The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 83: 2 young Germans

The 18th century was a turbulent era. With the advancement of science and technology, the world seemed to have been pressed down, and many things that had never been thought of gradually appeared.

On July 2, 1776, following the War of Independence last year, a group of businessmen, lawyers, and farmers signed their names in a "Common Declaration of the United States of Thirteen North America." Although this document did not seem to be very important at the time, so that some signers wrote their names incorrectly on this document, but the document called the "Declaration of Independence" by later generations was eventually lost. It is remembered by countless people because it witnessed the birth of a young and great country.

The furious Britain did not stop there. At this moment, Britain is already dominating Europe, with colonies spreading all over the world, so much so that they proudly declare themselves as the "empire that the sun never sets" because their land is always covered. Under the sun, there will be no sunset at the same time.

The independence of this new country is an unforgivable thing for the British. They sent fleets and troops to destroy this "rebellion", but the French, the old rivals of the British, would naturally not let this opportunity go. When the 13 states of North America declared their independence, the French announced their recognition of the United States of America and led Spain and the Netherlands to participate in this war.

The sun never sets, the European hegemony France, the new United States of America, and a confrontation between the two most powerful European countries that surrounds half of the earth at the time has begun.

More than a decade later, the War of Independence ended with the victory of France and the United States. However, due to long-term involvement in wars in Europe and the whole world, France at that time also had serious economic problems.

The defeat of the Nine Years' War and a series of wars, large and small, burdened France at that time with a debt of up to 2 billion francs. The government continued to raise taxes to repay the debt. As a result, people’s lives have been seriously threatened. Poor families even have to spend 60%, or even 80% of their income on food, which means that they can do nothing except struggling to survive every day.

It is said that Marie Antoinette, the queen of French King Louis XVI at that time, heard the minister say that the civilians were so hungry that they couldn't even eat bread, and said puzzledly, "Then why don't they eat cake?"

However, this sentence was not said by Queen Mary, but by Louis XV's grandfather, Louis XV, the Queen Mary Leginska from Poland. However, she was dissatisfied with her own hard life and towards the royal family. The anger of the luxury life caused the French people at the time to maliciously arrange all kinds of negative rumors about the royal family and nobles, so as to slander the stupidity and ignorance of this luxury queen.

Louis XVI made a lot of efforts. He tried to reduce royal expenditures, streamline government departments, optimize the tax system... But all sorts of complicated affairs and heavy debts made this mediocre king helpless. In the end, he was helpless. Powerless...

The royal family has been disgusted by the people.

On July 13, 1789, a riot broke out.

"Go to the Bastille!"

With this slogan, the citizens of Paris, who had already controlled almost half of the city, flocked to the prison that was holding many political prisoners and symbolizing autocracy. The difficult siege was accompanied by the sound of artillery and the cheers of the people. , This prison that had been built for hundreds of years was crashed.

On the second day, King Louis XVI, who was living in the Palace of Versailles, just learned the news.

The king who had just been awakened asked the Duke: "Is it a riot?"

The Duke replied: "No, Your Majesty, this is a revolution!"

However, at this moment, Louis XVI still did not realize the seriousness of the problem. In his opinion, it was no different from the "Paris Riots" that had occurred many times in the past.

Thanks to the city’s high degree of autonomy, the citizens of Paris, who have their own administrative institutions and sit on tall walls, did not fear the King, and even drove the King out of Paris many times. Facing the thick walls of Paris, they felt a headache. The French kings in the past can only choose to besiege Paris until they run out of ammunition and food, trying to force it to surrender. Because of this, the French king was not too worried in the face of the Paris riots.

So on that day, King Louis XVI wrote a line in his diary.

"Nothing happened today."

The French Revolution shook the entire continent and stunned all the monarchs.

France, which has stretched for nearly a thousand years, started from the Carolingian dynasty, to the Cape Valois dynasty, and even the Penguin Valois dynasty of the Cape dynasty, and now the Bourbon dynasty. This is a dynasty that has lasted for thousands of years, and the blood of generations continues. Let it spread throughout Europe.

Whether it is the British king or the Russian tsar, the monarch of Shinra, the royal family of Spain, from east to west, from northern Europe to southern Europe, whether it is a grand duchy or a country, almost all European aristocrats can trace their origins all the way. Since the ancestors of the French royal family, it can be said that all European aristocrats are descendants sown by the French royal family.

However, this time, the trunk of this towering tree was brutally cut off.

The revolutionaries did not spare any royal family members. Almost all the French royal families were guillotined, and only a handful of them managed to escape.

The thousand-year-old dynasty collapsed and the thousand-year-old royal family ceased to exist, just as the sun in the sky suddenly went out one day, even if it was heard personally, it was especially dizzying, so that all the monarchs could not believe it.

The encirclement net for France thus formed.

The new revolutionary government looked precarious, but the appearance of a young man changed everything abruptly.

In the decades that followed, this country formed by revolutionaries burst out with unprecedented vitality, won five anti-French alliance victories, and conquered almost the whole of Europe. The young people who are proud of themselves are invincible. So he turned his attention to Russia in Eastern Europe...

On May 5, 1821, the emperor died on St. Helena. Only a few people noticed that his little sculpture that never left the body somehow disappeared.

The revolution was suppressed, and the nobles who had once again enjoyed power finally reassured and continued their luxurious life in the past, as they did in the past millennia. However, under the calm and calm waves, an undercurrent is surging.

Only twenty years later, in 1844, in Silesia, the Kingdom of Prussia, a group of oppressed and exploited weavers finally could not bear it and launched an angry uprising.

"Germany, we are weaving your corpse cloth,

We weave in the triple curse—

We weave, we weave!

"A heavy curse to that God,

We prayed to him when he was hungry and cold;

Our hopes and expectations are in vain,

He just fooled and deceived us—

We weave, we weave!

"A heavy curse to the king of the rich,

Our suffering cannot touch his heart,

He squeezed our last coin,

And shot us like dogs—

We weave, we weave!

"A heavy curse on the false motherland,

Only shame and sin thrive here,

The flowers here are destroyed before they bloom,

Carrion and dung live the life of maggots—

We weave, we weave!

The shuttle is flying, the loom is ringing,

We weave, in a hurry day and night—

Old German, we are weaving your corpse cloth,

We weave in the triple curse

We weave, UU read we weave!

The angry uprising did not last long. The uprising of June 2, 1844, only lasted until June 6 and was suppressed. It was insignificant throughout the world, but it affected two young people who were not yet famous.

October 7, 1847, Brussels, Belgium.

In a pub, there are only a few seats and not many guests.

Among the few guests, a young German man with a big beard and another young German man beside him sat on their seats with unfinished beer. The two kept discussing recent current affairs and talking about their recent experiences. When they were happy, they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Speaking of which, Carl, I am very interested in the kingdom of freedom and the kingdom of necessity you mentioned last time. Can you tell me more?"

Looking at his good friend who had a big beard and was drinking with a beer glass, Engels suddenly said.