The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 53

In such a quiet conference hall, only the voice of the boy was ringing in everyone's ears. Although Leng Yu listened to the boy telling the story, he was thinking of another thing in his head.

It’s just that the thoughts that came to her mind were too terrifying, and she didn’t have enough evidence to confirm whether her conjecture was correct, so she temporarily put it aside and continued to listen to the boy’s words about herself. And everything between parents.

At this time, Liang Hanguang was immersed in the past with his parents when he was a child. He still had a warm smile on his face, and his eyes showed his attachment and affection to his parents.

However, as he spoke, he stopped again and didn't go on.

If in normal times, Police Officer Wu would not want to bother after seeing this situation. However, the difficulty of the case was far worse than imagined, so he had to ask in a low voice: "What happened later, kid?"

Liang Hanguang lowered his eyes, and after a few minutes of silence, he said again: "The smell of potion on my father didn't drive me away, but made me respect him even more, because I know his job is to save the dead. It is a scalpel, but it is a tool to save people, not a tool to kill."

When Liang Hanguang said this, tears fell again.

He just heard him choked up and said: "My father has been toiling for the sick all his life. He didn't even care about his own health. He went to the hospital day and night for what? Not to save people? But why? When he wanted to retire and rest, he encountered such a tragedy. Who on earth killed him cruelly? And my mother? She is just an ordinary kindergarten teacher, who never offended anyone during her lifetime, but Why is she even killed? What qualifications does a murderer have to take their lives?"

Liang Hanguang's cries intermittently resounded in the conference hall. Leng Yu looked at the boy crying so sad in front of her eyes, and slowly took out a pack of tissues from her trouser pocket, took out one and handed it to him.

Liang Hanguang looked up and saw Leng Yu’s face with frost, and tremblingly took the tissue from her hand, wiped the tip of his nose, and said, “In my heart, my father is a hero, and my mother is a loving mother. They worked hard for me, gave me the opportunity to study, and even made me worry about food and clothing."

In Liang Hanguang's 19 years of memory, he never knew about the sufferings in the world, and never worried about his food, clothing, shelter and transportation. His parents are like a safe haven for him. As long as he causes something in school, his mother will help him out. As long as he lacks pocket money, his father will take the pocket money out of his wallet and pass it to him, so in these 19 years, he has lived well and carefree.

However, the sudden blow at this moment suddenly hit Liang Hanrong's body mercilessly, and finally made an originally happy young man full of sadness.

He felt hesitated and felt helpless after losing his parents. Although his father left him a large inheritance, for a child who has grown up in a loving family for a long time, money cannot make up for the soul he was suddenly taken away.

"In your memory, have your parents ever quarreled?" Officer Wu asked later.

Liang Hanguang looked at Officer Wu with tears and tears, and scenes of memories of his childhood came to his mind again. In his impression, although his parents gather less and divorce more, their relationship is still very good.

So he shook his head and replied: "No, they never quarreled."

"Not once?" Officer Wu asked again.

Liang Hanguang shook his head again: "Not once."

Officer Wu gave an "um" and turned to look at Leng Yu. Seeing that she was still silent, he looked back at Liang Hanguang and asked, "Are there any other brothers and sisters in your family?"

"No, I am the only child at home." Liang Hanguang replied.

Liang Hanguang's family background is considered wealthy. Although his mother is just a kindergarten teacher, his father Liang Chengyuan is a well-known surgeon in the People’s Hospital, and his salary should not be low. Therefore, as an only child, Liang Hanguang is the baby held by his parents in the palm of his hand. He wants the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain.

Officer Wu looked at Liang Hanguang's white appearance and knew that the child had never suffered any grievances, and had never suffered.

"So, what courses did you take in the university?" Officer Wu asked.

His question seemed irrelevant, but Leng Yu, who was sitting next to him, knew what he meant by asking this sentence. He just wants to get more information about the Liang family from the child, so that the police can grasp the personality of the deceased, so that they can make the next judgment and see what clues or flaws can be found from the deceased.

"I am studying medicine." Liang Hanguang replied, with a little confidence and pride in his words.

In the eyes of the general public, doctors are still a desirable profession, especially the white coats worn on the body make people admire their profession. They always think that doctors can earn more than others, and their status will be higher than others. , And even think that only smart children can study medicine.

Liang Hanguang admired his father since he was a child, so he chose to study medicine with excuses.

However, in Officer Wu's heart, he didn't care about this, he only thought of solving the case.

"Did your father let you study medicine?" Officer Wu asked.

"No, I wanted to read it voluntarily. My father never forced me. He even feared that I would become a doctor." When Liang Hanguang said this, there was a smile on his face again.

"Oh? Why?" Officer Wu was slightly curious.

He doesn't quite understand why a father is worried about his child becoming a doctor, especially when the child has a talent for studying medicine.

"I don't know, maybe I think that if I study medicine, the pressure will be greater than others. After all, he has walked this way and knows the hardships." Liang Hanguang replied.

Officer Wu nodded and said, "Well, that's also correct."

As the two of them finished their questions and answers, the conference hall fell silent again, and Leng Yu hadn't spoken from beginning to end, even Huang Lin and Xiao Cheng, who stood behind her, felt a little strange.

They know that the boss always asks tricky questions at this time, but why does she seem so quiet today?

In fact, not only Huang Lin and others were curious, but even Police Officer Wu, who had worked with Leng Yu many times, also felt that Leng Yu was different.

If Leng Yu were not sitting beside him alive, he would have thought that the chair beside him was empty.

However, seeing that Leng Yu still did not respond to the child, Officer Wu had no choice but to say to Liang Hanguang: "Well, we are finished, if there is nothing wrong..."

Before he finished speaking, Leng Yu who was beside him suddenly intervened and asked: "Mr. Liang, has your father beat you?"

Leng Yu looked at Liang Hanguang's eyes like a dark abyss, as if he could **** people in.

When Liang Hanguang met Leng Yu's eyes, he shuddered unexpectedly, and couldn't even hear what she asked herself.

"What?" he asked blankly.

Leng Yu still showed no expression on her face, she asked again: "Did your father beat you?"

Liang Hanguang was stunned at this moment, but quickly shook his head and said, "No, he never beats me..." After a pause, he said, "I don't meet him many times. How many opportunities to get along, so he won't be willing to beat me."

"What about your mother? Did she beat you?" Leng Yu asked the same question, only this time she replaced the word'father' with'mother'.

Liang Hanguang stretched out his hand and scratched his head. He lowered his eyes and said, "My mother beat me, but that's also because I was too naughty."

Leng Yu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then how did she beat you? Is it the rattan whip? Or what?"

"She slapped me." Liang Hanguang sighed.

"Then how old were you when she slapped you?" Leng Yu asked.

Liang Hanguang tilted his head for a moment, and then said: "It's about 9 years old and 10 years old, I don't remember anymore."

"Except for that time, has she beaten you afterwards?" Leng Yu asked.

"I haven't beaten me since, just occasionally scold me a few words. My mother is a stricter person. After the time she slapped me, I didn't dare to be naughty anymore. However, my mother treated me. It's still very good, as long as I have a problem, she will quickly solve it for me." Liang Hanguang's eyes flashed his love for his mother.

"For example, what do you encounter that requires her to stand up for you?" Leng Yu asked.

"It's like when someone else's kid bullies me, my mother will solve it for me. Then, as time goes by, no one dares to bully me anymore," Liang Hanguang said.

"Or you can say the same. Over time, no children dare to play with you again?" Leng Yu asked lightly.

When Leng Yu said this question, Liang Hanguang couldn't help but feel a hint of emotion on his face. He sighed: "My mother was too protective of me, so the children were reluctant to play with me afterwards. However, that's it again. How? It’s not a serious matter that no one plays with me, because my mother will buy me a lot of toys anyway. She told me that it’s okay if no one plays with me. I still have a lot of fun toys. I’m not afraid of being alone. Then, as long as I get tired of playing, she will buy me new toys."

After Leng Yu listened, he already had a preliminary analysis of Chen Yiqin's character in his heart. So, she turned her head and said to Officer Wu: "Okay, I'm finished, do you have any other questions?"

Officer Wu smiled slightly: "I don't have any other problems."

Later, he turned his head and said to Liang Hanguang again: "This is the end of our conversation, thank you Mr. Liang for your cooperation." As he said, he got up from the chair and led him to the lounge.

When he saw Liang Hanguang entering the lounge, he told him: "If you need anything, just tell us. Your relatives will come to Yangshi early tomorrow morning, and they will take you away. And we We will continue to track down the murderer who killed your parents. If there is an emergency, we will probably get in touch with you again."

Liang Hanguang nodded and agreed, then lay down on the bed. Just after he covered the sheets, thinking that his parents would not be able to accompany him from now on, and he would live alone in the world, he couldn't help but grieve from it, crying again in a low voice.

When Officer Wu closed the door of the lounge, Leng Yu walked up to him and said to him: "Officer Wu, let's continue the meeting."

Officer Wu raised his hand and looked at his watch, and saw that it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, and he hadn't eaten dinner yet. Seeing him showing a hungry look, Leng Yu finally showed a smile on his face.

She said, "I didn't tell you to have a meeting in the conference hall. Let's go to the cafeteria for dinner."

Officer Wu laughed "haha" and agreed to her: "Okay, let's go."

When several people each took their own dinner and came to a corner of the cafeteria to sit down, Leng Yu slowly said, "I found that this woman Chen Yiqin has a tendency to abuse."

"What?!" After police officer Wu and the others listened, he couldn't help but stared at her with his eyes widened.

Leng Yu put a bite of rice into her mouth and said again: "I said, she has a tendency to abuse."

This time, the tone of her speech was full of seriousness and could not be ignored.