Soul Painter

Chapter 98: Man in the shell

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You must have felt this way before. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

Self-consciousness, at a certain moment, is above the physical body.

Look at the world with indifference.

Seeing this world is mediocre and everyone is busy.

And you yourself are an ordinary sentient being submerged in it.

But at this moment, you have a moment of detached perspective.

According to Floyd's theory, it may be called the awakening of the'superego'.

At this moment, Gao Fan feels like this.

When he threatened'Grave Digger' Danny Laufer, it was like when Gao Fan faced Qiu Qingfan and watched Qiu Qingfan use the spell, and immediately made the most powerful means of disposal, lest the power is unknown. Ling Zhou took Gao Fan away.

As a user of the ‘law’ of the ‘great shell of Islam’, Danny Laufer knows how terrifying the ‘law’ is. It is the expression of the will of the great beings left in the world.

Great beings, whether they are upper or lower, once they show part of their posture to human beings, or even just a simple gaze, it is a disaster for this human being.

And every investigator has an unclear connection with the great beings. Danny Laufer also worried that he would be taken away by something, and then he activated the "shell".

He whispered to Gao Fan: "Projecting the river of time, the shadow beyond the future, the great Iss, I am here as promised..."

In the next second, Gao Fan was in the ‘superego’ state.

He can't control his body, but he can see that he is moving.

He put down his knife and fork, and smiled at Danny Laufer and said: "I am very satisfied with this report. Why don't we talk about it again, maybe it can be the material for your next report."

"I'm very proud." Danny Laufer said.

So the two stood up, left the breakfast room, and returned to Gao Fan's room. In the process, Gao Fan was like an outsider, watching all this.

It feels terrible.

He became a ‘other’ in a blink of an eye.

However, this can't stop Gao Fan's revenge.

Gao Fan was still in this state, seeing his system interface, as long as he lowered his sanity to 30, he could summon Gao Zhengdao.

At that time, Gao Zhengdao will bury this Danny Laufer. If possible, if Gao Fan stays sensible, Gao Fan hopes that Gao Zhengdao will bury the entire ‘Gravedigger’ organization.

Of course, that will also make Gao Fan fall into the abyss of madness. He only has 15 san value reserves. After summoning Gao Zhengdao, he can barely restore his sanity to 45, plus 10 mysticism and 55 sanity. If he fails, he may be sent to a mental hospital, but it doesn’t matter, stk will take care of him.

Maybe you can still live next door to Qiu Qingfan.

Since investigators will always go crazy, Gao Fan will not endure the humiliation of being deprived of his body.

Just when Gao Fan planned to summon Gao Zhengdao to send Danny Laufer to death, the strange state of the system interface suddenly attracted his attention.

The original system defined Gao Fan’s profession as a ‘painter’.

Now next to the ‘painter’, there is another professional ‘journalist’.

At the same time, beside the three skills of Gao Fan's original painting, anatomy, psychology, investigation, occult, and distortion, there is another row of skills.

Including art (performance) 66/100, listening 70/100, charm 65/100, stealth 78/100, fighting 85/100.

However, the skill value of Gao Fan's investigation, psychology, and occult has exploded.

The original survey was 39, but now it has risen to 86, a full increase of 47 points.

Psychology was originally 20, but now it has been raised to 58, which is an increase of 38 points.

Occultology was originally 10, but it was upgraded to 18.

Because of the influence of these skill points, Gao Fan's "distortion" skill instantly rose to 5, which was 2 points more than the 3 he wanted to sacrifice his sanity.

Obviously, the system has superimposed Danny Laufer's skill value on Gao Fan by superimposing the ‘Great Shell of Eth’.

Now he has a dual career.

The most interesting thing is that he also has two management intelligence points.

One tube is thoughtfully marked by the system as "Gao Fan".

The other tube says ‘Danny Laufer’.

Although this is useless...Huh? But Gao Fan immediately realized a problem.

Danny Laufer did not feel that everything about him has been seen through the ‘Shell of the Great Isth’.

He was in Gao Fan's hotel room, manipulating Gao Fan, and the body of ‘Danny Laufer’ was sleeping on the bed, probably at the same time the body needed a lot of energy, and he didn’t want to waste this energy.

Now, Danny Laufer seems to want to use his 66-point artistic (performance) skills to complete the imitation of Gao Fan, so that he will not be easily seen through by acquaintances-the gravedigger’s commission for Ms. j·k, There must be a plan, and it is this plan that allows them to target Gao Fan, who is likely to accept the commission.

Gao Fan thought that if the mystery would eventually be ‘stranded’.

Then the mystery should have a level. When the mystery meets each other, it's like an iceberg meets another. The comparison is who is bigger under the sea, some mysterious, the size is like an island, and some are larger. It is like a continent, but the most terrifying ones are as big as a planet.

Does it mean that the level of mystery represented by the system, the mysterious iceberg hidden under the sea, is higher than the ‘Great Isth’s Shell’?

In this case.

Gao Fan is not busy taking revenge.

He looked at Danny Laufer's sanity score of up to 85 points. As an investigator, this sanity is quite high. It seems that using the ‘Great Isle of Shell’ will not have any more impact on sanity.

Imagine ‘I’m going to sacrifice this reason’.

Then Gao Fan began to add points to his ‘distortion’ skills.

1, 2, 3, 4...

Danny Laufer's sanity value has dropped to 81, while his ‘distortion’ skill remains unchanged. The san value required to increase 1 point of distortion should be 30.


Gao Fan thought.

He started to add some crazy!

Never been so lavish!


In the distant high-dimensional cosmic space that cannot be watched and detected.

A great race that is traveling through unlimited time and space.

It looks like a flower with a tumbler-like base. It is conical, with a big bottom and a small head. The head consists of four long soft limbs covered with green fluff of the long limbs are long. Crab-like giant claws, they will talk to other creatures with the sound of friction.

The third limb is a funnel-shaped appendage. The purpose of this organ is unknown. On the fourth limb, there is a 60-centimeter-diameter ball with three side-by-side eyes. Obviously this is his observation organ.

As a race that can travel through time and space with spirit, the shell is not very important to the great Iss. They can occupy the shells of other races at will, and the shells abandoned by them will leave behind some of the characteristics of great existence, and Have some spiritual resonance with them.

At this moment, a shell they abandoned on the earth in the 21st century triggered this resonance. Through the mysterious fluctuations, their perspective and an existence covered in a gleaming pale gray veil touched each other. .

The existence seems to be a human-shaped silhouette sitting on the megalithic throne in front of the first gate of the ultimate abyss of the universe. The gray veil is so light that it can be easily torn apart, but the great IS is here. At this moment, the screams of trembling souls were emitted, and they did not dare to look at the crazy truth of the universe, that would tear up their entire race!

The great Iss made an emergency landing in time and space, and they wanted to stay away, even if they sacrificed some tribesmen...