Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 56: Druid in the primeval forest

In the depths of the Mislerle Forest, a clearing not far from the river.

The light of the bonfire illuminates the night, and the power of magic drives away all kinds of snakes and insects that may spread diseases. The temporary thatched huts built by travelers are not comfortable, but at least they are warm enough.

"I really want to thank those Lord Bei's programs that I watched, otherwise, we would have to sleep in the open." Raymond (really regretful) lay in the thatched hut that was quickly made with large and small branches and leaves, feeling the heat from the bonfire When it came, I couldn't help but sighed deeply, "It's really comfortable!"

His exclamation made Old Joseph a little puzzled, because according to legend, elves should be very accustomed to sleeping in the woods without a fire.

"He's skeptical, we don't look like a elf at all," said the white and strong Buka (a bookworm).

Eric (without sleep) sighed: "Book maniac, you should still speak common language, we can't understand your Cantonese."

"Why don't you understand? When I chatted in the dungeon before, I didn't see that you didn't understand."

"At that time anyway, as long as you know about it, it will be fine."

"Can't you do it now?"

"I can't do it now... Listening to you speak Cantonese, I feel like I'm talking to aliens."

"The aliens from the next family will sing with you! It's almost like shooting you with a death light gun!"

"forgive me…"

The humble temporary camp was full of laughter, and by the river not far from the camp, Panda (Panda) was sitting on a rock with a fishing rod to fish.

After a while, Brad (Sword Thirteen) came over with his sister Star (Xingzhao).

"You don't seem to like the lively appearance." Jian Shisan said, "Why?"

"I'm fishing."

"Fishing? Eat fish at night?" Xingzhao asked.

"If you can catch it, eat the fish."

"I read the animal world and it said that bears like to eat fish, but do pandas also like to eat fish?" Jian Shisan was a little curious.

"I don't have anything in particular that I don't like to eat."

"That's really happiness. When I first crossed the road, I worked so hard to eat grass, I always felt like I became a sheep or a horse..."

While speaking, Panda was slightly stunned—in his mind, a reminder of private chat came.

[Xingzhao: At twelve o’clock, about thirty meters away, someone is approaching. 】

[Panda: How many people? Can you judge strength? 】

[Starlight: You need to summon a crystal ball. 】

[Panda: Forget it, it's too conspicuous. I'm going to meet them! 】

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and shoved the fishing rod into Brad's hand, while he stood up and walked towards the direction pointed out by Xingzhao.

He only took a few steps when a figure came out from behind a big tree not far away.

"I have no ill will," the man said loudly. "Please don't be nervous."

As he got closer, he saw that he was of medium build, wearing a green robe made of animal skins and leaves, wearing a wolf helmet, and holding a large branch with leaves in his hand, which was clearly a Druid. dress up.

Druids are practitioners of natural energy, they always live in the wild, and the forest is their most frequent haunt. The more inaccessible the forest, the more they like it.

Of course, the Great Forest of Mislerle is inaccessible, and it is not surprising to see Druids here.

However, the attitude of this Druid is unknown.

Druids are generally people who emphasize individuality and freedom. At best, they have a free and easy character, and at worst, they have no character and no credibility. Although they will not change their positions like those true chaosists, it is not an easy thing to negotiate with them.

It is often difficult for inexperienced people to judge whether they are telling the truth or a lie, and whether they want to be friendly with themselves? Or are you ready for a big fight?

But if you have enough confidence and are not afraid that the other party will turn your back on you, then negotiating with them is actually not difficult.

The traversers have such confidence.

"We are just passing travelers." Jian Shisan put the fishing rod on the ground by the river, put his hand on the saber, and walked to the panda's side, "We don't want to fight with people, but we are not afraid of fighting."

As he spoke, white light emanated from him, illuminating the dark forest as if it were daylight.

The druid, who used leaves to paint strange patterns on his face, narrowed his eyes. On the one hand, it was uncomfortable to look directly at the strong light, and on the other hand, he was afraid.

He certainly wasn't really mean-spirited - most druids hated the act of starting a fire in the forest, because it was so easy to start a fire and damage the environment of the forest. But to say that he will hurt people because of this, it is not.

There are evil in the druids, for example, some druids will kill people just because people cut down a few trees to build a house. But at least this druid is not that kind.

"I'm a balanced sect," he said. "Please don't worry about my ideas conflicting with yours."

Jian Shisan calmed down a bit, but his hand still didn't leave the hilt.

If it was just himself, he might have invited the druid over for dinner or even a drink. But his sister was also here, so he couldn't help but be nervous.

Although the transmigrators can be resurrected even if they are killed, he definitely doesn't want his sister to encounter such a thing.

Dying and then resurrecting is definitely not a pleasant experience.

"My name is Brad," he said. "This is our captain Panda, and my sister Sta. Druid, can you tell me your name?"

"Rig," replied the druid, "you can call me that. As for my full wouldn't waste time and effort remembering it."

With that, he took off his helmet, revealing a pair of ears that were pointed and longer than ordinary people.

Like Jian Shisan and the others, he is also an elf, or at least has some elven blood.

Now that it is determined that they are of the same clan, it is much easier to negotiate. Rigg told them about the behavior and costume characteristics of several Druid sects in the forest, especially emphasizing that "if you see someone wearing a leaf hat, you must be more careful. They are extreme naturalists and are hostile to everything that breaks into the forest. people".

Jian Shisan invited him to the camp for dinner, but was rejected.

"When you leave, remember to handle the campfire and don't cause a fire." After saying this, Rigg retreated into the shadows and disappeared into the depths of the woods.

After a while, Panda, Jian Shisan and Xingzhao returned to the camp and told their companions the details of what happened.

Harmony thought for a while, and said, "There are indeed Druid sect activities in Mythlele Forest. In the missions of several nearby villages, there is contact with the Druid sect and sending gifts to seek shelter. It's just a game. It doesn't say that there are several different sects of druids here."

"Then do you think what he said is true or false?"

"He has no reason to lie." Heyin turned to look at Wusian.

After sleepless contemplation, he nodded and said, "Yes, it's not good for him to deceive us. Besides... For this forest, we are just a group of passers-by. We will neither seek to control the forest nor develop it on a large scale. Whatever he said. Whether it's true or false, we just need to beware of other druids, and the rest... don't need to pay special attention."

"Although we know a lot of things, we neither plan to be the king of the world, nor do we plan to be the savior. The sectarian disputes of the Druids have nothing to do with us."