Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 460: December 10

Xueba's black technology system, Volume 460, December 10, East 1st District, December 10th, at 15 o'clock, Stockholm has entered the long night of the Nordic winter.

However, the night and the cold did not dispel the enthusiasm of people.

At the entrance of the Stockholm Grand Hotel, packed with reporters from all over the world, they are holding cameras or microphones, waiting quietly for a moment, waiting for a figure.

"Brother, there are so many people outside."

Standing in front of the hotel window, there was always a lively little cockroach on weekdays, but there was some market here.

Although she has experienced a lot of exercise in the past two and a half years, the school-level activities of Jinling University are still "sad" compared with this world-class event.

Lu Zhou: "Afraid?"

Xiao Yan nodded.

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Then you and the old Tang they go together, if you are not used to it, there is no need to force yourself."

There are two teams to the Stockholm Concert Hall, one for the Nobel Prize winners and their accompanying relatives, and the other for the guests who are invited to attend the awards ceremony and the subsequent dinner. Although the difference is only in the ceremony, the feeling is different.

Xiao Yan shook his head.

Although somewhat timid, it is obvious that she still does not want to miss this event.

Looking at the tangled expression of Xiao Xiao, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

After a pause, he said, "It’s good to be behind me for a while, and don’t think about anything else."

Perhaps it is because Lu Zhou's tone is more reliable, and the look of a small face has some security.

Staring at the crowd of people outside the hotel, she suddenly began to speak.


Lu Zhou: "What happened?"

The index finger held the curtains, and Xiao Xiao whispered, "What have you experienced in the past few years?"

Upon hearing this question, Lu Zhou slammed down and immediately smiled.

"This is a long story. If you really want to say something, don't say it is a moment. I am afraid that a book is not enough."

Xiao Yan vomited his tongue: "It’s forced."

"This is not to force," said Lu Hang's heart is full of emotions. After a pause, he laughed and joked. "How? Do you think that I am not like me?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, don't open his head, but his mouth is curled up.

Although my brother has changed a lot.

But for her, there is no difference.

His old brother is still the reliable old man...

On the other side, I also stood in front of the window.

Compared to the shackles of the little cockroaches, looking at the old land outside through the curtains, the look on the face is much calmer.

If you are wearing a cigarette, the expression will have more charm...

But unfortunately, if he smokes here, most of the time he will follow the news tomorrow.

Looking at her husband's expression, Fang Mei Renjun could not help but ridiculed the sentence: "You are calm, but for a while, there are reporters to interview, you are not nervous?"

The old land surface does not change color, calmly said: "My son is so eager to give me a fight, can't you humiliate your son? Isn't it, let's go out and face the world, representing the face of the country, can't make people look down on it?"

Fang Mei said: "You old man, went to the logistics department to read the newspaper for a year, the sesame official did not take it, but he took the leadership of you to learn."

"What old man," Lao Lu slanted Fang Mei, and shouted with his wife, "Is it fifty-year old?"

Poked his arm, Fang Mei said with a smile: "White hair is there, not old."

When I was talking, the time for departure was also arrived.

With my parents and aunt, I went downstairs with Academician Stafford.

Looking at the door of the hotel closer and closer, feeling the emotions in the middle of the chest, Lu Zhou gently took care of the tie in front of the chest, took a deep breath and walked forward.

this moment.

finally come!


Outside the hotel, the weather is very cold, but the atmosphere is very hot.

Struggling to the front row, the ctv reporter in the down jacket held the microphone in the hand, stood in front of the companion's camera, and used his high-spirited voice to convey the grand occasion to the audience thousands of kilometers away.

“This is the Stockholm Grand Hotel site, and we are waiting for the winners of the upcoming Nobel Prize awards ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall.”

“There are too many people here. Everyone’s emotions are very exciting and exciting. In addition to other media reporters, there are local citizens in Stockholm and overseas Chinese compatriots!”

It’s too late to explain.

Along with the commotion of the crowd at the door, a group of figures came out from the door of the hotel.

The lens moved quickly and locked the figure.

Accompanied by the parents and Otaru, Lu Zhou, who was bathed under the lens, walked out from the hotel VIP passage. There are other Nobel Prize winners beside him, some alone and some couples.

However, there is no doubt that even in the middle of a group of human minds, that figure is the most unique.

Whether it is because of his youth.

Still because of his confidence.

Perhaps it was the lens of ctv, and Professor Lu looked at this side and smiled and nodded to the camera and the audience behind the lens.

The photographer caught the sight of Lu Zhou, and the reporter was even more excited. The voice even shook a little with excitement.

"What is going on in front of us is the Luber, the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry! His family is accompanying him and sharing this moment of glory with him."

"There is no doubt that he will be the youngest Nobel laureate in the world when he is only 24 years old!"

"This is another Nobel Prize for the Chinese!"

"It is also the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Chinese scholars!"

In order to stand out from the noisy environment, when he talked about the last, his voice was a little exhausted, and even broke because of excitement.

However, no one will blame him for this.

Many people are as excited as he is at this exciting moment.

If he can, he is very eager to bring the microphone to the front of the boat and interview the young Nobel Prize winner.

However, unfortunately, the queue for advancement will not stop. It is only after the end of the award ceremony that you want to interview the world-renowned scholars in close quarters.

Smiling and nodded to the microphones that came from both sides of the aisle, then Lu Zhou boarded the special car waiting at the hotel entrance, and together with other Nobel Prize winners, went to the ceremony.

Same as in previous years.

At 16:30, the Nobel Prize award ceremony officially kicked off in the song of the Swedish royal music "King of the King".

More than 1,300 people attended the awards ceremony, including members of the Nobel family, members of the royal family, political leaders, and people from all walks of life in the cultural and academic circles.

In order to make the ceremony appear solemn enough, every minute of the ceremony has been carefully arranged, whether it is the winner's white bow tie and black tuxedo, or the crown of the decoration ceremony.

One interesting point is that the Nobel Prize awards itself cost more than the annual bonuses it gives.

And in fact it is.

In the first few weeks of the banquet, the Nobel Foundation's ceremonial secretariat was as busy as the Army's General Staff, and all of this was done to make this award ceremony in an orderly manner.

On this international stage, the first to go to the podium to deliver a speech is the Nobel Foundation Lord Henrik Hirdin.

In the opening speech, he praised the winners as role models and authority. I hope they will continue their work, make more scientific discoveries in the future, and write better works...

Standing behind the scenes of the podium, Lu Zhou gently breathed deeply, calming down some breathing due to emotions.

For him, what Mr. Herding said, he has not heard clearly.

Until the chairman of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the chairman of the jury, Krass, went to the podium.

Until he used the solemn and loud voice, the guests facing the hall read.

“For a long time, the chemical industry has been plagued by obvious problems. How to establish a quantitative relationship between structure and performance is one of the most important problems that chemistry must consider in the 21st century.”

“As we know, the theory of electrochemical interfaces is an important pillar of modern electrochemistry. The inability to thoroughly clarify the microscopic nature of the various electrochemical processes occurring at the interface means that we cannot know what is happening to us. What is the chemical phenomenon?"

Speaking of this, Academician Lax paused for about two seconds.

“However, he used mathematical methods to open up a new way of thinking for our research. And countless research results have proved that he is right.”

In response to the next pair of eyes looking at their own eyes, Academician Lax increased the volume and announced the decision of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

"The winner of this Nobel Prize in Chemistry is Professor Lu Zhou from China!"

"Let us give him applause."

The latter sentence is not the content of the speech, or even completely redundant.

Because at the moment when the previous sentence of the academician Kras fell, the splendid Stockholm Concert Hall was filled with thunderous applause...