The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1895

"Very good." Anduin finally smiled. He believes that Zelin will agree with the good news: "Galia and I have selected about 50 of them, and it is expected that at least 30 will participate. First, There can be so many people responding to a peaceful rally. I think this will make many senior people understand what the people really want."

Who knows, Zelin twitched the corners of his mouth after hearing these words, taking a deep breath as if helplessly, and glancing into the distance.

"This is really the worst news I heard today, Anduin! The worst!"

Anduin thought he had heard it wrong.

"What, what?"

"You can't arrange so many people to participate in a rally, Anduin!" Zelin reluctantly waved his fisted hands: "You know that there will be so many people who want to participate in the first rally, what does it mean? ?"

"This..." Anduin realized that Zelin didn't think this was a good thing, but he couldn't think of what was so bad about it: "A lot of people want to meet their dead family members?"

"This means that it is difficult for you to control the outcome of the rally." Zelin said word by word: "You must make sure that the rally is successful, peaceful, and touching. It's best for everyone to cry together. After they come back, you have to try to let everyone know how good the effect of this meeting is and how the Forsaken hope to return to human society. If you can ensure that the Dark Lady will also promote it, humans How welcoming the forgotten is, so much the better."

"I...I don't quite understand..."

Zelin shook his head: "Well, let's make it simple. All in all, the fewer people, the easier it is for you to control this gathering."

"Control the assembly?" Anduin seemed more puzzled: "However, the purpose of my assembly is to make both parties understand each other, not to control it, not to control the forsaken and humans participating in it."

"Yes." Zelin said seriously: "If you are not sure about the result of the rally, then don't hold this rally."


"No. But, Anduin, do you want to arrange dozens of humans to participate, and then they will tell their neighbors when they come back that the forsaken are a group of cold-blooded, unfeeling, and filthy corpses with a rotten smell all over? In other words, let them help other human beings who are still on the sidelines, believing more firmly that their relatives are already dead, and the rest are just strange puppet zombies?"

Anduin was silent.

"On the ship we came back, I thought you might not know what you were doing. Now I still believe that you don't know how important your plan will be." Zelin's tone eased a little: " First of all, your plan to meet in Stromgarde will only make the high-levels of the undead doubt whether the alliance has the idea of ​​annexing them. Isn’t it right? Don’t forget, they also have thoughts, doubts and suspicions. Secondly, I believe in hope. There are many people who can reunite with their dead relatives, but they are all doubting, watching, and waiting for the outcome of the first peaceful assembly. The success of this assembly will determine how human civilians will view the forgotten."

"I believe family affection can break prejudice." Anduin said: "I think if Prince Liam stood here as an undead, Tess would never treat him as an enemy."

"Yes, you are right. Family affection can break the prejudice, Anduin. But family affection..." Zelin emphasized the pronunciation: "It must not be the motivation to guide you. Isn't everyone in the rally Tess? ?"


"Can you be sure that everyone will value family affection?"

"I really can't." Anduin lowered his gaze: "But as you said, we should unite all those who can unite, don't we? I believe that by relying on this rally, those who cherish peace will stand up. Help us do more."

"I hope so, Anduin." Zelin didn't want to say anything further: "When I'm away, I will let Maria assist you. She has a way to contact me directly, if you have any questions or don't know what to do You can discuss the matter with me at any time."

This time, when Zelin planned to go to Kalimdor, he walked with Frid.

If Maria is there, Zelin believes this action will be very easy.

Maria originally suggested Zelin to leave the matter to her. She can directly find the Prince of Trade and take his soul directly before the goblin can react. But Zelin did not recommend that she do this in Azeroth.

In the world of demon hunters, few people can become Maria's opponents. However, in Azeroth, due to the fight against the undead army, the Alliance and the Horde have a set of methods to detect the undead and specifically target the soul creatures. It is too dangerous for her to go alone.

She is very smart, and Zelin feels relieved if she stays here to help Anduin complete his plan. So far, among all the people around him, there are probably not many who are smarter than Maria and can see through people's hearts.

It is not the first time Zelin has cooperated with Frid to kill the enemy silently. Frid is very good at this, which is exactly what Zelin needs right now.

After talking with Anduin about Hearthglen, Anduin returned to the house first, and Zelin stayed outside, allowing the cold air to pour into his lungs, bringing himself a hint of coolness.

He needs to calm himself, and then think about whether there are any omissions in the opportunity. Neither the alcohol nor the sultry air in the banquet helped this. He felt a little hot, perhaps because of the spirits Tess provided, which tasted really good.

After three days, he will board the ship heading to Kalimdor and go straight to the Darkshore, which belongs to the night elves. Then travel through Ashenvale to Azshara where the Bilgewater Cartel is located. That road is not easy to walk, and it is far away. But there is one advantage-it is completely under the control of the alliance, and no one will notice it. After so many things happened in Silithus, the Bilgewater Chaebol could not be without any alert.

And, before heading to Azshara, he had to meet another guest arranged by Anduin. Anduin said that that person would help him.

Suddenly, the vigilant eyes of the demon hunter came to the opposite side of the street.

At this time, he noticed that there was a figure standing beside the street not far away, hiding under the cloak, staring at him with interest.

This person might be eavesdropping on his conversation with Anduin.

Why didn't he find out just now? !

As if he had a mind-reading technique, the figure took a step forward and lifted his hood, revealing white hair with a few golden threads remaining.

"I've been listening to the conversation between you and Anduin just now." Her voice was filled with some kind of sigh, as if to lament the past: "I think, I have guessed what you said last night, that story Another part of it."

Chapter 307 The Confrontation Between Nobles

The noble banquet is famous for its elegance, expensiveness, refinement and courtesy.

So the banquet hall is not lively at all.

Maria listened to Tess' words with a smile, nodded from time to time, and occasionally raised one or two short and clear questions. Tess patiently solved Maria's doubts, but the smile in her eyes and the slightly raised corners of her mouth were not only friendly. Maria noticed this, but this little episode will not affect her interest.

Vanessa used a knife to cut a piece of roast pork leg open in front of her forcefully, as if she wanted to vent all her dissatisfaction on this piece of meat. Frid sat silently at the dining table and slowly stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon, seeming to finally find himself a kind of fun that can quietly kill time. Next to the nun, Olegar was dancing and telling the miracle of the holy light, completely immersed in her joy, not even noticing that the nun was absent-minded about it.

Anduin lowered his head and looked thoughtfully at the ramen on the plate, not knowing where his thoughts were floating.

"...Saain? They are a group of fallen people, transformed from blood elves. They are followers of Northrend brought to Northrend by their prince Kael'thas. They were later resurrected by the Lich King and turned into blood-sucking. A monster born."

Tess picked up the tea from the servant, blew the floating white mist, and took a sip.

Normally, there are no servants in her house, but it is impossible for her to be busy with such a banquet alone. So he borrowed several servants, cooks and attendants from the palace of Stormwind Fortress to take care of the banquet and serve the guests.

"Rely on blood for a living?"

"Probably only the evil necromancer and the **** Lich King know what spells they used to turn creatures into such monsters." Tess did not conceal the disgust in her voice: "It is said that a member of the Saaine clan Bites and blood will spread to healthy people like a plague, turning a still alive into the same monster as them. I heard that during the battle of Icecrown Citadel, some Sarin escaped from hunting. But then Many years have passed, and there have been no reports of people infected with Sarein. I hope that the news that Sareingo is still alive is just people's suspicion."

"Can Sarin's blood restore strength to a corpse?" Maria asked curiously.

"Yes, it brought a lot of trouble to the Alliance army back then, and it can even confuse people. An evil Saaine secretly controlled the Alliance commander of the Borean Tundra and almost destroyed the entire fortress." Tess Gently put down the teacup: "Depravity and mind control are everywhere, and the alliance must fight against all kinds of enemies to protect the kind people from threats. Therefore, I have always hoped to be able to interact with more benevolent races. Cooperation."

"I understand you, Your Highness."

Maria had a soft smile on her face: "I think Zelin will have the same thoughts as you. In the past few years, he has made many friends, some are rangers, some are warlocks, and some are kings and lords. But no matter what their identities, Zelin’s friends have one similarity-that is to be honest with their friends. Zelin has seen many people, but he can always tell who is a sincere and good person. , Who is a liar in disguise. People often want to use him, but I would say that this is the worst decision they have made."

"I am definitely not the one who treats him most honestly." Tess raised her mouth slightly: "After all, I still have to wear clothes in front of him."

The two women looked at each other and smiled.

The werewolf princess picked up the tea cup: "Please allow me to salute you again for your grace and intelligence."

"Also to your humor and hospitality."

Maria picked up the goblet and bumped it with the teacup.

The door was gently pushed open, Zelin squeezed into the gap sideways, and then closed the door to prevent the cold outside from dissipating the warmth in the house. He likes the coolness outside, but it can't make everyone cold. Every time night falls on the coast of Stormwind, there will be a bit of chill here. No matter when, coastal cities will not be too hot.

Seeing Zelin appear, Maria kept her eyes on him until he sat back next to him again.