The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 367

Therefore, according to the plan, the coalition forces were concentrated on the border of Quel'Thalas and the border with Zuaman.

Trolls are a race with a relatively backward civilization. They do not master advanced smelting skills. All weapons are made of wood, bone, stone and other materials. However, even so, they are also a race with powerful combat effectiveness.

Amani trolls belong to the forest trolls. They are characterized by green skin and moss that can grow on the skin.

Amani trolls are particularly good at fighting in the forest. They use spears, throwing spears, daggers and other weapons to lurch in the forest, launch a fatal blow to the enemy who has strayed here, and use poison to make the enemy lose combat effectiveness.

Even the high elf rangers have to admit that these forest trolls are indeed comparable to them in terms of their ability to fight in the forest.

For a long time, it is precisely because of the forest trolls' powerful forest combat capabilities that Quel'Thalas has a strong strength but has not been able to destroy them, and they have been able to hide in the Zuaman jungle, every time. It will make a comeback and cause no small trouble to the high elves.

However, now, with the help of humans and wildhammer dwarves, the Amani trolls are destined to be unable to continue to harass and kill their enemies through familiar tactics, until they are dragged down.

According to Ye Ting's arrangement, the armies of high elves and humans were not commanded independently according to race.

Ye Ting organized the rangers into squads, and then organized the squads into various infantry regiments, acting as scouts and archers.

And these legions maintain the overall formation, starting from the edge of the Zuaman jungle, and conducting a carpet search of the entire jungle.

The key to Ye Ting’s tactics is to invest as many troops as possible in a small area, without giving those trolls who are good at lurking room to move around. In this way, the trolls have to compete head-on with the alliance’s troops. , But in this case, how can the straggler trolls compare to the alliance's rigorous army?

As for the Griffin Riders of the Wildhammer dwarves, Ye Ting simply asked them to patrol the air above the Alliance army in batches. On the one hand, they can support the infantry under attack at any time, and on the other hand, they can be regarded as excellent scouts and intelligence transmitters.

Compared with the dragon eagles of the high elves, although the griffins are not flexible enough and do not master any strange powers, they are stronger and more stamina. They can travel long distances, and can also persist in long air patrols. They are not vulnerable to a troll attack, so they can fully perform Ye Ting's tactics.

In this way, the army of the Alliance launched a strategy against Zuaman.

Item 0482

In accordance with Ye Ting's request, the alliance's army was united by regiments with more than a thousand people, and carried out a carpet-style sweep in the jungle of Zuaman step by step.

Facing the alliance's offensive, the Amani trolls could only be regarded as another futile war initiated by the high elves, so they still wanted to use the old methods to deal with the enemy this time.

However, they were wrong.

What they had to face was not a sparse high elven army, but a coalition army of tens of thousands of three races gathered.

In the face of such a large number and dense army, the traditional hiding and penetration tactics of the Amani trolls have lost their effect.

They found that although a large part of their enemies were quite unsuited to jungle warfare, they remained cautious. They did not covet speed, but moved slowly in the jungle, without infiltrating the hidden trolls. chance. They are like huge sieves, trying to sift the Zuaman Forest from the border, and all the trolls hidden in it, no matter how good at concealment, will be effectively sifted out in the process.

There are also hunters among the trolls who do not believe in evil and try to hide from the alliance's troops through superb concealment methods, but they are either killed or captured. In the search process, the infantry will stab their weapons into any suspicious places, including dense trees, caves, and even streams.

And once a troll launches a surprise attack on the infantry from a hidden place, perhaps at first they can kill one or two infantry with a surprise attack, but then they will face countless infantry siege, even if they are facing this situation A powerful troll like Zul'jin had to flee.

Unfortunately, even if it is to escape, the troll does not have much chance.

The existence of the Griffin Riders in the air is to cope with such a situation. Any abnormal situation in the forest will be discovered by them for the first time. They will look at the exposed trolls and chase them from the air. The storm that falls from the sky The hammer will smash the heads of all the trolls they can see.

As a result, the trolls desperately discovered that their living space was compressed bit by bit.

They didn't think about making a big move, using the terrain to ambush the alliance, but this tactic proved to be a failure in the end.

If there are too few trolls in ambush, it will not cause enough damage to the Alliance's legions. They often can only use spears and throwing axes to kill a few unprepared infantry at the beginning, and then they will face a large-scale counterattack from the enemy. The high elf rangers who are arranged in these legions will play their role at this time, hiding behind the infantry, they can easily kill those exposed trolls.

However, the effect of large-scale ambush is even worse.

The sneaking of the stalker, or the hiding of the forest troll in the forest, is not really distorted light and invisible like the wizard's invisibility technique. They just use shadows, shelters, and divert attention to prevent the enemy from discovering themselves. .

Therefore, in front of the Griffin Riders patrolling at high altitude, such a large-scale ambush is basically impossible. As long as one or two people reveal their flaws, it is equivalent to exposing everyone.

In the end, the trolls have only one remaining response method, and that is to fight the Alliance head-on.

However, how can it be so easy to defeat the Alliance in a frontal battle?

The current Amani trolls are no longer the former troll empire. Their power is much weaker than in the past. Even if they face an attack from the higher elves, they can only fight guerrillas in the jungle to make the higher ones. The elves couldn't bear the massive sacrifices, and backed away. How can such a troll have the ability to fight the Alliance head-on?

Although the high elves cherish their own population, they can't bear a lot of sacrifices, but humans are different.

Although it is cruel to say that, in fact, compared to high elves, human soldiers are really worthless. If they can trade with trolls, then for the Alliance, this is a profit.

Or to put it more clearly, the greatest use of human infantry in this war against trolls is to become cannon fodder.

It is up to them to bear the sacrifices that must be paid in the jungle warfare, and the rangers of the high elves who really harvest the lives of the trolls.

This is also the reason why Ye Ting mixed the high elves and the human army.

He is ready for the loss of the human army in the forest due to the constant harassment of the trolls.

Expose trolls through humans and kill trolls with elven rangers.

Although no one knows his intentions except him, this is the true meaning of this tactic.

However, to his surprise, there were no reports of mass casualties until the alliance went deep into Zuaman for a week.

Except for the inability to adapt to the jungle and the lack of tactical integration at the beginning, the casualties were a bit high. After that, no one day will have more than 50 casualties.

According to feedback from the front, after several failed ambushes and several major blows, the Amani troll seems to have begun to abandon the tactics of killing the Alliance through the hidden ability of the Amani troll in the forest.

In addition to scouts, a large number of troll hunters began to return to their base camp, seemingly preparing to accumulate strength and fight the alliance head-on.

When making this judgment, Ye Ting, as the commander, didn't believe it at first, because it was too inconsistent with the character of the trolls.

But after a little thought, he felt that such a result seemed reasonable.

The reason for this is precisely because of the plan of the high elves before - not to kill Zul'jin after capturing Zul'jin, but to use him to contain the Amani troll.

Judging from the current situation, the Amani troll is obviously held back by this strategy.

Zul'jin, the spiritual leader of the trolls, is not there, and the Amani trolls have no leader. They can only be ruled by Zul'jin's capable men, as well as the highly respected witch doctors and priests of the tribe.

If Zul'jin is still there, of course Zul'jin himself can decide on the strategy of the war in one word. If Zul'jin is dead, then the trolls will elect a new leader to lead them.

But now, the trolls have to face the common rule of multiple leaders, and none of them can do the overview.

The reason is very simple. If anyone can show the talent and ambition to lead the entire Amani troll tribe, then if Zul'jin returns, how can he manage by himself?

However, the result of multiple people voting together is slow decision-making and conservative decision-making.

Many people vote, no one wants to be responsible for the failure, so the final result is often the most conservative and the least error-prone result.

This is exactly what the current trolls have made, and they have made the most conservative decision-in the case of attrition and failure of guerrilla tactics, they chose to abandon their original tactics and concentrate their forces to fight the alliance again.

However, is this really the best tactic for trolls?

Chapter 0483

Concentrating forces and fighting the alliance head-on is a fairly correct decision in the eyes of the rulers of the Amani trolls.