The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 84: From the kingdom of freedom to the kingd

When he heard the sound, Karl Marx, who was drinking with his beer glass, thought for a while, and then said.

"From the Kingdom of Freedom to the Kingdom of Inevitability, this is something I have been thinking about in the past few years, but...there is still not enough, let me sort out my thoughts and how to explain it to you."

At the end, he pondered for a while, then put down his beer glass, stroked his beard, brewing how to explain to his good friend.

Within half a minute, he spoke.

"Engels, you know I graduated from the University of Berlin, and Hegel used to be the president of the University of Berlin."

"Yes it is."

Friedrich Engels nodded and said that in 1818, Hegel applied to the then Prussian Capital University, the Philosophy Department of the University of Berlin as a chair, and then became president of the University of Berlin in 1929, but died in 1931. And Marx studied at the Faculty of Law at the University of Berlin in 1336 when he was 18 years old, five years after Hegel’s death. However, he was deeply influenced by the old principal who died not long ago. He had a lot of research on philosophy. The field of philosophy can be described as a student of Hegel's spirit.

"Hegel is my spiritual teacher. Many of his views have a deep influence on me, such as his'absolute spirit' and'dialectical development', and the'three-stage debate'. Many of my theories have Hegel The shadow of Er, but if you want to talk about Hegel, you have to trace it back to Lao Tzu in China."


Engels could not help asking, in philosophical research, Lao Tzu is not an unfamiliar vocabulary. At this moment, Europe has gathered all kinds of books from all over the world, and the doctrines of any civilization or nation will be widely studied.

Marx nodded and continued.

"Hegel was a professor of philosophy at Heidelberg University. He gave many lectures during this period. Some people summarized them as "Lectures on the History of Philosophy". Although it only contains some of the Eastern Philosophy, it is still recorded. Hegel’s view of Lao Tzu in China. Hegel’s evaluation of Confucius is not high. He thinks that he is just a moral preacher in every nation, but he praises Lao Tzu. The three-stage debate method can be used as a reference to the explanation of "One life two, two life three". "Tao produces one, one life two, two produces three"."

"In my opinion, Hegel's'absolute spirit' has a deep trace of'Tao'. He first believed that there is a logical reality in the universe that precedes the eternal existence of nature and human society, which is the universe. The inner essence and core of all things, all things are only its outer manifestations. This description really has to make me contact Leibniz’s "On the Natural Theology of the Chinese."

"'According to [Chinese],'Li' or'Tai Chi' is the perfect one, pure good without any miscellaneous things, pure and good ontology, which constitutes the source of heaven and earth, the supreme truth.' Li' itself is not only power but not limited to itself; it also creates all things in order to communicate with others. It is the source of purity, virtue and love. Its principle is to create all things, and all good things are out of its element and nature. 'This description has something in common with the absolute spirit. But..."

With that, Marx paused, then shook his head.

"It's a pity that Hegel's national plot is too serious. It is always superior to the culture of any non-German nation, and it is too arrogant and scornful to the culture of any foreign nation. Although Hegel's evaluation of Eastern philosophy is not high, I I still think that, in his long-term experience of reading world philosophy, he has also unknowingly incorporated the arguments of Eastern philosophy in his own philosophy system."

Engels listened thoughtfully, then asked rhetorically.

"So, what does this have to do with your "realm of freedom to realm of necessity"?"

Marx couldn't help laughing.

"My theory is deeply influenced by Hegel, and'From the Kingdom of Freedom to the Kingdom of Necessity' is also a view inspired by the'absolute spirit'. In the'absolute spirit', Hegel believes that there is one in the universe. A logical spirit, whose external manifestation is the material world, then one day I suddenly realized: If we assume that'humanity' is regarded as a whole, then what is the absolute spirit of'humanity'?"

If... consider "human beings" as a whole...

Listening to these words, in a trance, Engels' consciousness became a little fuzzy, an inexplicable mechanism in his mind was activated, and the will that had been sleeping for countless years in the bloodline seemed to wake up...

At the same time, in a residential house in Europe.

In the inconspicuous corner, there is a female sculpture less than twenty centimeters high. It is an ancient sculpture that seems to have gone through many years. Although it is often wiped, it is still difficult to hide the occasional traces of rust. The pupils are empty. It seems that some gems that have been inlaid on them have been removed, but the lifelike appearance can still make people imagine the past. Heroic attitude.

And on the sculpture, there are countless mysterious runes, Christian, West African voodoo, ancient Egypt, Nordic Germanic... Whether it is Eastern or Western gods and religions, countless runes have been Engraved on this sculpture, it seems that someone is trying to suppress this small sculpture with the power of all gods.

However, with a word from a remote area, inside the sculpture...


On that heart, an eye suddenly opened, and the erect pupils were like snakes, cold and terrifying.


"Engels, the earliest human beings were free, unfettered, unconscious, knowing nothing, understanding nothing, and following the will of nature like animals. This is the kingdom of freedom."

Without realizing the silence of the good friend in front of him, Marx just filled the empty beer glass in front of him while talking casually.

"But the kingdom of freedom is not long-lasting. Human beings have gradually begun to master the knowledge of nature, creating tools, and using tools and experience to transform nature. Engels, Aristotle said,'Man is a rational animal', human beings Relying on reason to control nature, and finally using reason to consciously transform the world, this process is the "realm of necessity"."

"Engels, for example, society and law are the products of the ‘kingdom of necessity’."

"Animals don’t understand what society and law are, and the earliest humans don’t understand what society and law are. However, through constant experience and exploration, human beings have gradually realized the law of development of things and controlled it, and formulated a series of China’s laws and systems, and consciously trying to change the laws and systems to make human society better."

With that, Marx stopped, raised the full beer glass in front of him, and drank.

Engels was holding his head, as if there was a faint female voice muttering in his mind, telling her doubts, and finally Engels couldn't help but follow the female voice to ask.

"So what?"


Marx had a meal and looked at the good friend in front of him strangely. He thought his friend should be able to directly understand what he hadn't finished speaking, but he could only shook his head.

"So Engels, this is the instinct given by human beings to consciously transform the world instead of obeying nature."

"Think about it. When the law was enacted, what was it aimed at? The crimes and cases that have not yet occurred, the reform of the social system, and what is it aimed at? It is the contradictions and crises that have not yet formed. Humans are in these dangers. Before they appear, rely on their own ideals and consciously try to avoid these dangers in advance. This is something that animals driven purely by instinct do not have."

"Animals are ignorant and ignorant. They follow their instincts and do things in a dazed and ignorant way. They do not plan ahead, but humans have rationality. Humans know how to plan their futures in advance and consciously avoid dangerous futures so that they can pass through Towards a better future."

"The rise and fall of a species should have been accidental, free life, free death, free fight, free competition... Natural selection, survival of the fittest, this is the free destiny given by nature. Survival Animals have survived without knowing why they died. They are ignorant, and dead animals don’t know why they died and are ignorant."

"But human beings are different. Human beings rely on their own rationality and wisdom, through experience summaries, to consciously escape those dangerous futures, unite the same kind, avoid dangers, and no longer follow the natural selection of nature and the survival of the fittest. , And finally rely on rationality and science to transform the world. Consciously make business more prosperous, consciously make technology more developed, and consciously make civilization more escaped the **** of nature and changed the accidental future Has become an inevitable future."

With that said, Marx looked at the meditating friend in front of him and said seriously.

"Engels, this is the realm of freedom from ignorance to the realm of necessity to transform the world by reason."

"This is an era of mankind. People no longer need to obey nature blindly and ignorantly, and they no longer need to obey the gods in the dark. People can rely on their own reason and wisdom to control their own destiny."

However, what Marx can't see is...

Behind Engels, there was an invisible phantom standing, the gentle figure that should have disappeared listening quietly, his face seemed to be a little dazed.

No you need to obey God?


And somewhere far away, the erect pupils that opened above the heart, through the barrier between the sculpture and the house, stared directly at the distant sky.