The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 110

The air is full of obvious humidity, and in spring, a terrible stormy season.

Chapter 221 A Harvest

"Is that old woman gone? Thanks to her, I know that you have already returned. It's great. You didn't stay in another world for other reasons."

"It sounds like a different world is not a good place in your eyes."

"Some worlds are not suitable for humans to enter."

The next morning, Tisya, who had finished meeting with the Demon Hunter, left directly. It must have something to do with magic. She didn't come here on horseback, and no one saw her leave. Only the innkeeper here found out that this beautiful lady had left early in the morning when she cleaned the room the next day.

"Well, you're an expert in this area, and I'm just a layman." When it comes to the issue of another world, a warlock must have more say than a demon hunter, and an elf knows best of all races. The race where the different world and the celestial sphere meet. "So, is there anything to tell me? Or is it accidental?" Zelin looked at the thing from Francesca, the hair of the dark monster of Old Anan, because it could not With the help of chaotic energy to generate electric current, the demon hunter handed the hair to his trusted occult expert.

"Of course, I carefully studied the things you brought back. I must admit that you have arrived in a very strange world. What is it called? Yanan, right." The wizard mage distributed a piece of cut hair on the table, wooden On the desktop is a layer of Warlock’s own thing called an insulator. "I originally thought you were in a huge town that caused disasters due to chaotic energy, but now it seems that I am wrong."

Zelin looked at the black hair in front of him, feeling a little uneasy. Yanan has too many unsolved mysteries, if it is really magic, then what a powerful force this will be that can control the entire Yanan. Compared with the range, Yanan can accommodate tens of thousands, perhaps 100,000, a force that can control tens of thousands of people, and anyone will tremble in front of this force.

"Be careful, I don't think it is a good thing to study the unknown too deeply. This is an ominous thing." Zelin warned. As a demon hunter, he has visited many places and seen many things. Blind exploration of the unknown often brings disasters.

"Don't be superstitious, we must believe in magic."

Francesca dismissed Zelin’s warning, “I followed the rules of operation during the experiment. Listen, this hair, or the monster with this hair, contains the power of lightning itself! That is to say, no matter whether the owner can use chaotic power or know how to use magic, as long as he possesses this thing, he can release electric current through it."

Next, Francesca explained her research results to Zelin with practical actions. But a female warlock is a female warlock, she can only be a female warlock, not a warrior, acrobat or a member of the stage play. It is not her specialty to wave a piece of monster hair like a whip. After the third time it was drawn on the table, the warlock finally gave up the idea of ​​smashing the apple on the table with the electric current on the hair.

However, her demonstration was not unsuccessful. The effect of the current was much better than Zelin expected. It is impossible to destroy a wooden table with a sword at least three times against the tabletop. The effect of this hair will make everyone think that it is the product of these magics.

"I see, what you mean is that even if you don't use chaotic energy, you can use the power of these currents."

"No, not all right." The elf shook his head. "If it is not driven by magic, it will not have any reaction. But compared to using a spell to emit electricity, this chaotic energy is so pitiful that it can't even kill an adult. Like ordinary people, they can also pass through the portal, and the magic contained in the portal will not kill him."

Zelin grasped this hair with both hands. He couldn't directly use magic power like a warlock, but Alderfa Seal could produce the same effect. The result is the same as Francesca's concealment, as long as it is injected with magic power, it can generate electricity. If this thing is applied to the silver sword, with the Rune rune which has a certain magic power, it may have an unexpected effect. Or to conduct other researches. He didn't know how strong these currents could reach, but after seeing the scenes after the battle, Yahagul could imagine how strong the currents were when the monster was still alive.

"This is the biology topic currently being researched by Eritusa College, about ancient creatures..."

"Dean Tishaya talked to me about this."

"Very well, I don't need to say more."

Regarding the hair that was brought back, Francesca used part of it for experimental research, and then left a part for further research. Although Francesca believed that her control of magic power and professional research methods would not have any bad consequences, Zelin still hoped that she would proceed with caution. But when the female warlock heard that there was only one dark monster, not one group, she was a little disappointed.

"I also hope that when you go to the place called Yanan next time, you can bring me some new experimental materials."

"As long as I can come back alive." The demon hunter shrugged. He knew the danger of Yanan better than anyone in this world. If he could, he didn't want to travel the same world once.

Apart from these biological studies, Francesca brought him another surprise.

"You said that doll can be acted essentially?" Zelin didn't have any expression on his face, but in his heart he remembered that encounter in the so-called dream, and said unceremoniously that it was a demon hunter. The closest death in these years. He knew nothing about that monster, and he was unprepared for its surprise attack. If the reaction at that time was one or two seconds late, maybe Zelin's body would have turned into dust in Yanan.

"Yes, my research under the premise of not causing damage shows that the joints and limbs of the doll are almost the same as those of ordinary people. What exquisite craftsmanship can produce such a doll. Compared with this doll, my Golems are like ugly monsters."

Apart from these casual complaints, Francesca brought another thing for the Demon Hunter

"According to recent magic observations, the portal will probably open in early April. There is no need to go back in a hurry, and..." the wizard warlock turned around. "Here, I need you to help me."

"What can make you feel tricky?" Zelin was a little surprised. An archmage, there are very few people in the world who can be called an archmage. If an archmage can't do something, what can a demon hunter do?

"Don't worry, we can talk slowly in the evening."

"Actually, it's fine during the day."

Chapter 222 Price Code Issue

As a result, things were not as troublesome as Zelin expected.

There are a few elves trapped in the forest. They originally went to seek shelter from the druids, but something went wrong. Francesca hopes that Zelin can find them and send them to the Valley of Hundred Flowers, which is the free elf territory where the elf warlocks are located.

"Tell them that I am in Hundred Flowers Valley and Ida Emin is in the Blue Mountains. These are all safe places. There, they can get shelter, and humans can't stretch their hands so far."

"This kind of thing is easy for you, why should I do it?"

"You also know that I still have a lot to do, whether it's the college experiment or Baihua Valley and Blue Mountains. Recently, there is less and less food in Blue Mountains. I must find a way to get the seeds and farming tools I need. You Knowing this point, we elves are not the same as humans. We have never thought of forcibly capturing the activity of land to obtain food. But the world is changing, and we must make changes."

This is true. The sparsely populated elves do not need to farm. Judging from the remains of the elves, there are no buildings such as granaries in their towns, and there are no traces of farms or the like around them.

"But what you said is not the most important thing." Zelin shook his head. "They are the Squirrel Party, right."

Francesca has always paid close attention to her kinsmen. Except for the elven sage Ida Emin, who will hardly appear in the human world, she is the only two remaining archmages of the Ain Sidi tribe, or a sage. One of them. In terms of the population base of the race, this number is not small, and even if there are humans all over the mainland, the number of people who can be called archmages will not exceed ten. She would help her clan as much as possible. How could she hand over her clan to a demon hunter just because of a little experiment and research?

"They are persecuted elves."

"Listen, Francesca." Zelin shook her head, she still didn't want to lie. Demon hunters couldn't help but sigh. At least in the early days, people were not ashamed of honesty, and duplicity was worth ridiculing. "When they have human blood stuck in their hands, they are no longer persecuted. They..."

"Okay, well, don't tell me your philosophy of life at this time. I assure you that they have already put down their weapons, and now they need a chance to start again. I am a warlock, but I am more of an elf. , An Elin Sidi. Anyway, I want to help my people."

"They chose another path."

"Please, they already know that the road is wrong. I can't watch them being eaten or starved to death by monsters in the forest. You know, there is an action team of the blue iron guards near Viervat, Foltes Unique to his warlock advisor, Keira Metz. She must be happy to tell her employer and the blue-clad iron guard commander about any squirrel party. To the south is Vizima, thinking beside a large teleportation node It is impossible to open the portal silently."

Zelin had heard of the commander of the blue iron guard. Roche Vernon, he is very good at dealing with the Squirrel Party. If he is here, it is reasonable for the Squirrel Party near Wilvat to be defeated.

Francesca really couldn't ask for help from others. Most of the warlocks in the Order of Warlocks are magical advisors to the kings of the northern kingdoms. The North is now starting a full-scale war with the rebellious Squirrel Party. The warlocks have no reason to sympathize with the Squirrel Party. Moreover, they are humans, let alone. Reasons to risk being expelled by the king to help non-humans who are trying to kill all humans.

Moreover, the Warlock Order itself is a brotherhood established by human warlocks. It was only after the Shayilaved massacre ended and the conflict between humans and elves came to an end. In order to show the unity of magic users, Francesca was here. At that time he became a member of the Council of the Order. In the Order, she has no allies.

"At noon today, I found out that Angus-Walker Trading Company hired a lot of people in Wilwater to go to the northern forest, as if to clear a new logging yard." The huge forest between Vizima and Willen It is a natural forest farm. This area was once famous for the amount of timber produced. Workers would carry the timber on a wagon and transport it to Dorian’s port on the Islena River or Carerff ​​near the Ponta River. Dock. Every day, the best timber is shipped to Vizima, Novigrad, Tritog, Van Geborg and even Livia.

This grand occasion lasted until the Squirrel Party appeared.

Zelin intends to give it a try. They should be willing to hire a demon hunter who can deal with monsters, especially the number of monsters in this forest. Not only helping Francesca, Zelin also intends to find out whether the druids are still in the forest. It stands to reason that they will not turn a blind eye to those who destroy the forest they live in.

"I will help you, but I can't promise you anything."

In the end, Francesca said she would go to Mahakam with some remaining research results that might be useful to the demon hunter, but before leaving, the female warlock mentioned one more thing

"There is a female student from Osenfurt College. She calls herself Ess Fanda. She came to your castle not long ago. Because of the snowstorm, I let her live there temporarily. She said you allow her to go to the castle. Visit..."

"Well, that's right." Zelin certainly remembered this female screenwriter from the academy. She is not a prejudice against demon hunters. Since she is willing to go to Mahakam's castle to find inspiration for the script, Zelin has no reason to refuse. If there is a stage screenwriter who can write some scripts that are good for the reputation of the demon hunter, it may be a good thing for him to recruit apprentices in the future.

"It's okay if you're happy..." Francesca looked hesitant to speak.

In the afternoon, Zelin went to see the manager of the trading company. As he expected, the manager was surprised by the initiative of a demon hunter, but agreed to recruit Zelin to join. As for the remuneration, everything depends on the commission. The finished result, although he promised a terrible number, was so low that the demon hunter doubted whether he was a liar. But for Zelin, making money now can take a back seat for the time being.

"Of course, you can't ask too much, because you are not the only monster hunter here, the heroic Ike knight also assists us, and does not charge any compensation."

Zelin looked in the direction pointed out by the steward, and saw the brave Ike knight, sitting on the ground praying as before, except that there was a **** strange monster beside him. As I knew before, Ike had a hand in dealing with monsters, as well as the superb silver sword engraved with Rune that was worth more than a thousand oren around him.

"Well, I understand your bid."