Supreme God King

Chapter 2979: Pick up the dream

Facing the headless corpse in the same place, Bai Shui'er was frightened by the sudden sight, and he dared not move.

Meng Fan was also stunned.


The painter coughed slightly again, and quickly covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

These two soft coughs also attracted Bai Shui'er's attention. Looking at the painter, she was confused.

Such an understatement killed more than a dozen people of Tier 5 and Tier 6, among them Xu Xiu, a master of Tier 8, was as simple as drinking water!

This is scary enough, but at least understandable, it shows that the handsome man in front of him is a master-level powerhouse.

However, it is impossible for a master-level expert to pick up a tree branch and call for the dark clouds in the sky, and then rain water, turning it into a weapon.

This is simply a magic trick, Bai Shui'er thought of "three days."

I am afraid that the young man in front of him is a fairy who has been three days old!

Bai Shui'er was clever and clever, so he immediately bowed down and said respectfully: "Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace!"

The painter waved his hand and did not respond. He turned to Meng Fan and said, "The very nice scenery is stained with blood. Let's go and continue on."

Meng Fan responded, "Yes, Master."

Bai Shui'er didn't expect the man in front of him to leave so easily. Could it be that he killed more than a dozen masters, for this man, it was like a small matter of killing a few ants at random? Doesn't it matter?

Not even interested in talking about it.

Bai Shui'er couldn't help shouting: "Senior...I..."

The painter still didn't look back, just whispered softly: "I'll see you if you have fate, you don't have to impose cause and effect."

This sentence immediately made Bai Shui'er stiff, and he always felt that he tasted some unusual flavors.

She looked at Meng Fan.

This young man seemed to be of average talent level, but following this handsome young man, who was also called Master, made Bai Shui'er not dare to look down upon him, so he nodded gently at him.

Meng Fan also nodded, and immediately packed his bags, and followed behind the painter.

This is just an episode.

However, Meng Fan was shocked.

In his heart, he always thought that Master was an outsider.

However, it is not an expert in martial arts, but a kind of hermit, a kind of spiritual lofty that sees through the world.

Now it seems that it is definitely not that simple.

Meng Fan has been practising martial arts hard since he was a child. It was only because of the dreamlike, half-truth, and nightmares not long ago that made him become more and more sluggish and muddy. When encountering things, he became shrinking, even In my heart, there was also a cowardice that I had never experienced before.

The master said that it was a steal.

Even if you close your eyes, the world is still there, and the road ahead is still to go.

The master also said that a man who has worked hard, failed, cried, kneeled to others in order to survive, and then struggled to stand up, his life will be full of glory, temporary cowardice, not eternal cowardice.

Today, Meng Fan saw his master pick up a pen to kill, but accidentally ignited his pursuit and persistence in martial arts.

It also reminded him of his goal, Tianhanzong and the Meng family.

He still has nightmares every night.

Dreaming of all kinds of weird scenes, all kinds of beautiful things being destroyed in front of my eyes, and so on.

But gradually he would no longer be awakened from the nightmare.

Because with the encouragement of the painter, Meng Fan painted the scenes he dreamed every day, and told the master the stories he dreamed about. A little bit, from the beginning with a little fear, until later, he can tell them normally. Later, I don’t know why, Meng Fan always felt that Master seemed to understand these stories, and he looked forward to telling these stories with Master every day.

A few days later, Meng Fan and Master finally walked out of the Qinglong Mountain Range and came to Sun City.

The prosperity of Sun City should have made Meng Fan excited. He had been looking forward to seeing the outside world, but didn't know why. Seeing Sun City with his own eyes, he was not as excited as he had imagined, but felt dull.

Because the scenes in the dream seem to be more real than those seen before me, and the world in the dream is much more brilliant than the Sun City.

After stepping into Sun City, Meng Fan and his master made a living selling paintings. Sure enough, the painter is a powerful figure. His paintings attracted some dignitaries in Sun City within a few days, and they all came to ask for paintings. As always, only some food is accepted. The life of the master and apprentice is poor, but peaceful and happy.

A month later, Meng Fan also met a lot of people in Sun City, because he always dealt with the dignitaries. Painters like to be quiet, and Meng Fan is responsible for all painting requests. The painter is only responsible for painting.

Especially, the painter only paints two or three paintings a day, and Sun City is a big city. It is said that in the entire Dagan Empire, it ranks in the forefront. There are many people coming and going, and many people come and ask for paintings. A high-ranking official from the capital also came to ask for painting anonymously, but the final news came out, and the artist's reputation became even greater.

So sometimes, some people also ask for Meng Fan’s paintings. After all, the painter’s paintings are too few, and they are getting less and less. Later, the painter will paint a picture in a few days. Meng Fan, as the painter’s apprentice, comes to ask for paintings. With an attitude of trying, he also asked Meng Fan for painting, but the artist did not object.

As a result, the paintings made by Meng Fan made the people who came to ask for paintings to be astonished. Among them, the heroic figures or the colorful world amazed the dignitaries.

Meng Fan also gradually gained some fame.

But Meng Fan's face is always sad.

Only he knew that the reason why Master stayed in Sun City for a month, and then painted fewer and fewer paintings, was because Master's body was worsening every day.

He has to lie in bed for most of the twelve hours a day.

Every time you cough, dye your handkerchief red.

Meng Fan carried his master on his back, began to collect money for painting, and then divided the money into two parts. One part was entrusted to Wuzhen and given to his mother, and one part was used to buy medicine for Master.

On this day, the weather was good. Meng Fan went to the street to buy some medicines for home use, as well as medicines for Master. He picked and picked on the side of the road. He was dressed plainly, and he was very familiar with the small merchants and hawkers. He would chat. A few sentences.

Occasionally, there will be a few carriages passing by on the road. In the carriages, they are either rich or expensive. They are driven by the housekeeper or the housekeeper. When they see Meng Fan, the housekeeper or housekeeper will immediately come down and call the little gentleman, and then greet the painter. Sentence, and asked Meng Fan to go to the mansion to drink tea, but they were all declined one by one. Those high-ranking officials were not annoyed, because the painter and Meng Fan had always been like this, and they were talked about the high and low waters of the mountains and rivers. Then these stewards He Jiading will smile and turn and leave.

There have been many such scenes in recent days.

Meng Fan was picking up some bacon, when someone around him called out.


The voice was very light and pleasant. Meng Fan couldn't help turning his head, startled: "Hey, it's a girl."

It was Bai Shui'er who spoke.

In Sun City, she is also a well-known beauty.

She has been obsessed with the painter for a month, and now she saw the painter's apprentice and hurried forward to say hello.

"What a coincidence."

Bai Shui'er Qiaoxiao Yanran, she was really happy.

"Senior said that if you have fate, you will see you again, you don't have to impose cause and effect, this is really fate."

Meng Fan is so smart, knowing Bai Shui'er, he wanted to see Master again, but he was a little embarrassed, so he had to say clearly.

"Girl, my master, my health is not very good now, so it is not convenient to see people."

Bai Shui'er was startled, a little unhappy: "Brother, your reasons for shirking like this are too far-fetched."

Meng Fan shook his head, quickly bought something, and walked home. Although Bai Shui'er is very beautiful, he really didn't want Bai Shui'er to disturb Master.

But Bai Shui'er chased all the way, just uncompromising.

Bai Shui'er stopped walking until she reached the place of residence. Seeing Meng Fan closed the door, she bit her teeth and found an inn next to her unwillingly. It seemed that she had to see the painter.

Seeing Bai Shui'er entering the inn from the second floor, Meng Fan sighed and turned around to decoct the medicine. Suddenly, he saw the master also looking out.

"Master, you are up."

"Well, I'm up." The painter gently said: "Let's go, we won't live in Sun City anymore."

"Huh? Oh, well, yes, Master."

Meng Fan agreed immediately.

He knew that Master really didn't like being disturbed.

So, in the evening, Meng Fan left Sun City with the painter.