Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 24: I said you listen

Lot 026

The owner of the Internet cafe is feeling happy and troubled, but the Internet cafe suddenly becomes restless and scolds. The owner of the Internet cafe walked quickly to the main hall of the Internet cafe and found that many players had stopped playing games. One after another, they urged and complained to the network administrator: "Why disconnected?"

The owner of the Internet cafe had some basic computer knowledge. When he walked to the nearest computer, he found that it was a network failure, and the legendary client showed disconnection. The owner of the Internet cafe was waiting to appease the players when he suddenly found that the QQ was on, and he clicked on the browser, and the web page was refreshed instantly, which was not a real network failure. If it is a network failure, the web page should not be opened.

After dozens of seconds, the players also found anomalies one after another. QQ can be used, browser can be used, only legendary games show disconnection. After the client is disconnected, if the player continues to click without thinking, a simple web page will pop up again with red or yellow fonts to inform that the private server has been opened at 9pm. Legendary players are welcome to try it.

2001 was the year of online games and 2002 was the year of private servers. Private server publishing stations have not yet been familiar to the public. The legendary players in the Internet cafes saw the pop-up page of the legendary private server publishing page, and did not think that it was a promotion of the legendary private server, let alone that it was a peer-traveling within the legendary private server industry. Curious players tried to click, conservative players tried to log in to the genuine legend, and then it succeeded. The player was surprised and delighted, and shrieked his good news and surprise: "I'll go, the legend on the official website can play."

Other players practiced that the genuine Legend is as normal as the browser, and network failures are limited to Legend Private Server. Some veteran players remembered the large-scale hacker attacks on the legendary private server on October 8th and 9th, and they immediately imagined: "Shanda has hired hackers to attack the legendary private server again!"

That's right, old players and Internet cafe owners again attributed this hacking to Shanda. Although there is no evidence, based on the simple thinking of who will benefit in the end, all players agree that the hacking incidents on October 8 and 9 are Shanda's deliberate suppression of private servers. Today, when the legendary private server was disconnected from the Internet, many players and Internet cafe owners routinely scolded Shanda Network: "Shanda is not allowed to play a private server."

Knowing the reason, it is simple, the owner of the Internet cafe immediately called to inform the upstream of the industrial chain that provides technical services. However, things are more troublesome than he imagined. The upper reaches of the industry chain can no longer find manpower to help him deal with the private server. Because the entire Chengdu and other cities all collapsed, and the simple and simple private server publishing web pages popped up.

The legendary private server was attacked, and the headache was the private server operator.

For players, they just want to play games, whoever can provide a stable private server, they flock to. Occasionally, players clicked on the link of the legendary private server publishing station, and found that it was not bad after a trial, and they turned their attention to become a customer of this legendary private server. Other players in the Internet cafes play the genuine Legends, with poor equipment and slow upgrades. They are very unhappy. Seeing that there are legendary private servers to play, they also join in the fun. At the same time, the main business of the Internet cafe owner is the Internet cafe after all. He can recommend players to play his legendary private server, but he cannot force the player to play his legendary private server, let alone force the player to wait for his legendary private server to return to normal. Seeing dozens of players flocking to other legendary private servers one after another, the owner of the Internet cafe was depressed to anger: "The grand dog day, the private server dog day."

The crisis of this Internet cafe is just a microcosm of thousands of Internet cafe-style legendary private servers and server-hosted private servers.

Back to the perspective of Wei Dongsheng and the Cavalry organization.

Wei Dongsheng just announced the actual combat exercise, Cai Xianfu took the lead in order to redeem his merits: "I am good at DDOS distributed denial of service attacks, and I am willing to be the pioneer."

Wei Dongsheng praised Cai Xianfu, but rejected his charge: "Knowing the wrong can be corrected, and there is nothing good. However, your DDOS traffic attack and save it for later cleaning the mobs, I will demonstrate the operation of the legendary private server industry chain at the fastest speed. "

While talking, Wei Dongsheng ordered the blue algae to launch a precision attack. All hosting servers or physical Internet cafes in Chengdu collapsed, and the total time was less than 30 seconds. Because of the short period of time, Wei Dongsheng said in the last sentence that the actual combat exercise has begun, and the next sentence has begun to show the results: "Go and stare at the legendary private server set up by our own people, and see the results of this attack."

Cavalry members are all inexplicable, even Gao Yongqi, who is the most skilled, is speechless, trying to ask: "It means that while attacking other players, while staring at the changes in player traffic, sum up the rules?"

Wei Dongsheng: "I have finished the attack."

Gao Yongqi: "!"

Legendary private server is a low-threshold industry, private server publishing stations and other upstream supply chains, the technical level of operators is also very limited. However, no matter how limited it is, there are still a group. There are sixty or seventy private server clients with names and surnames, and each one is unimpeded within one minute, and the total time will be as high as one hour and two hours. Especially DDOS attacks, it pays attention to the concentration of traffic, it is powerful to attack one place together, and it is useless to disperse into dozens of hundreds of shares.

But facts are facts.

Immediately, a member came to the latest information: "All the hosting servers of the Chengdu node have crashed, and the Internet cafes are also in a mess!"

Other members successively verified and looked at Wei Dongsheng when they returned, and couldn't help taking a cold breath. Accurately attack all Legendary Private Servers in 30 seconds, even if the Internet Cafe-style Legendary Private Servers, as long as they are connected to the Internet, don't even want to escape the forced net cleaning of Cyanobacteria. This kind of efficiency, this kind of intensity, this kind of arrogance, has exceeded the understanding of Cavalry members.

Low-end hackers such as Cai Xianfu and You Xingli felt a chill invading their bodies at this moment. The top hackers turned out to be so powerful, and the gap between themselves and top hackers was so big. Gao Yongqi is an elite standing firmly in the top 50 in the country. He has the confidence to conquer all the legendary private servers of the Chengdu node, but his efficiency is definitely far inferior to Wei Dongsheng. Thirty seconds and one hour, the gap is as obvious as a chasm. This is definitely not explained by quick thinking, nor can it be explained by preparing well in advance. It must be a comprehensive transcendence of the technical level, and it must be that Wei Dongsheng has mastered some kind of universal loophole.

Shocked, stunned, Cavalry organized different thoughts.

Soon, there was good news from Undernet, which diminished a trace of anxiety: "Everyone, go and see the private server we set up by ourselves. The player traffic is going against the sky, and hundreds of IP players from the Chengdu node are coming."

This is the credit for the collapse of the Chengdu Node Legendary Private Server and the Legendary Private Server Publishing Station. Local players cannot play the local Legendary Private Server. Click on the private server publishing station link and follow the path to the Legendary Private Server set up by Undernet. Players swarmed in to create a scene even noisier than the original legend. Online games are all about interaction. The more players there are, the more enjoyable they are and the more people are willing to stay. Undernet tut amazed: "These players who divert over can create revenue far beyond the first half of the month."

Members of the Cavalry organization have been in contact with the legendary industry for a period of time, and deeply understand the truth that players are profit. As long as the players who come in swarms can stay, they will soon be transformed into a steady stream of profits. First defeat other legends, and then use the legendary private server publishing station to direct player traffic to partners. This is Wei Dongsheng's strategy for operating the legendary private server industry chain.

Wei Dongsheng continued to announce the detailed rules: "In principle, the Cavalry organization does not participate in the establishment of specific private servers. Of course, specific to each member, if they intend to operate the legendary private server, they can also set up by themselves or cooperate with friends without affecting the organization's assigned tasks. The Cavalry organization has only two main businesses. The first business is to provide technical support, including but not limited to the source code of the legendary private server, and to protect the server from other attacks. Each standard server will charge 500 yuan for technical support. If there are three times a month If you are attacked for more than ten minutes after the network is disconnected, you will not be responsible for refunding the 500 yuan technical support fee; the second business publishing station, I will set up a monitoring module in the legend source code, and accurately record the direction from the legendary private server publishing station to the legendary private server The number of players is 1.5 yuan per registered player. The business direction of the Cavalry organization is basically like this. Do you have any questions?"

Operating Legendary Private Server seems to be extremely profitable, but it is not. It not only takes up a lot of manpower, but also consumes energy to induce players to consume. Rather than rushing to the front line of the gold rush, Wei Dongsheng should sit back and sell jeans to earn money from the owner.

Cavalry members shocked Wei Dongsheng's network security technology and the terrorist diversion of the legendary private server publishing station. They were optimistic about Wei Dongsheng's New Deal, and immediately asked a sharp question: "How is the profit distributed?"

Wei Dongsheng explained: "In principle, everyone will work harder and get more. The technical support business is the simplest. The contracting system is implemented. As long as you are confident to protect the other party's server and the other party is willing to trust you, you can get 500 yuan per server per month. Support costs. It is difficult to quantify the contribution of the Legend Private Server publishing station, but it is necessary to work as much as possible, and how much money you do."

A group of hackers, regardless of technical level, always believe in themselves more.

The principle of “work more, get more money” is easy to get the collective approval of forty-five hackers.

The next day was Sunday, which should have been the peak period of Internet cafes, and it should also be the peak period of the legendary private server. However, after the private server owner restored the server, he found that the player data was completely deleted. Fortunately, ordinary players said that the level and equipment are free to get, and if they lose it, they will lose it; paying players will skip the game, and I paid for the equipment. , You said it would be gone? In particular, physical Internet cafe-style private servers, Internet cafe owners and network administrators face the anger of paying players. Don't ask them to continue to pay. If they are not scolded, they must be the Internet cafe owners who have special face in the local area.

Hosted legendary private server, you don't have to bear the anger of paying players at close range, you can start a new server with a facelift. However, as soon as the new server was launched, attacks such as DDOS suddenly came forward. Although it was not as brutal as deleting key data last night, it also made private server owners with weak computer foundations uncomfortable.

In order to operate normally, these private server owners have successively humiliated and begged for peace, and paid advertising and technical support fees to the Cavalry organization in exchange for the operating qualifications of the legendary private server.

In this way, the Cavalry organization began a new life under the influence of Wei Dongsheng.

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