Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 99

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Civilization Star Divine Tribulation!

Seeing the terrifying woman falling to the ground and struggling, the people of the Xuan Gang cheered.

Countless people began to tug at the big net, and each hand was full of blue veins, closing the net rope. Joyna felt that the more she struggled, the more difficult it was to get out. The metal barbs pierced into the skin, blood was flowing, and the tingling sensation on her body instantly increased hundreds of times, and she could hardly exert any strength.

Everyone shouted and crowded around. Dozens of sharp spears and sharp blades were aimed at Joyna's head and body, as if they were hunting wild beasts. Resist at will.

Joyna was like a trapped beast that fell into a trap. Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, she simply closed her eyes, sighed slightly, and stopped struggling.

Perhaps, death is her destiny.

As powerful as Joyna, she would be captured alive by a group of ordinary people, which she never expected.

If it weren't for those weird plant vines restricting her movement, she wouldn't be able to fall into this field. But so far, she has never realized the real threat and terror lurking under the dark night - where did the real face behind those vines come from?

She doesn't believe anyone can control plants, it's so weird. But she doesn't know what the truth is.

Huge doubts swirled in her mind, and she felt herself plunged into endless darkness.

As the net tightened, Joyner found that the vines on her body were gone. Her intuition felt that countless spores were rising and flying into the night sky. The blockage of nerve conduction in the body also disappeared with those spores.

A gust of wind blew, and the spores disappeared, leaving only a faint smell of rotting fruit.

In the cold wilderness, Joyna was savagely dragged by a group of thugs with layers of large nets over her body and pulled to the clearing. Countless torches were lit around, shining like daylight.

In addition to Joyna, there were a dozen or so refugees kneeling on the ground.

"What a dangerous guy!"

"I didn't expect... an assassin with such a powerful skill turns out to be really a woman...?"

Li Renxuan shook his head and said, with incredible written all over his face.

"Scary guy, could it be that she killed all these people alone...?"

Wang Ming's lips trembled slightly, and some terrible images appeared repeatedly in his mind. He stood in the back with the Yinsha Gang, none of them spoke, and their expressions became extremely strange.

Obviously, although they caught the assassin and the truth came out, there were more questions in their hearts.

After seeing Joyna again, the eyes of all the refugees were full of fear, revealing extreme shock and despair!

They are shaking.

They had always relied on her before, but now, they didn't expect that even someone as powerful as Joyna would be captured alive, not to mention their situation.

These people were really frightened, extremely frightened, as if they had seen animals imprisoned in cages to be slaughtered.

"a ha ha ha--"

"It's this woman... She's a curse, she's a mutant! Demon, she brought us into the city!"

Among the refugees, the crazy woman's eyes were bloodshot, and her facial expression was distorted. Laughing first, then yelling.

"It's her! She's a mutant monster, she lied to us!"

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that the mutant monsters listened to her! She is their master!"

"Yes, she forced us into the city. Now that you have caught her, let me go, I am willing to be your slave!"

"Please, let us go!"

Infected by the emotions of the mad woman, the refugees woke up and began to plead continuously, making bursts of painful sobbing, almost writing humility on their faces.

Hearing the mad words of the refugees, their constant pleadings sounded in their ears, and even Li Renxuan and Wang Ming frowned, and their mood suddenly became irritable.

Of course they don't believe this nonsense - for so many years, they haven't heard of so-called powerful mutants having the ability to control other mutants in the wilderness. They prefer to believe that Joyna is a killer assassin hired by an outside force.

The speed with which things are changing is unimaginable.

At this moment, it seems that all the refugees don't know Joyna anymore.

They forgot how Joyna took them out of the wilderness, out of deformed nightmares, through all the hardships; how she drove them through rocks and deserts, killing their enslavers with an unquenchable urge to kill ; forgot that she once risked her life to fight against strange beasts in the wilderness and saved everyone's life; even forgot that Joyna had said that her only goal was to bring everyone into the city safely and become forever the free man.

Actually, no one is begging for her now, just begging for her own life.

The tide of survival of the refugees is surging, and they think that Joyna is the only one who can stop their survival at this moment.

Joyna could hear the words of the refugees clearly.

Complicated and stirring thoughts slowed her down.

She stood up for the powerless because no one could fight like her.

but now……

Her eyes were expressionless, and her heart was cold. The great ideal that once changed the world was drifting away from her until it was wiped out in her heart.

In this era, such indifference.

Among all the people at the scene, only the old man whose hand was cut off said nothing. He looked down at Joyna, the old cheeks turned pale, the corners of his mouth were twitching, and his eyes were red.

He doesn't agree with the selfish thoughts of these people in his heart, but what can he do?

Of course, the old man knows that the only truth in the world is that the strong eat the weak. Especially in this simple and rude era, the strong must step over the bones of others and trample others under their feet in order to be qualified to climb to the top of the world. This is an iron law!

In the face of the iron law of the times, all the rebellious emotions aroused by human beings are false!

Joyna's head was lowered, as if she didn't want to resist. She wasn't a bitch, but the anger of being misunderstood and betrayed began to rise in her.

The cost is the same for a person to live or a group of people to live.

Why is she fighting to save them? Why did she take the risk to come here to save them? If she accidentally led these people into the room, she would realize it herself. Are you just fighting to preserve your humanity?

Obviously she has lost everything, obviously the memories are so painful.

Why not simply fulfill their hopes and become monsters? Wouldn't that be simpler?


The mad woman suddenly arched her body and tilted her head, and spat a mouthful of phlegm at Joyna, who was tied to the ground.

"You nasty thing!"

The phlegm fell on Joyna's fiery red hair, and she didn't dodge it.

"I've said it before, you're a demon!" she roared, "you're a provider of monsters!"

"I know you," another refugee said fiercely, kneeling on the ground and staring at Joyna, "you are a woman of disaster, and there must be a second look under your skin! Where are you going, The disaster will follow!"

Joyna felt a tightness in her chest, but she didn't attack, she just frowned slowly, wanting to return all this groundless accusation.

Then she suddenly thought, maybe these people are right.

It's true that wherever she goes there is always danger. As long as she is in danger, there is bound to be a war.