The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 325

After a while, Ye Ting put away the scales.

"How is it?" everyone asked eagerly.

"Let's go down and explore first," Ye Ting said unhurriedly, "The helpers will come, but we have to wait for a while. I hope they can come before Sargeras kills us all."

Item 0423

After confirming that they had made complete preparations, the group of four began to explore this abnormal Karazhan tower.

According to the configuration of the team, Lothar, the only warrior who can be a T, took the lead on the stairs. He drew his sword in his hand, tightened his broad shoulders, and his tall physique moved quietly, like a cat. Elegant and agile.

In the same way, Garona was sneaking cautiously, her hands dipping into the battle robe and taking out her pair of terrifying daggers.

Ye Ting did not show any agile skills, but he applied floating technique to himself. With the help of magic, he floated gently in the air, and his skilled floating technique made him completely inaccessible when he moved. No sound is made at all.

Only Khadgar was the most embarrassed. The epee of Stormwind was going up and down behind him. Compared to the other three, he felt like a clumsy stone puppet.

The open-air corridor outside the observatory is empty, and there is also a ruined scene inside. The only remaining tools were also damaged, scattered on the ground, a broken gold astrolabe lying sideways on the mantelpiece, it looked like it had not been used for long.

It seems that if this tower has really been abandoned, it is obviously a hurried decision.

Or it was not abandoned at all.

Under the shining of several floating magic light balls, the four of them walked down countless steps.

To Khadgar, the walls here were once so familiar, because it was considered his home-only in the last year, and this unsightly staircase was his daily challenge. Now, the torches on the wall, the cold, frozen flames, have been extinguished, and the ball of light shone on them, sending countless heavily armed shadows on the wall, bringing a weirdness to the entire stairwell. It was almost a nightmare atmosphere. There seemed to be danger hidden behind every wall, so Khadgar guarded every dim door to prevent a fatal ambush later.

However, the result is: nothing. The seats of Karazhan’s theater are empty, the banquet hall is also empty, the conference room shows no signs of life, and the furnishings inside are intact. The rooms are still those rooms, but there are no guests.

Finally, they came to Karazhan's library.

The library occupies a full two floors, specifically located at one-third of the height of the tower. The staircase in this part is exposed, enclosing the outer wall of the tower, in order to free up a huge space of two floors. There is a circle of cast iron platform on the second floor. The narrow windows in the room are covered with barbed wire in order to reduce the natural light that enters the room to a level similar to the torch light covered by a lampshade. On the several large oak tables on the bottom floor, there are many crystal Azeroth spheres, covered with thick dust, giving off a bluish-gray luster.

However, at this moment, the whole house is almost like a ghost entering the village. The books were thrown on the ground, and the scrolls were scattered on the chairs. The writing paper is overwhelming, and its density is equal to that of the fallen leaves on the ground among the trees. Despite this, there are still some books left on the shelf-just "in"-stuffed together indiscriminately, some books even barely hang on the shelf with one or two pages of paper, the action is similar to an interrogation Room hangs the prisoner.

However, according to Khadgar's intelligence, this was the case before he left Karazhan, and there was no change at all, and even the notes that Khadgar had recently made were lying on the table.

Isn't Medivh not afraid of any of his books being stolen?

While Khadgar was thinking about this issue, Ye Ting was attracted by other things instead.

That is the books themselves.

There are too many books stored in this library, even more than the total in the entire Violet Castle. When Ye Ting passed by, he found many books that had never appeared in the Violet Castle and described them. Many are ancient or mysterious magic and knowledge.

Is this the collection of the Tirisfal Council for thousands of years?

——Absolutely, absolutely must keep these books in your hands.

This was Ye Ting's firm thought that suddenly appeared.

Thinking of a possible member of his "reinforcement" and his "special" relationship with Medivh, his confidence in accomplishing this goal greatly increased.

But now...

A few shreds of paper caught Khadgar's attention, and he realized that he was in front of a bookshelf storing epics.

Finally there is something different: a scroll that was torn to pieces.

Khadgar picked up the largest fragment, read a few lines, and then nodded.

"What's that?" Lothar said carefully, as if he was afraid that the book in the room would come alive and attack them at any time.

""Aegwynn's Hymn"" Khadgar said.

"Aegwynn...'s hymn?" Lothar was still a little puzzled.

"Aegwynn is Medivh's mother." Ye Ting explained, "that was the guardian of the previous generation."

"I heard Medivh mention it, but haven't I seen her in person, a mage as powerful as Medivh?" Lothar nodded thoughtfully. Suddenly, he thought of something and exclaimed. Get up: "No! Wait, I remember, this name... is the woman!"

"What that woman?" Ye Ting asked, "Have you seen Aegwynn?"

"Yes, I remembered that before Khadgar became Medivh’s apprentice, a young female mage visited Stormwind. She called herself Aegwynn and was Medivh’s mother. She also told us, Medivh was controlled by the demon and was the culprit who summoned the orcs." Lothar said.

"Then why do you think Medivh has a problem now?" Khadgar looked at Lothar suspiciously.

Lothar patted her forehead with an iron gloved hand, looking very regretful: "Lane and I saw that she was too young, and thought she was slandering Medivh, or studying magic to ruin her brain, so I didn't take it seriously, who would have thought... such a young and beautiful woman is actually Medivh's mother..."

"Young?" After listening to Lothar's words, Ye Ting couldn't help but laugh. "That's just the effect of powerful magic. In fact, Ms. Aegwynn has lived for nearly a thousand years, and it's already..."

Before he could finish speaking, a strange female voice interrupted him.

"What is it already? Huh?"

The source of this female voice was less than ten meters away from everyone, but it was very abrupt. Even the top stalker Garona did not notice how the female voice master appeared.

As soon as the female voice appeared, Lothar, the veteran warrior who had experienced many battles, instinctively turned to the direction of the voice, holding a sword in both hands, slightly bowing his body in a posture of preparation.

Garona fled into the shadow even more sideways, only Ye Ting could perceive her position by virtue of the contract-she was hiding between the bookshelves, ready to attack from the side at any time.

Khadgar hurriedly drew the great sword from behind, but he thought that he was a mage, and for a while, he didn't know which one to use the staff and great sword.

Only Ye Ting didn't have any special reaction, as if he knew the woman was there a long time ago, he said in a tone of greeting to a good friend.

"Meeting for the first time, hello, Ms. Aegwynn."

Chapter 0424 The Argument Between Ye Ting And Aegwynn

"Huh? Aegwynn?"

Hearing Ye Ting's words, the other three were shocked.

They immediately looked closely in that direction.

This is a woman with a holy light radiating from her body.

She was dressed in silver scales, a white hooded cloak clingingly behind her, Yixi could see the green silk lining of the cloak, and the silver-rimmed hood tightly covered her blonde hair.

She also wears an emerald necklace, which emits a blurred green light, as beautiful as her eyes-as brilliant and dazzling as the emerald after being wiped, and as tranquil and majestic as the sea after a storm.

Even if he had seen countless outstanding and beautiful girls, Ye Ting had to admit that the woman in front of him was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

Not only because of her appearance, but also because of her temperament.

It is a complex and contradictory temperament that combines the innocence of a young girl and the intellect of a mature woman, the compassion of a saint and the rebelliousness of sinners.

However, even these contradictory temperaments seem to complement each other in women, as if they should be.