The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 211: Sudden bad news

"Spicy! Spicy! Give me water!"

On the table, Isa was originally eating a lot. I didn't expect to have a piece of food that Li Yalin sent to her plate, but suddenly it was a fire, and the whole person was rushing into the sky.

"Oh, Isa, why are you so careless, I use the super-grade pepper in the spicy potato, very spicy." At this time, Li Yalin’s face was surprised, but the heart was already happy. The flower.

Let you dare to step on the foot of the brother, this is a loss?

"You bastard... you are deliberate!"

Isiah, who was not so hot, drank a large glass of ice water, and then turned his eyes to Li Yalin. The expression of hate was enough to eat him.

But Li Yalin will be afraid of a proud little Loli? He can now count as passing through the south, crossing the legs on the train, and wiping the water to the widow... Hey, the last thing has never been done, but even then, the loli of the district glared at him. I won't care.

"What happened to me?" Made an innocent expression, Li Yalin said that he did not know anything and did nothing.

"I am fighting with you!"

"Who is afraid of who!"

It’s a bit of a slap in the air, but it’s a good time for Chelsea to be there. The two were finally stunned, but after this dinner, Li Yalin’s goal was to achieve her own purpose. The importance of it.

Today, Li Yalin just showed her hand and made a whole table of potato corn banquet with potatoes and corn. The three girls who ate the tongue fell quickly. If it is not really impossible to eat, I am afraid there will be no table left today.

Then, everyone also understood that it was not that there was no meat or food. It was just that the food was good or not. Compared with the dishes made of these potatoes and corn, the meat was not as important as it was supposed to be.

"I understand, I will pay more attention to this farming experiment, such a good thing. Must be popularized throughout the country!"

After a dinner. Cheyya sighed and touched her full stomach. She suddenly found her eyes seem a little too short.

It has always been thought that the Mozu is a race that can't live without meat. But did not expect. Today this table is cooked. Without a bit of meat, I still eat so sweet.

If the Mozu people can eat this kind of food in the future, is it still necessary to use the food again?

No! This kind of food must be spread all over the country! Only in this way. In order to let the people of the Mozu live a good life!

"No... this kind of thing is not so simple. It is not so much to spread to the whole country. It is good to be able to popularize our territory first."

Compared with Cherya's anxiousness, Li Yalin is posing with a calm face. The idea is good but not realistic. Don't say that the experimental field has not been developed yet. Even if the Mozu people accept this food, they need a considerable amount. the process of.

The meal has to be eaten bit by bit, and the road has to go step by step. Some things are too urgent to be frustrated.

"It’s also... I understand."

Cheeya opened her mouth, but she did not say anything after saying it. After all, Li Yalin’s remarks were not wrong. I was really anxious.

"In fact, you should not be too disappointed. I already have a good idea about this matter." Seeing the loss of Cherya, Li Yalin’s mouth is slightly raised. Since he has already participated in this matter, he naturally has a corresponding follow-up plan. And he has already discussed this matter with Xia Shi, waiting for the next concrete implementation.

"Is there already an idea?" Li Yalin's words made Cheeya look bright. Now she is very convinced of Li Yalin. If he says there is a way, there must be a way!

"Yes, you will be fine."

Li Yalin laughed, and as for this follow-up plan, naturally, it was also smoothly implemented.

The so-called follow-up plan is very simple. Since the Mozu people don't know about potatoes and corn, give them a chance to understand!

Three days after the demon weapon props store opened, a new news broke out in the blood league city, and the devil was ready to open the store!

what? Devil's Majesty opened another shop? What store do you want to open this time?

The weapon props shop under the demon king is the hottest shop in the blood league city at the present stage. Every day, countless people crowd in, trying to find the goods in the shop, and there are many businessmen outside the blood alliance city. City, admired to hope to be able to buy the boutique of the Devil's Majesty.

As a result, more and more merchants gathered in Blood League City, which indirectly promoted the consumption of Blood League City, and many merchant hawkers in the city earned a full set of money, all of which were due to the opening of Li Yalin’s shop. !

But now, under the command of the Devil, there are shops that want to open, what kind of shop will it be?

At this moment, many people are full of expectations.

“Restaurants... Is it really okay to open such a store?”

Cherie did not expect that the good idea that the Devil's Majesty had come up with was actually opening a restaurant. It was beyond her expectation. Could it be that the restaurant would allow everyone to change their meat and turn to vegetarian food? This is too exaggerated, right?

"Of course, no problem, Cherie, don't underestimate the power of eating."

Although Cheyya is not very confident, Li Yalin is in the chest, and this is the first step in his change of the habits of the Mozu!

As a local foodie, Li Yalin said that he has an obligation to promote food to the whole world! And his restaurant, you have to travel all over the world!

At that time, I used food to conquer the world... I coughed and dreamed things for a while. In short, Li Yalin’s planned restaurant is already in preparation, and he hired about thirty before the restaurant was opened for renovation. A number of middle-aged Mozu women began to train them.

Although it is said to open a restaurant, in fact, the dishes sold in Li Yalin's plan are not very difficult. Even if they are not good at cooking, they can learn it if they learn a little.

After all, Li Yalin can't stay in a world forever. The loli who call the book will also leave with Li Yalin. If he is there, then it is better to say, once he suddenly leaves, how does the restaurant open?

Prepare for the rain, Li Yalin must do all the preparations.

However, it is a pity that I did not wait for Li Yalin to teach these Mozu women. A sudden news made Li Yalin have to stop his work and return to the castle quickly!

"Chou Yuya, what the **** is going on? Is it so urgent?"

Li Yalin got the message from the castle guards. I heard that it was a big event. I immediately ran back to the castle with 100,000 hurriedly. When I returned to the castle, I saw that Ceshua and Cameron were all looking like a frown. It seems that I am waiting for myself.

This makes Li Yalin even more confused. What happened?

"The Devil's Majesty... just received the news, one of the ten nobles, Gillian Foll's family, was destroyed!" After seeing the eager Li Yalin, Cheyya finally hesitated for a while before finally opening his mouth. After knowing this news, Li Yalin was instantly staying in the same place.

"What do you say? Gillian Foll's home is destroyed? How can this be?" Li Yalin's face was unbelievable after hearing the news. The ten nobles can be said to be the strongest ten representatives of the Mozu. This is even the devil's incomparable. At least Li Yalin's strength is not to think with the ten nobles.

As a member of the ten aristocrats, Gillian Foll’s family is not as strong as the top, but at least the dead camel is bigger than the horse. How could it be suddenly destroyed?

This is too much beyond human imagination, and Li Yalin is unacceptable.

I still remember that Li Yalin had seen the messenger of Gillian Foll’s family when he was crowned. Although he was superficially respectful of Li Yalin, in fact, it was a arrogance in the words, although it was very unpleasant, but Li Yalin I also know that people have arrogant capital.

But now, all this has become empty, the Gilles Foll family has become history.

"Although I don't want to believe it, but it is true, Gillian Foll's family... is finished." Cheeya's face is not good-looking, although the ten nobility has always been against the central government headed by Blood League, but it is also true. How can the aristocrats under the Devil's Majesty be completely destroyed in the country? How can this be accepted?

But the facts are facts. Although I haven't figured out what happened, I can at least make sure that the enemies encountered by Gillian Foll's family are very powerful and strong enough to be resisted by the ten nobles.

"What the **** is going on? Tell me the detailed process." Li Yalin frowned and asked, since Cherie said that the Gillian Foll family was destroyed, there would be no problem, but the Gillian Foller He was still ignorant of how he was killed.

"I don't know much about this. After I got the news, I immediately sent someone to find the demon king." In the face of Li Yalin's inquiry, Cheeya shook her head and said that she didn't know, she just knew it. .

"Then we..."

"Don't worry, your Gilles Foll family is destroyed, but there are survivors, the cause and effect of the matter, we will ask the survivors to know."

"There is still alive, so come on."

"it is good!"

One of the ten nobles, the Gileen Fool family, located at the southern end of the true demon country, can be said to be the gateway to the whole true devil country. After crossing the territory of the Gileen Foll family, it is equal to the territory of the Mozu, officially Contact with the mainland.

This is also the reason why Li Yalin was so surprised and anxious after Gillian Foll’s family was destroyed.

One of the main responsibilities of the Gillian Foll family is to guard this portal. If they are there, it is impossible for outsiders to easily approach the Mozu. But now, the Gilles Foll family is gone. What is the border situation? Who is going to guard? What should I do if there is a foreign invasion?

To be honest, Li Yalin’s head is now very chaotic, and this news is really not the time. (To be continued.)