The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 281: Single box office

In the film industry, click-through is a very normal screening process. Art films will meet with a small number of audiences in the way of click-on, and then spread out through word-of-mouth communication, and then attract more audiences to the cinema. Moving towards the expansion, the final decision is based on the box office performance to decide whether or not to be fully screened.

Generally speaking, more than 700 screening venues are called public screenings, and 1,500 screenings are large-scale screenings.

In addition to art movies, Disney's cartoons will also choose to show on stage. However, Disney’s “clicking” is quite special. Their location for viewing is Disneyland. Although there are only a few screening halls, the passenger flow is not comparable to that of ordinary theaters; and such “clicking” is also accompanied by grand The premiere, the specifications are not trivial.

Therefore, in the historical ranking of the box office of the single hall, Disney cartoons easily swept all the seats in the top ten. The "Lion King" created a single hall data of 793,000 US dollars in 1994, and no one has been able to break it so far. , Far ahead. When people mention single-library box office lists, they usually add a "live-action movie" as a prefix to distinguish them.

At present, the box office record of a live-action movie was set by "Dream Girl" in 2006. The data of $126,000 exceeded the $10,900 of "Brokeback Mountain", which included the historical record. in. As of 2010, these are the only two films with a box office of more than 100,000 U.S. dollars.

As for the single-library performance of horror films, due to the particularity of the subject matter, the performance is generally sluggish. In the film history list, the highest ranking "Blair the Witch" was not even among the top 40. When it was released in 1999, Created a single library data of 63,000 US dollars, only ranked 43rd.

Interestingly, the 63,000 is the data obtained after adding six venues to Blair the Witch in the second week of the screening, and the single-library box office received 56,000 US dollars in the first week of the screening, which is terrifying. In this data list of genre movies, it occupies the second place on the list. It can be seen that the spread of word-of-mouth is the best box office catalyst for any type of movie.

In addition, the performance of "Smart: Ghost Record" during the screening period last year was $49,000, which was the third highest in film history.

Now, under the attention and enthusiasm, "Buried Alive" has shown incredible appeal, and even pressured "Smart: Ghost Record 2" in terms of discussion enthusiasm. Over the weekend, two urban art academies in Los Angeles and New York The endless stream of busy scenes is the most direct manifestation. This has made major media express great expectations for the movie’s single box office. Some people even speculated whether this work can replicate the trajectory of "Blair the Witch". , Out of the box office curve of the magic.

In the end, "Buried alive" did not disappoint people. In the first week of the screening, it handed over the box office data of the single library for 46,000 US dollars, which caused a wave of exclamation!

Judging from the “forty-six thousand” data alone, there is nothing to be sought after. This achievement can only barely rank among the top 100 in the box office list of live-action movies, among the thriller horror movies. It only occupies the fourth place, failing to break the blockade of "Blair the Witch" and "Smart: Ghost Record".

This is indeed a good result, but it is far from reaching the level of intriguing.

However, the two works "Blair the Witch" and "Smart: Ghost Record" were publicized a lot before they were screened, and the news was released in the form of viral videos and viral news, which made people mistakenly believe that the story in the movie was true. Yes, the film is completely a real documentary, which undoubtedly arouses the curiosity of the audience. Even if they don’t care about horror films, they can’t help but walk into the movie theater. The follow-up is accompanied by further renderings, between reality and the film. The boundaries of the movie are completely blurred, laying a solid foundation for the box office miracle, and the pseudo-documentary shooting method of portable cameras has officially become popular.

In comparison, "Buried Alive" did not carry out any form of publicity before it was released. After Toronto and Telluride's pursuit, even magazine interviews were not even launched. It only relied on the spread and proliferation of word-of-mouth, and blue gifts. Your own topic gimmicks attract more attention.

It's like an unknown **** who came out of a mountain village and suddenly appeared on the boxing ring, breaking everyone's expectations. After fifteen rounds of fighting with the active boxing champion, he still has not been knocked down, just because of the disadvantage of points. Lost the game.

Yes, he lost, but the shock will not diminish in the slightest. This is where "buried alive" is now.

What's more, "Buried alive" does not have the gimmicks of a pseudo-documentary. It is a solid independent film that completely relies on the director's skill and the actor's ability to impress the audience. Under the influence and drive of lack of freshness, it has created such a result. , Any sound of praise is not excessive.

The media did the same.

"Single-library box office has created great results, and'Buried alive' appeared as a dark horse!"

"Another "Smart: Ghost Record"? "Buried alive" defeated the opponent in a way that turned out to be!"

"It's hard to find a ticket. The biggest variable for Halloween this year is: Can'Buried alive' reproduce the'Smart: Ghost Record' box office miracle?"

"The topic exploded during the screening. Following the small screen, Renly Hall shines on the big screen again!"

"From Toronto to Telluride, and then to the North American market,'buried alive' continued the blowout wave of word-of-mouth."

"The biggest surprise of the year?'Buried alive' has been enthusiastically sought after by audiences and film critics!"

"The single library is forty-six thousand dollars, and the second "Blair the Witch" reappears."

"The sudden emergence of'Smart: Ghost Record 2'ushered in the biggest competitor in advance:'Buried alive'!"

"The word of mouth is so great!'Buried alive' staged a miraculous counterattack."

"Is this situation so familiar? A year ago, the miracle of "Smart: Ghost Record" reappeared!"

"'Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5'collective blessing by the crew.'Buried alive' point reflects a great achievement!"


News of all sizes spread overwhelmingly, especially under the strong attention blessing of the two works "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" and "Smart: Ghost Record", which has exceeded one hundred and fifty companies. The media reported on the outstanding performance of "Buried Alive"-Focus Films had not even had time to exert its efforts, the spread of word-of-mouth has greatly exceeded expectations, and the box office performance has greatly exceeded the plan!

This momentum is even stronger than the works that have been screened on a large scale. This is definitely a perfect opening.

Undoubtedly, "Buried alive" has become the biggest surprise of this week, showing a strong momentum that is absolutely not inferior to "Smart: Ghost Record 2", and even suppressed competitors of the same type in the topic of heat. At the beginning, "Smart: Ghost Record" brought the opponent's humiliation, but now the sequel works are felt from the opponent, this... is really aggrieved.

In the third week of October, "Smart: Ghost Record 2" was screened in more than 3,200 theaters. Although the reputation was a mess, but relying on the topics created by the previous work, the sequel easily attracted a large number of audiences into the theaters. , Finally reaped a box office score of 40 million U.S. dollars, and easily crowned this week's weekend box office leaderboard!

For a work with an investment cost of less than three million US dollars, this is enough to make the publishing company Paramount smile. Even if the topic's hot topic is robbed of the limelight, even if the word-of-mouth feedback is far less than expected, even if the media is overwhelmingly cursing, even if the follow-up box office trend is unsustainable, so what? The box office performance of the premiere weekend has already made Paramount a big profit, and all subsequent income is the rhythm of sitting and counting money, which is the most important.

Behind "Smart: Ghost Record 2", works such as "Funny Show 3D", "Red Flame Battlefield", "From Now on", and "Social Network" took up the remaining seats of the top five.

Among them, there are really a lot of focus topics. The "Red Flame Battlefield" gathered Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman (-Freeman), and John-Malkovich (John-Malkovich). ) And other big-name celebrities, which have also received a lot of praise; "From now on" is a work created by Clint-Eastwood and Matt-Damon; and " Social Network", the biggest seeded player in the awards season so far...

Coupled with the high 3D movie boom since last year's "Avatar", last week's "Stupid Funny Show 3D" and next week's "Chain Saw Horror 3D", these are all hot spots.

But even so, "Buried Alive" still broke a **** road. Eleven theaters achieved a weekend box office data of $56,000, making it a strong one in the top 20 of the North American weekend box office rankings this week! It occupies the nineteenth place, and behind it is the "Inception" that swept the army this summer.

This is the only work in the top 30 on the weekend list that has less than 300 theaters. "Eleventh", there are only eleven theaters. "Buried alive" has achieved such outstanding results. , Can enter the ranks of the candidates for the biggest dark horse in 2010!

From discussion enthusiasm to word-of-mouth feedback From single-library box office to focus, "Buried alive" has written its own miracle, which also made the name "Lan Li-Hall" spread widely again No one can separate "buried alive" from Lanli. It can be said that "buried alive" has made Lanli, or it can be said that Lanli has made "buried alive", but there is no doubt that whether it is "buried alive" Or Lan Li, they have won the recognition of the audience.

However, the screening is only a screening. The success of the screening cannot mean the success of the expansion. The opinions of senior professional fans cannot represent the preferences of the general public. During the screening, the audience refuses to pay the bill. This is a case Countless.

What kind of box office results the work "Buried Alive" can achieve, and what the prospects of the awards season will be, are all unknown. The next expansion plan and publicity methods of Focus Pictures are of vital importance.

You know, "Buried alive" must face "Chain Saw Horror 3D", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1, "Super villain", "Tangled" and "Narnia" next. The continuous impact of "Legend: The Dawn Treader" and many other works, this is a rare summer archive battle in recent years, and the intensity is no less than that of the summer archive.

So, what is the odds of "buried alive"?