The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 314

"Who is he?"

"This is a famous craftsman in the Hunter's Workshop, a member of the Explosive Barrel Gang." Brado explained.

"Who are you, hunter? Show me your badge."

"I'm optimistic." Zelin took out the dynamite barrel hunter badge he got from the Sheikh and shook it in front of the little man. "Look clearly, this is art."

Chapter 570 Lawrence

The tongue of fire from the machine gun, and the lasing bullet tore the monster's body apart. The artisans of the Explosive Barrel Gang are using their Gatling guns to deal with it. These craftsmen who came down from the hunter's workshop on the mountain were alarmed by the movement of the cathedral below, carrying gunpowder and muskets, but there were too many monsters, and many huge monsters had begun to turn into distorted appearances that were indescribable, and bullets hit them. On the body, it disappeared from the body as if sinking into the water. Zelin is not optimistic that they can completely destroy these monsters, but these monsters are attacking each other to capture the blood of the enemy, and sooner or later they will become the last one.

Lawrence, it will only be Lawrence.

Zelin rushed to the priest beast that was slaughtering wantonly.

The huge beast noticed the little creature rushing towards it. Its hind legs stood upright, and the top of its head was even higher than the previously destroyed cathedral icon, which was more than three meters visually. With flesh and blood stuck to his paws, he patted the direction of the demon hunter. Zelin avoided, but a mad hunter nearby did not escape. Accompanied by the sound of crushing flesh and blood, the hunter's torn body fell to the ground. With his death, his head split apart, but instead of blood, what appeared was a group of unknown white tiny bugs that emerged from the cracked skull.

Zelin threw the white phosphorous powder on the priest beast's body. When the cloth bag hit the monster, the demon hunter snapped his fingers. The phosphorous powder was instantly ignited, and the sudden explosion of flame instantly engulfed Lawrence's left leg.

Against huge monsters, attacking the legs is the most effective way.

The flames burned, and Lawrence howled, his two paws spread, and he leaped forward, trying to kill the enemy. The huge body of the holy beast smashed on the ground, and the bricks around the church fell under the strong shaking, and the waving claws cut off the many monsters in front of them. If those monsters really still have a waist part on their bodies, their bodies will be shredded and lose their human appearance. These monsters who were hunters can no longer use the fighting skills they have in mind.

But a craftsman from the dynamite barrel gang was changing his Gatling gun. He did not expect Lawrence to jump over. He was hit by a monster arm and flew into the air, screaming after the craftsman’s head hit the church wall. It was ended by a clear fracture sound.

Zelin dodges the pounce, slashing his sword on Lawrence's arm continuously. The hot blood splashed out from the wound, and the demon hunter hurriedly avoided sideways. The blood splashed on the long wooden chair that was destroyed nearby. The wooden chair had white eyes, and the place where it was stuck to the blood showed a scorched black appearance.

The high temperature of the flame didn't seem to cause much harm to Lawrence. Except for the scorched skin, his veins didn't seem to be flowing blood, but steam, or even lava. The blood sprayed not only splashed on the ground planks, but also flowed onto Lawrence himself.

The flames on his legs began to spread upward, and Lawrence waved his arms frantically. Brado found the opportunity and threw white phosphorus at its other leg. This time, Zelin didn't need to ignite with Igni's seal, the white phosphorus ignited after being exposed to the high temperature of Lawrence's body. The priesthood beast howled and knelt to the ground. Zelin took the opportunity to rush up again and slashed at Lawrence's drooping head. The ebony blade cut into the flesh, and after a few stabs, he immediately backed away from the hot blood.

Lawrence let out a painful cry, his hands slammed on his face, and the painful wound was almost so painful by the blow. He knelt on the ground, thumping, holding his head in his hands, and panting.

The blood floating in the cathedral almost stained the air red, and the ground became slippery, covered with blood, torn pieces of meat, and broken corpses. Hunters, regardless of whether they still retain the appearance of humans, these corpses were once church hunters.

The moonlight outside was still bright. The moon is like an eye floating in the air, watching the Healing Church Cathedral below and the hunters who are falling into madness. These hunters have too much blood that does not belong to them, and their bodies have begun to no longer belong to humans.

Lawrence kept attacking any creature nearby, and the intense pain caused by the high temperature made it seem to be thirsting for liquid to extinguish the flame. Whether it is cold water or sticky blood.

Zelin swiftly avoided the monster's attack. He waved the ebony blade with one hand. The other hand kept forming the appearance of various Dharma seals. The purple light of many Arden runes lit up on the ground, and Lawrence's movements became slightly slow. The two claws failed to catch the demon hunter, so the monster opened its mouth and wanted to kill the enemy directly, but it also bit. Empty. But Zelin threw another thing into his mouth. Two cellular bombs tied together.

When dealing with murlocs in the small fishing village, Zelin realized that this method of bomb use was extremely effective against large enemies.

With a muffled sound, Lawrence's body fell forward to the ground. His skull was cracked in a small piece, and the flames of the explosion seemed to come out of its mouth. From the side, Brado stepped forward. He grabbed the two horns on the top of Lawrence's head and tore it vigorously, only to hear a stab, and the fur on the top of the priest's beast was torn off.

He didn't care about the stench of blood, he put the fur of the carrier's antlers and gray hair on his body.

"I'm right, Lawrence. Why do people deliberately ignore the dangers of power in front of power?" Brado murmured, his eyes staring at Lawrence who fell on the ground through the gap in the fur. " Tell me, what did you see?" As he said, he raised his weapon and slammed it down at the neck of the priest beast.

"Oh, look, look at the explosion just now! What is that! Our dynamite barrel gang should learn that kind of explosion, and directly blow up the monster. We need to improve, first start with the badge, we need to change the badge Change to that look..." The little man leaned over "Hi? Where did the hunter go?"

There are still a few monsters left in the church. People from the dynamite barrel gang are using muskets and machine guns to deal with them, but looking around the cathedral, the demon hunter is still missing.

Zelin didn't stop, and at the moment Lawrence fell, he chased him in the direction of Mansis's escape. He is calm now, Lawrence is not his target, and killing Lawrence will not change anything. He must be calm, and he must not be dazzled by the blood of battle, just like a hunter holding his breath, he will never make any unnecessary movements when he finds the prey in ambush.

Besides, he has been delayed for five minutes. In five minutes, a fast horse may have ran into Yanan Town at the bottom of the mountain.

Above the wooden ladder, there is a high platform behind the cathedral. As expected, Zelin saw clear traces of carriage ruts on the ground. Mansis must be prepared.

Running to the edge of the platform, Zelin looked down, just to see a horse-drawn carriage running along the winding mountain road in the Cathedral District towards Yanan below.

"You can't escape!" Ze Lin jumped over the fence and slid down the **** of the mountain. He took out Avak's skull, and the ghost horse appeared in a blue light. He slid down onto the road below, turned on his horse, and chased him in the direction where Mansis had fled.

Chapter 571 Hunting

The ghost horse is running wildly on the road of Jiu Yanan.

"You can't escape!"

Mansis clearly noticed the demon hunter chasing up from the mountain road behind, and in the dark, the ghost horse was chasing after him at a very fast speed. The horseshoe stepped on the stone road, but there was no sound, like a wild hunt descending from the sky. Zelin leaned down, and the oncoming wind made him almost unable to open his eyes. Avak followed closely about twenty meters behind the carriage and was still approaching.

The scenery on both sides quickly receded. The wagon wheel pressed over the potholes in the road, making a rumbling sound, and the trampling of the horseshoe splashed a lot of liquid, sticking to the cloak of the demon hunter. That is blood. Monsters are everywhere in Yanan. The blood of the killed and the monsters flowed on the ground and gathered together in low places to form a pool of puddles.

The neighing of monsters, the sound of tearing flesh, Yanan's streets and alleys were filled with such noises. A monster was licking the blood of its prey, and it was alarmed by the sound of horseshoes and wheels from far and near. It was like a werewolf monster leaping at the carriage, but the carriage was too fast, and the werewolf rushed into the air. It fell to the ground, before it had time to get up, and then was trampled to the ground by a horse galloping behind.

Yanan's streets became extremely dangerous, and it didn't take long for Avak to be chased by several monsters. The speed of most of these monsters is not as fast as the speed of the ghost horse, and they are gradually thrown away, but some monsters, like creatures with the appearance of spiders, are still chasing the prey that rushed past them.

The rough road made Zelin feel his nerves tense, he opened his eyes wide, always paying attention to the movement of the carriage in front of him. Once thrown away, it is difficult for him to catch up again. Fortunately, the carriage can only be on the road, and it is impossible for Mansis to hide in the alley to avoid the pursuit of the demon hunter.

Gradually, his carriage got closer and closer. Zelin reached back with one hand and took out the metal hook obtained by the small fishing village. Without the dagger, he can only hope that this thing is more effective than a long sword in close combat in a narrow place. Moreover, his purpose is to stop the carriage from continuing to escape, he only needs to jump into the carriage. As long as the carriage can stop, he is more willing to deal with Mansis in a flat and open place.

At this moment, on the roof on the right side of the road, a werewolf suddenly rushed down. Zelin suddenly turned his head to the left, avoiding the expected blow. But the werewolf's target was not him, but the carriage. The werewolf thumped to the top of the carriage, and its claws began to attack the carriage, as if there was something in the carriage that it desperately wanted.

Kos orphan. Mansis put the body in the carriage. If this is the case, it can almost be explained why it attracts so many monsters. The demon hunter looked back at the monsters who were chasing after him. Something was attracting them.

The shaking on the carriage seemed to catch Mansis by surprise. He began to control the wagon to sway back and forth, trying to throw the werewolf above it. When the carriage passed through a stone arch, it shook to the right. The carriage slammed into the stone pillar. The werewolf stood unsteadily, fell from the carriage, fell heavily to the ground, and popped again with a bang. Very far away, when it stopped, the werewolf's head knocked on the stone, blood splashed, blood stains covering the hanging lights next to the road, and the road became dim for a short period of time.

However, the speed of the carriage slowed down during this collision, and Avak rushed to a position where it was on par with the carriage. This time, Mansis wanted to perform the same trick again. He pulled the reins violently, and the carriage crashed into Avak on the side, trying to knock the demon hunter and the horse together to the ground.

For a moment, Mansis's bloodshot eyes and hideous cheeks under the hood were all reflected in Zelin's eyes.

Zelin didn't slow down to dodge, but raised his hand and placed an Alderfax seal at the bottom of the carriage. The shock wave smashed the wheel on one side, and the force brought by the speed slammed the carriage to the ground. The two horses neighed and were smashed to the roadside house, smashing the doors and windows. Accompanied by the harsh cracking sound, the carriage rolled back and forth on the street, rolling several laps, and finally hit a nearby fence with a click, completely turning into a pile of shattered wooden boards.

Zelin raised his arm to block the flying sawdust.

"Avak, stop!"

Zelin took the reins, and the ghost horse stopped by the damaged carriage. He drew out the ebony blade and carefully picked up the piled up broken planks with the blade. But the more he opened, the more surprised Zelin felt. In the end, he kicked the plank aside, and there was nothing underneath, only the corpse of an orphan wrapped in it.

The sound of footsteps from behind the alley attracted the attention of the demon hunter. At some point, Mansis had already escaped from the carriage, he was staggering into the alley. It may be that at the moment when the carriage fell, he jumped from the other side, and the sound of overturning covered the sound of his landing, and the carriage just blocked the sight of the demon hunter.

"Don't try to escape!"

Zelin was about to chase it out, but at this moment, many monsters appeared in the surrounding roads and corners. Obviously, these monsters were attracted and followed in the chase just now.

The demon hunter glanced at Mansis hiding in the alley, and then at the remains of the orphan Kos on the ground. There were many monsters nearby, but he noticed that Mansis didn't seem to leave, he was waiting. Waiting for Zelin to deal with the monster? Or wait for other helpers to arrive?

But it is certain that there will definitely be the corpse of this **** son in his plan.

Zelin stepped back and made up his mind. Looking at the monsters approaching him from both ends of the road, and looking back and forth at the appearance of nearby houses, the demon hunter slammed open the wooden door of a four-story concrete tower on the side and turned and rushed into the house.

There were no residents and no guards inside. The demon hunter quickly ran up the wooden steps to the second floor, and Shun took the ceramic pot near the oil lamp, which was filled with lamp oil. The lid of the ceramic jar was thrown aside. It seemed that someone wanted to add oil to the oil lamp, but encountered danger, ran away in a hurry, and knocked down a nearby chair. It can be inferred that this seems to be a lighting place.

But fortunately, there is lamp oil here, so there is no need for the demon hunters to waste their own materials.

The closed door couldn't stop so many monsters. When Zelin stepped on the steps leading to the third floor, he heard a loud noise coming from below, and the door panel was smashed open.

"Well, you want blood?" Zelin poured the oil in the jar all the way on the wooden floor while running to the heights. "Just get it yourself."