Rising America

Chapter 779: News

Yesterday night, cnn broadcasted a novel program, and once it was launched, it received a hot audience rating, which also shocked the industry to no more.

To be honest, although this new program of cnn is very refreshing, the method does not exceed people's cognition, and it does not rely on the so-called high-tech. It just fully understands the things that the public will encounter in daily life. Just moved into the show.

But it is undeniable that cnn has achieved success.

And through this success, others in the industry have seen that even programs produced with a very simple idea can actually attract audiences and achieve good results. It is not necessary to burn big money, use high technology, and Use the explosive eye-catching event to do the show.

At the same time, according to reliable sources, "What would you do? "The copywriting of this program was written by the cnn boss William King himself. Once again, I have to sigh, William King is indeed a young man who can change his destiny by writing novels.

------Los Angeles Entertainment News

No one can know the other side of the Chinese, but through "What would you do?" "This program, but let us all see the unknown side of the Chinese community.

It also allows us to understand how wrong and ignorant our previous impressions of Chinese people were, even low-level and ignorant.

Chinese Americans are brave, kind, hardworking, and have a great sense of humor. It's just that we all were reluctant to communicate with them in depth and understand what they have.

In addition, we wishfully applied the image of Chinese descent from a hundred years ago to the Chinese descent of this age. I personally find it ridiculous and very sad.

Yes, it is sad!

For myself, but also for Americans with this view.

We should abandon our past prejudices, look at Chinese Americans with new eyes, and open up your new ideas to accept them and make friends with them.

------Washington post

The above are the front pages of the newspapers with the largest circulation in Los Angeles and Washington.

Judging from some of the content revealed in the news, it is clear that "what would you do? "The performance of Chinese descent is being recognized by mainstream society.

After all, no matter in that time and space or in any country, some good qualities that the public basically need are still to be promoted.

This is like "helping others, doing bravely for what is right" and other behaviors, which will be affirmed and encouraged by the state, and it is the same in the United States.

So "What would you do? "In the eyes of mainstream white Americans, how can they not appreciate the performance of Chinese Americans?

Although the United States is a capitalist country, and everyone admires money and recognizes the ‘magic’ of money, it will not abandon some of the most basic things, that is, helping others.

This point is completely opposite to the ancient oriental country in a certain time and space. It must be said that it is a big irony.

Jin Xiantai went to school, and Coco was also sent to the kindergarten in the town. After returning home to remotely handle some things in the morning, Annie went to rest.

So she came to the backyard villa under the porch, sat on the small table placed under the porch, and drank the morning tea very comfortably.

There are a few dishes of Chinese-style steamed spots on the small table, the style is somewhat similar to those eaten at the Cantonese morning tea, such as steamed pork ribs, barbecued pork buns and so on.

That's right, Annie drank English black tea while eating Chinese Cantonese morning tea.

Some people may wonder how can Annie eat Cantonese-style morning tea in West Point Town?

To be honest, maybe no one believes it, because these morning teas were made by Annie herself in the morning.

Because I liked and learned Chinese culture, and fell in love with the delicious Chinese food, Anne deliberately went to New York’s Chinatown to eat once, and then came back to learn how to do it by herself. After that, as long as she had free time every morning, it would be like today. Enjoy it like this.

A dish of steamed pork ribs, a dish of barbecued pork buns, a dish of steamed pork belly, and a cup of warm English black tea. Annie thinks this life is really good.

You don't need big fish or meat, bird's nest and shark fin, and no need to go to the luxurious and high-end restaurants. It is also life to watch the flowing Hudson River under the eaves of the backyard and enjoy the unique scenery of the town.

With the identity and wealth of Annie, she is familiar with all kinds of luxurious places, and she also enjoys the high-consumption service, but she herself does not like it very much.

On the contrary, this kind of plain, warm and comfortable life in the ordinary is what makes Annie her favorite.

This is also the most different from nouveau riche.

For those nouveau riche people, maybe they will like the luxurious and publicity places very much, for fear that they will not know that they are rich.

But for people like Annie, they like a low-key and introverted life that shows a warm life, just like now.

She even occasionally imagined that after Kim Hyun Tae graduated from West Point, after she had a stable career with the help of her and Uncle George, she would buy a large farm in Texas and then live there.

Pastoral, foals, flocks of cattle and sheep, myself and Coco and William, oh my god! On such days, even if she were to be a god, she would not change.

Of course, she is now a **** in a strict sense.

But Annie didn't have the consciousness of being a **** at all. Instead, she was a thoughtful little woman thinking about how to live a small life with Jin Xiantai.

April is already spring, the snow on the backyard lawn has long since disappeared, and the snowmen piled up by cocoa have disappeared without a trace.

Cerberus was lying at Annie's feet, with a lazy appearance, which made him doze off every day in the spring.

Its cousin Fenrir is very energetic all day, although his cousin is napping at Annie's feet, but it is enjoying himself playing alone on the backyard lawn.

Fenrir was chasing a small butterfly, and he was so clumsy that people would laugh when they saw it.

At this moment, Fenrir, where is there a trace of the majestic appearance described in the Nordic mythology, it is basically an authentic two.

Of course, with Fenrir's ability, a little butterfly counts.

The reason why it has such a performance is just to exercise.

Don’t look at how cute and stupid it looks, but in fact it stretches its muscles and bones in its own way. After all, it has lived a good life as a pet dog during this period, but it also allows it to His body became a little lazy.

In order not to end up like his cousin Cerberos, Fenrir had to figure out something by himself.

So he really couldn't live with a little butterfly.

However, Fenrir did not expect it to do so, which corresponds to the performance of the two-ha.

Gently took a sip of the black tea, and then put the tea cup down, Anne took her gaze back from Fenrir who was awkwardly leaping on the butterfly, and placed it on the Washington Post unfolding in front of her again.

But this time she was not watching the entertainment version, but some news on the political and economic pages.

Anyway, she only needs to know that the show planned by Jin Xiantai is on fire, and she doesn't have to go too deeply to the end.

[Burritos and hot dogs have filed for bankruptcy protection, but they were rejected by the Los Angeles District Court because their application involves infringement of William King’s personal rights and interests, so now the burritos and hot dogs have officially entered the financial review process, waiting for compensation for William After paying personal compensation, some of the remaining assets can apply for bankruptcy protection.

But I personally find it difficult for burritos and hot dogs to wait for these, because they have to pay William King and Yum! Kim, it's the last thing. 】

Seeing Annie's lips curled up here, she obviously thinks that the compensation of only 24 billion US dollars is a bit too low. After all, after the burrito and hot dog framed Jin Xiantai and Yum, some of the consequences were still obvious.

And not only the restaurant chain under Yum! has suffered, and even the cnn has suffered a lot of losses, and advertisers and users have lost a lot.

Therefore, with only 24 billion compensation, how can this compensate Jin Xiantai?

But in the end, both Gonzalez and Ted paid the price. Among them, the Gonzalez family died unexpectedly~lightnovelpub.net~Anne is not too obsessed with these things.

But in any case, the existing assets of the burrito and hot dog must be paid out to Jin Xiantai, which is what Annie thinks is necessary.

Kim Hyun Tae's personal reputation cannot even be measured by money, at least for Annie.

But right now she knew very well that if she didn't use the assets of burrito and hot dog to pay, then Jin Xiantai would get nothing.

So even if she was not very satisfied, Annie had to accept this fact.

"Huh! It's quite pertinent", Annie thought silently in her heart, because the assets of the burrito and hot dog calculated by the editor were similar to those calculated by Annie herself.

Look away from this news item and put it on another news item.

The North Vietnamese People's United Liberation Front declares that the North Vietnamese people will not give up resistance to imperialist aggression and will prove to the imperialist aggressors that the North Vietnamese people are determined to resist to the end!

The US involvement in the Vietnam War continues, and after the French, Italy, and the Spanish allied forces have stopped working, only the Americans are still struggling to support the Vietnam War.

Of course, the Americans are not at a disadvantage. Although they know that this is a losing war, the Americans have played new tricks.

They simply regarded the Vietnam battlefield as a depletion place for old weapons and ammunition stocks. After all, it is much cheaper to release and solve the problem of weapon stocks through war than to destroy them by technical means on their own land.

It's just that the Americans' actual plan is impossible for the outside world to understand.

And the person who proposed this method was Jin Xiantai.

Keep looking down.

A piece of news caused Annie's pupils to shrink.

[According to the latest news from Reuters, the French authorities announced that they will officially withdraw from the Vietnam War at the end of this month! 】(To be continued.)