Super Anti-war System

Chapter 700: German Machine

First, help China build a military industry!

Second, before the establishment of China's military industry, it can provide China with military equipment!

Under Hitler's order, the fourth general German military adviser, the most famous one, came to China.

His name is Sekt, the former commander-in-chief of the German Wehrmacht, and his rank is general.

Therefore, among the successive German military general advisers, Seckett is the most respected by Jiang Jieshi, with the highest treatment and the highest status.

Moreover, he can directly issue instructions to various government departments as the "Chairman's Client"!

In fact, Chen Cheng's mission is related to Seckett.

In assisting China to reorganize and build the army, Seckett submitted the "Army Reform Proposal" to Jiang Jieshi.

Seckett said that China has limited material and financial resources and should first train a normal force, and then complete the reorganization of 60 divisions across the country in batches and stages.

He believes that with such an elite standing army of 60 divisions, it is sufficient to cope with various situations.

With regard to light weapons, his suggestion is this.

The rifle should use the Chinese version of the Mauser rifle, which is the official rifle.

Of course, considering China’s weak national strength, Seckett suggested that if necessary, an old-fashioned Hanyang-made rifle could be used instead.

The light machine gun should be the Czech ZB26, and the Chinese version should also be used.

It is worth mentioning that, because China's industry is backward and the logistics support cannot keep up, Seckett does not recommend that China's troops use the MG34 as a big killer.

Although this kind of big killer is powerful and can be used for both light and heavy purposes, it consumes too much bullets, and it is not recommended for Huaxia to imitate it.

Seckett suggested that the number of light machine guns should be one per shift.

For pistols, Seckett recommends the use of box guns, also called shell guns, twenty-guns, etc.

However, Seckett recommends using German original products as much as possible.

With regard to heavy weapons, Seckett also put forward a lot of very constructive suggestions.

He suggested that the heavy machine gun use Maxim's 24 water-cooled heavy machine gun.

In 1934, the German Ordnance Administration provided China with a full set of manufacturing drawings for the Maxim heavy machine gun free of charge.

It uses 250 rounds of canvas belt for ammunition, which has a crushing advantage over Guizi's Type 92 heavy machine gun.

The reason is very simple. The Type 92 heavy machine gun can only use 30 rounds of the bullet plate.

Even if the two bullet plates are connected together, there are only 60 bullets.

If the firepower is not enough, the power is naturally different.

Seckett suggested that each infantry battalion should have a heavy machine gun company, a total of 3 platoons and 6 heavy machine guns.

In fact, this configuration standard is only half of the standard infantry battalion of the German Army.

In terms of the most critical artillery, Seckett said that he was a little bit powerless.

Artillery is an indispensable weapon and equipment for a modern army. Unfortunately, due to limited technology and financial resources, China has no capital to assemble too much.

Even if it is known as the most modern German machine division, the gap with the German army in this respect is very different.

In addition to teaching the corps to have an independent artillery regiment directly under it, the other German-style divisions did not have such an organization.

Even the 36th, 87th, and 88th Divisions only had one artillery battalion.

In fact, Seckett’s suggestion is that each division should have an artillery regiment with three battalions.

In addition, a battle defense battery and an anti-aircraft battery are required.

The artillery battalion has 3 howitzer companies, each equipped with 4 German-made 75mm Krupp mountain cannons, or 75mm Bofors mountain cannons, a total of 12 guns.

The battle defense battery is equipped with 4 German-made 37mm battle defense guns.

The anti-aircraft battery is equipped with six 20mm anti-aircraft guns.

In addition to the divisional artillery battalion, each infantry regiment should also have one mortar company and one small artillery company.

The mortar battery is equipped with 6 81mm mortars or 82mm mortars imitating France.

The small battery is equipped with six 20mm cannons.

Found that because Huaxia was too poor, the proposal was difficult to implement, and in desperation, Seckett had to find another way.

In order to make up for the lack of artillery fire, he suggested that a small number of large-caliber artillery should be pooled and organized into independent artillery brigades or artillery regiments for unified deployment and use, so as to achieve the purpose of supporting operations.

In fact, in the process of reorganizing the army, according to the speed of adjustment, various units have different names, which are divided into reorganization division, adjustment division, reorganization division, and new division division.

According to Seckett's plan, after 60 divisions across the country have been adjusted, they can be called reorganizers.

The divisions whose German equipment has not been shipped to China and have not yet been reloaded, but the advance reorganization plan has been completed, are called adjustment divisions.

Below the adjusters are the organizers and the new editors.

According to Chen Cheng, the entire military plan has been carried out in two phases, with a total of only 20 divisions, and the third phase of 10 divisions is underway.

In fact, among the 20 divisions that have completed the reorganization of the army, their training levels for German equipment and German consultants are also different.

The only units that have received training and guidance from the German advisory system are the following divisions: the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 14th, 36th, 87th, 88th, and teaching corps. It belongs to the tax police headquarters of the regular army system.

These 30 divisions have basically received some German-style equipment, and several of them have nearly all realized German-style equipment and received systematic training by German consultants.

Among all the troops, the four units that received the most guidance from German consultants, the most complete German equipment, and the most adequate training were the first teaching corps, the 36th, 87th and 88th divisions.

In fact, the 36th Division, the 87th Division, and the 88th Division are brothers in the same line.

They neither belong to the Hu Zongnan 1st Army system, nor the Tang Enbo 13th Army system, let alone Chen Cheng's civil engineering system.

The predecessor of these three forces was Jiang Jieshi's guard force, which was the direct line of the direct line.

In fact, the fifth general counsel of Germany, General Falkenhaus, also put forward a more effective proposal.

In German-style divisions, a radio communication platoon should be established on the basis of the division's communications battalion.

Each infantry regiment should establish a radio communication class.

In this way, the two levels of the division and regiment can maintain unblocked communication, thereby enhancing the level of command and dispatching, and ultimately improving combat effectiveness.

There is no doubt that the existence of these 30 divisions marked the emergence of the most modern army in modern history.

In the War of Resistance, these German-style divisions played a mainstay role, and of course they also paid huge sacrifices.

In fact, before the crossing, when studying the history of the War of Resistance against Japan, especially when studying these German weapon masters, Ye Tian repeatedly sighed.

What a special thing!

If the full-scale Anti-Japanese War breaks out one year later and more German Weaponists appear in China, the situation of the Anti-Japanese War will definitely change drastically!

Of course, Ye Tian knew that this information was top secret.

People respect me, and I respect others.

Ye Tian decided that when visiting Germany, he must produce results that satisfy Jiang Jieshi and Chen Cheng.