The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 503: .Chaotic Era

Wang Xudong is still a little curious, what is the style of the opening song of this animation, is it pop music? Still more serious and magnificent, animation style, or antiquity.

He heard a light violin first.

Then came the grand piano.

String quartet, flowing between black and white keys.

This song has no lyrics.

The pictures are various clips of animated pictures. There are news of scientists committing suicide, Wang Miao's research, Yang Dong's stunning glimpse, and the countdown to death.

The human computer is magnificent, and the gaze from the universe is mysterious.

The information that can be obtained from the opening song is quite limited, and more reveals an atmosphere of repression and tension.

Just listening to the music, Wang Xudong felt as if there was a rock on his chest, as if he, like the characters in the story, faced a difficult situation and could not find a way out.

At the beginning of the second episode, it was the scene of Wang Miao in the game. His ID was [Seaman]. This desert was extremely cold even in the daytime. He met a player who claimed to be [Zhou Wenwang]. Dressed in primitive animal skins, holding a wooden cane, [Zhou Wenwang] also has a follower, whose ID is called [Zhou Wenwang's follower].

The attendant carried a box on his back. The box was opened, and there were five layers of squares in it. There was sand in the squares, which was slowly leaking.

[Zhou Wenwang] Said it was a timekeeping tool, but Wang Miao was puzzled, why use such a complicated tool, even if civilization has not developed to a certain level, wouldn’t it be easier to use the sun to time time?

But [Zhou Wenwang] was even more confused. He told Wang Miao that this is the chaotic era. There is no way to know the time by looking at the sun. It corresponds to the chaotic era, and there is also the constant era, which is a period when the sun's movement is relatively regular.

Wang Miao was puzzled, but it was getting colder and colder around him.

After a few people communicated again, Wang Miao felt very strange that in this world, the sun does not necessarily rise in the morning, and the sun does not necessarily set at dusk, and even the sun does not necessarily rise from the east.

Two days in the game passed, but the sun never rose. Just when Wang Miao felt that it was impossible for the sun to rise again, dawn appeared on the horizon.

But the sun was getting bigger and bigger, [Zhou Wenwang's attendant] couldn't stand it, and he was dehydrated and became a roll of human skin, which was stuffed into a bag by Wang Miao.

The two came to Chaoge, which is the capital of this country, and they met King Zhou, the emperor of this country.

[Zhou Wenwang] claimed that his calendar could calculate the chaotic era and the constant era. King Zhou asked him to calculate when the next constant era would arrive.

[Wang Wenwang] got the answer, which was very similar to the previous experience, so King Zhou ordered the whole country to soak.

Soaking is the opposite behavior of dehydration. Dehydrated humans can return to their original state after soaking. Although some people lack arms and legs, they still survive.

Watching the animation, Wang Xudong glanced at his parents from time to time to see their reactions.

He found that the two elderly people were serious about it, and they didn't feel impatient at all because it was the plot of the game.

Chaos Era and Heng Era, the magical sun, dehydration and immersion, the world of this game is completely different from the familiar world, and has a sense of alienation.

When Wang Xudong watched the whole country change from dehydrated state to normal state after being soaked under King Zhou's order, when he saw the lifeless country suddenly lively, this kind of inner throbbing could not be suppressed.

However, when the sun went down, it never rose again.

Until three flying stars appeared in the sky, according to King Zhou, this was the coldest time, and even the stones would be frozen into powder.

King Zhou could only dehydrate the people of the whole country again, and at the same time threw King Zhou Wen into the large bronze cauldron and cooked it slowly.

"Retire all, the game has no fun here."

It turned out that King Zhou was also a player.

Wang Miao saw that the game time accelerated, and heavy snow formed under the sky. This was dry ice formed by the condensation of carbon dioxide. After a while, the snowflakes turned into light blue fragments, which are oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere.

The last paragraph of text appears on the screen.

[This night lasted for forty-eight years. Civilization No. 137 was destroyed in the severe cold, and the civilization evolved to the Warring States level. 】

Wang Miao, who took off his helmet, was in a cold sweat. He stared at the outside world in a daze, still chanting the words Chao Ji Yuan and Heng Ji Yuan in his mouth.

He drove away from the house and went to Yang Dong's house.

There, he met Yang Dong's mother, Ye Wenjie.

Ye Wenjie was like a kind grandma, talking to the children. Seeing Wang Miao coming, she sent the children away and waved her hand as if she was welcoming Wang Miao home.

The two talked about Yang Dong's topics. Ye Wenjie expressed his guilt. She exposed Yang Dong to physics too early and made her world too pure. Perhaps this was the cause of her suicide.

Wang Miao comforted a few words, inquired about some institutions that check the cosmic background radiation, and finally left.

Along with Wang Miao's departure, the ending song sounded This episode is over.

The ending song is not pure music, but human voice, even electronic sound.

The female voice was tactful and chanting, like poems from the long past.

Classical and modern are integrated in this song, very harmonious.

Wang Xudong looked at his parents. Before they heard this kind of music, most of them would feel noisy and frowned and left, but this time, they did not show that expression, but listened very seriously.

As soon as the second episode ended, Wang Xudong took out his mobile phone and took a look.

The countdown on Chuyin Video Network has disappeared. On Weibo, someone went to the bank of the Ningjiang River, and the countdown to that row of tall buildings finally disappeared, and everything resumed as before with the broadcast of the second episode.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a little funny again.

Obviously it's just a publicity project, why do I feel as nervous as Wang Miao in the animation?

Most of the content of the second episode took place in the three-body game. Chaos Era and Heng Era, the weird dehydrated and immersed humans, hovered in Wang Xudong's heart.

The three flying stars are obviously the origin of the name of the three-body game, but what is this?

He tried to understand, but found that he couldn't understand it, just like Wang Miao in the animation, confused by this puzzle.

When Wang Xudong watched suspenseful reasoning dramas before, he could more or less guess the truth.

But watching "Once Upon a Time on Earth", he felt that he could only give up thinking.

The parents talked about the plot and insisted on their own words. It is rare to be so lively.

Wang Xudong did not disturb the two old people, he packed up his things and returned to the room.

While drawing the curtains, Wang Xudong saw the moon in the sky.

At least, in the world he lives in, the sun will rise tomorrow as usual.

Wang Xudong thought.