The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 205: Deterrence upgrade

The five men met again in the gladiatorial arena that had fought before.

"Captain, quickly call out all your skeleton soldiers as targets for me." Chen Guowei rubbed his hands, hehe laughed.

"Don't feel that the training mode is very easy. You must go all out to get the best results." Xianghui seems to have some experience. "If you hold a playful mentality and do not treat the opponent as an enemy, you will increase your proficiency. very slow."

"Ah?" Chen Guowei said to God, "How can we fight, if we go all out, we will tie the three together, I'm afraid we won't win the captain, not to mention the grandmother Feng Ziang."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "Going all out is just an attitude in battle, I don't have to call out all the summoned creatures. Now assign them, Xianghui, which summoned creature do you want to practice with?"

Xiang Hui said, "Claws of anger." As soon as he got up, he picked the strongest, and it really was Xiang Hui's style.

Li Shuyi hesitated. She belongs to the type of very strong attack but poor defense.

Bai Xiaowen made a choice for her and laughed: "My spell switching skills can summon two straw monsters. Although the attack power is low, but the health value is not low, I will use it to train you. If you feel that the pressure is not enough Big, I will assign the Shadow Assassin to come over. "

Li Shuyi nodded.

As soon as Bai Xiaowen raised his hand, all the summoned creatures appeared on the field.

Two straw monsters attacked Li Shuyi. Angry Claw's intelligence is high, and he is a little confused as to why the opponent is Xiang Hui. However, Bai Xiaowen quickly issued an order through the spiritual link, this is a practical exercise, no need to worry, attack with all your strength!

Wrath of angry claws, rushed to Xianghui. He handed out his swords to Xianghui, but was flew by the angry claw pia, and took several steps back.

"After all, Angry Claw is a leader template, and its basic attributes are very powerful. It is impossible to fight against him." Bai Xiaowen said.

Xiang Hui nodded and changed the fighting style to dodge.

In such confrontation, Xianghui's fighting and sword skills, and Bai Xiaowen's "summoning of angry claws" skills are slowly growing at an invisible speed.

On the other side, Li Shuyi's confrontation with the Straw Demon Soldier has already gained the upper hand. Li Shuyi's attack speed became faster and faster, the basic attributes of the two straw monster soldiers were too poor, and Bai Xiaowen's level 5 fighting skills could not be used at all, and his health was quickly cut by half.

Feng Ziang's light condensed in his hand, and one of the straw monster soldiers put a [Mantra: Shield], and then lost the other one [to treat minor injuries]. Bai Xiaowen then adjusted the shadow assassin to participate in the attack and temporarily stabilized the situation.

"Three times the speed of recovery of mental strength, it really is very comfortable." Feng Ziang sighed. Only in the training field can rules be set like this.

"What about me?" Chen Guowei said, he couldn't wait.

"What aspect do you want to practice, against enemies of the melee type, or long-range type?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"Just remote!" Chen Guowei thought of a skeleton knife and shield with Xianghui, and made Xiao Mingsheng's life unmanageable. In comparison, Bai Xiaowen's skeleton mage can bully it, and there are pillars in the arena to check the perspective.

Bai Xiaowen nodded, and the skeleton mage rolled a lightning bolt and threw it.

Chen Guowei opened his bow with an arrow and started firing. When bullying the skeleton mage couldn't move when he read the note, he shot two arrows, then looked at the lightning ball flying over and yelled, "I hide!" He leaned quickly behind the pillar.

However, under the control of Bai Xiaowen's level 5 meditation, the lightning ball turned a coquettish arc and hit Dou Chen with a bang, his hair suddenly stood up.

"It hurts!"

Chen Guowei yelled, and a lightning bolt threw him close to forty health, which was a pain in the bone marrow.

"Captain, can't you put in water?"

"Serious, don't hurry to take advantage of the skeleton mage's lightning throw to cool down and grab blood from him?" Bai Xiaowen controlled the skeleton mage to move while reprimanding Chen Guowei, "You just had a very bad reaction. Wait until the spell is released before hiding. Don't want to think about which mage does not have a meditation skill? You should dodge the pillars when the spell reading is about to end, so that the skills of the skeleton mage will lose the target! "

Chen Guowei quickly followed suit and seized the opportunity to grab the blood and attack. However, the skeleton mage as an elite template is really not agile. Under the control of Bai Xiaowen, the snake skin is distorted and called a coquettishness. Chen Guowei's ten arrows missed seven or eight arrows.

"Foreseeing the shooting, we need to be aware of the trend of the opponent's footsteps moving ..." Bai Xiaowen's shooting expertise also has 3 levels under the blessing of the strongest academic hegemony, and he also has the experience of shooting.

Chen Guowei was crying again and again. He did not hide in the second lightning throw and was charged with electricity. However, during such actual combat, his advanced shooting skills also slowly increased.

Bai Xiaowen's ability to be distracted and multi-purpose is once again manifested. The spirit covers three battlefields at the same time, gives instructions to different summoned creatures, and can also achieve fine orders.

Xiang Hui, Li Shuyi and Chen Guowei gradually fumbled into the doorway, feeling that the pressure was not as great as it was at the beginning.

However, Bai Xiaowen would not make them so easy and used [Deterrence] directly.

The three of them moved into a state of fear, and each awakened after taking an attack.

"Lao Bai, you're a bit too much!" Chen Guowei was re-charged once again, and his life was running low.

Bai Xiaowen laughed and said, "I have to practice it too. Alas, the three-speed mental power recovery is really powerful. My deterrent skills will be stuck on the CD and come every 4 minutes and 45 seconds. You should be mentally prepared."

Xianghui felt the gap again. Angry claws have been useless. He only used the small skills of bite and laceration to fight him. He can only barely fight, but the speed of his health is still falling. Faster than Angry Claw.

Chen Guowei waved his hands again and again: "No, I have to go on a truce, truce ... Once another strike, I'm going to die."

Xiang Hui and Chen Guowei temporarily rested, Bai Xiaowen stopped attacking, and in the resting state, their health values ​​were slowly rising. Feng Ziang also took the time to help the two to heal, but it will not increase the proficiency of treating hostile targets in a non-combat state.

It didn't take long for the two to return to their state and start fighting again, just like this cycle again and again.

Bai Xiaowen's deterrence skills finally rose to level 2. With the blessing of the strongest academic bully, he had a level 3 and the cooling time was reduced to 4 minutes and 30 seconds ~ ~ After the hours of training time passed, everyone was forced to quit Space A-03.

"How does it feel?" Bai Xiaowen watched his skill level of [Spell Run Switch] and [Summon Wrath Claw] grow and felt very happy.

"Exhausted." Chen Guowei panted. Consumption of physical energy is one aspect, but many times the health value is hit the bottom of the valley, the pain will also cause mental fatigue.

"The harvest is not small," Xiang Hui said, "my two combat skills are about to upgrade, and my proficiency has also increased a lot."

Xianghui has been practicing with the strongest angry claws, and the speed of progress will also increase.

Li Shuyi is also very good at dealing with three summoned creatures at the same time, and Feng Ziang is almost stuck on the CD (cooling time) to release his skills when he recovers his mental power at 3 times, and also increases a lot of proficiency.

In the end, five people unanimously determined that the psionic training ground is a treasure, but it is not advisable to practice more. It is almost three or four hours a day.

"How is time allocated?" Xianghui asked.

"In fact, the time is very generous. Just 10 hours from 8 am to 6 pm is enough for school team members," Bai Xiaowen said, "whether it is the main team member or a substitute member, every morning at 8 o'clock. By 6 o'clock in the evening, there is a personal quota of 1 hour, which can be freely combined, and the personal quotas can be superimposed. For example, if we combine five people, we can use up to 5 hours. "

Bai Xiaowen paused and continued: "As for the night, it doesn't count on time. It comes on a first come first served basis."

Chen Guowei added: "The captain has priority, this one must be added." He is quite a chicken thief, anyway, he is practicing with Bai Xiaowen, and Bai Xiaowen's priority means that he has priority.