The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1830

"Hello, Your Highness."

She has bright and beautiful blue eyes, and Anduin estimated that she might be older than she looks. The power of the Holy Light will make the appearance of followers look softer, just like its powerful healing power.

"Thank you." Anduin said, "Thank you for your welcome..." He cast a puzzled look at Moira, but the latter only gave him an encouraging look.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?"

"We may not have seen it, Your Highness."

The woman's smile was a little sad: "But you may have seen one of my family members, his name is... his name is Arthas Menethil."

Chapter 2927: The Enemy of the Enemy

The correspondence has always been swift and quick, at least, this is the case in Azeroth.

The advantage of the popularization of portals among high-levels is probably that commands and important letters can be delivered to the right people as quickly as possible.

Gary Vickers casually threw the letter into the fireplace beside it.

"I have good news, sir." He took a deep breath of his cigar, spit out a cloud of smoke in the sky, and then stretched out two fingers: "Two!"

Sylvanas tried to resist the urge to wave the smoke ring in front of her face and pat off the goblin's head together.

"For example?"

In Azeroth, there are many places that Sylvanas never wants to set foot on. Gary Wix’s Klang Valley may not be number one, but it’s certainly not much worse.

Once, there were only beautiful maple forests and scattered among the forests, reminding the glorious ruins of the ancient elven empire. Gary Vickers transformed the positive land and used explosives to destroy half of the woods and mountain peaks. He excavated the foundations of the Wangshou Palace in the mountains. Azshara was completely destroyed, and then repainted with a variety of vulgar and gorgeous colors.

Sitting in an upholstered chair that seemed to sink her whole body, Sylvanas watched the arrogant Prince of Trade.

Gary Vickers was not in a hurry to answer the question, he took a deep sip of the cigar again, and the waiter beside him immediately held the ashtray in front of him.

"I have found that excellent mind in Tanaris, for my use." He said slowly: "And determined the location of the second mind. She is in Silithus, near the excavation site. , Stay with a group of Alliance exploration teams."

"Then what?"


"Vol'jin has sent a group of tauren druids and orc shamans, claiming to heal the land. I assume for the time being that their work will not hinder your plan, right?"

Sylvanas' eyes were smooth to the right, and there was a wide lawn outside the palace. Many waiters and waiters stood on it bored or tried to pretend that they were still working. You can see piles of food on every table, it seems that the table will be crushed in the next moment, many huge wine barrels are just decorations, in fact, there is no drop of wine inside. Here, her keen eyes can even see passengers by the swimming pool farther away. Most of them are blood elves and trolls, a few are goblins.

She could hardly imagine that there were so many tribal tourists from all over the place where the meeting was held 100 meters away. But Gary Vickers insisted that it was necessary, because they needed to buy tickets and spend them in the Klang Valley until they exhausted every gold coin in their pockets.

The issue of leaks is not considered at all.

Of course, there is also an advertisement for skin care products in her name on the so-called billboard. Several blood elves surrounded the billboard, listening to the salesperson’s sales speech.

That's right, she should kick this disgusting little creature into the poisonous river in the Undercity.

"Yes, that's right, our miners are trying to expand the big gap, using explosives and the like, so that more Azerite will flow out. Ah, like a river flowing with gold and honey, who doesn’t love it? Let the group of nature conservationists perform their little rituals, they are all fools, they are resistance to social progress, who can reject gold? Only the mentally abnormal guys. My miners have used explosives on the periphery of the big rift. Create a new Azerite mine, it will produce a huge profit for us... honey, a glass of fruit juice sparkling wine."

"Yes, boss!" a female goblin replied in a shrill voice.

"But I need to remind you that there is still an engineer in the hands of the Alliance, and your Azerite weaponization process is still in the foreseeable future?"

"I will send the best thugs, fully armed." Gary Vickers smiled treacherously: "Silithus is so dangerous, it's no surprise that a few explorers have died."

"And this means war with the alliance."

Sylvanas thought: "Vol'jin opposes, and the tribe will oppose it. You are isolated and helpless in the tribe..."

The smile on Gary Vickers's face grew thicker.

He heard the meaning of Sylvanas' words. Once this matter is exposed, Vol'jin announces an investigation, then the Banshee King will not be on the side of the goblin.

"But... what if the Alliance is the first to do it?"


"If the Alliance starts first, who in the Horde will care about the life and death of an Alliance exploration team?"

"I'm listening."

"Haguero Island."

"The Eye of the Tribe?"

Gary Vickers didn't say anything, he just nodded slowly.

"Some people in the Alliance... think that contact with the tribe is a kind of betrayal, or that they hate seeing tribal spies."

"...It is also a betrayal to bypass the warchief and communicate directly with the Alliance, Garywix."

"Yeah, yeah, who would dare to do this? No one! If anyone wants to betray the warchief, I'm the first to refuse." Garywix raised his hand excitedly as if to take an oath.

The waitress put a cocktail between his fingers.

"Thank you, dear."

He took a sip and took a long sigh: "The Bilgewater Chaebol will always be a friend of the tribe. I am a staunch supporter of the warchief. I will never plot against the warchief. I will never do this, wouldn't it? Even if the Warchief cancels so many orders, does not approve our Ashenvale development plan, and veto our transformation of the Barrens and Thunder Bluff, I will not oppose the Warchief. I am a loyal and honest businessman."

Sylvanas watched Gary Vickers' performance coldly.

"He doesn't even allow us to hunt Kodo on a large scale, nor does he allow us to develop Kodo cemeteries. Think about it, my scientists can use Kodo meat to develop so many new products, and Kodo The skulls of beasts can also be made into the best crafts, which are sold everywhere!"


Sylvanas had to remind Gary Vickers to return to the subject.

"Oh, yes,, no, not Azerite. I mean, I support the warchief’s plan to send tribal missions to contact new members of the alliance. But, I’m always worried, What happens if the Alliance learns about it through some unknown gossip, or some secret way that we don’t understand?"

Gary Vickers giggled, as if staring at an invisible golden mountain: "You were an elf before you were alive, right? My engineer designed a coffin that is very suitable for blood elves. I hope it can be given as a gift. Here you are. If you are comfortable lying down, remember to give a feedback so that my employees can upgrade on this basis... I guess someone will use it soon, won’t they?"

The 2928th chapter is the way to remove the stumbling block

"The tribe is trying to win over the Ayn? Ha, smart!"

Tess casually threw the letter into the trash can.

Putting her hands on the table, the princess of Gilneas lowered her eyes and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her heart. But she failed: "And he actually helped the messenger of the tribe to make the bridge! The match! He! What does this stupid man think he is doing?! Friends gathering?! Why didn’t you stop him? You didn’t tell him how serious this is. Is it!"

Amber Gilney stood opposite the desk, holding her breath and lowering her head.

"Excitement doesn't help, Your Royal Highness." Xiao Er calmly walked to the trash can, bent down to pick up the information letter, flicked the letter, glanced contemptuously at the report above, then raised his head and looked at Moss. Si: "Please forgive me. An Bo is my best subordinate. She should not accept any unreasonable accusations."

Tess took a deep breath again and tugged at the collar irritably.