Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 25: See the light die

Chlorella 027

Wei Dongsheng’s idea of ​​operating the legendary private server industry chain is very simple, that is, to give full play to the technological advantages of cyanobacteria, and his colleagues desperately fight black and black, forcing all private server owners to pay protection fees regularly every month. For specific implementation, Cai Xianfu and other soldiers will go ahead and screen out private server owners with lower technical levels; Cai Xianfu and other soldiers may not be able to deal with it, Gao Yongqi and other core trio will come out; Gao Yongqi’s core trio may not be dealt with, and Wei Dongsheng will forcefully overcome all obstacles. Shaping the order of the private service industry chain.

The cities have been attacked by the Cavalry organization. Although some banks have suspended their transfer functions on Sundays and the amount of money received is limited, the prospects for the new model of operating the legendary private server industry chain are infinitely bright. From 9 pm yesterday to this afternoon, private server owners and middle-level managers who succumbed to compromise have pledged 250,000 yuan in advertising and technical support costs, and the revenue far exceeds Gao Yongqi's software agency sales model.

However, the game studio and private server industry chain earning money is also gray money.

Wei Dongsheng is not reconciled to hiding in the Internet forever.

The game studio and private server industry chain are the first pot of gold for Wei Dongsheng to complete his **** capital accumulation. When the network environment changes and the country starts to rectify external private servers, Wei Dongsheng will not hesitate to abandon the game studio and private server industry chain. Holding black technology such as blue algae, Wei Dongsheng has a way to make money, and he does not have to risk provoking state violent agencies with a mortal body.

Summarizing the revenue of the game studio, from September 19 to September 30, the monthly sales were 6.459 million yuan; from October 1 to October 20, the monthly sales were 20.585 million yuan, totaling 27.04 million yuan. After deducting Huo Yongshan's nominal dividend, deducting the commission from the student agent salesperson, and deducting expenses such as the rent of the Internet cafe, Wei Dongsheng still has a gross profit of 16.22 million yuan.

In one month, 16.22 million yuan was crazy.

The huge profits of copying equipment can be seen.

In order to keep the money, Wei Dong used cyanobacteria as a template to split and create a new computer intelligent life, named Chlorella.

In other words, in order to eliminate the risk of computer intelligent life rebellion, the Shadow Empire adopts a functional isolation scheme to weaken the threat of computer intelligent life. To put it simply, it is a computer intelligent life that performs a function. Those who are proficient in security will always be proficient in security, and those who are proficient in finance will always be proficient in finance. Functional isolation, isolation of thinking, the more advanced computer intelligent life evolves, the more professional it is, avoiding the birth of complex thinking, and avoiding the aspirations that humans can replace.

Wei Dongsheng continued the concept of the shadow empire. The blue algae is safe, and the functional modules will also be limited to the security field; the new green algae, the functional modules will be limited to the financial field. There must be overlaps between the two, such as financial security, but this overlap is a functional interaction. Chlorella submits an application to cyanobacteria, and cyanobacteria responds to cyanobacteria after processing. Green algae and cyanobacteria are independent of each other and each have a unique dynamic source code; at the same time, green algae and cyanobacteria can cooperate with each other like humans, like the financial security of the overlapping of green algae and cyanobacteria, and the nature is similar to the collaboration of the human social financial industry and the computer industry. .

Cyanobacteria plays a role in security, and green algae plays a role in finance.

Although the game studio sells equipment in bulk, it is very profitable, but the money cannot be legalized. If all 16.22 million yuan were withdrawn, it would definitely attract an uproar from the Quartet, which in turn would attract prying eyes from certain forces. Therefore, Wei Dongsheng ordered blue algae and green algae to work together to use the simplest methods of inter-bank transfer and false import and export trade to launder the money in time. Banks have the highest level of vigilance against changes in funds. Even if accounts are stolen from accounts that have been inactive for a long time, banks are often alert for the first time. Don’t steal the bank’s deposit funds and pretend to be normal inter-bank transfers and virtual import and export trades. Banks are less vigilant. The cyanobacteria and green algae surpassing the era's black technology can basically prevent banks from detecting money laundering.

Wei Dongsheng used an anonymous account to divert, secretly ordering blue algae and green algae to disguise and launder the gray money into white money.

However, Wei Dongsheng still cannot freely control the money because Wei Dongsheng has no legal source of income. Wei Dongsheng, a first-year high school student from a rural family, dared to claim the 16.22 million yuan. The bank and the public security must immediately investigate whether Wei Dongsheng has committed a crime.

The money is white money, but it does not belong to Wei Dongsheng.

With a total of 16.22 million yuan, Wei Dongsheng has already begun to consider how to launder himself in the future. Mindful that plug-ins and private servers are currently not criminal acts, Wei Dongsheng decided to operate private servers as one of the channels for money laundering. Wei Dongsheng disliked the trouble of operating a private server, so he controlled the upstream method of the private server industry chain to obtain protection fees such as traffic advertisements. In reality, money laundering only needs to cooperate with Huo Yongshan to open a legendary private server. At that time, the specific affairs will be left to Huo Yongshan, regardless of whether it can make money. Finally, the fictitious high profits can be used to launder part of the gray money into exclusive Wei Dongsheng's gray money.

Washing 16.22 million giants through game studios and operating them will surely cause trouble; but controlling a certain amount, taking advantage of the popularity of Legends, washing out 500,000 or 1 million yuan to maintain living expenses, maybe It can be understood by the society and relevant departments, and then becomes Wei Dongsheng’s legal gray income.

Riding a bicycle to the Internet cafe, Wei Dongsheng and Huo Yongshan talked about the idea of ​​operating Legendary Private Server. Witnessing the wild profiteering of the game studio, Huo Yongshan has completely convinced Wei Dongsheng's business talents, dating back to Wei Dongsheng's junior high school days when he sold greeting cards, and believes that Wei Dongsheng is a born and wealthy businessman. Huo Yongshan did not doubt or hesitate. Wei Dongsheng said that he could run Legendary Private Server, so he decided to try to run Legendary Private Server.

Wei Dongsheng did not disclose the existence of the Cavalry organization.

It was not that Wei Dongsheng suspected Huo Yongshan, but that he was less verbose and less risky, and there was no need to talk to Huo Yongshan about everything. Huo Yongshan's character is loyal, but it does not mean that he acted cautiously. What happens to brotherhood or pseudo-brotherhood in case the news of Cavalry organization is accidentally exposed?

Wei Dongsheng ignored the existence of the Cavalry organization, and normally followed the steps taken by other private server owners, buying protection fees for technical support fees, purchasing advertising fees for the legendary private server publishing website, and leasing the servers of the local telecommunications bureau. Internet cafes have spare machines, Wei Dongsheng assigned several students to serve as game managers, persuading private server players to pay for privileged services. As mentioned above, this is a very formal legendary private server, formal enough to have no characteristics, and it will be a stone cow into the sea when placed in the private server group.

After dealing with the trivial matters, Wei Dongsheng hurried back to Wu Ping's first high school after dinner, and went to the evening self-study class as a good student.

Wei Dongsheng came to school late, and class 0209 was already full of students. Wei Manman, who was habitually arriving late, was seated. As soon as Wei Dongsheng sat down, Wei Manman whispered: "Where is the house you rented?"

Wei Dongsheng: "Turn left at the north gate of the school, at the intersection of Heping Road and Experimental Road, and go straight ahead."

Wei Manman: "Is it a two-story building?"

Wei Dongsheng was surprised: "It's there, have you been there?"

Wei Manman: "Didn't you say that I can go to your place to play when I have time? Yesterday, I went to see you after the exam. I heard from my classmates that you just handed in your paper and left after the exam was 20 minutes. If you don’t understand the exam questions, don’t run in 20 minutes."

Wei Dongsheng once said an invitation, but at that time it was just a casual polite sentence, but Wei Manman took it seriously. Thinking about it, it's normal. Wei Manman and Wei Dongsheng had similar temperaments in his previous life and often played together crazy. Now that he knows that Wei Dongsheng lives off campus, it makes sense to visit on weekends.

Wei Dongsheng has been more than forty years old in his previous life and this life. He is so mature that he can no longer mature, and he has matured into sausages. Normally, it is difficult to have a common language with young teenagers such as Huo Yongshan, Ginkgo, and Wei Manman. However, after the fall of the Shadow Empire, the human race was deprived of the right to breed, and the human race was forced to accept the fate of natural aging and extinction. Although some of the elites embraced hope and worked hard to integrate and collect the low-end technology of the Shadow Empire, the entire human society was crushed by despair, and most human beings became lifeless due to chronic extinction. Wei Dongsheng felt too many negative emotions such as depression and depression in the desperate future, and he had not seen young lives for too long. Suddenly returning to thirty years ago, touching the vigor and vitality of Huo Yongshan, Ginguo, Wei Manman and other friends at close range, Wei Dongsheng's whole heart was jumping for joy.

Wei Dongsheng likes this kind of vigor, this kind of vitality, and this kind of youth.

Speaking from the heart, the thoughts in Wei Dongsheng's mind and those in Ginguo and Wei Manman's minds have very little overlap. If they do their own things, it is definitely difficult to have too much common language. However, Wei Dongsheng's greedy youth, envious of the natural vitality of Ginkgo and Wei Manman, and eager to wipe away the psychological shadow of the desperate rule of the Shadow Empire for more than ten years.

Perhaps this can barely be regarded as psychotherapy.

After all, thinking control can only cure the symptoms, recalling one's passionate youth and integrating into the normal social rhythm can cure the root cause.

Ginkgo and Wei Manman are both Wei Dongsheng's medicine.

Wei Dongsheng leaned over to communicate with them on an equal footing, understanding their thoughts and thinking, and gradually a common language was established.

Thinking of this, Wei Dongsheng did not reject Wei Manman's kindness: "I have something to do on Saturday, so I left early. Then, you can write down my mobile number and make an appointment in advance, so you won't miss it."

Wei Manman was surprised: "Hey, do you have a mobile phone?"

Wei Dongsheng didn't explain much, just hummed.

The gap between the rich and the poor is everywhere. Little Wu Ping has a high level, and there are nine classes in the first grade. Rural poor families, rural well-off families, poor families in county towns, middle-level families in county towns, and wealthy families in county towns. Look at the clothing and playthings of students and you can vaguely guess their family background. At this moment, there are only three students in Class 9 of Grade One, including Wei Dongsheng, who have mobile phones; there are about 13 or 34 students who have PHS phones, almost all of whom are registered in the county.

Manman Wei comes from a well-off home in the county and is equipped with a PHS mobile phone.

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