Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 231: Marinated leftovers

  Chapter 231 Halogen Leftovers

  Chen Xiong looked at Li Shaofeng, who was complacent and wanted to set off immediately, and smiled, “It’s not so fast. It’s at least a few years from now until all the joints get through and the Congress passes it.”

  Li Shaofeng smiled and said, "I know this, I can practice first.

  Star Territory Expedition is a life-threatening thing. If you don’t improve your strength, you will never come back if you are not good. "

  Lu Jinxiu laughed, and stood up and said, "It's good that you have this idea. Let's go. Before the food is ready, let's go to the gravity room to practice."

  The room is full of silence.

  Lu Jinxiu raised her eyebrows. Seeing that several people looked dark, some wanted to laugh.


  It’s not like that, just...

   Sighed, Qin Che asked, "Can I ask, how many times the gravity chamber is this time?"


  Lu Jinxiu smiled, wickedly, "How about a hundred times?"

  The man with a cold and eager face curled his lips and smiled, his appearance was quite charming, but Qin Che and the others couldn't appreciate it.

  They now only think that this man is like a devil with two devil horns on his head, seemingly charming but poisonous.

  Fifty times can make them half-dead, just a hundred times...

  When everyone has the same body level as him, it seems to have reached 3S.

   "Seriously?" Qin Che asked the corners of his mouth hard, hoping that he was joking.

  Lu Jinxiu's answer was yes.

   Suddenly, a gasp sounded.

  Seeing several people still, Lu Jinxiu's expression remained unchanged, but a threatening coldness gradually appeared in his eyes.

  Several people were choked in their throats and coughed uncomfortably.

For a long while, Qin Che said with a paralyzed face, "One hundred times is too cruel, the limit I can accept is 70. If you want to force me into the hundred times gravity room, I advise you not to bother with it, and just kill you. Me."

  Speaking, he suffocated his neck and looked like you hurry up and let me die early.

  Li Shaofeng and the others also had almost the same expressions. Anyway, the group of people on the scene, except for someone with a devil horn above their head, who has the strength to withstand a hundred times the gravity, the rest can't do it.

  Let's love it.


   Seeing them look like dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, Lu Jinxiu is not annoyed, "Then it’s seventy."

  A few people still wanted to refuse, but under Lu Jinxiu's cool gaze, they bite the bullet and stood up. They wanted to run but did not dare to run, and followed him with a weeping face.

  When a group of men was sweating like rain in the gravity room, the brief to go to the kitchen was to prepare a pot of brine with a perfect ratio, and then put the duck necks, duck heads and other poultry leftovers that had been blanched with blood into the brine pot.

   Then tell Tang Zhen and the others, after the marinade boils, turn to low heat and simmer slowly.

  The aniseed for making marinade is out of stock in her system warehouse.

  Fortunately, Tang Zhen and the others said that these anomalies are available on this planet. In short, they didn't feel distressed and told them. After writing down the appearance of each anomaly, they passed them to the soldiers who went out to perform missions to see and bring them back.

  The boiled marinade has a strong aroma, while the salty aroma is attractive and the aftertaste is long.

  It made Tang Zhen and the others unwilling to do things. They all gathered around the stewed pot while staring at the poultry leftovers soaked in the brine, drooling, while studying why these strange aniseeds combined together produced such a fragrant taste.

   and duck feet and chicken feet, which are all bones of poultry leftovers, are they delicious?

  The same slobbering rabbit father jumped out again to show his sense of existence, and said utterly that he could eat.

    Thank you Yu Shengyi, the four little angels who love to read the sand sculptures and love to read the sand sculptures of the four little angels who read the past, lie in the dark sky of the coffin, thank you for your support, okay?



  (End of this chapter)