The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 266

It was another sunny morning.

In the hall of Hogwarts, the little wizards were enjoying their breakfast as usual.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere in the little wizard is not very pleasant.

On Slytherin’s seat, Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crab, Gregory Gore, Theodore Knott and other little wizards glared at Harry Potter. In their minds, ha Lee is the culprit who caused their parents and relatives to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

This state has been going on for more than a week, and they have become a joke at Hogwarts. Even the little wizards who were Slytherin were unwilling to approach them, for fear of being regarded as Voldemort's comrades.

However, even if Slytherin had a bad luck, the Gryffindor cubs who were supposed to gloat, their faces at this time were not happy.

Do not.

Rather, everyone seemed worried.

Everything stems from the recent changes in the wizarding world.

Although a few months ago, Dumbledore and Bones had announced the facts of Voldemort's resurrection, and spent a lot of money to arrange newspapers for publicity, but there are still many wizards with ostrich-like fluke mentality that are unwilling to believe it.

Since Voldemort was not ready to take the initiative at the time, and the Death Eaters were not very active, these people seemed to have found great evidence and refused to believe in Voldemort's return.

Moreover, under the instigation of the Fudge faction, some of them suggested that the purpose of Bones and Dumbledore was to seize more power by creating panic.

Such rumors have always been there, and there is no shortage of markets until a week ago.

The Death Eaters, who had been restrained, finally couldn't stand it after the Aurors' raid.

Under Voldemort's orders, they retaliated through terrorist acts.

Of course, now that they are insufficiently powerful, they cannot commit terrorist attacks on wizards by themselves. The Ministry of Magic's monitoring and protection level of wizard settlements is not low.

Their target is Muggles.

For a whole week, accidents and disasters of varying scales occurred across the UK.

Eight days ago, at Walberswick Beach in Suffolk, a huge wave suddenly engulfed hundreds of tourists on the beach, among which almost 100 were accidentally drowned.

One morning seven days ago, in the narrow Huddersfield Canal in Yorkshire, a tunnel collapsed suddenly, burying two unprepared boats, and all the people on board died.

Six days ago, a sudden off-season blizzard hit the Glenshee Ski Resort in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Afterwards, more than ten skiers disappeared in the snowstorm. According to the site survey, the reason for the disappearance was probably a snowman attack?

Five days ago...

In short, for a whole week, the successive accidents and terrible death toll made the British Muggles panic, and also made the British Prime Minister Major exhausted.

These incidents are accidents once or twice, but they happen every day, so they are premeditated.

Although these incidents harm Muggle society, the wizarding world is inevitably affected.

Almost all members of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters were deployed, casting confusion and forgetting curses everywhere in order to conceal the truth.

Even the Auror couldn't help being dispatched to make up for the shortage of manpower in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters.

However, at the scene of the accident, they found traces of magic, as well as many unusual evidence-for example, the footprints of giants.

The facts are already obvious, all these are the means of Death Eaters.

This is their revenge for the actions of the Aurors.

In other words, they had to face a cruel fact-Voldemort was indeed resurrected.

After all, if these families are reliable and good people, then no one will retaliate through such fierce and cruel means.

For a time, rumors arose in the wizarding world, and even Hogwarts was affected.

The little wizards began to worry. Some of the little wizards were rushed back home by their parents, and then their families went abroad to escape the clutches of the Dark Lord.

Just now, a group of owls flew into the hall, bringing new news to the little wizards as always.

Hermione familiarly took over the latest issue of the Daily Prophet from Owl.

"It's really getting messy outside."

The girl flipped through the newspaper, telling the people around her the news recorded in the newspaper.

Just like a few days ago, the Death Eaters have caused accidents all over the UK.

For them, although these accidents caused a lot of damage to Muggles, they are not news.

They couldn't do anything except curse a few words about the cruelty of Death Eaters and express condolences to the Muggles.

However, there are still big news in today's newspapers.

Because the Dark Lord finally showed up on his own initiative.

Although he did not appear formally, the Dark Lord threatened the Ministry of Magic through a letter.

He admitted that the previous terrorist attack was carried out by Death Eaters and threatened the Ministry of Magic. If the Death Eaters held in Azkaban are not released, they will continue the terrorist attack and even carry out large-scale Muggles. Slaughter.

Although in the letter, there is no mention between the lines of the pure-blooded family who was arrested a week ago.

However, everyone knows that this is just a pretentious gesture and does not leave any people behind.

In fact, this has almost confirmed the identity of these people as Death Eaters and supporters of the Dark Lord.

For the threat of the Dark Lord, even Fudge refused without hesitation.

No matter how timid and fearful of the Dark Lord, he did not dare to agree to such a condition, otherwise, his political career would immediately be over.

However, even if he made the right choice, he could not conceal the glory of Bones.

At this time, Bones, whose prestige has already risen greatly due to the appearance of the terrorist attack, has reached its peak after the threat of the Dark Lord.

All this proves that her behavior a week ago was not reckless, but prescient.

Think about it, if it weren't for her actions, what kind of help these powerful pure-blood families would bring to Voldemort.

If it were not for his subordinates to be swept away by a net, Voldemort would have to be forced to take the initiative, no one knew how long he would be lurking.

Now, although Bones is only the director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, her status is no different from that of the Minister of Magic.

Except for the Office of the Minister of Magic and the Logistics Department, which directly belonged to Fudge, all other departments fell to Bones.

Now, she had put Fudge on the air. If it weren't for the urgent situation now, Burns might have already got the post of Minister of Magic.

Item 0354

According to the "Daily Prophet" news, everyone learned that on the day the Minister of Magic rejected Voldemort's request, Voldemort made a rather cruel response.