The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 1519: Phenomenon works

Chris Hemsworth and Renly Hall, a man who turned out to be based on the comic superhero works of "Thor", his handsome appearance and sturdy body have won him the love of countless fans; one Wei has created a small world of his own on the path of acting. His elegant temperament and handsome face have become a representative Hollywood actor.

However, the two actors are strangers because of the uproar of "borrowing the door."

In fact, after the news incident broke out, Chris’ career once fell into a short-term low, but relying on Marvel Pictures’ contract to star in Thor, he managed to stop the loss in time, and this year has ushered in a small Small bursts-

Not only "Thor 2" is about to be released, but also starred in Ron Howard's biographical film "Fast Wind/Stream", both commercial and artistic aspects are beginning to open up. This is also considered to be an important attempt by Chris to move towards the awards season and open up the path of drama.

In other words, now Chris has gradually gained a foothold in Hollywood. What he seeks is not just a superhero idol position, but also hopes to go further. It can be seen that the international innovation management company standing behind Chris is obviously still looking forward to more. Brad Pitt is the best model for Chris Hemsworth.

International Innovation Management Company, one of the top five brokerage companies in the industry, is fully equipped with the ability to compete with innovative artist brokerage companies. They not only own Chris Hemsworth, but also Van Diesel who has recently joined. Even in the face of Lan Li's powerful momentum sweeping across the army, he was not afraid of anything.

But the premise is that if it is not necessary, they are too lazy to initiate the incident. Especially in the past period of time, Lan Li is representing the actors in Hollywood to challenge the existing pay ceiling, which is beneficial to all actors and all brokerage companies. Naturally, international innovation management companies will not tear down the stage internally.

Therefore, in the past period of time, the related news between Renly and Chris, and between Renly and Diesel is completely calm and seems to have completely disappeared. This is one of the important reasons.

Of course, for major media reporters, the status and abilities of the two actors are no longer at the same level. There is no need to hold on to that little bit of the old past, and it’s nothing to fry cold rice over and over again. Meaning; the most important thing is that there is not much intersection between the two actors. Before the premiere of "Gravity", the reporters chose Affleck instead of Chris.

But in fact, the "Chris VS Renly" matchup is obviously much more intensive at the end of this year.

"Fast Wind/Flow" chose to be released on September 20. After the Toronto Film Festival ended, it was officially put into the promotion of the awards season. It was screened in five theaters in the first week. After gaining a good reputation, the first In the second week, it was added directly to 2,300, but unfortunately the results of the expansion were not ideal. The next week was a powerful attack from "gravity", and the box office plummeted by 100% on the weekend of the third week. Fifty-five, for art films, it almost ended the award season process ahead of schedule.

Then, three weeks later, on November 8th, "Thor 2: The Dark World" will also be screened on a large scale in 4,000 theaters. It is aimed at the family market and fan market during the Thanksgiving holiday period, looking forward to reaping good results. ; But now it is unexpectedly facing the outbreak of "gravity" large-scale sweeping market potential, and the trend of this year's holiday gear has suddenly become unpredictable.

Objectively speaking, neither of the two works of "Speed ​​Wind/Flow" and "Thor 2" has directly confronted "Gravity". The box office dispute is completely misplaced and cannot be generalized. However, the media are already fainted and preferred Raising the hype of the "Affleck vs. Blue Li" showdown, and is reluctant to discuss the matter of Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds. This can be regarded as progress or regression-you can see who is standing in the end. Discussed.

If the media learn about the unexpected confrontation between Renly and Chris at this year's Cannes Film Festival, then they may be more interested.

But unfortunately, there is no if. Unknowingly, Lanly and Chris had completely no involvement or involvement and embarked on two completely different roads.

In addition to the top five works, the work ranked sixth in this week’s box office rankings is also worth mentioning. It is Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s self-written, directed, and acted "Don Juan". This work is indeed The gimmick is full of gimmicks, which attracted the rush of literary and artistic youths. The full release was officially held last week, and the cumulative box office this week has exceeded 16 million US dollars!

For reference, the investment cost of this movie is only three million.

The North American film market came to a close in the first week of October. The unexpected situation caused an uproar, and "gravity" became the absolute focus of attention. Everyone was discussing this work-not an exaggeration. It’s the real situation in the literal sense. Everyone has participated in this discussion boom. It seems that if you haven’t heard of this work, you are completely behind the wave of the times.

This situation is even noisier than this year's summer vacation. This is definitely the most turbulent work that sparked a frenzy of heated discussion after "Pirates of Dreams" in 2010.

However, the original "Inception of Dreams Space" was caused by brain-burning, many dream-level loop settings and the unresolved ending of the story, which detonated the discussion enthusiasm of every audience; and this time "gravity" This is definitely not the case.

Relatively simple to the point of a weak plot, there is no room for discussion. What's more, if it is a brain-burning work such as "Inception", it is beyond the acceptance and understanding of the general public, and box office data is not easy to create more. High grades, then, what is going on with "gravity"?

First, the environment and texture presented by the movie are really too realistic, far exceeding any work on space in history, so how real is it? Is it more real than the weightlessness created by the "Apollo 13" filmed in collaboration with NASA?

This is undoubtedly the hottest issue.

Human beings have never stopped exploring space. Even if they have never dreamed of being in space, they will at least be curious about what a zero-gravity environment looks like. Furthermore, how does a spacewalk feel like? Also, what does the earth look like when you are in space? Where is the starry sky?

"Gravity" now presents such a magnificent picture. With the double addition of 3D and IMAX, every audience can truly feel the shock.

So how much of this is true?

Countless netizens have started to argue. Astronomy enthusiasts, physics researchers, theoretical knowledge kings, and other enthusiastic netizens have begun to express their opinions eagerly and analyze them from all angles and levels. Which scenes in the movie are real and which details are wrong.

It's just like the "Inception of Dreams" at the beginning, each expressing their opinions and arguing endlessly. Everyone considers himself an expert.

Second, is there a metaphor at the end of the movie?

In fact, this question is from Venice to Toronto to New York. Almost every time the main creative staff meets, the audience will ask the audience, because the performance brought by Ren Li is presented under the lens of Alfonso, which is really shocking. That kind of emotional agitation completely ignored all the five senses, directly acting on the soul, and truly felt the baptism from the inside out.

After each screening, the audience couldn't bear to stand up and applaud. That's why!

However, Alfonso-Caron and Renly-Hall have never responded positively. This is how Renly answered.

"From the conception to the shooting of this film, the director and the actors have communicated many times. We are always discussing how to interpret and explain a question about the essence of life in the most concise way. From the composition of the shot to the details of the performance. , We are all sculpting and adjusting little by little.

When we saw the finished product, we realized that our goal was achieved. Then, the rest of the understanding and reading is left to the audience. Everyone must have their own experience of watching the movie, and you can interpret it at will. This is what we insist on in the process of creating the film. "

As Lan Li said, every viewer has his own interpretation.

Some people think that the ending emphasizes the importance of gravity, and human beings belong to the earth after all; some people think that there is no need to over-interpret it, it is just the joy after Ryan escaped from death; some people think that the movie is suggesting Ryan Escaped the crisis of the universe and space, but still must face the crisis of the deep mountains and At present, one of the most popular views on social networks is:

The whole movie hints at the origin of life, including the composition of the zi/gong in the universe. At the end of the movie, Ryan explained the process from plankton to reptiles to upright walking. The evolution and evolutionary process has emerged-human beings must rely on gravity to survive, but they are constantly resisting gravity.

Furthermore, from the process of life evolution to the transformation of inner sublimation, the understanding of life of the two roles of Ryan and Alex is also the core content throughout the whole process, which undoubtedly penetrates the understanding of philosophy and belief into the story. It can be simply summed up as-why are people born? Where did it come from? Where to go?

However, this kind of view has been "over-interpreted" by many ordinary audiences. They think that this is just a popcorn movie. The huge and profound connotation is not so exaggerated at all, and it is not as good as the original "Inception" and The "Dark Knight" is also inferior to the previous "Avatar", these are just deliberate pursuits.

Either praise or refutation, but what is certain is that the discussion frenzy is far from over. Unconsciously, "gravity" is becoming a phenomenon-level work.