The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 504: .Cosmic twinkle

College student Qi Zhengdao stayed in front of the screen on time, waiting to watch the third episode of "Once Upon a Time on Earth".

There are not many people watching animation in his dormitory. Every time Qi Zhengdao uses his laptop to watch it, some people tease him.

But after the broadcast of "Once Upon a Time on Earth".

Qi Zhengdao became the most popular person in the dormitory.

With his rich animation knowledge, he has become the focus of the bedroom. Everyone is asking him about "Once Upon a Time on Earth" and about phantom animation. It seems that Qi Dao is the authority in this area.

Of course, Qi Zhengdao can’t answer even more in-depth questions. Fortunately, it’s winter vacation, not face-to-face. Qi Zhengdao can ask Husousou, or simply go to other groups to ask group friends. Finally maintained the character design.

But most of them have no way to answer one question, that is, what is the world in the three-body game?

While waiting for the broadcast, Qi Zhengdao looked at the discussion posts on the forum about the three-body game.

The poster of this post said a lot of speculations, and finally thought that the three-body game is the future human world. The flying stars are the brilliance of nuclear weapons. The whole world has been mutated by nuclear radiation, and those dehydrated humans are the products of nuclear radiation.

Some people support this conclusion, while others oppose it, and the discussion is intense.

Qi Zhengdao looked at the post with interest.

[Interesting Soul]: Wait a minute, although the speculation of the poster seems to be the same thing, we seem to have overlooked a question, that is, what is the meaning of the three-body game? It can't be that the future man will return to kill all the scientists on Earth in order to prevent human beings from being destroyed by nuclear weapons. There are too many contradictions.

[Coffee Latte]: I think, don’t forcibly associate the game with reality. Maybe this game is a setting. He is metaphorizing something, such as why there are three flying stars and why the sun rises from different directions. Come up, why are the characters in the story all from the ancient Chinese characters? We can't just look at the appearance, we must see the inside.

[Looking back, it’s always bleak]: I think this may be an alien. It’s sci-fi. Maybe some people found something on the alien, but they couldn’t pass it back through various methods, so I made this game. I hope people can Crack the secret.

[LUCKGOD]: I think maybe those scientists who committed suicide have played this game. Although it is said that the irregularity of the motion of microscopic particles is subverting cognition, I think it is still a bit too outrageous for a scientist to commit suicide for this. When the scientist was playing this game, what was the effect of his subconscious mind, so he committed suicide.

[Murloc tide hunter]: If this is an alien, would the meteor and the sun be the same thing? For example, if the sun is far away from the planet, it will become a flying star, but it doesn't seem to be right. Then how to calculate gravity? Can't this planet follow the same path as a comet?

There are many different guesses, but everyone knows that, according to the current rhythm, it is impossible to figure out all the mysteries within one or two episodes. You can only wait for the phantom animation to give the answer.

At the beginning of the third episode, Wang Miao came to the observation station of the radio telescope. He explained his intentions to the other party and learned that Ye Wenjie used to be a member of the Red Coast Base, and this base was engaged in extremely secretive work until today. No one knows.

When the time came, Wang Miao came to the computer to check the cosmic radiation at the designated location.

The original straight lines suddenly appeared a little crest.

The wave crest appeared and disappeared regularly. Wang Miao and the observer stared at the strange situation. It was not until more than ten seconds later that Wang Miao remembered asking the observer to check the record.

On record, the peaks and troughs constitute things Wang Miao is familiar with.

Morse code.

He simply translated this code, only to realize that this was exactly the countdown that appeared in Wang Miao's vision.

This is data from three observing stations. Even if man-made falsifications are made, such fluctuations cannot be created at the same time at three observing stations separated by thousands of miles.

Moreover, the observer told Wang Miao that if such a strong wave crest really appears, then the cosmic radiation can be recognized by the naked eye directly through the equipment.

Wang Miao got a pair of 3K glasses, walked out of the observation station, raised his head, and looked up at the sky.

Qi Zhengdao followed Wang Miao's sight and saw the starry sky on the screen.

I saw that the originally mysterious starry sky was emitting dim light.

This dark red light from the Big Bang tens of billions of years ago actually flickered slightly.

Wang Miao took off his glasses and collapsed to the ground feebly.

Qi Zhengdao was also stunned.

Originally, he thought it could be explained by hallucinations, but now, as someone from that academic organization said, the entire universe is shining for Wang Miao.

What kind of force can do this great cause?

Is there really a **** in this world?

Qi Zhengdao doesn't know, his mood at the moment is like Wang Miao in the animation.

Although it is a 2D hand-drawn picture, under the starlight, Qi Zhengdao feels that this picture is more infectious than a real person.

Wang Miao was at a loss, he could only find Shi Qiang.

Shi Qiang obviously didn’t care about the cosmic radiation or the collapse of physics. He persuaded Wang Miao with simple and easy-to-understand principles and made him understand that all the things he encountered now were to make scientists like him collapse in mind. Because they know too much, it is easier to walk into a dead end.

Wang Miao's mood was a little better, but he still had insomnia. He put on the VR helmet and returned to the three-body world.

This time, he met a man who claimed to be [Mozi], and [Mozi] even remembered Wang Miao.

He described to Wang Miao what happened during the period when Wang Miao was offline, and also mentioned the abnormal situation of the sun extinguishing and the appearance of flying stars, and insisted that he had figured out the mystery of this world.

[Mo Zi] took out the universe model he made. It was a multi-layer nested sphere. He believed that the world was in a hollow spherical shell, and the sun was actually illuminated by light from the outside through a small hole in the spherical shell. Came in and formed.

[Mo Zi] Bragging about his invention, and believing that Wang Miao's objection is unreasonable. He believes that Heng Jiyuan has arrived and persuades Wang Miao to have fun in time.

At this moment, the sun rose.

This is a huge sun that has never been seen before. In an instant, the whole earth burned.

[Mo Zi]'s cosmic model, along with himself, was also burning in the scorching heat.

[Civilization No. 141 was destroyed in the flames, and the civilization evolved to the Eastern Han level. 】

At the end of the game, the third episode is over.
