The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 554

Of course there will be these two skills:

Love and the love of beauty god: EX

As a mortal, he is so lucky. It is rare to be loved by the goddess of love and beauty that represents loyalty. This love will give him the highest level of charm that anyone can reach, and be in love. No disadvantages. Nearly cursed.

Love of the Moon Goddess: EX

Collecting all of Artemis's pampering, he is a person who is favored by the moon, which allows him to obtain extraordinary talents in bows, arrows and hunting, and is recognized by the whole nature. If under the moonlight, he can Have a steady stream of power. Of course, the price is to be targeted by someone as prey.

In short, it is different from the love of mortals, and if you are in love with God, you can indeed get substantial benefits.

The famous wizard Ilminster in the world of DND Toril is just like this. As a man who has an evening with the goddess of magic, his ability as a wizard has been greatly enhanced.

To be blessed by a certain **** represents the blessing of the entire field controlled by this god.

Ye Ting even thought that if he could sleep all the goddesses of Mount Olympus, perhaps a mortal could instantly become a powerhouse comparable to the legend.

Normally, in order to avoid being discovered by other gods, especially Artemis, Ye Ting deliberately concealed these divine blessings.

But now, in order to attract the two—no, three goddesses in front of him, he reluctantly showed it.

To be honest, it was the first experience for Ye Ting to show his past romantic history when he first met with other girls.

Although I am a little embarrassed, it is very interesting to think about it.

Just as Ye Ting genuinely tasted this subtle feeling, Steno and Urie Ali were dumbfounded.

What is the source of these divine blessings in the man in front of him? Although they have not personally experienced as goddesses, they still know.

It is precisely because of knowing that this makes them dumbfounded.

As the daughters of the previous sea gods and a member of the gods, they still knew the gossip of the gods when they did not move to this island with their sisters. Among them, the love affairs with the gods among the humans were very important to them. It's not unfamiliar.

Lord God King Zeus would go to the world for a stroll in two days and do things like this.

His brother Poseidon and his son also followed suit, which led to the presence of many demigods on the earth.

And among those "lucky" who are favored by the gods, there is no shortage of those who are particularly liked by the gods, who will have such blessings.

You know, this blessing contains true divinity, and it is a gift that requires a **** to sacrifice his own power to give others.

Generally, if someone can obtain it, it is even the true love of the gods.

Especially those who reach the level of EX are basically regarded as the level of love in this life.

But the man in front of him had three blessings of this level.

Where does he come from? He is the kind who specializes in goddess.

You know, different from the changeable nature of mortals, although eternal gods are powerful, they are the most sincere and stubborn in character.

It is completely non-existent to want to receive such blessings from gods through the exchange of benefits like mortals.

In other words, this man really got the love of three goddesses with his own power. Among them, the magic goddess was too much, so they didn't understand, but the other two were well-known loyal existences.

And this man is still alive after doing all this!

In this way, this man is the real master, a master who can only retreat by staring at the goddess.

If this is the case, then...

It seems that the two of them are also goddesses.

Would that person act on them?

It's exciting to think about it... No, it's scary.

But, if it is true, will you reject him then?

Being able to get so many goddesses' love at the same time, it seems that he should be the true core of the magic **** system.

Would he be angry if he refused him? Will you wear shoes for those who join the magic **** system?

And, think about it carefully, if it was him, he really didn't want to refuse.

The men who can be favored by so many goddesses, they are also very curious about who they are...

In short, the blessing shown by Ye Ting made the two goddesses deeply entangled.

Chapter 0703 Goddess and Unformed Goddess

Ye Ting didn't know that the blessings from the goddesses on him made the two goddesses in front of him so imaginative.

However, at least for now, the two goddesses recognized his identity.

No, it's not just recognition. Now the two goddesses look at Ye Ting with a little awe and eagerness to try. They don't have the superior view of mortals from the previous gods.

Because in their eyes, although their sisters are gods, they are just the weakest gods of the kind.

Especially, as gods, they do not have much fighting power in the field they control, and they are not gods who are good at fighting. Therefore, their existence is not so much a god, as it is just two immortal, immortal elves. Although ordinary mortals can't do anything with them, they are only there. In the gods, they are just like those nymphs, and they are of little use except as maids' vases.

How can they dare to offend Ye Ting, who is backed by the three goddesses?

And they are eager to try...

Experience it for yourself.

In short, both parties have recognized their identities, and naturally they have completely turned their enemies into friends.

The two goddesses Steno and Yurielli are the second of many gods who want to take refuge in the new star powerhouse Hecate, but because they are familiar and interested "acquaintances" in the previous life, Ye Ting decides to let them Join Hecate's command.

As for why the two goddesses made this decision, in fact, the root cause is still Medusa.

Because Medusa with magic eyes is known as a "monster" in the outside world, even if she stays on this remote island, she has to endure waves of crusades by "braves" in order to fight against the braves. , Medusa had to use the power of her magic eyes again and again, which also caused her to be on the verge of being swallowed up by the power of the magic eyes, and fell from the quasi goddess into a monster.

Unlike Medusa, although the three sisters were both the daughters of the previous sea gods, Steno and Urie Ellie were born as "complete goddesses", that is, the true goddesses who have both the godhead and the divine nature and master the power of the gods.

Among them, Sister Steno is a manifestation of male longings, and completed as a fallen goddess born as an "ideal female".

She represents the side of a woman as a mature woman, which is why although she has the appearance of a loli, her every move is as elegant and moving as a real lady, which perfectly interprets the image of a mature woman in the minds of men.

No matter what kind of man she is flattering and full of praise, she is elegant and noble, and more deeply, she is also extremely lazy. Extremely ruthless to very good opponents-this is the expression of the ruthlessness of women.

If the older sister Steno is an "ideal woman", then the image of her younger sister Urielle is an "idol", or in other words, the image of a "girl" in the minds of men.

This is also reflected in Urie Ellie's character: she loves everything that is beautiful and cute, and she hates ugly things unconditionally. Both innocence and purity, but the degree of moody, unreasonable, and unreasonable. According to her way of thinking, as long as she doesn't say anything, she won't be angered, and she won't be tricked if she doesn't show her stuff, and she has thoughts like this (but she will hate herself afterwards).

After all, she is the "cute girl" who makes men so enamoured.