Sweep the World

Chapter 721: The weight of inheritance

The culture and tradition of a nation are the basis for ensuring that it can be passed on. If the culture and tradition disappear, even if the blood is still there, what is the difference between the culture and tradition and the extermination without the culture and tradition?

   It is difficult to exterminate a nation physically, and there has never been an instance of physical extinction of a nation.

There are not too many examples of eliminating a nation from the cultural perspective. Zhu Xia civilization annexed quite a few alien races to become stronger. Although many alien races flowed in the blood of their ancestors, no matter from their spirit, thoughts, or culture, in fact, All disappeared.

   When Zhu Xia civilization merges with foreign races, it will leave some useful spirits or thoughts. Even after Zhu Xia civilization is weak in military force and annihilated, it will in turn merge the alien races of the lower civilization because it is a higher civilization.

When the force is not strong, only culture and tradition are left to save the fallen nations. Not only the Zhuxia civilization, but also many nations in the world have re-established themselves in this way, such as those who were conquered by Rome long ago. Greek civilization.

A nation that firmly believes that its culture is high is difficult to be wiped out easily. Even if there is a dark period, it will be quite short. It is the spirit of indomitability, resistance, and self-reliance brought by a culture that supports it. After Nirvana is reborn It will also usher in a new round of rapid development.

  The culture and tradition of the Han people were suppressed and destroyed unprecedentedly during the Hulu rule. After waiting to stand up again, they paid more attention to culture and tradition than usual. After all, only when you have experienced it will you know what it means, and you will know how to cherish it even more when you lose it.

   "Is it true every year?"

   "Don't taste it."

Not every year’s winter solstice banquet invites non-governmental people. Some time ago, in Linzi, the elderly were invited to the banquet. After Liu Yan transferred the administrative center to Xiangguo, there was no similar move. For two years, it was just that the monarchs were happy by themselves.

   During the festival, monarchs and ministers invite the elders to have a feast, which is a tradition of respecting the elders in Zhu Xia civilization. This tradition began in the Western Han Dynasty. As long as the descendants of the Xia Dynasty were the rulers of the dynasties, they would invite the elders of the people to a banquet on grand festivals. This tradition began in the Western Han Dynasty. It was the concept of "ruling the world with filial piety" in the Han Dynasty. The privileges for the elderly of a certain age also began in the Western Han Dynasty.

   In Hu Ren’s mindset, there is little respect for the elderly. It can be seen from their choices when they encounter disasters that when the white disaster occurs, when it comes to making a choice, the elderly need to go out and fend for themselves. Even if they are in a group for warmth, they will stay at the outermost periphery. The core position is the strongest instead. That group of people. When it happened in the civilization of Zhuxia, the strong people would stay at the outermost periphery, on the contrary, the old and the weak would be protected at the core position. This is the most different point of national thinking.

   Ji Chang, as the prime minister, also invited elders over 60 years old in Guanzhong to have a banquet this year, but the number is much smaller than when he was in Linzi.

   Forty-six elders were arranged in obvious positions in the hall. It seems that the ranking is closer to the area where Liu Yan is located than Baiguan. This is an attitude shown by the Han country, which will continue the traditions of Zhu Xia and carry out the respect for the elderly.

   In previous years, he would also sing "Deer Ming", but it was not sung by the prince and many second generations, but the singer was arranged.

   The arrangement for Liu Shen to sing this year has special meaning. At the end of next year, New Chang'an will be built, and the long-awaited Liu Yan ascension ceremony will be held. When Liu Yan was still the king, the confirmation of the heir was urgent but could wait, but after he became the emperor, the choice of the prince would become urgent.

Before the Han Dynasty, the civilizations of Zhu Xia had no traditions of standing up for the longest and not forging their children and passing on their descendants. For example, the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period chose to establish their heirs instead of standing for the best. Every moment is facing life and death, the choice of the ruler is of course to choose a powerful heir, and the status of the successor to the ruler by an idiot will undoubtedly make the country annihilated every minute.

   When the traditions (rules) of standing up for the long and not standing up for the children and passing down to the sons and daughters will appear are actually difficult to say clearly. There is a saying that is a rule that was extended after Liu Che's "Tweet Order" was issued.

In fact, the reason why the tradition of standing up for the long-term and not passing down the children and passing down to the concubine emerged is that after the Zhuxia civilization began to stabilize, the desire to expand abroad was not strong, and the ruler did not need to be very smart. It is to complete the responsibility. After the full rise of scholars, they even hope that the ruler will be a fool, and that the matter of governing the country is left to the scholars, and the ruler is better to be a clay sculpture.

It must be said that when scholars fully rise and take control of the government, it is usually the most chaotic moment in the country. They will form various factions to fight (partisanship), and they are often in order to achieve victory in the struggle without compromise, resulting in changes in the country. At the same time as chaos, it consumes national power, leading to the country's internal uprisings and dynasty changes, or alien invasion and destruction.

   "If you want to come, the prince is the prince Chang Shen."

   "As it should be!"

   "Did Changshen have a teacher?"


He is not a fool. Liu Shen makes a special appearance on solemn occasions. His every move still plays a leading role. Whether it is directing his brother Liu Ming or the rest of the second generation, they all have special meanings. Blind is brain blind.

   "Blessed are the heirs of the three males and nine qings."

   "The Han family has such a tradition, they are indeed blessed."

   Therefore, the traditions of all civilizations have their own special significance. The heirs of the country will be arranged with some playmates when they are young. In addition to increasing the heir’s social interaction, it is undoubtedly that the heirs have their own core team. Waiting for this heir to really inherit the rule, the playmates will almost all be in high positions, and a group of monarchs and ministers with deep friendship will work together to govern and develop the country.

  The people who talked about it will inevitably be sour. They can find too many examples. People who grew up with the king since childhood, as long as they are not fallen or eliminated in the process, all will become the important ministers of the country in the future. It is among these people who are so bad that they can basically be tolerated, which is the most enviable place.

   "At least three generations of wealth have been preserved!"

   "More than three generations? If they are still accompanied by their heirs, four generations, five generations...Fukuzawa will never stop."

   Envy and jealousy are flooded with too many outsiders. They have to hope that their children can participate in it, even if they can't directly contact Liu Shen, at least their children and those second generations should become friends.

   The singing in the hall continued. After the singing of "Deer Ming", even "頍弁" and "瓠 Ye" were sung successively. Currently, "Bin Zhi Chu Yan" is being sung.

It can be said that "The Book of Songs" is actually an encyclopedia of Zhu Xia civilization. It can be found in the all-encompassing culture of Zhu Xia. Reading "The Book of Songs" must be able to know what the life of the ancients is like, and you can find many searched in history books. Unable to record, such as "Out of the Car" is the singing of Zhou Xuan Wang's victory in the crusade against Huxuan in his early years.

   Don't think that "The Book of Songs" has nothing to do with modern people. The ancient people's singing of the Book of Songs and modern people's singing of popular songs mean the same thing.

   In fact, many modern popular songs are also adapted from "The Book of Songs".

   I look into the distance, above the toad palace (I am looking up, above the moon); there is a beautiful dream, and Shuo Shuo is flying (there is a dream flying freely). Yesterday is gone, and the sorrow is exhausted (yesterday, the wind has dried up the sorrow); Seeing Xi with the son, the Moqing in the wild (I reunited with you on that vast road). Trapped in my arms, the river rises and the waves rise (life has been drawn, the tide ebbs); the beauty is accompanied by the beauty (where there is you, it is heaven).

   just ask **** or not? Ok. The above one is a spoof by a certain great god, but there are really many modern pop songs adapted from "The Book of Songs", such as "Jia Jia", "On the Water Side", "Night Banquet" and so on.

   "It's really amazing..."

   "The songs they sing have been sung for thousands of years?"

At this moment, Chianus Alta Aldahir and Oulus Syxtus Cicero temporarily abandoned their hostility, as an outsider came into contact with the long history of the civilization of the Xia , With the desire to communicate.

Rome and Persia have the same class concept, that is, they are only qualified to communicate with each other when their status reaches a certain level. In fact, high-ranking people will not chat with lowly ones, such as Kianusz Alta Aldahir and Oulus Sai. Kristus Cicero really wanted to chat.

   "There are not many ethnic groups with a long history, but it is difficult for one to pass on his own culture like the Serris."

  "They are ancient civilizations as well as ancient Egypt, ancient credibility, and Babylon. They respect their ancestors and their pursuit of culture is also high. I heard that there are families in the Han Empire that have been passed down for thousands of years?"

   There are families in the Central Plains that have passed on for thousands of years? It is true. The Kong family is relatively late. The former Yingchuan Chen family was a descendant of Emperor Shun, and the Xun family was simply a descendant of the Xuanyuan family.

Many clans in Zhuxia have a very long history. In addition to the surnames derived from territorial expansion, they are the descendants of a certain great figure in ancient times. Lu Shang), there is too much.

   The scene is no longer in the hall, but in the square outside. Liu Yan is holding a ceremony to worship the sky.

The royal family (royal family) is to take the lead in praying for blessings during the Winter Solstice Festival, that is, other royal families pay homage to the ancestral temple. Liu Yan traveled here. He didn’t know who his ancestors were in this era. But there was a Lizongmiao dedicated to the ancient great men of Xia. , I really don’t have my own ancestral tablet, and there is also a change in offering sacrifices to the heavens during the Winter Solstice.

   An altar is needed to worship the sky. From ancient times to the present, it has been tens of meters high with rammed earth and shaped like a pyramid, but the top platform is relatively large.

A tripod is also needed to worship the sky. The Jiuding made by Yu did not disappear before, but a full set of "equipment" was used. The whereabouts of the next Jiuding is unknown, and the tripod for sacrifice to the sky was created for worship. .

   "The great ancestor, Wuhua was born, Xu Yan sacrificed to Mian, Yue Ehehao. Smart and wise, just be deserted..." (Don't complain)

Naturally, essays are needed to sacrifice to the heavens. Anyway, Liu Yan is absolutely unable to write such short sentences, so he needs to be ghost writers. Many of the short sentences are written specifically for the beautiful words and phrases. Someone reported to God about the achievements he had achieved during his reign, and then prayed to God for blessing.

   "...Through the martial arts to consolidate the army, tell the ancestors, learn from the truth, the emperor and the earth. Still feast."

   After reading, Liu Yan led hundreds of officials to pay the worship. Because it was a dress rehearsal, the movements were absolutely uniform. The folks who watched the ceremony were not among the hundreds of officials, but they also bowed down.

   Rome, Persia and other countries did not have similar activities. They were infected by the solemn and solemn atmosphere of the scene, and they did not even dare to breathe too thickly.

   After visiting the worship, Liu Yan held the sacrificial text in his hand and threw it into the burning cauldron, beckoned to Liu Shen, and the father and son whispered under the eyes of everyone.

   "The big man has a queen."


   may sound strange, but it is about Liu Yan finally setting up a prince. That is something that officials and people have been looking forward to for a long time, otherwise they always feel that something is missing.

   Liu Yan and Liu Shen's father and son finished whispering, and Liu Yan took Liu Shen's small hand and walked to the edge of the altar.

   "Ready to read!"

   The person who shouted was Cui Zong.

   Liu Yan did not engage in the **** system, and the number of royal family members was actually much smaller than that of the dynasties and generations. Miyagi served mostly by maids, and a few were entourages who were not castrated.

   Can I enter Miyagi service without castration? Do you want to cut off even the Miyagi Guards? There is nothing to be fussing about in things like Han, where officials can stay in the palace, but the harem can't move around at will.

   Liu Yan is afraid that there is a green grassland on his head? In fact, he really didn't think so much ~ lightnovelpub.net~ In his generation, not engaging in the **** system is just a personal preference. After him, it depends on what the future generations want.

Military parade after the sacrifice to the sky is almost a habit in the past dynasties, but an emperor does not necessarily have the opportunity to sacrifice to the sky twice in his life. It can only be done with decent credit, otherwise it will be laughed to death. It is the same level as Taishan Fengchan. The difference is that the first sacrifice to the heavens is a fringe benefit.

   The square is quite big. After Cui Zong shouted, Baiguan and the others retreated to the viewing platform.


  The sound of war drums reverberated first, and then the sound of uniform footsteps came from a distance. People looked over, and soldiers in gorgeous uniforms filed in from the palace gate.

   When the troops drove into the square, they did not approach immediately. Each team formed a phalanx near the gate of the palace. Only after a loud command from the leading officer did they march towards the square.

   "I have to say that the uniforms of the Serris people should be the best-looking in the world, right?"

   "They are very tall, too tall!"

  In other words, the Han troops in the parade are really very tall, and the phalanx that has already appeared is basically a phalanx composed of two-meter-tall men.

   In addition, the Hans in this world can definitely be regarded as tall people at present. Others are Scandinavians and Slavs. The average height of Romans can be just 1.6 meters...


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