Super Anti-war System

Chapter 699: Chen Cheng's request

In order to train this army, China has laid down its capital:

Selected from the 2 million troops across the country, and after strict screening, only 8,000 people were left;

Ask German instructors to train strictly, use German submachine guns and other equipment, which is known as the most elite combat force in Northeast Asia.

What I have to say is that during the Nanjing Defence War, 600 soldiers of the Chairman's Special Guard performed a magnificent scene in the Yuhuatai position!

At that time, their 600 fighters defended a Grade A division of the island country, that is, the Meicun division.

The two battalions are against the little 30,000 devils, each soldier is responsible for defending a 25-meter-long position, and each is responsible for dealing with 50 devils!

The battle fought from morning to dusk, and groups of devils fell to Yuhuatai, but they couldn't make any further progress!

Upon seeing this, the division commander Mei Cun was furious, and personally led the death squad, and launched a hand-to-hand battle with these 600 soldiers.

As a result, Mei Cun was chopped off his arm and won a battle with his classmate Jiang Jieshi, and the family heirloom sword of Jiang Jieshi he obtained was also seized.

If it were not for the protection of his subordinates, Umecun would definitely be killed on the spot!

Life was seriously threatened, and under extreme panic, Mei Cun led his troops to retreat in a hurry!

And the Chinese military police only killed more than 50 people!

What makes people embarrassed is that the devils made a big move when they found that the frontal hard defense didn't work.

Because of the betrayal of traitors, the island nation's spy agency learned of the location of this force.

Late that night, the air force of the island country dispatched more than 50 bombers and launched a frenzied bombardment of their station!

The vast majority of military police returned to the earth in their sleep, and only more than 200 escaped by luck!

This government has gone through many years and devoted all of its efforts to form the trump card Tiger Ben, and achieved such a sad ending.

After the fall of Nanjing, the remaining 200 people were broken up into pieces, and they were put on various battlefields in the form of small teams, and they continued to create miracles.

In the battle of Changsha that shocked China and foreign countries, a military police team successfully attacked the Guizi Temporary Airport, which made the Guizi lose air supremacy and laid a solid foundation for the elimination of hundreds of thousands of Guizi in the Changsha Battle.

In 1942, the Chinese Expeditionary Force entered Burma to fight.

When the army was heavily besieged by devils, three military police stood up.

Relying on their super strong wild survivability, they successfully crossed the devil's blockade and got in touch with the British and American forces, so that the New 5 Army avoided the doom of annihilation of the entire army.


Jiang Jieshi decided that in the Songhu War of Resistance, including these elite elites, a total of 78 divisions, 7 independent brigades, 3 temporary brigades, and 7 artillery regiments were dispatched, with a total force of more than 750,000.

In addition, the Air Force must also participate in the war.

The air force participating in the war is the second to ninth battalion and a temporary battalion, with about 200 aircraft.

The navy is not to be outdone. The participating forces are the first and second fleets, a training fleet, a torpedo boat brigade, and Jiangyin fortress forces, and more than 40 naval vessels.

There is no doubt that this battle is particularly important.

Especially the Chairman’s Special Guard. Although it was formed in 27 years, and despite frequent wars and many crises, Jiang Jieshi has been reluctant to use it.

This is enough to show how great Jiang Jieshi's determination is!

However, like Chen Cheng, Jiang Jieshi is also facing serious confusion.

China's national strength is too weak, and there is a serious lack of heavy weapons such as cannons, anti-aircraft guns, and heavy machine guns.

On the other hand, Guizi, like airplanes, has an absolute advantage over China in terms of these heavy weapons.

It is conceivable that once the Battle of Songhu starts, the Huaxia troops will definitely lose countless soldiers!

In fact, visiting Germany and communicating with Jiang Jieshi first is one of Ye Tian's purpose for coming to Nanjing this time.

"Head Ye, it's up to you!"

Looking at Ye Tian, ​​Chen Cheng sighed with emotion and expected him very much.

Before Ye Tian could explain, as a senior general from artillery, Chen Cheng added another sentence.

"Leader Ye, let's not talk about heavy machine guns, submachine guns, etc., in terms of artillery, anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, etc., you must pay more attention!"

Also, although China has an air force, the number of aircraft is too small.

This is not to mention, in order to protect Nanjing and other places, it is not convenient to deploy all of these few aircraft.

In order to deal with the Devil’s aircraft, China urgently needs anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns.

In fact, apart from being responsible for the upcoming Songhu War of Resistance, Chen Cheng has a more important task.

This task is very simple, that is, to establish 60 German weapon divisions, that is, German weapon infantry divisions.

As a powerhouse in the European army, Germany can be regarded as single-handedly challenged by Germany in both World War I and World War II.

Therefore, some countries that are relatively backward in military affairs often visit Germany.

Among them, insignificant island countries are included.

China started to learn about the German military very early, and the new army established in the late Qing Dynasty bears the brand of Germany.

After 1927, because of conflicts with Soviet Russia, China began to seek military assistance from Germany.

In fact, the cooperation between China Huaxia and Germany is on the path of win-win cooperation.

It coincided with the defeat in World War I. According to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany could only have an army of one hundred thousand people, so a large number of professional soldiers were forced to leave the army.

These soldiers have become the targets of various countries vying to hire.

However, the Treaty of Versailles clearly stipulates that German citizens are not allowed to serve as military advisers in foreign troops.

In contrast, the German military hopes that they will do this.

The reason is simple. Through exchanges with foreign troops, the German military has improved.

The most important thing is that when Germany provoked a world war again, these military officers immediately went to the battlefield because they had no abilities to waste.

Therefore, for officers to serve as military advisers abroad, the German military plays secretly to encourage and support them.

In 1933, Hitler won the German general election and became German Chancellor.

It is rumored that Hitler was funded by Chinese people during a difficult period of life

Also, in terms of pedigree, Hitler believed that Germany and China had close ties.

Therefore, after Hitler came to power, Sino-German military cooperation has become closer and more extensive.

Of course, Hitler's funding of China is not unconditional.

Germany is seriously lacking various natural resources, especially strategic resources such as tungsten and antimony.

In addition, because of the developed industry but the small domestic market, Germany urgently needs China as a big market.

In order to realize his ambition to dominate the world, Hitler gradually abolished the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles.

The level and scale of German military advisers in China have gradually increased. They were originally private in nature to cover their ears, but they have now been transformed into public official assistance.

Hitler was very courageous. He said that in order to fully help China, he planned to make two big moves.