Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1447: Raven Knight III


Alienated Youjiang disappeared in my vision, just as she walked into my dream and walked out of reality from my dream. n∈, the wilderness in front of it is like what it really looks like on the peninsula, but I have been sure that I have not been awake, but fell into another nightmare in the interference of the consciousness of the moon god. The conscious power of the Moon God makes people unable to be themselves in a trance, that is its mysterious feature, and it is not its power that makes me fall into this nightmare, or that the conscious interference of the Moon God is just a bridge, and There is another ideological force that interferes with this bridge.

The interferer should alienate Youjiang.

Alienated Youjiang doesn't seem to have any interest in me now. After entering this world of repeaters, I have never dealt with her in depth. All impressions about her come from another Gao Chuan, before the Doomsday Truth uses a repeater to interfere with the worldline of Doomsday Illusion. It's just that the alienated Youjiang at that time and the alienated Youjiang today are not on the same level. The change in the world line of the Doomsday Illusion has caused many plausible changes. People's experiences are different, and they have produced different results. Today's alienation Youjiang is undoubtedly the beneficiary of this change.

I think that alienating Youjiang will not let me go, but she has more important things for now.

I thought about and guessed the information obtained and the details of my observations, and penetrated all the doubts after entering the world of the repeater one by one, and explained. Maybe this explanation is still incorrect, but for me, it is enough to describe the changes in the repeater world caused by the Las Vegas repeater strategy.

Now, in my mind, what the enemy is going to do, what the competitors are going to do, what they have done, and what happened to them have become clear and organized, so my plan has become more Clear. indeed. They must think that they are on the road to success, but in my case, why not?

From my point of view, the 51 area, which had been so powerful, is sinking into the quagmire. The Nazis, who have remained silent, are about to launch a fierce offensive, and will inevitably have the upper hand for a period of time, forcing the mysterious organizations of the broken parties to form an alliance once again. If the Nazis triumph, the death of us will be a deadly thing, and the Nazis will be prevented from winning. It means to prevent the alienation of Youjiang from engulfing Luna and Sitianyuan Jia coconut, and the most direct way to stop her is of course to defeat her-but how many people have thought about how strong alienated Youjiang is?

I think that the speciality of alienating Youjiang involves at least three concepts of "virus", "Jiang" and "final weapon" at the same time. Even if it is only the identity of "final weapon", no one can cope with it. To be honest, by now, I have recognized that the "Gaochuan" of the three-level Mageweave messenger can never defeat the "final weapon". As for whether the four-level Mageweave messenger with this level of monsters such as Coconut of Four Heavens, Son of Fate, Repeater Marceau, and Father Edward, etc., can defeat Alienated Youjiang, in fact, I do not have absolute confidence. In particular, we may be able to prevent alienated Youjiang from swallowing the coconut palms of the Four Heavens, but they cannot stop her from swallowing the moon god. The Nazis planned for this for a long time. The devouring the moon **** is simply a matter of course, even if the reason is "everything is absolute" I can't convince myself to believe that after the alienation of You Jiang. The Nazis still found nothing.

So, assuming that "Alienated Youjiang that devours the moon god" is the bottom line of the Nazis' fighting power, then based on this bottom line, think about how you can advance your own plans. The answer is obvious-only at this level, I cannot continue to advance the plan, because the strength gap is too large. So, how to improve your strength in a short time? Or weaken the opponent's strength?

I had thoughts on this before long ago, especially before entering the peninsula. The last time I met Carmen, the agent of the apocalypse, on the journey, I was already firm on this idea.

My mind was calm, just watching the disappearance of Alienated Youjiang and the flying of crows.

The crow is the electronic demon "night crow quark" and the end agent "Carmen", but no matter which identity is observed from the perspective of "hospital reality", it is still part of "Takakawa". They once merged with each other in the same gesture, as if to do so, it is alone, instead of "Gaochuan". However, in the end, it still stood in front of me, or, in a sense of cause and effect, the gathering of me and it was destined.

There is only one "Gaochuan".

However, in this doomsday illusion, there are more than one "Gaochuan".

I thought that after my recovery, "Gaochuan" became two, but when I saw the monster that the night crow quark and Carmen merged, I already realized that "Gaochuan" is not only me and another A Gaochuan. The monster in front of him, although not humanoid, is undoubtedly an indispensable part of Gaochuan.

The crow is changing, and it is flying in the air, just like crumpled plasticine, and countless black feathers have replaced the ashes and come down from the sky. The feet appeared, the arms appeared, the body appeared, and then the head. The whole body was like wearing black armor, just like the monster "tengu" described in occultism, but it was not wearing a mask It's like me, a full-cover helmet. It seems to be a repetition of my dress form at this time, a knight with a crow head, except that I am gray and it is black.

The black wings spread like a thick and soft cloak, gently swinging in the wind.

Under the blood moon, its shadow and my shadow are relative, like a mirror in the middle.

It stands there, giving me the illusion, as if I am not standing here, but standing there, looking at myself standing here.

I can't see its eyes, but its mask is so smooth, reflecting my posture, and I in the mirror image seems to be standing there.

It's too similar. I saw it as if I saw myself. This is not just a resemblance in appearance, but also an inner resonance.

I can't help but think of the quarks that have always been with me in the past doomsday illusions and the reality of the hospital, and Carmen who made me a messenger.

I took a deep breath and threw the suitcase aside. This is just an intuition. I feel that if I use this weapon, it will use the same weapon in front of me. Fighting like that is endless. There is a sentiment flowing in my heart, as described in many stories full of romantic descriptions of fighting, only fists and fists, sharp blades and sharp blades clash. So that we can get closer to each other.

So, I held the long knife flat on my chest.

The black feather that fell from the sky was rolled up by the wind and gathered on its chest. It also formed an identical long knife and was caught in the hand.

I draw a knife. Throw away the scabbard, the clean and sharp blade, reflecting my head covered by the helmet, like its head.

Opposite me, it pulled out a similar long knife in the same posture, and threw away the scabbard. Its face was covered by a mask, but I felt that it was staring at me all the time.

There is only one "Gaochuan".

Now is the time for us to reunite.

We have no words, but between us. But it seems that there are too many words flowing. These words tell our past, our thoughts, our emotions, our love and hate, our beauty and tragedy, our despair and resistance. We don't need to talk because we are not friends, but we are not strangers. Our strangeness to each other is just a stranger to ourselves. Our fight against each other is nothing but self-fighting.

Go! Spreading, the invisible high channel spreads in all directions, just like a spider web spread out.

coming! Almost at the same time. The dark raven knight has disappeared from view, even if I gallop in the invisible high channel, I can't relatively observe its slow movement.

It also uses a mystery called "grabbing". When it was just the electronic demon "night crow quark", it had copied this mystery from my traits, which should not be said. Since it is part of "Gaochuan", it is inevitable to know "sweep" and have "chain judgment", even if there is no magic pattern, it will achieve a similar phenomenon in another way, just like that of the body. The same as Gaochuan.

Apart from the theoretical difference and the mysterious difference, the most important and core phenomenon is "fast".

The dark raven knight is fast, and when it's coming, even if I'm moving faster, the relative gap in degrees is at an extremely difficult minimum. The human eye cannot catch such high-moving things, so only rely on chain judgment to grasp each other's position.

I shifted, backhanded, waved a long knife, dodge, rolled, jumped, moved forward and backward, left and right, moved in mid-air, it also followed the leap forward, rotated, waved the long knife, moved away, dodge parry. There are dozens of sharp blades interlaced in each breath, and there is no moment to stop galloping. I can no longer judge how fast I am with it at this time, because I am adding every moment, and it is adding every moment. We refer to each other ’s movements, but there is never a gap between degrees. Pull it to the point of showing a clear disadvantage.

My knife can occasionally be cut on its body, but before drilling into the gap between the armor, it has been avoided by its clever body movement. The friction between the blade and the armor burst into a spark of stars. And its knife will also penetrate into my defense net, leaving a mark on my armor, and splashing Mars in the friction. Our blades will also meet from time to time, the blade light will be broken at this time, and a clear sound will be pushed away from each other.

Separated, approached, separated, and approached again, we were entangled, rose from the ground into the air, fell from the air to the ground, drilled into the ground, and drilled out of the ground. We broke the wood and hit any obstacles that blocked the road. We bypassed the rock and ran in the mud. The gray cloak and the black cloak are entangled, just like trying to blend into each other, but eventually only separate the clouds of smoke.

I don't know how long it has passed, but, I believe it is only a very short time. In this very short time, we carried out thousands of swings, and hit each other with fists before the end of the next second. I was hit in the cheek by it and couldn't keep going backwards, and it was no exception. I was hit by the same area and didn't stand firm until ten meters away.

The black feathers are still falling. Our movement caused a hurricane, and when we stopped, the hurricane still hovered between us in a chaotic movement. The black feathers were blown up by the hurricane. This one will be here, the next one will already be He flew to that side, and when these feathers fell to the ground, they melted into the soil, and they grew out of each face, each of which was a "Gao Chuan" face. "Gao Chuan" was laughing, crying, worrying, wondering, and sad, and then this face melted and turned into a face that can't see the joys and sorrows, but seems to be full of all the emotions and sadness. Facebook quickly dried up, weathered, broken, and turned into gravel on the wasteland. When it was rolled by the hurricane, it fell into a cloud of dust under my knees and me.

It's really strong. I maintained the posture of rushing forward at any time, looking for its gaps, while thinking so.

The black crow knight possesses all my powers. Even if there is no magic pattern, there is another mystery that promotes a similar phenomenon. The fighting power it shows is deadlocked with me, which is equivalent to my fighting power. In those thousands of clashes, I have not beaten it by one cent, nor lost by one cent, which also means that I can know how strong I am from it.

I always think I am very strong ~ ~ But how do other people feel about this strength when fighting? I can guess and imagine, but I can't experience it personally. Now, in the face of the dark Raven Knight, I unexpectedly feel that I have understood the feelings of those opponents in the past when facing me directly.

Unimaginably fast, it seems that there is no dead end action at all, and the sharp attack is like a stream of water. Even if it breaks up, it will still gather together. If there is no special means, or tipping skills, then it will be killed before the end of the first second.

Every time I pass by, I seem to be standing on the blade and dancing, and I will be cut at any time. Once I am injured, even if it is only a slight injury, it means that the injury will be formed endlessly.

The dark Crow Knight gives me this feeling, so when others face my attack, it is a similar feeling.

I feel the power of the Dark Raven Knight, and I have never felt my own strength up close now. (To be continued.)

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