with composure.

"Command, the five most newly aided fighters just crashed four, and only one survived."

"Really, let Koji stop sending another plane." Lingwu Zuoren had no intention of seeing the plane die again.

The monster seemed to hit a plane to get a feel, telling the fighter in flight that it had been shot down casually.

"Sora said the same over there." The agent said cautiously.

"Well, what about other situations." Suzugosaku didn't care.

The agent swiftly explained the situation again. In short, he was not optimistic. Now that he can hold the monster in its footsteps, it is entirely dependent on the lives of the soldiers to fill it in.

"Wait, when will you have to wait." Suzugosakuto rubbed his temples vigorously, and Kashima Kurosuke didn't explain how long it would take to wait, causing Suzugosakuto to have no choice at all.

I thought that the task this time could further strengthen my position in the countermeasures bureau. Maybe after the status of the thirteen subjects returned, he could take advantage of the situation and control the thirteen subjects.

The current situation made Suzugosaku feel extremely uncomfortable.

After all, the countermeasure bureau underestimated the anomaly, or that the containment object was not limited to the countermeasure bureau, the alien control group, and UIU. Most of them believed that they could control the containment objects for their own use by relying on human power. .

All are keen to use the containment items in confrontation with others.

In this way, they have an illusion that the containment objects are nothing more than tools. They are under their control. Even if they encounter a humanoid containment object that is difficult to handle, it is just a matter of taking some time to absorb.

This idea is very wrong.

However, even now, people including Suzugosakuren have not realized this.


"Command! The rescue force is trapped!"

"There are more and more troops in need of rescue!"

"Three divisions have suffered more than 50% of casualties, so please retreat!"

Less than ten minutes passed, and the situation deteriorated sharply again. Linggo Zuoren stared at the dwindling friendly logo on the meter, secretly anxious: he would soon be unable to hold it.


The situation is tense outside the front line against the monsters,

Kyoto is still calm, and the government did not choose to evacuate the people.

"Mr. Hu Damin, the cooperation plan we discussed before, the Prime Minister agreed."

After the emergency meeting, Kashima Kurosuke immediately found Hu Damin.

"So, in the face of that kind of monster, is there any way for the alien control group." Kashima Kurosuke went straight into it, and directly pointed out.

"I can't guarantee it, but it hasn't reached the point where nothing can be done. Director Kashima, please wait and see. Our friends are already ready."

Hu Damin answered calmly.

"Friend?" Kashima Kurosuke asked puzzled.

"Yes, if this time the incident is resolved smoothly, I will introduce them to meet Director Kashima. You won't regret meeting them." Hu Damin showed a smile behind his hands.

"Really, then I will wait and see."

Hu Damin's self-confidence also gave Kashima Kurosuke confidence. Perhaps the alien control team is really sure to solve the monster.