Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 124: Surpassing Huaxi Village is a very simpl

Chapter 125

Wei Dongsheng did not refuse.

Politics and economics are inseparable, both inside and outside the past and present, and they only care about business but do not understand politics, and sooner or later they will become prisoners in a cage. Seeing that the major American chaebols spend huge sums of money to support chess pieces in the parliament every year, it should be understood that politics is inseparable from hiding in the country of hope. In China with a national capitalist system, political factors cannot be ignored. The list of richest people in China, especially the richest in China, is often not an honor but a reminder.

Wei Dongsheng has a clear understanding of this.

Wei Dongsheng's continuous division of the industry into the Spring and Autumn Series, Zhiyu Series, Zhuwei Series, and Quantum Rose Series is based on the consideration of avoiding political risks.

At the same time, Wei Dongsheng chose the road of business rise, not because he likes business, but the road of business rise is more suitable for him. If China allows minors to reach the top of the cabinet in just ten years, Wei Dongsheng may rise on the political road.

The art of war is always single-minded.

Wei Dongsheng will not ignore the influence of political factors. The faster the industry develops, the more Wei Dongsheng values ​​his political influence. Wei Dongsheng is currently taking advantage of Jing Minqiang, Gong Qiuqiu, and Gong Qixing, but he cannot always be tied to the Gong family interest group as Gong Qixing's white gloves. Previously, Wei Dongsheng established the Great Public Relations Department, which was to consciously break away from Gong Qixing's shadow, and use a group of second-generation children to show favor to other interest groups; Wei Dongsheng invested heavily in Song Ningxing to consolidate his own political fundamentals.

Wei Dongsheng understands Song Ningxing, Song Ningxing, Jing Minqiang, and Wei Dongsheng are all the same, more reliable than Gong Qixing and other bigwigs.

Of course, Wei Dongsheng will not give up and rely on Song Ningxing.

Wei Dongsheng always trusts himself most.

Wei Dongsheng supported Song Ningxing to contain Gong Qixing, and then supported the Shigan Village interest group to contain Song Ningxing, thus forming a mutual restraint. When Wei Dongsheng decided to support Song Ningxing to develop Panyang City and Shigan Village, Dad Wei was destined to become the head of the puppet village party secretary. Wei Dongsheng’s return home this time was based on huge investment funds, and took advantage of Song Ningxing’s authority of the mayor of Panyang to puppet Wei Dad and the Shigan Village Committee, making the fifteen natural villages of Shigan Village succumb to Own will.

Surpassing Huaxi Village is just a banner, a banner for Wei Dongsheng to interfere in the affairs of Shigan Village.

As Wei Dongsheng said, it is not difficult for Shigan Village to surpass Huaxi Village.

Why do you say this?

Because Wei Dongsheng plans to build the Panyang branch of the series of companies such as Chunqiu, Zhiyu, Zhuwei, Quantum Rose, etc., all around Weijiazhuang in Shigan Village. When Chunqiu, Zhiyu, Zhuwei, Quantum Rose and other series of companies establish strategic relationships with their partners, they will also be invited to establish a Panyang branch in Shigan Village. With this trick alone, the fixed assets of Shigan Village can be expanded hundreds of times, and will surely surpass Huaxi Village within ten years.

Wei Dongsheng wanted to build a new city on his own.

For this reason, Wei Dongsheng said: "The future Shigan Village will be the Shigan Village in China."

Wei Dongsheng was familiar with Dad Wei's character, and quickly usurped his power in a simple way, completely dominating the development of Shigan Village. Wei Dongsheng reiterated the collective ownership of rural land and declared that all land rights belong to Shigan Village. Villagers in Shigan Village have no right to protest the demolition. The economic compensation measures are also very simple and straightforward. The house demolished will be compensated for the compound buildings with courtyards in the demolition community; Those whose land is demolished shall be compensated for corresponding grains based on the average yield per mu.

A family of six people, two elderly, two husband and wife, two children, a total of 6 mu of land. Assuming an average annual yield of 1,000 catties of wheat and 1,000 catties of corn per mu, 700 catties of wheat and 700 catties of corn after the calculation of 70% discount, the household must be compensated for 4200 catties of wheat and 4200 catties of corn or the equivalent amount of money calculated at the market price of the year. He died of old sickness in the household. If an elderly person dies, one-sixth of the compensation will be deducted; if two elderly people pass away, two-sixths of the compensation will be deducted; if all six people pass away, the compensation will no longer be paid. Two other children of the couple, the child’s wife, and children None of the children can inherit. In other words, all land transfer proceeds are allocated to the political entity of Shigan Village, and farmers do not need to buy fertilizers and pesticides seeds, and they can also get field income throughout their lives.

Villagers have very opinions about this compensation plan.

With the economic compensation policy reviewed and approved by Wei Dongsheng, villagers can get more profits than before without labor, and middle school-age children can receive education subsidies, which is definitely a good thing. But since the family’s contracting responsibility, the villagers have gradually regarded the fields as their own private property, wanting to pass them on from generation to generation, so they cannot help but complain. Fortunately, collective land ownership is collective ownership after all, and Shigan Village was divided into a round of land just four years ago, and the villagers’ idea of ​​treating the land as private property is still within control.

Perhaps some people criticized Wei Dongsheng for depriving the villagers of Shigan Village of the right to demolition and get rich.

However, this is exactly what Wei Dongsheng asked for.

The future Shigan Village does not need a real estate economy, nor does it need the rent-and-eat class.

The big landlords who rely on their fields to deprive farm workers and the big homeowners who rely on their real estate to deprive their tenants are all targets of Wei Dongsheng's attack.

In all this, Wei Dongsheng quietly and indirectly took control of Shigan Village.

Dad Wei worked so hard to elect the village director, but he became a puppet of Wei Dongsheng.

It's just depressing in capitals.

Fortunately, Dad Wei's official fandom is not strong. Otherwise, Dad Wei would not resolutely abandon the life of a prominent figure in the country in order to collect Wei Dongsheng's university tuition in his previous life, and ran to Yanjing to become an unpopular migrant worker. Compared with the village party secretary and village director's glory, Wei's father obviously values ​​his child Wei Dongsheng more than Weijia Village's development aspirations.

When Wei Dongsheng drastically transformed Shigan Village, the conflict between Chunqiu and Tencent suddenly changed.

At 15:30 pm on December 29, 2004, Tencent's fuse "QQ Hall", which was fuse between Spring and Autumn and Shanda, officially opened its test for QQ users. Tencent broadcasts good news from time to time. At around nine o'clock that evening, the number of simultaneous online users of "QQ Tang" increased to 10,000; at 16:30 the next day, the number of simultaneous online users of "QQ Tang" increased to 20,000.

How should I say, this is indeed good news.

Looking back on the history of "Bubble Hall", the public beta on April 12, 2003; on April 14, the number of simultaneous online users exceeded 10,000; on May 26, the number of simultaneous online users exceeded 30,000; June 28, simultaneous online The number of people exceeded 100,000; on August 7, the number of simultaneous online users exceeded 250,000.

Compared with "Bubble Hall", Tencent broke through 20,000 simultaneous online users in one day, which really broke the record.

Tencent is also qualified to be proud.

But then it will be very embarrassing.

With the extension of the public beta, the number of simultaneous online users in "Bubble Hall" continued to increase; while Tencent's "QQ Hall", after climbing to 20,000 simultaneous online users in a day, suddenly stagnated growth and began to regress. After the freshness of the players passed, the record of "QQ Hall" quickly fell below 10,000.

At the same time, "QQ Hall" was generally criticized by public opinion:

"The server interface does not distinguish the status of the server is full and not full. Tencent has long known how many pounds it is. Do you understand that "QQ Hall" players are destined to not encounter the situation where the server is full?"

"From beginning to end, pay attention. From beginning to end, the background music of QQ Hall hasn't changed a little bit. How confident Tencent is in this song, I feel that players will not get bored by listening to it a hundred times, one thousand times, and ten thousand times."

"Cards, cards, cards, screen cards, game cards. You can get screen cards when you play casual games. Tencent's technology, I can't help but be convinced."

"My winning rate is 100%. My mother asked me why I am so powerful. I said that our QQ players are so strong. If you quit the game before the end of the game, the system will not record the win or loss of this game. I feel like I am losing. I quickly quit. Everyone is One hundred percent winning rate, technology kills three grand streets in seconds."

Obviously, the tragedy of "Triumph" was staged again, and Tencent borrowed deeply from "QQ Hall" of "Bubble Hall" and turned into a pile of shit.

Spring and Autumn was gloating about this, privately mocking Tencent for wanting to run before learning to walk.

In order to celebrate the failure of "QQ Hall", Chunqiu Network released the Spring Festival update of "Ten Kingdoms" in advance, and launched a new version of "Tian Shi Dai Qi".

"Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn" is only an online game after all. Its timeline does not follow historical development. The internal beta version is "Sanjiafenjin", the public beta version is "Wuqi Art of War", and the 2004 Spring Festival version is "Shangyang Reform". The real time intervals of the three historical events are extremely far apart. When it comes to "Tian's Generation of Qi", the timeline even goes back to before and after the three divisions. The reason is not that the operation team of "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" does not understand history, but that the version naming first matches the meaning of historical events.

Jiang Ziya, the famous Jiang Ziya in the mythical novel of Fengshen Bang, was based on Jiang Shang who assisted the King Wu to cut down on merchants. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, after a long and complicated struggle to usurp the throne, Tian clan surnamed Jiang surnamed Lu, became the new master of the Qi state, which means that Tian clan replaced Qi.

The function launched by "Tian Shi Dai Qi", as its name suggests, provides players with a series of usurp tasks. After the player completes this task, he can usurp his country and become the king of one of the ten countries. "The Spring and Autumn of Ten Kingdoms" has developed here, and the similarities with "Zhengtu" are becoming less and less. The king of "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" is not a simple title and honor, but a position with real rights.

For example, if the king spends a certain amount of diamond coins (10,000 yuan), he can modify the official title and structure of his country to a limited extent. This is a real modification. It can not only change the official positions of Zhonglang, General, etc. to Ershou and Dashou, and make the players in the country feel that the "two silly XX has done countless merits and promoted Dashou" speechless; it can also choose feudalism. The minimap can be entrusted as a vassal, or choose a kingdom directly under the jurisdiction of a county system, or a mixed system of feudal counties and counties.

For example, kings and feudal masters can also raise a guard team through taxation, instantly turning a role-playing game into a weak hero and invincible army game.

For example, King Jin has the right to expel a player A from the Jin country camp without any reason, and a player A is forced to separate from the Jin country camp and join the refugee camp instantly. Players in the refugee camp can apply for political asylum to join the camp of other countries, or they can set up a flag to rebel against the king of Jin to fight for the throne.

The king's power and freedom are quite high.

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