The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 366

Looking at the beautiful sleeping face of the man in front of her, Alleria understood that the relationship between them would never be restored to its original simplicity.

"Actually, this is not bad," she thought, and gently stroked Ye Ting's cheek with her slender hand. "Whether it is a sibling or a relationship between a man and a woman, what does it actually matter? In this dark age, there can be someone with each other It's enough to keep going."

Alleria was never a person who was entangled in details, she quickly persuaded herself, accepted the relationship in front of her, and quickly entered the role.

When Ye Ting awakened from the beauty of last night, he was surprised to find that Alleria was intimately dressing for him, as if they were an old couple who had lived for a long time.

Seeing Ye Ting's complicated eyes, Alleria smiled and said softly: "Don't get me wrong, this is just my sister taking care of my younger brother."

"Really?" Ye Ting frowned when he heard the words, and then approached Alleria in an aggressive posture, pushing her down the corner.

"Now do you still think that this is the older sister taking care of the younger brother?" Ye Ting asked with a sneer while playing with a pair of key points he had played with him wantonly last night.

"...Well, there is also a man who takes care of herself as a woman, now you are satisfied." Alleria gently removed his evil hand and sighed, "Really, I have to entangle this Place, like a child."

"Little... kid?" Ye Ting was speechless for a while when he heard the other's comments. Why was this a kid?

He was about to refute, but he couldn't say it, because, according to his age, he was a child to Alleria.

Maybe because she didn’t say it clearly, Alleria continued to comfort her: "Anyway, whether it’s a sibling, a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter for the time being. Anyway, we will be long in Japan, don’t we? We have the opportunity to adjust the relationship between you and me. Relationship, isn't it?"

"Yes," Ye Ting understood Alleria's meaning, and nodded in agreement, "Born in this era, it really doesn't leave children with too much time for love."

"Brother is really smart, so you can understand." Her suggestion was accepted by the other party, and Alleria was obviously in a good mood.

However, Ye Ting still had something to say.

"Although so, but I still have one request."

"What's the requirement? My sister will definitely agree to you." Alleria slapped her ticket in an indulgent way.

"Come to my room at night?"

"Brother smelly! What are you talking about!" Alleria almost blushed when she made this request bluntly, and then hurriedly ran out of the room.

"Really... I have lived for so many years, so innocent in this respect." Ye Ting smiled and left the guest room.

In the afternoon, no matter how much dwarf people drank, all the hangover dwarves were now energetic. Therefore, the formal negotiation began.

"...In other words, your purpose is for us to join you and deal with those green skins together?"

After confirming the documents, Falstad asked Ye Ting loudly.

"Yes, Lord of the Wildhammer King," Ye Ting nodded, "whether it is the green leather in the forest or..."

As he said, he pointed to the map.

"...The green skin of the Bronzebeard dwarf was besieged."

"Oh, Greenskin and Greenskin, why does Greenskin always come to trouble us?" Fustard muttered, and then looked at Alleria: "Then your high elves have joined this alliance, too. Yes?"

"That's right," Alleria nodded solemnly, completely different from her gentle and shy gesture in the morning. "Quel'Thalas thought it was time for the high elves to know the threat of the troll forever. Of course, it would be great if our Wildhammer allies could join this project."

"Ah, yes, of course," Falstad graciously agreed. "The Wildhammer dwarves are always ready to serve our allies. The teacher said, these trolls are indeed very hateful. They not only attacked my people, they also kept preventing them. We use those trees!"

"Then, you also agreed to join the league, didn't you?" Ye Ting reconfirmed cautiously.

"Yes, in the name of my beard, of course I want to join this alliance," he said loudly, filled with indignation: "So, you will help save our Bronzebeard brothers together, right?"

"Bronzebeard dwarves are also our ally, so we have no shirk." Ye Ting said with a smile, "Then please sign these documents, and then Commander Lothar will send someone to contact you."

"Ah, your human stuff is trouble." Falstad complained, signing and stamping the paper with a small hammer.

After finishing all this, he held Ye Ting, who was about to leave.

"Brother Sander, wait a minute," Falstad said enthusiastically, his flattering expression was like a dog eager for food, "I still have some business I want to talk to you about brandy."

"Oh, of course." Ye Ting nodded with a smile, "I'm happy to do business with the Wildhammer Brothers."

With that said, the two continued to start a new round of negotiations.

Chapter 0481

Ye Ting successfully persuaded the Wildhammer dwarves to join the alliance, and at the same time completed the last piece of his plan, prompting the Wildhammer dwarves to become a member of the Allied Forces to Suppress the Trolls.

At the same time, Ye Ting himself also established a brandy trade agreement with the Wildhammer dwarves, and the Windrunner family also participated in it. Specifically, Ye Ting provided distilling technology, and the Windrunner family bought fruit wine to make brandy, and then sold it to the Wildhammer dwarves.

Of course, the Wildhammer dwarves will not be able to drink brandy as mellow as that night. Even if the Windrunner family masters the technology, they can only produce second-class brandy.

It wasn't that Ye Ting's broom kept a hand for himself, but that no one could use the time magic to make brandy like Ye Ting's extravagant, so that the original ordinary wine quickly became aged.

If the wizards of Dalaran and Quel'Thalas heard that Ye Ting actually used time to make wine with magic, someone would definitely scold him.

For ordinary wizards, time spells are really incomprehensible, let alone use them. Generally speaking, only arch wizards can use such spells in a small area, and they have to be cautious and able to handle them like Ye Ting. There are very few mages that use time magic to produce various exaggerated effects.

In the following days, Lordaeron, Quel'Thalas, and Eagle's Nest had heated discussions on how the three parties sent troops, and the distribution of spoils and territory after victory.

The final result was that Lordaeron sent two infantry regiments, about seven to eight thousand men, to be coordinated by Ye Ting.

On the High Elf side, the eight legions sent six of them, with a total of about 3,000 troops, in addition to about 1,000 Farstrider troops, with a total force of 4,000, commanded by the ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner .

The Wildhammer dwarves only dispatched five hundred people, but they were all Griffin Knights, and Kurdran Wildhammer was the commander in command.

The volunteer force of the high elves, with about two thousand people, is commanded by Alleria Windrunner.

In addition, humans are also responsible for providing a large number of priests, laborers, and militias as logistics and auxiliary operations, while the high elves have sent enough wizards as magical support.

In this way, a total of more than 10,000 troops from the three clans gathered together, with the highest position among them, Ye Ting (Alliance Military Advisor) as the commander-in-chief, and officially began the encirclement and suppression of the trolls.

Although in the eyes of everyone, Ye Ting only had attainments in military theory, and he had also formulated many excellent combat plans, and had no practical command experience at all. However, whether it is Alleria, Sylvanas or Kurdran, they are all experienced generals. I believe that with their assistance, Ye Ting should be able to give full play to his talents and fight a beautiful battle.

According to Ye Ting's plan, the entire strategy is divided into two parts-first clean up the Amani trolls who suppressed the ancestor Aman, and then clean up the forest trolls in the Hinterlands.

As we all know, the more advanced the civilization of a race, the brighter the political system, and the greater the system of government that can be maintained—or the larger the country.

On the contrary, a backward system can only produce ethnic divisions.

Therefore, in World of Warcraft, races like humans, high elves, and dwarves can maintain a long-term stable power, while for races such as trolls and orcs, the ruling units are only tribes of different sizes, although they can form a huge The tribe, but the different clan people within it can’t last long.

In the past, when the Amani trolls flourished, the entire troll tribe of Lordaeron lived under the rule of the Amani trolls.

However, due to the defeat of the war with humans and the high elves, the Amani troll empire fell apart. Except for the Amani trolls who remained stubborn in Zuaman and worked tirelessly against the high elves, the other countless tribes had their own governance and scattered. Across the continent.

Among them, the trolls of the Hinterlands, which have not been explored by humans and elves for a long time, are the most powerful.

The trolls here are roughly divided into four tribes: Evil Branch, Withered Wood, Evil Tooth, and Rotting Moss. Among them, the Evil Branch tribe is the most powerful and evil. The bat Loa turned to enshrine the evil Loa, the blood **** Hakkar, who was originally eliminated by the trolls.

And Ye Ting’s plan is to gnaw down the Amani troll now located in Zuaman, the hardest bone, and then try to let the remaining Amani troll escape into the Hinterland and disrupt the Hinterland. Mixed water, it is best for these tribes to kill each other. Finally, after they had consumed each other nearly, the alliance's army would finish it off.