The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

v6 Chapter 67: 3 options

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"Dear viewers, the latest Colosseum performance is about to begin. As a reward event, it is also a little compensation for this little storm. I declare that all your performances are free!"

Gao Tianzun quickly recovered from the state of distraction. Seeing that the audience did not seem to buy it, and still looked like he was going, he stood up and shouted, "Everyone! Please listen to me, this crisis is here. No one knows better than me. The scope of this attack is all over the universe. The scale of this attack has long been different from ordinary mortals like you. Even the elder of my universe is incomprehensible. I assure you that at this moment, the universe There is no safe place in it, you must say where is the safest. My Colosseum is probably the only place that is still safe. If you don’t believe it, you can investigate it yourself, or let me show you! "

Some of the audience started to contact the family. Sure enough, many of them could not be contacted. Even if they were contacted, it also said that there are now intruders attacking, the fighting is very fierce, etc...

Gao gbh/Tianzun also used holographic projection images to show the fierce confrontations that took place in the universe. Everyone finally understood that the scale of this war was unprecedented, and wars were happening throughout the universe. Indeed, as Gao Tianzun said, I am afraid that the only place in the universe that can be regarded as safe is here. These viewers are all cancers of the aristocratic class. They are not very interested in the life and death of the universe, and they really care about themselves.

Of course, Gao Tianzun will not protect them so kindly, but as a fan of the arena of the arena, if there is no audience in the Colosseum, what is the point of holding a show of fighting? If the universe is really going to die, Gao Tianzun will also organize a splendid gladiatorial show, smiling face to face in the gladiatorial performance.

One by one, the fireworks rose slowly, bursting bright sparks in the air, and the bright lights shone the Colosseum like a dream wonderland.

Everyone is accompanied by Gao Tianzun, ready to meet the end of the day, some people can understand this, and some are more free and easy, I can’t think of it at all, just think that there is a free gladiatorial performance to watch, this is earned, as for the universe Well, some ordinary mortals can't do anything, it's better to have fun in time.

It can't be said which side has the problem. I don't know how big the universe is like this.

Gao Tianzun had this knowledge and means, but he was timid and asked him to go to a universe he was not familiar with, to save the goddess of death that he could not fight with him. He would never go there, and he would have arranged it in the future. Well, big deal and escape to other universes.

Gao Tianzun's scepter can allow him to open the door of dimensions, allowing him to hide in other dimensions. If the infinite universe is so big, we can definitely find a suitable place to settle in.


Outside of the Colosseum, the crowd inside the starship looked at the scene of a happy New Year in front of their eyes, and even the words of the dead waiter closed their mouths...

Does the holographic projection image of Gao Tianzun appear in the sky? This holographic projection image can allow the audience to see the image of Gao Tianzun in 360 degrees without dead ends.

"It looks as if there haven't been any attacks here." Loki murmured.

In the duel field, a warrior was fighting a fatal fight with a giant monster. The stakes were already high. They all won by betting monsters. As a result, the audience was not disappointed. The soldier was stuck in the corner of the wall with a monster. Swallow the last bite into the stomach.

Gao Tianzun appeared again above the arena, introducing who was to play next, and encouraged the audience to bet boldly, anyway, the universe is at stake, it is better to gamble!

Li Kang's eyes were poisonous, and he saw the situation around Gao Tianzun at a glance, "Hurry up, what is that next to his throne?"

Tyrant responded the fastest, and after seeing that, his pupils shrank, revealing a burning anger.

Rocky also found something wrong.

The Deadpool stared closely at it for a while, "That seems to be Gao Tianzun's head, plugged into a spear, and there seems to be a ball in his mouth. Is Gao Tianzun a pervert?"

Li Kang shook his head and said, "It's not that he's abnormal, that 80% of his head belongs to Gao Tianzun, who belongs to the cancerous universe. It seems that the invaders have been defeated."

The bully nodded in a heavy mood, "Gao Tianzun has always been difficult to deal with. This guy is a cunning old dog. We have to deal with it carefully. Rocky, you must find a way to sneak in and find your brother and explain to him. Happening."

Rocky agreed to change his outfit into a handsome man in a expensive suit.

The bully turned his head and said to Li Kang and the dead waiter, "You two find a way to mix in. Try to find out where Gao Tianzun usually likes to hide the treasure. Gao Tianzun should not know the ability of the real gem, he may just think of it as It’s an ordinary treasure hidden, but be careful. Gao Tianzun is different from the stupid you have dealt with before. He is very cunning and cruel."

Deadpool pulled out his knife and danced a few sword flowers. "No matter how cruel, there is no cruelty of his deadpool grandpa. I want him to know today what is truly cruel."

The fist of the bully is pinched, and I really want to press the deadpool on the ground and hammer it fiercely, but now I have to be self-disciplined, and I cannot let my personal interest exceed the task. Whether the next action can be successful depends on The universe rises and falls.

Hegemony is not as concerned about the rise and fall of the universe as people think. He actually cares about the life and death of the universe, not to mention that it is related to the goddess of death. No one knows how much perseverance the tyrants have used before they withdraw their preparations. Fist on the face of the deadpool.

Although Deadpool likes to die, Li Kang is a clever ghost. Seeing the expression of killing a tyrant, he knows that Deadpool rushed into the lung tube of this purple sweet potato.

"Then we will start, but when will we meet?"

"This is simple, don't you have my crystal? I've given Rocky a piece, and you just wait to listen to my orders."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Me? I'm going to meet Gao Tianzun face-to-face," Heibo laughed. "That guy always wanted me to be his gladiator. He came to trouble twice and was cleaned up by me. It’s an old acquaintance, I’m going to attract his attention and help you do things.

Tripartite split action The plan is divided into three schemes of abc, the first one is scheme a, Li Kang's action is smooth, steals the real gem, and the scheme b is Li Kang's failure, Lokina While trying to find a way to rescue Thor and Hulk, they first got the real gem.

As for the last option, it is to destroy the bully to subdue Gao Tianzun and intimidate him to hand over the real gem.

To tell the truth, although the tyrants are full of confidence, he has no confidence in defeating Gao Tianzun.

The elders of the universe all have very powerful combat capabilities. They have far exceeded the lifespan of mortals. They have collected treasures scattered in the universe from the beginning of the universe. Those that happened before the birth of the universe were related to the new universe. The scattered fragments of power, even if only a few of them, have the power to be underestimated.

The last time Gao Tianzun was in the dark quadrant, Obsidian five generals were not opponents, and hegemony also used the power of death to barely repel Gao Tianzun. Now his strength is much stronger than at that time, but it must be higher. Tianzun shouted, to be honest, without that confidence.

If it must be said, the winning percentage is about 40%, which is still a gem of strength, otherwise there is no chance of 20%.