The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 201: What must be changed (two in one)

Unlike the downcast team of Liu Fei, Bai Xiaowen's four teammates were all smiling with excitement, and Chen Guowei's mouth was grinning.

Watching Liu Fei and Zhao Yuting follow Yan Xiaoxin to the corridor outside the rest hall, Chen Guowei whispered: "It seems they are going to be trained."

"Of course, Mr. Yan is the head of the school team." Feng Ziang said.

Wu Yuan and several freshmen have a little embarrassment. However, they came together.

"Student Bai Xiaowen, congratulations, you can't even imagine the school team," Wu Yuan said with emotion.

"It's nothing." Bai Xiaowen smiled.

"Let a let, let a let."

原 Wu Yuan also wanted to say a few words to explain the behavior of refusing Bai Xiaowen's invitation to the team. Suddenly there were a few people crowded around him. It was the cheerleaders of the Jinghai University team.

A variety of perfume smells poured into the nose. In summer, the cheerleaders were dressed very cool, with short-sleeved hot pants, exposing white legs.

"Student, you are so good, you can win the school team."

"I can't believe you are a freshman."

"We finally have hope for the aa league of Jinghai University."

"Who won't let you into the school team, we won't agree!"

For a while, Yingying Yanyan surrounded Bai Xiaowen and several other people. Of course, their main goal was Bai Xiaowen. After all, the discerning person just can see that it is Bai Xiaowen who has stabilized the battlefield situation and staged a key counter-attack, relying on the tyrannical outlook and multi-tasking ability, and the team has won.

Wu Yuan and several other freshmen were crowded aside, and they were embarrassed to be crowded with the cheerleaders měin 仅仅 是, who were just ordinary people. They could only look at it with envy, and the popular Bai Xiaowen and others.

小 A small note was stuffed into Bai Xiaowen's hand, and a hot měinǚsister was shot. She blinked at Bai Xiaowen: "We are all surnamed Bai, this is our family, very destined. Above is my diànhuà ..."

The other cheerleaders měinǚ were very upset, and said with a smile:

"Sister Yanni, you started too fast."

就是 "That's too much."

"No way, who made Sister Yanni the captain."

淑 Li Shuyi coughed, and her face was upset. A few měinǚxue sisters have long seen that her relationship with Bai Xiaowen is not ordinary, but they do n’t care so much. They are not married anyway. Besides, in the context of the psionic age, the inherent concept of a carrot and a pit is no longer popular Already.

"School girls are also very beautiful, the teamfight just now is very eye-catching."

"Except Xiaowen, the most amazing thing is you, looks good."

I have to say that these cheerleaders měinǚ have a strong psychological quality, a thick face, and a compliment, which makes Li Shuyi angry or not. She can only lower her head and speak with a small face.

Bai Xiaowen smiled, reached out and held Li Shuyi's small hand, and said:

"Ms. Yan is the person in charge of the school team? Then she probably wants to talk to me, maybe Liu Fei will be my turn after training."

Wu Xianghui nodded slightly: "Both sides played 50 boards each, and the balance of the dominant technique."

"We obviously won." Chen Guowei said.

"It's not a matter of winning or losing," Bai Xiaowen said. "Our challenge caused Liu Fei to lose their faces. In the view of Mr. Yan, it is tantamount to creating a discord between the school team ... In the army, recruits join the army, Relying on the practice of martial arts, the squad leader was laid down. What do you think will happen? "

Chen Guowei froze: "Grandma, this is going to leave a bad impression on Mr. Yan."

Uh ...

Outside the rest hall, in a small office tens of meters away.

"Say, what's going on today?" Yan Xiaoxin expressionless.

Zhao Yuting bowed her head and did not speak.

Liu Fei said: "I do n’t know what Bai Xiaowen is crazy about. In the normal process of recruiting new huódòng, he jumped out and smashed the field, provoked me and asked for a team fight. I ca n’t help but take this ... Shi Yuting watched all the way, she could testify. "

"Is that so?" Yan Xiaoxin glanced at Zhao Yuting.

Zhao Yuting seemed to be in a daze, only to return to her mind when Yan Xiaoxin asked again, and said blankly: "What?"

Yan Yan Xiaoxin frowned:

"I did n’t ask much about how this battle was fought. However, I heard that the school team you host recruited new people and directly occupied the main positions, leaving only five substitutes? Do you think, Should Bai Xiaowen be used as a substitute? "

Liu Fei jumped in his heart and quickly explained: "I am also a good intention. After all, Bai Xiaowen is a calling professional, notoriously difficult to cooperate. I plan to let Bai Xiaowen enter the school team's bench first, run in for some time, and adapt to the rhythm of team battle After that, it will be absorbed into the main team ... "

Yan Yan Xiaoxin interrupted him.

"Before the start of recruiting, I told you to set up a school team with Bai Xiaowen as the core. After a week or two, after he became familiar with the situation, he gave the captain the armband directly ... This is not only what I mean, but also What does coaching mean! Why, if coaching me and you, all of you are acting like a whistle? "

飞 Liu Fei's heart was sore, and a feeling of jealousy came to her heart.

He would like to come to a sentence: Isn't it just a hero profession?

However, just the defeat, but he did not say the confidence of this sentence.

Yan Yan Xiaoxin knew very well what Liu Fei was thinking of breaking her instructions.

For one thing, Liu Fei is in his senior year this year. As the main force of the veteran school team, he will have to take orders from a newcomer in the future, and he will definitely be uncomfortable psychologically.

Secondly, the giant gods guild that Liu Fei signed is also about to face the issue of contract replacement. He wants to make his resume look better. The title of the captain of a Jinghai University team has some weight.

Based on these two reasons, Liu Fei intends to 抻 抻 抻 白 Bai Xiaowen, first let the freshman stay in the bench for a period of time, while wearing the captain's armband, then pull Bai Xiaowen into the main team ...

Actually, it is still not clear to Yan Xiaoxin that Liu Fei did this for some personal reasons, that is, Zhao Yuting.

Seeing Zhao Yuting's loss of soul, Liu Fei felt very unhappy. He has been pursuing Zhao Yuting, but Zhao Yuting didn't care about him very much, and he has always enjoyed his various attentiveness, but the relationship between the two has not made much progress.

飞 When he saw Bai Xiaowen's application for joining the team, Liu Fei felt a crisis.

He usually has a somewhat handsome Bai Jing appearance, before Bai Xiaowen looks like a star pictorial, just like the gap between Pan x Jiang and Yao x Ming, he can only hit the opponent's knee when he jumps up ...

Although Bai Xiaowen already has a girlfriend, Liu Fei still has a sense of crisis and does not want to give Bai Xiaowen the stars Xingyue the same treatment.

Therefore, it is reasonable to disobey Yan Xiaoxin's instructions-as long as Bai Xiaowen honestly became a substitute through the hiccup, and there is no complaint, Liu Fei's role as captain will basically be settled. Fei can move out of a set of rhetoric to fool Yan Xiaoxin and the school.

Only, Liu Fei didn't expect that Bai Xiaowen's attitude was so tough, he didn't give him room to play at all, directly smashed the rules set by him, and challenged him!

At that time, Liu Fei didn't really want to take up this challenge. In a fight, it was bound to alarm the school and he would also be reprimanded.

However, Zhao Yuting left him no way back, and when Liu Fei heard Bai Xiaowen bet "not joining the school team", he was still a little ecstatic-this was a good opportunity to weaken Bai Xiaowen's potential prestige.

Defeated Bai Xiaowen, and then said with leniency that he would never blame it. Let Bai Xiaowen continue to participate in the bench trials ... Well, this is the maturity of the senior senior. This is the style of the captain of the school team. At that time, even if Bai Xiaowen eventually joined the school team, the hero's professional face would be lost.

As for losing, Liu Fei didn't think he would lose under normal circumstances. Even if Bai Xiaowen had any one-time high-power props, he was fortunate to defeat him, he could secretly incite his team members, saying that Bai Xiaowen was invincible, and demanded that the war be resumed.

But who can think of, Bai Xiao wénpíng carrying his own ability, with four miscellaneous army, he just cut off the main team of the five school team that Liu Fei settled down, and none of them was damaged. Zero-for-five, this result also illustrates the strength of the hero profession.

Of course, from the perspective of Liu Fei, he can't see this. He just felt that he had lost an injustice, and the five of them had found a chance to besiege Bai Xiaowen. All of them were brought under control. His whole ability failed to show up in Chengdu.

This is Liu Fei's inner thoughts.

"It's like this now, you've lost the face of Jinghai University team! What can you do?"

Yan Yan Xiaoxin was very angry. If the school team won, it would be okay to say, but they lost ... It was picked by a mixed army of four freshmen plus one junior!

This also confirms the weakness of Jinghai University team from the side.

"Mr. Yan, I ..."

飞 Liu Fei was a little scared. He didn't want to leave the school team.

I am about to graduate this year, the key school year of senior year, if there is no bright performance, the contract change at the Titan Guild, I am afraid it will not go smoothly. Moreover, leaving the school team means losing the opportunity near the water platform. Zhao Yuting is the leader of the school team ...

Seeing that Liu Fei couldn't even say a decent word, Yan Xiaoxin exhaled: "Go back."

Yan Yan Xiaoxin stepped on her heels to the rest hall, Liu Fei and Zhao Yuting followed, with different looks. Liu Fei was upset, and Zhao Yuting was a little dazed.

When she saw Yan Xiaoxin coming in, the cheerleaders měinǚ Xue Xue, who were around Bai Xiaowen, were like "spooked sparrows" and spread out.

Everyone was holding curious speculative eyes, watching Yan Xiaoxin's every move.

In the end, is it a unilateral rebuke, or are they playing 50 boards each to balance the contradictions within the team? Yan Xiaoxin's attitude is key.

"Student Bai Xiaowen, you have a problem with me today." Yan Xiaoxin froze the red hair that was dyed, and had some headaches.

Bai Xiaowen hesitated: "Mr. Yan, don't say that, some of our freshmen are just joking with the seniors of the school team ... Well, we will not participate in the school team, and we will not pass out today. Hope Liu Fei Come on, get good results in the league. "

Go to your non-exodus! With so many eyes watching, can some of you not cover it and cover it up?

Besides, Jinghai University's school team is weak to this ghost, and let Liu Fei lead the team, what can you do? Even the qualifications of the aa league may not be guaranteed!

Seeing Bai Xiaowen's attitude towards picking people off, Yan Xiaoxin even got a headache. Originally I wanted to beat Bai Xiaowen's stab, but now it seems that the tofu has really fallen into the dust, and it can't be blown or beaten ...

"Before the school team recruited new staff, the coach and I agreed that you should build a team with you as the core ..."

Yan Xiaoxin can only express his attitude clearly, "So, it is necessary to absorb you into the main force of the school team. It may be that when I communicated with Liu Fei, what I said was not very clear, which led to Liu Fei's understanding. Deviations will make you compete for the bench. However, our school took great efforts to invite the first-time college entrance examination champion, and put it in any school, it is the main force of the school team who refuses to let it go. "

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "Thank you Teacher Yan and the school for your attention." Chen Guowei and Xiang Hui, both of them, gave him a thumbs up secretly. From the change of Yan Xiaoxin's tone, the board on their side can be saved ~ www ~ So ah, you ca n’t pick me up and say what ’s not good for the school team, ”Yan Xiaoxin patted Bai Xiaowen ’s shoulder,“ I just talked to Liu Fei just now, he ’s actually some Well, I want you to run in the bench for a while and then join the main team. "

飞 Liu Fei's thoughts can be seen by the discerning person, and Bai Xiaowen declined to comment. It is obvious that Yan Xiaoxin wants to make peace and bridge the internal cracks in the school team, and he will not disrespectfully dismantle the stage.

"Do you think, if you let the team ... can the school team improve?" Yan Xiaoxin asked.

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "It's not a question of who leads the team, but it's time for the school team to change. If it offends people, then we join our team's assistant Feng Ziang, who is very good. I don't think he is worse than the main support of the school team. But he didn't even mix the bench, so I think that the problem of our school team is quite big. "

原 Wu Yuan heard the envy secretly, just now that Bai Xiaowen's team was short of one, Feng Ziang took the risk of offending the main force of the school team, and took the initiative to stand out, and now he was rewarded.

Xiao Xiaoming's face darkened, but for the loser, everything he said was an excuse. He could only lower his head and not speak.

"Yes, the school team must change." Yan Xiaoxin was touched by Bai Xiaowen's words.

"Bai Xiaowen, I now formally inform you on behalf of the school that I will absorb you into the Jinghai University team and appoint you as the captain. You have 100% authority to organize a ten-member list of the school team!" Yan Xiaoxin made up his mind, "Including who is the main force, It's up to you, the captain, who makes the bench. I'd like to know, how would you choose? "