Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 57: through the forest

As the night got darker, the travelers lay down and rested one after another. Even the elves are tired after a day's trek.

Ordinarily, in such a situation of sleeping in the wild, people must be arranged to take turns to watch the night. But they didn't do that today, and even old Joseph, who wanted to keep a vigil, was persuaded by them to go to bed.

What gave them confidence was a crystal ball floating in the air, emitting a faint blue light.

This crystal ball is Xingzhao's novice equipment, and her profession is a witch - correctly, called "Star-Seeing Witch".

The profession of witch is a unique advancement for female scholars. On top of this, it has four different branches: the spirit witch is good at communicating with the souls of all things, and can summon natural spirits, similar to the shaman; the curse witch is good at using toxins and curses are the most dreaded; prayer witches are good at blessings and prayers, can preside over large-scale sacrifices, and use sacrifices to complete extremely large-scale spells; star-seeing witches are good at divination and observation, and can predict through the observation of the stars In the future, use a crystal ball to observe the distance.

When I was playing the game, Xingzhao was mainly responsible for scouting and buffing everyone during battles. As long as she lifts her crystal ball into the air, she can play a wide-area effect of breaking invisibility and detecting hostility. On a starry night, using this skill consumes very little for her, and the detection effect can be maintained all the time, but the quality of sleep is only slightly reduced.

Compared to the early warning effect of the crystal ball, this price is completely worth it.

Anyway, when it's daytime, she can lie on the back of Jian Shisan to make up for her sleep.

For this plan, Jian Shisan's opinion is very big. He didn't mind walking with his sister on his back, but he felt that sleeping on his back would be uncomfortable. However, Xingzhao insisted on this plan, and there was nothing he could do.

In the face of a stubborn sister, most of the brothers are helpless.

Except for the representatives of some backward civilizations, most of the stories and records from ancient and modern China and abroad are like this. Especially in modern civilized society, this situation is more and more obvious. The younger sister became stubborn, and the elder brother really had nothing to do - as evidenced by the elder brothers who wanted to break Xiaobailian's legs, but in the end couldn't do anything.

The blue crystal ball floated above the simple grass hut, and the faint rays of light spread throughout the jungle, like a huge disc.

In the shadows deep in the jungle, a few druids stared at the circle of blue light and discussed it for a long time, but in the end they did not step into it and retreated silently.

That night, the travelers slept soundly and soundly.

When he was on his way the next day, Xingzhao was sleeping on the back of Jian Shisan as he said yesterday. She was also reassured that she actually fell asleep like this.

She slept soundly, but Jian Shisan walked lightly with her hands and feet, and was extremely careful. After a long time, she was sweating profusely and looked very embarrassed.

When it was time to rest at noon, Xingzhao naturally woke up. Seeing that my brother was so tired, it was both distressing and funny, and he gave him a severe reprimand, to the effect of "tell me if you are tired, I don't have to make up for sleep".

Jian Shisan just laughed and didn't say a word. Xingzhao trained for a while, and he felt bored, so he could only sigh, and told him not to be so stubborn in the future, so he gave up.

That night, they still set up a makeshift camp by the river. But this time, Xingzhao went to sleep honestly, and did not insist on using the crystal ball to be vigilant.

The work of the vigil was rotated by several big men. They were divided into three groups of two people each. Zhen Cannian and Shukuang are in the first class, Panda and Jian Shisan are in the second class, and Heyin and Old Joseph are in the last class.

In addition to Xingzhao, there is no need to watch the night without sleep - after all, he is a pampered Wangdu native, and the long journey is already very hard for him.

Originally, everyone did not intend to make Wu Mian so hard, but he insisted on participating in the expedition. The reason was that there was a noble in the team, which would be of great help when negotiating with the locals.

No matter where you are, it is inevitable that dogs will look down on people. A commoner, even if he is skilled in martial arts, often encounters a lot of trouble. But if it were replaced by a capable noble, a noble magician from the capital, then many problems would not be a problem at all.

Everyone can understand this principle, but seeing Wumian lying on the ground panting like a dead dog every time he rests, everyone can't bear it.

"Let's just make a stretcher to carry you." On the third night, Zhen Cannian couldn't help but say, "Anyway, we have good physical strength, so it doesn't matter if we carry someone."

Sleepless shaking his head.

"Your body won't be able to take it any longer."

"I am also exercising." Wusian said weakly, "Reality is not a game, and poor physical strength is very dangerous. So taking this opportunity to exercise is not a bad thing."

"What about the effect of exercise?" Xingzhao asked curiously, "Is there an increase in strength or endurance?"

Wu Mian was silent for a while, then shook his head.

Obviously, for Wangdu people, it is not very reliable to rely on this method to exercise physical strength.

But WuMian still insisted. He even asked Panda to be his coach and asked for special training methods.

Panda said nothing and made him a pair of leggings.

"Can this thing help exercise?" Wu Mian asked.

"It can make your legs less sore," replied the panda.

In the end, sleepless perseverance paid off a little, and when they finally got out of the maze-like forest after six days of hard trek, his stamina attribute really improved a little bit.

And most importantly, in his skill column, a special skill appeared.

Adapt to the wild.

The explanation of this skill is as follows: Some nobles who have been spoiled in the royal capital will come to the wild for some reason. Although they will never reach the level of survival in the wild, at least with the help of reliable teammates, they can adapt to the life in the wild a little, and they will not get tired easily like the ordinary nobles in the capital.

This incident surprised everyone - it was the first time someone had mastered a new skill since time travel.

The news was quickly sent back to the castle through private chat, and many people began to wonder, what new skills can they learn or practice?

Of course, the first thing everyone thinks of is cultural skills. After all, they are all cultural people in reality. Even if they open a grocery store or sell food stalls, they have at least 12 years of education. Can be regarded as high-level intellectuals.

Among the transmigrators, there are actually not a few people who do not have cultural skills.

For example, Berserker or something, there is not a single cultural skill in their skill list, and some people can't even understand basic common language. Chinese is still popular in the castle. On the one hand, everyone has developed a habit, and on the other hand, it is to take care of them.

With the idea that Yiduo does not push themselves, this group of "uncultured" transmigrators have participated in the cultural class that Fenghuang gave him in the student competition. A group of guys with five or three rough or even personal appearances are like elementary school students. Usually, they sit neatly, followed by Sai Li, facing the crooked letters on the blackboard, trying to straighten their tongues, and recite in unison, "Ah, oh, oh, oh".

At that scene, many people who passed by couldn't help but laugh.