Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1420: Luna is coming

The bonfire that is constantly being injected into "Gaochuan" gives people a feeling of heavier and heavier. (I look up at the beautiful novel to the Blood Moon, and the nightmare Las Vegas seems to be falling from the moon. Suddenly, I seem to hear a roar, but I am quite sure that it is definitely not a common sense voice. There is huge information, which seems to fill it with emotion. Then, from the blood moon side, there is a feeling of temptation, and it is impossible to see the actual phenomenon, just like a temporary illusion, but stay on the other side. The rivets and others also tightened their bodies. They have been in a state of war, and their concentration is very concentrated, and now it is more like shrinking and condensing this state again.

They also started to look up, and the only thing they didn't do was only Marceau. Marceau was like an empty shell, just standing in the crowd, even if I looked over, she did not move. I do n’t know what her state is like. I ’m a little worried. As far as I can tell, I should be more worried about myself. Marceau is more than Marceau in this repeater world. Marceau, the two have been combined in a way that I do not understand. I guess that is the role of the personality preservation device or the mental integration device. However, it is impossible to confirm the specific situation.

In this doomsday illusion, Marceau already has more power than me in normal state. She can protect herself, and her state at this time is not a bad thing in my mind. Although she is on the side of the online ball, but I also think that this is already a good result for her.

No matter what Marceau wanted to do, or what he did, I never blamed her for even thinking of bankrupting my plan. I just worried about her. I hope she can live better. But, what is the best in the illusion of doomsday? Everything is terrible.

My attention turned back to the blood moon. This huge sphere is expanding, giving the illusion that the height is decreasing, and it is getting heavier and heavier. It seems to be almost unable to float in the air. Looking up at it, it feels as if the moon is falling, and it will hit the place where it is at any time. I have seen many big scenes, but the scene in front of me still exudes a terrifying sense of oppression, and I hope to escape from here immediately.

This sense of oppression is extremely abnormal. It's not as simple as the scene in front of you brings psychological pressure. This deep-rooted power is a kind of "mystery", because if it is normal, even if the moon really hit it. I won't be touched at all. I seemed to hear the sound of my heartbeat, not my own heartbeat, but the earth and the sky throughout the whole night were agitating, still pulling my heart, and beating at the same frequency.

I couldn't help but think of the chapel after the change in the gathering place. At that time, the place was also reminiscent of the heart. In a "mysterious" world. There is no isolated mysterious event, even if it would be an accident at the time, in the future encounters. I also often feel that there is a faint connection with an event in the past. If you can carefully observe the details of each mysterious event, you can often connect it with other mysterious events, showing a deeper and more terrifying possibility.

The change of the gathering place is definitely not isolated, the change of the chapel. It was elusive at the time, but now this time. It also seems to uncover a layer of veil, let people see the connection behind it.

"It's about to start!" The man over the rivet shouted loudly. I do n’t know who he is shouting to, but it ’s clear that mysterious experts who reach his level will never be targeted.

The fog that spreads among the mountains and forests changed to disperse aimlessly. The desperate and crazy wind pushed them to converge towards the same center, standing on the top of the mountain and overlooking it, just like a big river suspended in the air, forming countless tributaries Where do they come from, they will eventually converge to the same place-that is the gathering place that has been covered by the fire, and at this moment, I realized that from this height, the burning gathering place itself is like A huge bonfire.

Phosphorus fires began to disintegrate everywhere, and the "Gaochuan" burned and dissimilated in the phosphorus fires collapsed one by one as the phosphorus fires collapsed. They seem to be composed of very tiny particles, and after losing their condensed power, blown by desperate and crazy wind, they collapse like loose sand. The collapse was so rapid. In a few breaths, the "Gaochuan" who lined up from the top to the foot of the mountain had lost their shape and quickly disappeared in front of their eyes, as if the large team before them was just an illusion.

The weirdness is disappearing, the phosphorus fire is disappearing, the forest land seems to be scraped off, leaving only a piece of sand and bare bare, lifeless wilderness, and a campfire-like gathering place burning on the wilderness, and then we are where Mountain peak Yala adventure notes. Even if it is a mountain, in this collapse, a lot of rocks are lost, and only steep cliffs are left on all sides.

The landscape was completely changed.

And this incredible change was completed in a few breaths. Only such a terrible change made me realize more clearly that where I am is a nightmare. Even if I think I have blood and flesh, there are many details showing physical and physical properties, but here is still a nightmare.

The sensational feeling from the sky and blood moon before has now become more and more clear.

The wind is getting stronger, and I even need to grab the serrated sword, and I don't have the feeling of being blown away at any time. The mysterious experts on the opposite side also mostly grabbed the foreign objects to stabilize the body, and they also looked quite embarrassed.

The five "bonfires" on the altar at the top of the mountain echoed the "bonfires" formed by the burning of the gathering place at the foot of the mountain. I began to feel that I was not standing on the top of the mountain, but on a huge unknown body. It is as huge as a mountain, no, it should be said that the entire mountain is like the eggshell that gave birth to it, the grave where it was buried, and at this moment, it is waking up.

Everything in front of me looks like the old is gone, the new arrival is like the existing being erased, and the one that existed a long time ago is waking up.

I suddenly understood. This is "liberation". When the deep night began, in fact, everything in this nightmare was already surrounded by this "liberation" mystery and was deeply affected by it. The mysterious organizations of all parties intend to use this power. To complete his plan. Their actions are not to steal, but to guide, to accelerate, to accelerate the "liberation" with the most drastic means. then--

A large number of fog and mist portals appeared in the sky, and the vortexes swallowed the fog and ashes, and then spit out one after another doomsday shaman. In the blink of an eye, the number of wizards grew from scratch. From few to many, it has completely exceeded the total number of people I have guessed and stayed in nightmares.

The minimum estimate also exceeds 100 people. The Doomsday Truth finally opened its first card. Before that, the fifty-one district was like their voice, and now they are finally speaking on their own.

The atmosphere at the top of the mountain became very dignified. I am no longer the most feared object of all people, and the majestic appearance of the power of doomsday truth is the focus of attention.

I took a deep breath, against the hunting mountain breeze. Pull out the serrated sword from the ground and raise the shield again.

The blood moon is so large that it occupies one-fifth of the sky that can be seen in the field of vision. The nightmare panorama of Las Vegas has never been so clear. The smoky face in the city is dense, passing through the streets A sense of restlessness. Their aggregation and operation are like turning streets into contexts. Turning the group's smoky face into a symbol eventually forms a giant matrix with complex and inherent laws. This matrix gives people a feeling of running on the limit because of the restlessness of the smoky face, one of the important components.

I feel that the situation seems to have reached a critical point.

No one still attacked the shamans of the Doomsday Truth, and these wizards seemed to be unprepared for the people on the top of the mountain, and suddenly flew in a staggered manner. They are like wearing flowers and butterflies, in a strange coordination, with their own trajectory, interwoven into another three-dimensional complex pattern.

This pattern is difficult to detect with the naked eye, but as long as they can describe their trajectory, they can understand what it is.

These guys are very similar in nature to the nightmare Las Vegas's smoky face-they are constructing a huge and three-dimensional magic array.

At the moment when the magic circle was formed, the beam of light suddenly projected from the blood moon penetrated the center of the nightmare Las Vegas city magic circle and the wizard magic three-dimensional magic circle, and did not enter the hilltop altar.

Then, it seemed to me that a monster with two feet and two hands standing upright emerged from the surface of Blood Moon. As soon as it appeared, it quickly broke away from the surface of the blood moon, giving a more three-dimensional, more flesh-filled sense of substance.

The monster that has been hidden in the nightmare Las Vegas has finally appeared.

It opened its hands, as if to embrace the whole night, slowly falling from the sky. Its size is so large that it preliminarily judges the height of a skyscraper.

I heard the song and the recitation. Although I didn't know it, I could feel it as if the whole nightmare was praising it, complimenting it, and greeting it. Its overall outline gives a sacred feeling, but if you look closely, its body details give people a sense of extreme disgust, which feels extremely ugly. Not only is it ugly, but it is also expressing an extremely negative thing. As long as you stare at it, you feel that you are going crazy, want to vent, and want to wipe out everything, whether it is this monster or yourself. It seems that only by annihilating the traces of its existence without leaving anything that can prove its existence, including yourself, can you be freed.

Destroy everything, and then destroy your own malicious, swell in my heart. I know very well that this is not my will, but it cannot be stopped. My hands holding the shield and the sawtooth trembling were shaking, as I was shaking, as well as other mysterious experts and wizards who had stopped flying.

If this is fear, it should be correct.

The only unaffected ones seem to be the two monsters closely related to the repeater, Marceau and Novsky.

What fell from the sky, like a demon, is like a deity's monster, and it feels more intense than when it was suppressed by Novowski a while ago. Even when facing the repeater Marceau, the son of fate and the giant Saya, this kind of fear will not occur. If you want to compare, in addition to the "jiang" under the abyss of the soul, it is this invasion At the beginning of the huge battle plan of the Las Vegas Repeater, find the monster hidden in the depths of the collective subconscious by the doomsday truth.

No, now when facing this monster coming from the moon, the fear and pressure they bear are still vaguely less than the fear and pressure they felt when facing the monster deep in the collective subconscious of humanity. However, even if the gap is compared, it will not stop the shaking of the hands and feet.

Why is this monster more powerful than Maso and Novsky? I guess, probably because this is its home field.

Yes, this monster hiding deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas was deliberately bred in this world of repeaters, and it was awakened in advance by the power of liberation to the deep night.

"Even if it's a stunted state, there is such a momentum. I feel more and more that the plan is correct." Suddenly, the rivet said, "If we let it be bred according to the Nazi steps, all of us in this repeater There is no way to die. "

"So, what should we call this monster before the war?" A mysterious expert asked.

"Moon God." It was Father Edward who kept silent. His expression was a bit strange. "I didn't expect the Nazis really completed this thing ~ ~ Do you know this thing?" The mysterious expert on the side could not help but pay attention past.

In my opinion, Father Edward's natural position, like me, is not against everyone. Others looked at him with more or less the scrutiny and caution. Before becoming a mysterious expert who walked independently, Father Edward was a member of the Doomsday Truth Church, and even if he had left the Doomsday Truth Church, he still regarded himself as a Doomsday Truth Man. Like his disciple Father Sisen, it was only the difference in the concept of "truth of the last days" that led to the final parting.

However, he still faithfully believed, understood, and followed the doomsday truth he had found.

"It's a pity." Father Edward sighed and said with a stern tone: "This is something that existed in the records of the doomsday truth a long time ago. The doomsday truth at that time and the present end Truth is completely different, too detailed records have not been passed down. So, I only know that it is called Luna, is the leader of the end, once had the opportunity to destroy the world, but unfortunately, for some reason, it was banished . "

"In other words, it was not the Nazis who made it, but the Nazis found it?" The rivet frowned. (To be continued