The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 109

Knight Ike's face was pale, Zelin couldn't understand what he was talking about, and didn't want to understand a word.

"Listen well, Ike. Your fellow knights killed one soldier after another in the name of honor on the battlefield. Killed the husbands of women and fathers of children. Now you feel like doing this. Not enough, so I ran here to kill the druids who sheltered the orphans, provided them with shelter and education. Your concern for these war orphans really surprised me." Zelin packed up from the tavern owner The spare food bought there "If nothing else, the evil in front of you will leave soon."

"You don’t want to escape until the matter is investigated! The blasphemous warlocks used their cursed power to create these disgusting, unnatural variants of you. I will not let such obvious clues go. I am a knight, knight. His duty is to protect those who need to be protected. The evil is raging here, and I must not sit idly by."

"Since you have expressed your opinion, now, be quiet and shut up!"

This sentence was certainly not what Zelin said.

The source of the sound is wearing a violet silk coat, a retro style, which is incompatible with the current popular tights. Not much taller, at least shorter than Zelin.

"We have seen Mr. Demon Hunter in Mahakam." The young woman pressed down the dome hat, which is a very strange hat, compared with the popular hat with feathers in the back. Nondescript. But Zelin had heard of this kind of hat. Vesemir once said that when he was young, this kind of hat was a kind of retro fashion. "

Zelin stared at the woman who seemed to be a sorceress for a while, only to remember that they had indeed met at Mahakam, but the telescope could only show a grayish appearance, which made it possible for the hunter who had experienced so many things in Rome. The Demon Hunter did not recall for a while, "Miss Tisaya, it's nice to meet you."

Tisya de Veris. From Friesland. She once said that she would visit the demon hunter academy, which was not yet fully completed, as the dean of a warlock academy. It is estimated that she could not find the Demon Hunter in Mahakam, but she does not know what method she used to find Zelin in this small town. Although it is not remote here.

"You should call me a madam, Mr. Zelin." Tisaya nodded slightly, which surprised the demon hunter. Generally speaking, the sorcerers are gorgeously dressed and exposed. Common women would wear headscarves and noble women would wear their luxurious top hats. Only two kinds of women would wear shawl and long hair-prostitutes and female warlocks. The female warlocks declared their independence to the world in this way. Of course this is a human being. Elf warlocks known as sages have their own suits, but strangely speaking, only humans and elves can use chaotic energy among known sapient races, and there have never been dwarves or goblins. Warlock.

However, this warlock, one of the five members of the Warlock Council, is still the warlock of the Honorary Principal of Eritusa Academy, but she is relatively conservative in dress. Hair is also neatly tied together, rather than draped over the shoulders.

"Now, I'll give you a chance to apologize. Mr. Knight, I hope you can face the honor of the warlock." The female warlock was indifferent, reminding Zelin of his teacher when he discovered that he hadn't memorized the monster manual. Complexion.

"You are a respectable lady." Ike performed a knightly ceremony stiffly. "Sooner or later you will realize that magic is an evil force, and then abandon it."

"I'm not sincere at all. If you are my student, I will punish you to copy ancient etiquette a hundred times." Tisya turned to Zelin. "I have booked the second floor of a hotel in the town, and no one will come. Excuse us, it's time to talk about business, the transfer node wasted a lot of my time."

"I'm actually just looking for the druids here. But they don't seem to be there anymore. Maybe we don't need to waste much time in the city. We can talk while walking on the way back to Mahakam. "

"You are the same as Enid said, don't worry, your castle will not collapse into ruins just because you left for a few days." Zelin thought about it and understood who Enid is---Francisco · Fantabe’s elf name is Enid Ann Galina. "Come on, although there is a knight who is not that gentleman lives in this only hotel." The sorcerer took a deep look at Knight Ike." But the innkeeper will be happy to move his luggage into the stable because of the extra Oren."

Don't let the rich female warlock bear hatred, Zelin quickly understood a truth.

(I will post a complete map of the Demon Hunter World in a while.)

PS: Regarding Ike, he appears in the short story Sword of Destiny. If you have played The Witcher 1, you will probably remember Siegfried of Denso, the knight who ventured with the White Wolf in the plot line of the Knights of the Flame Rose. In the Gwent card of The Witcher 3, he is a Morale 4 melee in the Northern Territory. , And his father is Ike.

Demon Hunter World Map

As a reminder, this map is about 460KB, so the traffic party is cautious.

I should be able to see clearly...

Explain about this map. The southernmost city on the map is the imperial capital of the Nilfgaard Empire-the city of the Golden Pagoda. The place indicated in yellow is the territory of the Nilfgard Empire when it was just established.

As for the areas marked in red, they are the southern countries occupied by the Nilfgard Empire's continuous expansion to the north, and they are now the provinces of the empire. Before the outbreak of the first Nilfgard-Northern War, the territory of the Nilfgard Empire had expanded to the south of Sintra, at the foot of the Amer Mountains. After the war, Sintra was called the new imperial province, and the territory expanded to the south bank of the Yaruja River.

The northern countries are Aden, Sintra, Kodwin, Kerviel and Povis, Leiria and Livia, Rydania, Temalia, and Skellig. Sintra was ceded to the Empire in the first war contract. Leiria and Livia are located in the south of Aden, and they are not marked in bold on the map, so as a reminder, Geralt of Livia refers to this Livia.

Finally, the two large areas in the east of the map are Hackland on the grassland mentioned in the novel and Serekania in the desert. The realistic background can refer to the Mongol Empire and the Arab Empire. The blue mountains where Ain Sidi lived separated them. By the way, the Witcher 3 Bloody Baron took his wife to the Blue Mountains to find a hermit for treatment. This refers to this blue mountain.

There are also several translation issues. For example, Sorden is actually Sutton. Verdon is Verdon.

Chapter 220 Before the Heavy Rain

There is no doubt that Tisya is a professional dean and knows a lot of professional knowledge.

"If you want a real academy, you must first confirm whether you have enough teachers. As far as I know, you demon hunters need to go outside often to earn commission fees. You can’t spend so much time. Stay in the college to teach students."

The sorcerer is a real dean of the academy, with hundreds of students and more than twenty sorcerers resident in the academy. Not only warlocks, but also many ordinary people, they serve as teachers of nature, history, humanities, etiquette, etc. for the Eritusa Academy. According to them, warlocks shouldn't just wave their hands and release a ball of fire. They should be scholars and researchers. Magic should be art rather than a tool.

"When you endure the stench in the monster's lair and hide in a dark corner waiting for the prey to be hooked, you don't think about whether the rocks around you can paint a mural."

Regarding Tishaya's question, Zelin does not think the two can be compared. The high tuition fees of Eritusa College are well known. Except for a few girls who are born with excellent magic talents, everyone else who wants to enter the academy must pay a lot of gold. It is said that the tuition fee has now risen to a thousand Novigrad Krona in good condition. One thousand crowns, even in the war years, it will take a long time to make this money.

This absolutely symmetrical room makes people feel uncomfortable, but the female warlock seems to be very satisfied with it. "So you need help. Listen, my students, they like to participate in disputes between kings more and more than they study magic. Magic can guide human beings forward. During the exile and landing period, if it weren’t for Jan Becker’s discovery and learning of how to use chaotic energy, calm the sea and let water gush out of the rocks near the landing point for thirsty landers to drink. It is impossible for us to develop to where we are now."

"I know this story."

In the centuries after the confluence of the celestial spheres, the northerners crossed the sea by boat and finally came to this continent. They landed on the deltas of the Ponta and Yaruga rivers. As for the land where the northerners once lived, no one knows, just like no one knows what the origin of humans in other places is after no one knows the myth.

"But if Becker chose to use chaotic energy to do other things at that time, for example, to rule a small number of northerners and become a king. But he did not do this, and there is pure white Lafad, he could have They are called the Kings of Tamoria, but they also chose to retreat behind the scenes. It is what they did to determine the status of the warlock after the collapse of the Novigrad Alliance."

"You may be right, but I think you are definitely not here to tell me historical stories." The demon hunter wanted to find anything asymmetrical in the room, but found that everything was the same except for the bed and the cabinet. Neat. This must be done by magic.

"Be patient, this is a virtue." Tisha shook her head. "Listen, magic is closely related to the creatures that appear after the celestial sphere meets, and many monsters also use magic that we don't know. Our magic can already be teleported over long distances. , Projection images, audio messages, and four-dimensional phantoms. Recently we are studying the storage method of magic power. A kind of ore from the Dragon Mountain has excellent malleability, but even so, there are still many problems. For example, we have been unable to Solve the problem of magic escape."

"But what does it have to do with a little demon hunter?"

Zelin remembered Vesemir's warning in his mind

A warlock always has his reasons for doing things.

"Many monsters are born with magical powers, such as the little mist demon. Weaving a piece of mist requires the magicians to cast spells continuously, and also requires spells and the weather. But for the mist demon, weaving mist is as easy as human breathing. So I and Mary discussed it from different quarters and planned to add a new course to the academy---study on monsters where the celestial spheres meet. This is related to the origin of magic."

After some explanation from the female warlock, Zelin finally understood Tisya's intention. She will support Zelin in the name of the academy, but she needs the demon hunter's knowledge about monsters and assistance in research.

"Sorry, even if I say agree or disagree now, it doesn't make much sense."

"Of course I know. You will have time to consider, and I will send you an invitation when the next Sinide Island Mage Conference is held."

When the night hunter would definitely not live here, he still remembered his purpose, and found the druids to talk. Their migration will certainly not be silent. Druids are also humans. They need to eat and drink, and starvation can also lead to death. Looking everywhere, if there is no news in the town, maybe they just stayed in the forest temporarily and didn't come out.

Who knows what these conservationists will do.

As far as the demon hunter is concerned, he prefers the druids on the Skellig Islands, and the druids on the mainland are the most famous of the Sidaris. They even hope that the king of Sidaris will ban local Fishermen are fishing. The king’s attitude was of course the same as everyone expected. The king politely rejected the druid’s request, and then told him that these fishermen’s actions were not his control, so the druid made his way to the nearby fishing village to promote his Idea.

As for what happened afterwards, no one knew.

"Sir, are you here with the knight?"

Just when the demon hunter came to the first floor of the inn, he planned to ask if there was any remaining space, as long as it was a dry place with a wooden board on which to lie down. Zelin really didn't want to continue lying in the damp haystack, especially since it had just rained here recently. But then a young man who looked like a local came up

"Is there any problem?"

"The knight has been wearing armor after nightfall, kneeling on a rock and looking at the sky. I am worried that he will scare the horses. The employers pay me to take care of the horses. I also know horses. They are all good. The animals must be taken good care of, but then I can’t take care of them. If the knight goes crazy and scares the horse away, I will be driven home by the boss. You have two swords on your body, for sure I can have a good talk with that knight."

"Don't worry, he won't disturb the horses." Zelin shook his head. For Ike, he knew exactly what the other party was doing with these inexplicable actions. He was either meditating or praying. He always said that he had accepted the instructions of the gods, and the gods commanded him to protect mankind from evil.

As for why he can fight monsters everywhere without charging, it is naturally his fief in Nedamir. Ike is a real knight with a village as his territory. If he wants to be like a demon hunter, he can be sure that he would have starved to death in a deserted place a long time ago.

"If you are really worried, tell him." Zelin recalled the suspicious signs he noticed when he came here. "There may be strange demons in the north of the town near the forest."

"Qiqi Demon?"

"It's a kind of monster that can hurt people." Unfortunately, no one here is willing to issue a commission for those strange monsters. "Just tell how many monsters are there, and then he will leave."

Zelin didn't want to think about these monsters. Now everything in the academy is just a rudimentary form, he is about to deal with warlocks from Sinide Island. The warlock obviously has a plan, but what else will come next, and what will they think, Zelin doesn't know, but it is certain that there will be people with good intentions for free.

It would be more reliable to say that he could see the golden dragon and the unicorn.