The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1894

Fortunately, Anbo's professionalism has avoided an unnecessary accident.

Vanessa VanCleef, who was not assigned a wooden chair at all, curled her lips.

"A hypocritical nobleman."

Everyone here is sitting, only she is standing. And during dinner, Tess arranged her at a small table in the corner of the restaurant, far away from everyone. Originally, Zelin thought Vanessa would be furious, and even slammed the door and left. But unexpectedly, Vanessa did not leave. Instead, she sat at the small round table according to Tess's arrangement and ate a few slices of bread coated with butter.

"After you are rebellious after all, but I will kindly forgive your offense." Tess stretched her hands behind her head and unwrapped her napkin: "Please forgive her for being rude, ma'am. Anyway, I am very happy to welcome you. Coming."

Maria raised the goblet to Tess, with a gentle smile on her face: "Salute to the generous and hospitable host."

Tess folded the napkin and put it next to her, then raised the goblet with half a glass of red wine remaining: "Cheers to your health."

Maria looked at Zelin: "My dear, would you like to do it for you?"

"Of course no problem." Zelin took Maria's glass: "Do you want to take a break?"


In addition to Zelin, Maria and Frid, Anduin, Tess, and Vanessa were also present.

Of course, Zelin was very happy to see that Olega was as carefree as ever. She was sitting aside, looking at a holy deed, not knowing what she was thinking, and muttering in a low voice. Seeing her serious look, Zelin decided not to disturb her for the time being.

"Doesn't it suit your taste?" Tess asked curiously.

"I am very grateful for your hospitality." Maria's gloved hand patted her lower abdomen gently: "But the alcohol is adequate."

"I think today you are not just for inviting us to have a meal here, right?" Zelin helped Maria divert the subject. Her appearance is undoubtedly the same as a living person, but this time she did not bring her body, but made her soul more solid, and she was not suitable for pouring wine into her mouth. No matter how solid the soul is, there is no entity in itself. It's like she can attack other people's souls now, but she doesn't have the power to open a door.

"Yes, about the Bilgewater Chaebol, there is an interesting piece of information from MI7." Tess picked up the folded handkerchief on her left hand and wiped the corners of her mouth: "There is news that the unidentified trading prince Garrivik was out. Si returned to Azshara and was about to enter Orgrimmar to participate in a tribal-related meeting related to the tribe’s special envoy to the Ayn. Master Shaw speculated that the hearing should have been within a few days. It was held before, but because of internal problems in the Bilgewater Chaebol that prevented the Prince of Trade from arriving, it had to be postponed."

There are very few people who know why the Bilgewater Chaebol postponed, but there are many in this house.

"No wonder, I'm still wondering why there is still no news after the Horde envoy entered Orgrimmar."

Tess' information made Ze Lin secretly relieved. Although Yamily is a member of the tribe, he is really not assured of letting the blood elves do such important and risky things alone.

"He appeared."

"Yes." Tess nodded: "And there is confirmed news that the Bilgewater Chaebol's factory is making every effort to produce more logging robots, catapults, airships and bombs for the tribe. We need to bring the Bilgewater Chaebol into chaos and let Their factory is completely shut down! To be honest, I was preparing to send Vanessa to find you the other day, and her assassination and investigation skills should be able to help you in Kalimdor."

"And I'm about to refuse." Vanessa replied coldly.

"But you can't refuse my terms, can you?" Tess raised her eyebrows confidently: "Or you can turn around and leave now, and I won't block or blame you. After all, you are a free man and don't belong to the alliance. "

Vanessa snorted and shook her head.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Anduin, who had been listening to the side, asked unclearly, "Why are you still talking about assassination and spying?"

"In fact, it's like this, Anduin... I'm sorry, let's be out of company."

Zelin stood up and made a follow-up gesture to Anduin. The two of them walked out of the house and walked to the streets of the old town outside the door. There were soldiers patrolling the curfew on the street, but they did not stop Zelin and Anduin. These soldiers knew exactly who this house belonged to. The soldiers in charge of the curfew are the Stormwind Defense Forces, but the responsibility for commanding and distributing the patrol falls on the shoulders of MI7.

Inside the house, Tess finally found an opportunity to chat with Maria and Frid. In the Valley of Hundred Flowers, she did not explore how many new races there are in the other world. But no matter how she looked at it, she couldn't associate Frid and Maria, who looked almost the same as humans, with the ugly and terrifying undead.

Walking down the stairs, with his hands behind his back, Zelin raised his head and looked at the two bright moons in the sky. In his eyes, this is a rare wonder in another world.

"You heard it right, Anduin. I am indeed discussing with Tess how to deal with the tribe, otherwise you think how should I convince her?"

"But this is not the same as what we said." Anduin frowned slightly: "We should promote a peaceful meeting. All alliance races and all tribe races resolve their hatred and shake hands. We should use words. Resolve disputes, not swords and blood!"

"Peace. Anduin." Zelin said the word repeatedly: "Do you know how to achieve peace?"

Anduin paused, and he opened his mouth: "I think... we should start with the simplest meeting, gradually release goodwill, and then..."

"No, no, Anduin, it's not like that." Zelin shook his head and looked at Anduin seriously: "Peace can be a result, but it can't be a means."

Chapter Three Thousand and Five Plan Modifications

"I... I don't understand."

"You will understand sooner or later, Anduin." Zelin sighed, "Sometimes, when I help a village, what I have to do is not to help the villagers negotiate with the monsters, but to find the monster's lair. They kill them all. In this way, the remaining good people can live safely. Sometimes, I will help tell humans that the monsters in their mouths are actually non-humans with different appearances, and then tell the non-humans that they My life habits and customs have caused a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings. You should learn to make judgments instead of generalizing."

"All actions against the Prince of Trade may be regarded by the tribe as a declaration of war by the Alliance against them."

"Why must the Alliance do this thing?" Zelin asked back, "I guess there may be more than one opponent of the Bilgewater Chaebol, right? Listen, Anduin. Peace, what you need to do is not something like Like missionaries, they preach the idea of ​​peace everywhere, or tell them that peace will make something invisible and intangible—for example, the living environment of their descendants. What you have to do is make them realize that peace is right now , It is helpful to their own interests. Only in this way, they will support your idea."

"But there are many people who want war."

"Yes, you have to see their essence." Zelin stretched out a finger: "They want war because they believe that only war can make them achieve their goals. So I told Tess that if the tribe's arsenal Falling into chaos, and the Forsaken also broke out internally. At that time, the power of the undead will be forced to shrink back to Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal Glades. The Alliance can easily fill the space left by their retreat and help the Gilneas. The soldiers took home the garden without blood. All she wants is to restore the country. Wouldn't you think that after I chatted with Tess, she suddenly became a pacifist?"

"But this will cause conflict, doesn't it?"

"I will try my best to guarantee not. For the forgotten, to be honest, I once knew a forgotten person. They don't really want that much. Maybe some people are really bad, no matter who it is-human or forgotten But what you have to do is not to keep everyone at peace, but to unite those who are willing to keep peace, and then cooperate with those who are not so extreme, and finally, achieve your goal."

Zelin clenched his fingers into a fist: "But in the meantime, the most important thing is to keep your strength."


"Yes, when preparing for a peaceful assembly, the alliance must ensure its own strength. Only when you are strong, no one will be willing to become your opponent, but to maintain peace with you. Otherwise, blindly retreat and forbear. It will only destroy everything you cherish, and surrender is definitely not peace." Zelin lowered his hands and took a deep breath: "Archbishop Faor has succeeded. Next, I hope you will visit Tirion. Lord Buddha Ding."

"Lord Foding?" Anduin was surprised at this: "Why?"

"Yes, Lord Foding." Zelin nodded: "When General Turalyon goes to tell his close friends that the saint is still alive, you'd better go there too. Just say, you are going to hold a game. Peaceful rally. The representatives of the rally are humans and the forgotten. You tell him that you think the rally should be held in the Western Plaguelands..."

"Western Plaguelands? No, I discussed with Jia Liya. It should be at Thoradin's Wall, which is the border between the Alliance and the Horde." Anduin explained, "And, it’s near Stromgarde, it’s ancient. The first human city, I think this should allow people to let go of their prejudices. We were all humans, why can’t we live together peacefully in the future?"

Zelin patiently listened to Anduin's words: "You are too young, Anduin, and you are too whimsical. I understand what you think, so I told you to change the meeting place to the Western Plague Land. Changed to Fireplace. Go to Master Tirion and ask if you can request to borrow the fortress of the Silver Crusade. It is best that both parties can accept the inspection and protection of the Paladins. In other words, I hope you can convince Tirion. Buddha Ding, become a witness and protector of this rally."

With the support of Faor and Turalyon, Tirion is unlikely to oppose this matter. What's more, the purpose of the Silver Crusade is to purify the land that has been corroded by the plague of undead. The Alliance and the Horde have been arguing over the fate of the Plaguelands, and even after the cataclysm, in order to compete for the Western Plaguelands, a battle of Andorhal broke out.

Two death knights led the Alliance and Horde armies respectively to a decisive battle on the ruins of Andorhal. As a result, there was no victor in that war. The Alliance defeated the Horde's army through the support of the local reverse farmer, but Val'kyr of Sylvanas resurrected the dead, causing heavy casualties to the Alliance army. But she was also unsuccessful. Because Thassarian, the death knight who served for the Alliance, finally killed Val'kyr. As a result, Andorhal is now a place full of brainless zombies.

Hundreds of humans and rational forsaken died in that battle, and then thousands of brainless zombies were born, entrenched in the ruins of the city.

The alliance and the tribe’s peace talks are conducive to the work of the Silver Crusade. This is good for the Paladins.

And once in a chat with Oregaard, Zelin learned that there were undead members in the Silver Crusade. Some undead who recovered their sanity decided to join the Paladins to avenge the murderer who killed them. After completing their revenge, many of them still stayed, together with their living comrades, to clear the plague monsters in the plague land and protect the safety of the road.

The Paladins under Tirion Fording are different from their colleagues in the Alliance. They do not discriminate against the Forsaken. On the contrary, they cooperate with the Horde quite a bit, and Tirion enjoys a high level in both the Alliance and the Horde. Reputation. Therefore, asking them to become protectors is the most reliable choice.

As long as people in the Alliance and Horde are not stupid, they will understand that there is no need to push a neutral military force to the other side.

"I understand." Anduin nodded, "I will try to do what you say."

"It's not as much as possible, Anduin, it must be done." Zelin shook his index finger to Anduin: "There can be no mistakes in this matter... I heard Jia Liya say that you are preparing a plan to select the assembly list. How is it going? How many lists have you prepared and who is on it?"

The third thousand and sixth chapters of another legend