The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 102

Following Lin Xin's words, a more puzzled expression appeared on Officer Tang's face. He asked: "Officer Lin, are you so sure that this kind of underwear and underwear will be stolen in the female dormitory of XX University? "

Lin Xin shook her head at this time and said, "I'm not sure. But don't you think things are strange? Think about it. When the two murders happened, the Cai brothers appeared in the city where the murders occurred. Here. Although I can’t just say that they are the killers of the two murders, everything is such a coincidence. When these coincidences happen too suddenly, I have to doubt them."

"Officer Lin, I still don't understand..." Officer Tang frowned and said with his arms folded.

"You want to see, in Yang City, the Cai brothers also participated in the class reunion. At that time, Peng Jingchun, my former high school classmate, was killed. Now the body of the second deceased is in Long City. It was discovered in Li that when the murder occurred, the time and date were not too far from the time of the class reunion. I also think it is very likely that the murder occurred a few days before the class reunion, that is to say It happened before the Cai brothers had flown to Yangshi. So, in any case, I feel that they have no perfect alibi, which makes me feel that things are very strange." Lin Xin slowly analyzed.

"Well, even if this is the case, we have no evidence to prove that they were the murderers in this case." Officer Tang said.

"Yes, this is also the tricky part of the problem. However, the Chua brothers are the children of a poor family and do not have a car, and the younger brother of the Chua brothers has severe intellectual disability, so if they really want to do the case, they can't do it. To be so perfect, it is impossible to carry the dead into the woods or even to the banks of the river so easily, and the tactics of the crime are so neat that we have no evidence to prosecute them." Lin Xin said again.

In fact, Lin Xin had already sorted out the case and all the thoughts in her mind during her stay in Longshi these days. However, she still had no way to find out whether the Chua brothers were related to the two sexual assault cases.

The only thing she can think of is that she remembers a piece of women's underwear she found in the Cai brothers' house, so she has to turn her mind to fetishism again.

This is also her desperate move, hoping to extract some useful information from Chen Yanling's roommate Xiaoying, such as whether there have been fetishists in the female dormitory who came to steal underwear and underwear.

Lin Xin paused, and said: "Officer Tang, Cai Jiazhen, one of the Chua brothers, asked for a piece of women's underwear from Peng Jingchun in Yangshi, and he immediately gave the underwear to his brother Cai Jiaxun, so this It also prompted me to use this clue to continue reconnaissance."

Then, Lin Xin carefully recounted the clues and news obtained in Yang City to Officer Tang.

"Well, Officer Lin really makes sense. Maybe they didn't kill the two dead women directly. However, it does not rule out that they may have been involved in the two murders. Officer Lin, according to what you mean Maybe someone else killed the two dead women, but used the Cai brothers as his shield?" Officer Tang asked.

"Yes, it is absolutely possible, and this murderer should have caught the weakness of the Chua brothers, or knew him well, so he thought of using them to commit crimes." Lin Xin said coldly.

After a brief discussion between Lin Xin and Police Officer Tang, they increasingly felt that the murderer's behavior was disgusting, perverted, and shameful.

"Let's take a rest tonight, and we can confirm the identity of the deceased tomorrow morning." Officer Tang said with some sympathy when he saw Lin Xin and the others showing a tired look.

"Well, you should go back and rest soon." Lin Xin nodded and agreed. She smiled at him, then turned around and left the police station with Yang Cong and Mei Hua.


At about 4 in the morning, Lin Xin was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone. She opened her eyes quickly and took the mobile phone on the bedside. After pressing the connect button, she heard Officer Tang speaking in a low voice. : "Officer Lin, the DNA report is released. The deceased was confirmed to be Chen Yanling, a junior at XX University. Then, the police officer on duty told me that her parents had also arrived at the Public Security Bureau, alas..."

After Lin Xin heard the news, her eyes were gloomy.

She is most afraid of encountering such a scene.

After the family members of the deceased found out that the child had been murdered by someone else, the sound of crying from heaven and earth was so sad. Although she had encountered such scenes countless times, she couldn't let her feel relieved, and even more could not be "immune".

Every time she faced this kind of scene, she felt sadness in her heart. This time was no exception. She knew that when she stepped into the Public Security Bureau, that kind of gloomy scene would definitely have a certain impact on her.

However, this is inevitable. Therefore, she had to sit up straight from the bed, and then said to Mei Hua who had just sat up on the bed: "Mei Hua, we have to rush to the Public Security Bureau. The identity of the deceased has been confirmed. It's Chen Yanling, a junior in XX University. I'll go to wash first. You call Yang Cong and let him be ready. We'll have to leave in a while."

Mei Hua rubbed her eyes, and after agreeing to Lin Xin, she gave Yang Cong a call.

The three immediately changed their clothes and ran in the direction of the Public Security Bureau.

When they arrived at the Public Security Bureau and got out of the car, they heard the cry of several men and women from a distance. Lin Xin frowned and said in a low voice: "I'm most afraid of seeing this kind of scene."

"Sister Lin, me too..." Mei Hua said with a bleak expression on her face.

"Hey, no matter what, we have to face it, let's go." Yang Cong walked off the car and said to them.

As a result, the three walked into the Public Security Bureau and saw Officer Tang at a glance. I saw his tall body standing in the middle of his family, reporting this sad news to them.

Apart from crying, the family members also begged Officer Tang to find out the murderer of their daughter.

Seeing him surrounded by family members, Lin Xin walked towards the autopsy room, knowing that he could not be separated to greet herself for a while.

After seeing them, the forensic doctor sighed and said: "The deceased is really Chen Yanling. Alas, he was killed at a young age. This murderer is too ruthless..."

"How is it? Are there clues like fingerprints on the deceased?" Lin Xin interrupted him and asked.

"There are many incomplete fingerprints on her body, but none of them are complete fingerprints that we can use as the identification of the murderer. This may be due to being immersed in the river for a week." The forensic doctor simply explained.

"Well, I see. Throwing the corpse into the river is really a good way to wipe out the evidence." Lin Xin said with a frown, rubbing her chin.

Yang Cong walked over and patted the forensic doctor on the shoulder, took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, and said, "Let's go, let's smoke outside."

The forensic doctor took the cigarette that Yang Cong handed over, nodded and agreed to him. I saw him holding a cigarette to his mouth, and then followed Yang Cong to the other small door, leaving Lin Xin and Mei Hua standing at the door of the dissection room.

After a long time, they finally waited for Officer Tang, only to hear him hurriedly say: "Officer Lin, now we have confirmed that the deceased was Chen Yanling from XX University. I think it's time to go to the university for a series of inquiries."

Lin Xin quickly looked down at her watch and said, "It's still early, and the university hasn't opened yet. However, Officer Tang, can you show me the blue high heels that I salvaged from the river first? ?"

"Good." Officer Tang nodded and agreed.

Just in the early hours of last night, Officer Tang's subordinates had already taken the pair of high-heeled shoes and put them in a transparent material evidence belt.

He led them to his office, then handed the evidence bag with high heels to Lin Xin, and said, "It's these high heels."

Lin Xin held the evidence bag in her hand, took out the gloves, and then took out the high heels from the evidence bag. Lin Xin stared at her high heels carefully, and said to Mei Hua, "Give me a flashlight."

When Police Officer Tang saw her showing this weird behavior, he asked curiously: "Officer Lin, what's wrong? Anything you noticed?"

"I don't know yet." Lin Xin said as she took the flashlight from Mei Hua's hand, and then carefully took photos of the edges of the high heels.

I saw that the high-heeled shoes were very novel, but Lin Xin had no time to take care of it. She looked at the high-heeled shoes carefully and saw that they were intact on the surface. There was a discovery that was different from the previous high-heeled shoes of Peng Jingchun.

After staring for a long time, she took the high heels back into the evidence bag, then handed the flashlight to Mei Hua, raised her eyes and said to the two of them: "The high heels did not show any cracks."

"Sister Lin, does that mean..." Mei Hua paused when she said this.

With disappointment in Lin Xin's eyes, she nodded and said, "Yes, maybe the two cases were carried out by different murderers, so we can't join the cases."

"Inspector Lin, what do you mean by that?" Inspector Tang puzzled himself and asked.

Lin Xin explained everything to him at this time.

Officer Tang said "Oh", and then said: "In that case, then this murder case may have been committed by two different people."

"Well, that's probably the case." Lin Xin said with her eyes down, disappointed in her eyes.

What does this mean?

This means that the two cases are different cases, and then they must spend time tracking down the perpetrators of the two different cases. However, Lin Xin still couldn't accept this idea anyway. She was wandering outside the anatomy room, trying to find the common ground between the two cases.

She always felt that things could not be so coincidental.

The first deceased to be found was Peng Jingchun from Longshi, and the second to be found was Chen Yanling from Zhongshi, but he died in Longshi at the time of death.

Two women were victims of sexual assault. They had stayed in Longshi, and they were all tall women, and they were not very old, and they both wore high heels when they died.

Is it really that coincidence?

"Let's proceed according to the original plan. Anyway, it's still early, so let's have breakfast first, and wait until the university opens after 9 o'clock, and then talk to the president of that university. At the same time, I will let Yang Yang City Police Officer Wu continued to track the whereabouts of the others." Lin Xin suddenly raised her head and said firmly to them.