The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 200: Teacher in charge

Fei Liu and Ding Cheng, two awakeners with stealth skills, were directly taken away by a wave, instantly forming a 5 to 3 situation.

Among them, Liu Fei was the most aggrieved. He is a level 5 elite awakener with a health value of 190 points. His main equipment has been enhanced to +4 or more, which is luxurious.

However, Liu Fei was controlled when he was close, and then Bai Xiaowen increased the critical strike damage by 2.5 times, hitting the key that the eyebrow could not defend, causing more than 80 points of damage, which was immediately dropped.

Xiao Mingsheng and Yan Jun fell in frustration and were chased down by several skeleton sword shields and Xianghui.

On the contrary, Han Xu, the giant tower shield covering the left and right, resisting the attacks of angry claws and Li Shuyi. He looked dumb, but hard like a stone.

Uh ...

Li Shuyi stabbed several swords, but her own blood volume was falling. She was taken aback and said, "He has anti-trauma skills!"

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "I know."

[Anti-Injury] is Han Xu's talent ability. After being turned on, he can turn 30% of the physical attack damage (before being reduced by the defense attribute) into magical damage in return to the attacker.

Fortunately, Li Shuyi does not rely on a high amount of attack power to damage, but she uses the high-speed attack to play the magical effects of [Demonfire Jade], so the speed of her own blood loss is not fast.

Bai Xiaowen waved and said, "Leave him alone and kill the other two."

Li Shuyi nodded, abandoned Han Xu, and rushed to Yan Jun and Xiao Mingsheng not far away.

Han Xu didn't say a word. After a shock deceleration, he dedicatedly climbed up and stopped Li Shuyi.

"The victory is already clear, don't you give up?" Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. After losing Liu Fei and Ding Cheng, Han Xu's side did not have enough output.

However, when seeing Han Xuyan's face, Bai Xiaowen felt that he said it for nothing. With a wave of his hand, a blue light flashing spell hit Han Xu, turning him into a prison to trap him.

Charm Switch-Imprison Charm.

Li Shuyi and Angry Claws bypassed Han Xu, joined with teammates such as Xiang Hui and Skeleton Sword Shield, and besieged Xiao Mingsheng. Chen Guowei and Feng Ziang also provided remote support.

A group of skeleton sword shields surrounded Xiao Mingsheng with no room for dodging at all.

The angry claws are rising from the sky, and a layer of blood covers the surface of the allies, maximizing the output.

Yan Jun fell first, was teleported out, and Xiao Mingsheng's blood volume quickly bottomed out.

As soon as Han Xu's imprisonment time was over, he immediately used the aid skills and smashed the skeleton sword shield hands. The tower shield was raised again to protect Xiao Mingsheng behind him.

This spirit of protection is exactly what a tank-type awakener needs. However, the general situation is over. Han Xu's efforts have only been delayed for more than ten seconds. Xiao Mingsheng is still under siege by various parties to continuously reduce his life value, eventually falling down and teleporting out.


As Han Xu fell, the battle was over.

In the rest hall, other awakening people who registered for the competition, including the cheerleaders, were all dazzled.

Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling, and the sound of high heels stepping on the floor, a capable beautiful woman with red broken hair walked into the rest hall, and at a glance saw the actual battle situation on the large LCD screen. However, the battle just ended, and the large LCD screen soon became completely dark.

"What are you looking at?"

A cheerleader girl looked at the sound and quickly stood up: "Ms. Yan ..."

The person who came was Yan Xiaoxin, and she nodded slightly: "Well, what happened to the battle just played on the screen? I seem to see Bai Xiaowen."

"It's Bai Xiaowen's team, and Liu Fei's team is playing against each other. The real killing mode is so good."

"Bai Xiaowen ... and Liu Fei? How could they fight?" Yan Xiaoxin was a little weird. "Still team fight? Who are the two teams participating in?"

Wu Yuan came over and told the situation to Yan Xiaoxin.

When he first watched the battle, Wu Yuan was very complicated. Somehow, he faintly hoped that Bai Xiaowen lost the game.

But things went against expectations. Although Bai Xiaowen's team was very weak, Chen Guowei, Xiang Hui, and others not only had their ranks suppressed, but their fighting abilities were not dominant, but with Bai Xiaowen's strength, they controlled the entire battlefield.

Each time the Skull and Sword Shield blocked and made a siege, the protection of Xiang Hui and Li Shuyi was just right, and it would cause a burst of exclamation in the rest hall.

One heart, three uses, one heart and four uses ... Bai Xiaowenqiang is not like a summoner, all his summoned creatures are like souls with self, and can play the role of being close to the awakening of the same level!

Every time he whispered, it was like adding a straw to Wu Yuan's heart, giving him an inexplicable blockage.

The most important thing is the wave of team battles. When the five-man big move split his head and covered his face and smashed into Bai Xiaowen, Wu Yuan had an inexplicably loose heart.

But what followed was Bai Xiaowen's merciless counterattack. When Liu Fei and Ding Cheng were out of the school team ~ ~ Wu Yuan's jealousy of Bai Xiaowen originally disappeared. In its place is awe.

Jealousy arises when the status of the two parties is not much different.

Awe comes from the huge gap beyond reach.

Now Wu Yuan just has some regrets. He should have accepted Bai Xiaowen's invitation ... Feng Ziang, who filled the pit, did not do much, so he added an insignificant shield.

In front of everyone in the rest hall, Wu Yuan told Yan Xiaoxin that the situation was more objective. He also tried to tell the truth about the process of the conflict between Bai Xiaowen and Liu Fei.

A freshman whispered, "Isn't Mr. Yan the counselor of our freshman class 1? Why did he come to the school team base?"

A beautiful cheerleader schoolgirl laughed softly: "Taking you freshman in class 1 is just part-time job of Teacher Yan. She is the teacher in charge of the school team."

On the other side, Yan Xiaoxin frowned after listening to Wu Yuan's statement.

Wu Yuan felt cold for a while, he felt it now, and Yan Xiaoxin was terrible when he was angry. He winced, and sat obediently in his seat.

It was finished anyway, Yan Xiaoxin quickly adjusted his emotions and waited patiently.

Team Bai Xiaowen and Team Liu Fei followed Zhao Yuting and left the psionic training ground in the center of the base and returned to the rest hall.

Liu Fei's face was a little pale, with his head bowed all the time, but he had an unwilling look on his face. Behind him, Xiao Mingsheng, Yan Jun and Ding Cheng were all lost. The main force of the school team was defeated by a temporary patch-up, a freshman team mainly composed of freshmen, which was simply a shame.

"Liu Fei, and Zhao Yuting, come here." Yan Xiaoxin sounded a little cold.

Liu Fei was startled and looked up suddenly: "Mr. Yan, Mr. Yan?"