Sweep the World

Chapter 720: More than traditional festivals

On the Winter Solstice Festival in the eighth year of Yuanshuo, while Liu Yan feasted on his ministers in Miyagi, the crowds from all sides were also entertained.

  Before Liu Che changed the yuan, the Winter Solstice Festival was actually the New Year of the Civilizations of the Summer.

   Every festival of Zhu Xia civilization has its own particulars. Generally speaking, it is what major event happened, and then some great people did something special and meaningful on that day to form a festival.

Nuo dance was a dance that existed in the Xia and Shang periods. It evolved into a skill to drive away bad luck in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period. The first Han's emphasis on Nuo dance was exalted. Every winter solstice, the royal family would definitely invite the famous Wu Zhu to it. The Nuo dance in the imperial palace means to get rid of the unsuccessful year, and the coming year will be happier and healthier.

   Nuo dance is a kind of trick. The meaning of tricks covers a lot, generally refers to artistic performances. It's just that for a long time it has something to do with Feng Huaxueyue, such as cultivating famous prostitutes. At present, there is a trend of cultivating famous prostitutes in the South. It is just raising Miki, actresses and the like, but not showing up to provide special services to the masses.

   Every year on the Winter Solstice Festival, the Han government also arranges Nuo dances. When Liu Yan entertains the ministers at a banquet, there are dancers wearing masks and strange costumes performing dances.

Even in modern times, Nuo dance is still passed down, but the form and costume of the dance will vary from place to place, but the "function" is actually the same. It is attached to the meaning of exorcising ghosts, expelling epidemics, and offering sacrifices. As far as folk dances are concerned, at present, the biggest use of Nuo dances is to show in Nuo ceremonies, which is a necessary part of sacrificial offerings.

   "How is it similar to our dance of prayer and prayer?"

   The speaker is from Frank, and his name is Goodhouse. He is talking about the Nuo dance.

   So it’s very strange that many countries and nations on the earth are very far apart, and many behaviors have the same consistency without communication. It's not about eating and sleeping, but about culture and art, and quite a lot of names.

Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni belong to the Germanic family. When their priests perform religious ceremonies, they usually wear a very strange mask, dance on and dance. Similar to the dance, the same also has spells that no one can understand.

Nuo dance is really part of the primitive faith. It is generally used by various ethnic groups in various religious occasions, but the German priests are noble and special professions, and the number of priests is very rare. Bian’s Wuzhu’s career has long been broken, and those who dance the Nuo dance are just temporary guest appearances.

   If you watch a Nuo dance, you will see a burly and strong figure. The other dancers hold a flag in one hand and a wooden shield in the other. He is a left-stick double-edged spear and a right-handed halberd.

   The double-edged spear and the hook are Ran Min's characteristic weapons, and that burly and strong man is really him.

  In other words, what fun does Ran Min join in the Nuo dance on the Winter Solstice Festival? It's not that he thinks he's suffocating enough, and he can also make a cameo.

   seems to be able to do the same. Zhu Xia civilization believes that evil spirits can drive away evil spirits, and the Nuo dance was originally intended to drive away evil spirits. Therefore, not only Ran Min, but also Li Tan, Huan Wen, Lu Tai, and Xie An are making cameo appearances, but the latter are useless of their weapons. They are also the lead dancers of the Nuo dance, which gives the Nuo dance a strong killing aura.

   It is because their Nuo dance has a strong killing aura, which makes the Germans feel very similar to their own Nuo dance. It is the Germanic Nuo dance that also has a clear killing aura.

   "Are there any connection between the Serris and the Germanic?"

   "The two nations are so far apart, there can be no connection."

   Olus Syxtus Cicero is just like watching the Nuo dance of the Han and the Germanic.

  In other words, the term Germanic is what the Romans gave to a group of barbarians. In fact, the group of barbarians were not originally from the same ethnic group. It was the Romans who used the same name for them. It really made a group of barbarians think that everyone was of the same ethnicity.

   What the Romans did was an act of lifting a stone and smashing themselves in the foot. Originally, the satisfied tribes would fight each other. After the barbarians discovered that they were all "owners", it would be difficult for the Romans to defeat the various tribes of the barbarians.

   It was not only the Romans who did such stupid things, but the civilizations of the Xia Dynasty did such stupid things too. Some tribes were not the same nation at all, but were summarized as the same nation by the Central Plains dynasty.

There used to be more than one Huns in the grassland. For example, the Aries King Tribe, the Xiutu King Tribe, and the Hunxie King Tribe were not Huns, but they were identified as Huns by the Western Han Dynasty. As a result, they really came together, far more. Many of the tribes mentioned above have also been forced into the camp belonging to the Huns.

The later Eastern Han Dynasty also did the same thing. The sheep-herding tribe in the northwestern territory was not a nation at all. The Han people first created the word "Qiang" to describe those tribes, and gradually regarded those tribes as the same nation, and then It is that those tribes really formed the same nation and united to harm the northwestern territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The most stupid thing is not to crush the original barbarian tribe into a nation, but to create a nation out of nothing. How to create it? For some reason, it may be for profit, or it may be officials for political achievements. They gathered a group of people and told them: what kind of ethnicity your ancestors were originally from, what kind of ethnicity will you be in the future, and agreed to have a government. 1 Subsidies and bonus points, if you don't agree, don't say there are no subsidies and bonus points, I will take care of you!

   "I heard that the Han people have been expelling and eliminating alien races that they disagree with?"

   "The ancestors of the Han people have been doing things about expelling and eliminating foreign races. Contemporary Han people tend to merge and digest foreign races."

  Since the Romans are present on this occasion, it is unreasonable that the Persians will not join in the fun. People from all over the world are also curious about what a formal banquet in Han is like.

   Kiyanush Alta Aldashir said that after the Han army had finished expelling the Hulu, it was still chasing and killing some Hulu who had escaped. He also heard that in order to hunt down foreign races, the Han army had been killed thousands of miles to an extremely cold place, and he was a little frustrated with the Han people's notion of revenge.

   "A country is the most stable with a single ethnic group. The more ethnic groups in a country, the greater the contradiction will be. When the main ethnic group becomes weak, the country is doomed to split."

   "That said, why don't you see you Romans let go of slaves and continue to transport slaves back to the mainland from various places."

  Foreign missions are arranged in a region, and their location belongs to the corner. Judging from the location arrangement, it is obvious that they still fall outside the cultural people who have been invited.

   "It's a nation, not a slave!"


   Chianus Arta Ardahir and Oulus Syxtus Cicero, who were not far apart, looked at each other, if special effects could be added, it would definitely be a flash of lightning in the line of sight.

   The Romans are still quite awkward. In the past, millions of people dared to acquire 20 to 30 million slaves. Later, the ratio of Romans to slaves decreased again and again, but it has always been maintained at a ratio of five to one. Their excellent quality of life is based on the exploitation of foreign races. Once the outward exploitation is reduced or stopped, it is basically time for domestic disturbances to begin.

   The cultural people who gathered in old Chang'an, many of them did not know the existence of foreign missions. This is because the Han government didn't think that foreign envoys came to show off. It really didn't regard this incident as the beginning of the country's prosperity.

Cultural people are more excited about the arrival of foreign envoys. They admire the occurrence of things from all nations coming to Korea, and regard such things as national projects. Some cultural people don’t pay attention to the Nuo dance, they are curious about it. The gang of crooked nuts made various guesses.

   "It is far enough, that is, the number of countries that come to pay tribute is less."

   "When the Han Fang ended the war, foreign countries would come to Korea."

   "It's not the face project of the Sima family, two big countries in the world have come."

   "I heard that Rome and Persia are powerful countries with vast territories and large populations. They are all seeking alliances from the big Han?"

   "The Great Han has formed an alliance with Persia to deal with the Gupta dynasty, and there are four other nations, forming a five-nation coalition."

   If you didn't know what happened to Rome and Persian Sassan, you will gradually learn more about the two countries during the exchange. Some people also cited the classics of the Persian Sassanids. For example, in the Western Han Dynasty, Parthia used tens of thousands of troops to greet the envoys of the Han Dynasty. For Rome, they did not find any records in the ancient books.

In fact, the Romans had been to the Central Plains dynasty before. It was during the period of the Han and Yuan Emperors. Some people even fully adapted the events of that period into a movie. That is, the screenwriter made a few random changes and made hundreds of thousands of Romans. The army went outside Yanmen Pass in order to chase and kill a group of people. It didn't even figure out whether the grassland outside Yanmen Pass was the Western Regions or not. Another nonsense was to portray Huo Qubing as a pacifist.

This is not finished yet. In order to have a good box office in the white-skinned country, the Western Han Dynasty was completely blacked out. Don’t worry about how the Roman army reached the so-called Western Regions. It must be said that the Han Empire ignored the Romans. The invasion of a hundred thousand army was the arrival of the Parthian Empire (Parthian) army before the Roman army was resolved.

   Nuo dance has ended, Ran Min took the lead towards Liu Yan's position, everyone in the hall stood up with Ran Min's movements, all saluting.

   Liu Yan, of course, was sitting on the throne on the steps. He raised his right hand to make a fake invitation. Cui Zong called out the word "flat body" on behalf of Hong Liang.

   Nowadays, Liu Yan has to wear a full set of outfits. Some people find that the suit is different from before.

   Before Liu Yan wore the Wangjue style, but today it is a full set of the emperor's dress. People who discovered this did not bluff, but they had to be excited in their hearts.

   In the third year of Yuan Shuo, Liu Yan worshipped the ancestors and fallen soldiers of the summer in Mount Tai. At that time, he had already announced to the subjects and ancestors of the world, and the four great gods, and completed the ceremony of ascending the emperor.

   The emperor is the patriarch of Zhu Xia, ascending the emperor does not mean that he is enthroned and proclaimed emperor. After becoming the emperor, it means to be able to lead the descendants of the Xia from the legal system and legal principles. Therefore, the supreme power change of the civilization of the Xia has always been to hold the sacrificial rites of ascending the emperor first, and then hold the emperor ceremony. If anyone proclaims the emperor without being promoted to the emperor, or first proclaims the emperor and then promotes to the emperor, making jokes is a trivial matter, and will become unstable to rule.

Of course, it does not mean that after becoming the emperor, the dominant position will be extremely strong. It depends on whether the country can be ruled and the people can be peaceful, or whether the country can be strong and prosperous, but whether the emperor is really critical, that represents a kind of " Zhengshuo" status. In the dynasties of the Zhu Xia civilization, the emperor and the emperor were always confused by people with unknown circumstances, but the power of the head of a clan was greater than the power of the head of state (emperor).

   Liu Yan rarely wears the emperor's diadem. In the previous winter solstice banquets, he basically wore the king's diadem. He changed into the outfit of the emperor's mian suit this year. Firstly, foreign envoys were present, and secondly, it was a hint that he was about to ascend to the throne and become emperor.

"let's start."

   Liu Yan's voice is not loud, but it can spread well.

   The well-prepared mermen filed out from the back of the palace. At the forefront was Liu Yan's eldest son Liu Shen, followed by the eldest son Liu Ming, and then some petite sons of the three males and nine princes.

   The children are dressed in costumes and hesitate to teach etiquette and rehearsals before ~lightnovelpub.net~ They are arranged and walked in a decent way.

   Liu Shen was already seven years old after the Chinese New Year. He was still young and his facial features were not obvious. His outfit and proper clothes showed the grace that the eldest son of the royal family should have. While walking in the forefront, he was holding a plate with some food seeds in his hands. He first presented the plate to Liu Yan, implying a bumper harvest in the coming year. Later, he took over plates containing copper coins, silver, gold, jade, agate, and emeralds from Liu Ming and presented them to them, which symbolized national prosperity.

   "It looks complicated." Kianusz Alta Aldahir looked at the little adult-like child and offered more than a plate: "What special culture is it?"

   No one answered Kiyanush Alta Aldahir’s question. After the presentation, a group of musicians showed up. They set up their instruments and waited quietly.

   Ran Min and the others who had changed the costumes of the princes appeared and went to their place. The sound of a chime appeared first, and then various musical instruments joined in.

   "Yo, Luming, Shiyezhiping. I have guests..."

   Liu Shen took the lead in singing "Deer Ming", and the children sang along with each other.

During the period when the Hulu ruled the Central Plains, not only "Deer Ming" disappeared, many long-standing traditions were actually no one dared to engage in it again. For a considerable number of people, being able to sing "Deer Ming" at a banquet represented a kind of Inheritance is indispensable.

   Then, all the Han people in the hall sang along, and everyone sang so drunk...nt

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