The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 324

"Like us." Ye Ting and Garona smiled.

"Like us," Lothar repeated. He looked at them firmly: "In fact, I also had doubts about Medivh, especially when he was in another state, the kind of open-minded optimism that was different from the usual, he became withdrawn, irritable and irritable. status."

"You know," Khadgar shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Although I know part of the truth. But what I want to say is that I will always be loyal to him. I really don't want that to happen."

"Who wants something like that to happen?" Ye Ting shook his head. "The Guardian is one of the most powerful forces in the world. For thousands of years, they have carried the banner of fighting against the devil. If the Guardian really As we guessed..."

"In short, my dagger always obeys orders." Garona said.

"I know," Lothar said, "I know what you think. How many years ago, when I was only yours, I had been taking care of Medivh who was sleeping, and that drowsiness took most of him. Youth. I thought it was a dream at the time. I swear I saw another person standing in front of me, taking care of the Astral Master with me. His body was made of bronze, with a pair of eyebrows on the front of his eyebrows. The horns, the flames make up his beard."

"Sargeras." Ye Ting said.

Lothar sighed heavily: "I thought I was asleep. I thought it was just a dream, but some things are either right or right. You see, I have always been loyal to him, but I have never forgotten it. That "dream". Many years later, I slowly realized that what I saw was part of the truth. From then on, I knew that maybe it was destined to be such a day. If it was possible, we might have saved Medivh. , But we are afraid that the darkness has been completely rooted in his body and mind, then we have to act immediately. This is undoubtedly a terrible action, but it is undoubtedly necessary at the same time. The question is-are you ready? Hope you know, If we have to do something, then we must do it!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, then nodded one after another.

As a result, the four of them rode on a griffin one after another and flew into the air under Lothar's leadership.

When the first rays of light came from the sky, these huge beasts seemed so passionate. Their wings shrouded in a golden halo under the rising sun.

Item 0422

Even riding a Griffin, from Stormwind City to Karazhan is still not an easy and pleasant short journey.

Unlike on the ground, the temperature in the high air is generally relatively low. In addition, the cold wind that constantly whizzes through during flight takes away the heat. The biggest problem a pilot in the magical world has to face is cold.

As a typical frail mage, Khadgar was shivering by the biting chill from the sky, but on the other three griffons, his three companions seemed to be nothing.

Lothar himself was a warrior, and he wore thick armor. This cold wind was nothing to him.

And the other two, Ye Ting and Khadgar are cloth armor classes, and Garona wore only leather armor, but they ignored the cold wind. That's because they are faintly covered with a red magic cover.

That is Ye Ting's magic, constant temperature technique, which is generally used to keep things warm. Of course, it can also act on people as they do now.

"I said, Your Excellency the Archmage--" Khadgar tried his best to shout, but the whirring cold wind still blew his voice behind: "Can't you also apply a thermostat to me?"

"Of course," Ye Ting smiled gently at him, "but I don't want to, because you are also a mage, why don't you come consciously?"

Under the effect of the phantom sound technique, Ye Ting could transmit the voice into Khadgar's ears without having to speak loudly.

"Because I don't know--" Khadga replied in a loud voice. Now, he envied Ye Ting even more.

"This is the problem," Ye Ting said solemnly, "you know, you are already a mature mage, and you should learn to use magic to solve problems by yourself."

"So...Is that so?" Khadgar nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words, "I see, Archmage Liver, thank you for your teaching——"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard only a "pouch", and there was a crisp laughter around him.

Khadgar turned his head and saw that it was Garona who was laughing and covering her mouth.

"Is there anything funny? What is Ms. Garona laughing at—" Khadgar asked.

"I'm laughing at you!" Garona laughed more happily, almost trembling: "I laughed at you, the little fool who really believed the master's words stupidly! What mage wants to solve the problem by himself, his I'm just kidding you."

Garona was very shameless and stabbed out the real purpose of the master.

However, before Ye Ting could refute, Khadgar was unhappy.

"Ms. Garona!" He said righteously, "I think, as a follower, you should show respect to your master. Archmage Liver is a very wise archmage. How could he treat me? What about such a little magic apprentice doing pranks? Everything he does is teaching me. If you want to master magic as proficiently as him, you have to start with small things, small magic, and don’t just stare at gorgeous and exaggerated big spells. , Learn more the basic spells used in daily life. If you can use these spells proficiently in daily life and treat ordinary life as practice, then you can become familiar with the true meaning of magic more quickly! You as an adult The followers of, can't even break the deep meaning in his words, but suspect that your Excellency the Archmage is too incompetent."

What Khadgar said shocked Garona.

"You... do you actually think so?" Garona almost died out of laughter. Finally, in Khadgar's stern eyes, she stopped laughing angrily because of Khadgar's class. The scumbag eyes of the good students who scolded them were really permeating.

"Okay...well, you won, I apologize." Garona finally gave up, and then said to Ye Ting, "I'm really sorry, Master, as a follower, I didn't understand your meaning. I'm embarrassing you. NS."

"It's fine if you know." Ye Ting said coldly, and then suddenly couldn't hold back, and laughed, only Khadgar was still a little confused.


Under the wings of the Griffin, the earth changed its appearance.

The vast farmland is nothing short of pitch-black residue, dotted with overturned facilities and debris.

Large tracts of forest were uprooted and transported to the front line filled with war machines, leaving only huge scars on the picturesque landscape of the past.

The star-studded pit opened its mouth wide, and the surface was lifted away, exposing the underground veins.

A few plumes of smoke rose on the distant horizon, but it was impossible to tell whether they came from the battlefield or the furnace.

In this way, they spent the entire day on the backs of Griffins, when the sun was sinking.

Karazhan stood in the middle of the crater like a shadow of an ebony tree, greedily absorbing the dying daylight without any feedback. There was not a trace of light in the tower body and the empty windows, and the torches in the tower that did not require fuel seemed to have been extinguished for a long time. Khadgar even suspected that Medivh had escaped.

Lothar jumped off his griffin, and the others quickly landed, sliding off the back of the winged behemoth. As soon as they touched the ground, the Griffin immediately lifted into the air and flew north with a scream.

In this way, they ascended the legendary tower from the top of Karazhan.

When the veteran wanted to take everyone down, Ye Ting stopped him.

"Wait," the boy said, "Carla agreed with this, 80% of the time there was an accident, and I felt some bad taste."

"What's the smell?" Lothar asked.

"The smell of the devil." Ye Ting shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to drive away everything he had just felt. "There seems to be the chaotic evil energy left by the devil here--and it's not what ordinary devil can leave behind. "

"So, can you be sure that Medivh has something wrong?" Lothar asked.

"Ninety percent of the Star Realm Masters have a problem." Ye Ting said, "So, just in case, we have to find some helpers in advance."

This is a very reasonable plan. After all, a degenerate Titan like Sargeras, even if there is no one in ten strengths, is not something that some mortals can simply deal with.

However, among them, Khadgar was just an apprentice magician and had no connections. Lothar was a soldier, and although he could call a lot of helpers, they were all ordinary mortals. Garona had just come from Delano, it was impossible to know anyone. Therefore, only Ye Ting, the mage, might know some helpers who are powerful enough to take part in the fight against Sargeras.

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Ting took out a golden scale from his pocket.

The scales are as big as a slap, and they shine with golden light that is more noble than gold. Just as soon as Ye Ting took it out, the others could keenly feel the endless arrogance and the domineering arrogance from the scales.

"This scale must come from some rather great creature."

This is their first impression.

I saw Ye Ting holding the scales with both hands, and then began to cast the spell.

Arcane brilliance was injected into the scales. Under the action of magic, the golden scales shone brightly, and even faintly heard the sound of wind and thunder.

Then, only Khadgar felt that there seemed to be some kind of ripples in the scales that passed into the void, passing far, far.