The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

v4 ~: Charles's speech at the 1st Officer Trai

(1) Be diligent

Be diligent, people who are not diligent cannot do things well and cannot be good officials. What should be done by oneself must be inquired and done by oneself. For example, the villages that should be visited should be present at the scene, the things that should be understood by oneself should be understood in time, the problems that should be checked should be strictly checked, and officials should not be lazy, because laziness will bring danger and bring failure. Another example is that an official, when he arrives in the village, goes to the best house, finds some wine and drinks, gets some chicken and pork to eat, goes to sleep when he is full, and turns his head to look when he wakes up the next day on the way to leave. With two eyes, just say a few words when you see something, this is considered work. How big is the village he manages, how many people, how much arable land, what is cultivated, how many chickens and pigs are raised, how many hills are nearby, how many roads are there, how is the water, how much food is stored, how much salt It’s enough to eat for a few days, people don’t know what their living conditions are, and they don’t even ask or know how to deal with torrential rains, droughts, or thieves. In this way, if there is an emergency, such as a natural disaster, the village has no way to harvest the food during the season. At that time, even the usually smart officials will be helpless and have no choice but to ask their superiors for resources and assistance. As a result, serious mistakes were made in the work, and even the villagers became bandits. Mistakes at work are often the result of lack of mental preparation, lack of organizational preparation, failure to do homework, and laziness. Therefore, officials, big or small, must be diligent, walk at all costs, not be afraid of fatigue, use their brains more, and be aware of their hearts, words, feet, and hands. The root of making mistakes is to have a bottom line in everything. An official who locks himself in an office, or an official with his **** glued to his chair, is not a good official no matter how talented he is.

(2) To find out the intention of the superior

It is necessary to truly understand the intentions of the superiors, truly integrate them, and truly understand the status and role of the departments and localities under their management in the overall situation of the township, region, and the entire territory. Only in this way can we give full play to our own subjective initiative, we can break the inherent thinking, we can have the courage and creativity to find new ways in new situations, we can have great courage, we can have strong determination and ruthlessness, and we have the courage to govern local development and local development. The attempt and ambition to turn one side's water and soil into a heaven on earth. The bravery of officials is shown in the firmness and tenacity of doing a good job. The bravery of officials is based on the highest consciousness of developing the economy and a correct understanding of the superiors' intentions.

(3) To investigate and research

Without investigation and research, there is no right to speak. This is mentioned in the book I published not long ago. You can read and think carefully after you go back. The administrative unit, population, terrain, property, economic situation and ideological situation of the management area must be well-known, and must be touched and pondered every day without interruption. This should not be regarded as repetition, but continuous deepening and continuous improvement. The process is an indispensable means to obtain a correct understanding. The more situations you have accumulated and mastered in peacetime, the more systematic you will be, and in times of war, especially in tense and complicated situations, the more composure you will be and the more you will be able to do it. Therefore, the investigation and research work should run through every work, and should run through the whole process of each work and problem handling, and oppose the blind command, the acute disease, and the lazy style of not doing the investigation and research by yourself. In particular, the human mind must be thoroughly understood, because human beings are alive. People's hearts are bound to change, and these changes are invisible at first glance. Do everything possible to continuously understand and understand people's hopes and demands to see what is the biggest difficulty he faces? Is it reasonable or unreasonable? Is it a policy reason or a natural factor? If it is a reasonable request, can it be resolved? Whether the resolution of these demands requires the cooperation of various departments or the support of superiors, etc. As long as we find out the essence of the problem and the bottom line of our situation, we will be quick, firm, and resolute, we will not be intimidated by any difficulties, and the problem will be solved quickly. If the situation is unclear, then hesitant, undecided, missed opportunities, or reluctantly make up his mind, and when the wind blows and hears difficult complaints or incorrect advice, it is easy to be shaken, and it may be a fraction of the difference, and all previous efforts will be lost. Investigation and research also includes reading more books. First of all, we must study and read "The Theory of Spears and Shields" and "Theory of Practice", and master the tools to solve problems. You should not only read books on ideas, but also books on economics and technology, study how to use technology to develop the economy, and often sum up experience and lessons, so that you have a sharp ideological weapon and come up with practical solutions when solving problems. The way, put the power to the blade.

(4) Have a live map

Officials at all levels must be familiar with maps, and they must read maps frequently. Familiarity with maps can generate insights, wisdom, methods, and confidence. The method of reading is to hang the map, move a stool and sit down and look at the map, from the general direction to the activity area, from the overall picture of the area to the topographic characteristics of each terrain, from rough reading to careful reading, one by one. To read the blocks, use red and blue pencils to mark the main mountains, rivers, towns, villages and roads, and draw the topography of the management area, villages and towns, road traffic, property distribution, population, etc. on the map. I read while drawing, and when the map is almost rotten, I have memorized the map and memorized it. On the basis of being familiar with the map, you should personally organize the relevant personnel to conduct on-the-spot investigation, correct the map, update the information, and put the entire map in your mind, so that you can have a clear picture in front of your eyes when you close your eyes. Able to memorize all the local situations clearly. In this way, in daily work, in the ever-changing emergency situation, we can think about and solve problems from a global perspective and from a more comprehensive direction, so that we can take the initiative and win the game.

(5) To think through all aspects of the problem

The organization of each job requires everyone to ask all kinds of questions that may be discovered, and to ask everyone to find answers, answer all the questions raised, and there are no more questions to answer, so that after the work is carried out, there will be no major mistakes. Mistakes, if you make a mistake, it is easier to correct it. If you don't get an answer, you can't throw it away because you can't think of it for a long time, leaving a lump. If so it is very dangerous. In a pinch, this pimple is likely to pop up, and it will take you by surprise. Of course, in practical work, there are many questions to be considered, and it is impossible to answer them all at once. The whole process of work is a process of constantly asking questions and constantly answering questions. Sometimes my mind is very tired, and some questions may not be answered immediately. This is in addition to discussing with others, and sleep well and sleep well. When you wake up from sleep, your mind will be clear. If you lie in bed and think about it, you may be enlightened, you may figure it out, you will answer, and you will solve it. In short, no ambiguity can be made about each question. The organization of the work is completed after the question is answered.

(6) Make a decision in a timely manner

Under what circumstances can you decide to fight? Officials at all levels must do their utmost to organize and prepare for the work, and strive to carry out only with certainty, and not fight a battle that is unsure and unprepared. However, it is impossible for any job to fully meet all the conditions, and it is impossible to be 100% sure. Generally speaking, it is very good to have about 80% certainty. It is necessary to resolutely develop it and do it by hand. The insufficient conditions must be made up by giving full play to the role of human factors, relying on the strength of the people, giving full play to human wisdom and heroic and tenacious fighting style, and creating conditions with subjective efforts to transform Risk-taking wins for creativity. In a village, a lot of chickens died of chicken plague last year, but few survived. At that time, the township chief found that there were a lot of wild ducks in the lake near the village, so he discussed with the villagers whether they could catch them and raise them like chickens. Opinion, more than half of the people agree. So he acted decisively, caught the ducks before they migrated, and locked them in the vacated chicken coop. Later, they encountered a lot of problems. The ducks could fly, so they cut off the feathers on their wings. If the ducks didn't hatch, they took the eggs to the hens to help hatch. This year, the scale of duck farming in this village has expanded a lot, and the income has also increased a lot. I say this is not to advocate adventurism, this is not an unfounded adventure, such an adventure is based, in fact, this is not an adventure, the basis is that our breeding technology can be used as a reference between chickens and ducks.

(7) There must be a very good and united team

The leadership team must have the same ideology and understanding, and the actions must be coordinated, in harmony, vigorous and resolute, and courageous. They must be diligent, and they must do everything possible to do good things, complete tasks, do not argue with each other, do not interfere with each other, and take the attitude of bystanders. If the leadership team is not good, the number of people is not only useless, but harmful. Therefore, from the perspective of leadership, the problem of the team is an important issue and the key to doing a good job.

(8) Have a good work style

Have a good work style to do a good job. A good work style is first of all not afraid of hardships, rushing to take on the most arduous tasks, not afraid of difficulties, diligent in thinking, and good at grasping the main contradiction. In particular, we must adhere to the thinking and working methods of seeking truth from facts. Seeking truth from facts is the fundamental viewpoint of our world outlook, outlook on life and is our basic thinking method, working method and leadership method. "Facts" are all things that exist objectively, "yes" are the internal connections of objective things, that is, regularities, and "seeking" is what we study. Adhere to seeking truth from facts, we must do: First, insist on researching and solving problems from reality. When we think about problems, make decisions, and do things, we must proceed from the constantly changing objective reality. Any tendency to go beyond reality and beyond the stage to be eager for success must be avoided, and any concepts and practices that lag behind reality, ignore profoundly changing objective facts and stick to old-fashioned and self-contained concepts and practices must be resolutely corrected. The second is to adhere to the combination of theory and practice to formulate and form the correct line, principles and policies to guide the development of practice. Only when theory is closely connected with practice can it play a guiding role in practice and realize its own value and significance. If the theory is divorced from reality, it will become a rigid dogma, and it will lose its vitality and vitality. A good work style should be cultivated on a daily basis, and it must be practiced through practical exercises, which can only be exercised in intense work. The officials who did not dare to bear heavy burdens and became dizzy when they encountered problems let him actually handle some affairs and tempered them, because he had seen difficult scenes, had experience, had experience, and knew how to do it. When it comes to work, you have to do what you say, do what you say, do it cleanly, stick to the bottom, be unambiguous, and don’t let go if you don’t do it well. The key to developing a good style lies in the superior. A strong general has no weak soldiers. The style of the superior will be the same as the style of the subordinate. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to do a good job of the superiors, and the superiors must be good at it, so as to influence and drive the subordinates, or the staff with weak foundations will quickly develop a good style of work.