The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 265

In short, the risks and challenges of this operation coexist.

However, as far as Bones is concerned, she is indeed a sure winner.

Because this is just the beginning of the whole plan-to stun the snake.

Item 0352

The Aurors' surprise attack not only caused Fudge to lose support, but also greatly weakened Voldemort.

Although the Death Eaters are scary, their scary thing is that they always act collectively and are fearless.

When Death Eaters wearing hoods and masks gather together, they can cause a terrible riot in the wizarding world, and the Aurors are often intimidated when facing them.

Because the Aurors must take into account the safety of civilians, be careful not to reveal the secrets of magic in front of Muggles, and be careful not to cause too much property damage during the operation.

However, the Death Eaters are just the opposite, they don't need to care about anything.

They can cause destruction and destruction as much as possible, without considering any confidentiality issues, and even threatening the Ministry of Magic with Muggles and wizard civilians as hostages is not impossible.

However, last night, their advantage could not be used at all.

Before Voldemort truly grasps the overall situation of the wizarding world, all Death Eaters still need to hide their identities under normal circumstances.

Even with Fudge, the mediocre Minister of Magic, these Death Eaters still cannot blatantly reveal their identity as Death Eaters—as long as they are not caught on the spot, but are suspected of being Death Eaters, Fudge is there, they There is still room for maneuver.

Anyway, Fudge was quite terrified of the Dark Lord and refused to admit his return. Under this circumstance, he would never admit the identity of these Death Eaters unless there is hard evidence.

However, last night, all of this became the shackles that bound the Death Eaters themselves.

Because they are with family members, the Death Eaters dare not reveal their identity—because they have no way to defeat the Aurors. If they reveal their identity without authorization, then their family will have the Death Eaters harboured. For the crimes, there is even no doubt that they will be made into Death Eaters' comrades. At that time, Burns will have an excuse to throw them into Azkaban.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated the determination of Bones and the Aurors.

They are not as intimidated as they used to be.

On the contrary, this time it was their actions without any scruples, and they just wiped out several families in one fell swoop.

At this time, the Death Eater's side could be regarded as a heavy loss.

These families are the main force supporting Voldemort.

Like all terrorists or rebels, even the actions of Voldemort and the Death Eaters still need human and financial support.

And Voldemort's supporters are these pure-blood families.

These pure-blood families not only provided many subordinates for Voldemort, but also provided countless wealth for Voldemort's actions. These wealth came from the accumulation of generations of pure-blood families.

Although the past was brilliant, these pure-blood families are gradually declining. Their magic monopoly and talent advantages have gradually ceased to function under the gradually expanding population advantage of half-blood wizards and the continuous progress of various magic schools.

Especially in the past 100 years, these families have lost their power in the past at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Grindelwald back then, Voldemort now is the hope for the rise of these pure-blood families.

As a result, on these two Dark Lords, they cast heavy bets one after another.

They not only provide wealth and manpower for the Dark Lord, but also use the network of connections they have established over the years, which are intertwined in the wizarding world, to provide information to the Dark Lord, provide power and convenience, communicate with the party, and unite...

Before the Aurors were determined to act, Voldemort had been secretly contacting his past subordinates and those who had the potential to become Death Eaters with the help of these families to increase his power.

At the same time, Voldemort also dispatched personnel to contact horsemen, giants and other magical creatures, and even got on line with Azkaban's dementors.

When Voldemort thought that he had assembled enough power, he would officially start a confrontation with the Ministry of Magic.

On the one hand, he will contain the power of the Ministry of Magic through constant terrorist actions, leaving them exhausted and unable to look around.

On the other hand, after the Ministry of Magic reveals a flaw, he will use the Imperius Curse to launch a strategy against the Ministry, gradually infiltrate the entire Ministry, and then expand the rule of the entire British wizarding world.

This is the action strategy that Voldemort formulated after he suffered a big loss fourteen years ago.

Even the Dark Lord, after experiencing a failure, realized the mistakes of the past.

As arrogant as him, it is indeed very rare to be able to formulate such a well-accumulated plan now.

Originally, he planned to spend a year to accumulate his strength.

However, last night, the Aurors' surprise attack disrupted his plans.

Now, most of his forces have been wiped out.

Not only was the right-hand man headed by Lucius Malfoy almost all captured into Azkaban, even their family members were also captured.

This means that Voldemort has lost its reserve force, lost most of the source of intelligence, source of wealth, and lost many of the internal responses of the Ministry of Magic...

Basically, the organization of the Death Eaters can be regarded as abolished.

Now, Voldemort can only call his subordinates only a few small families, including some scattered wizards including Peter Pettigrew, and werewolves headed by Fenrir Greyback.

Moreover, due to the main power: the pure-blood family was almost completely arrested, and most of the sources of intelligence and social relations were lost, Voldemort could not even recover the wizard secretly and increase his strength.

At this moment, Voldemort, who was furious, could no longer remain low-key and silent.

He decided to make a desperate move, abandon the original plan, and immediately shot.

The most urgent task, of course, is to rescue these comrades from Azkaban.

To this end, he even violated his previous concept and made great sacrifices.

In order to gather power faster, he speeded up the pace of recruiting giants and horsemen, and even gave up many benefits in order to get them into his own command as soon as possible.

You know, as a pureblood, Voldemort is also a staunch supporter of wizarding supremacy. He regards friendly and submissive behavior to magical creatures as a great shame.

However, now, he has to do things that humiliated him in the past.

In addition to the humiliation, Voldemort cast his hatred on Burns.

It was this person who caused him to be so insulted.

He vowed that after taking control of the Ministry of Magic, he must torture and kill Bones's family, just as he did to her brother's family.

But now, he can't do this yet, he has to do something to divert the wizards' attention.

However, the current Death Eaters are no better than before. They want to divert the attention of the Ministry of Magic and transfer their power. With the current Death Eaters, it is very likely that they will lose their wife and break down.

Fortunately, the evil Voldemort still has a way.

In the case of insufficient power to create a terrorist attack, is there any way to contain more manpower in the Ministry of Magic with the least force than to start a Muggle?

Item 0353