The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 315

Chapter 572 The Orphan of Kos

There are many monsters, at least five. Their appearance is so strange and strange, Zelin no longer wants to classify their appearance as some kind of similar animal, because they are too weird, words have already described this. Only those monsters that were originally turned into animals seem to be more reasonable, whether they are huge fleas or crows, or wild dogs with festering whole bodies.

Zelin rushed all the way to the fourth floor, and the oil in the ceramic pot was dumped along the steps. Along the way, the demon hunter never forgot to knock over the pots on other floors with Alderfayin, regardless of whether there was lamp oil in it. He doesn't have time to check, but the more things that can ignite, the better.

He left the remains of the Kos orphan on the road outside. It is undoubtedly a foolish decision to chase in the alleys with Mansis who is familiar with the local area of ​​Yanan. It's easy for an ignorant outsider. At that time, he could completely throw Zelin in the alley, and then think of a way to go around and take the remains of the Kos orphan.

As a hunter, Zelin knew how to hunt. Rather than blindly chasing after the prey like a hunting dog, it is better to be a smart hunter and set a trap to wait for the prey. The prey waiting to be lured by the bait stepped into the trap by itself. He didn't believe that Mansis would turn a blind eye to such temptations.

But in order to let the prey into the trap, the hunter needs a good camouflage. He can't make the target alert. These monsters that follow are perfect cover.

The corpse of the son of God is at your fingertips.

The hunter who pursued him was trapped on the tower by the monster.

Such a golden opportunity.

Zelin didn't believe that Mansis would let go of this good opportunity.

Running up to the fourth floor of the tower, Zelin walked to the side of the tower. There is a huge hanging lamp in the middle, but the oil inside has burned out.

A lighthouse on land? Zelin couldn't help being curious about the usefulness of this tower.

When monsters swarmed into the four-story tower, Mansis walked out from the corner. There were a lot of scratches on his body, and the priest's clothes became tattered, but he didn't care about it, his eyes just stared at the location of the ruins of the carriage, staring lying in it, wrapped in cloth The remains of the Kos orphan.

Son of God.

He will get this son of god. Besides, why use the corpses of ancient gods and sons to study their evolution and knowledge. Since the villagers of the small fishing village can get in touch with an ancient **** and safely evolve into another creature with the help of the ancient god, they have any reason why scholars who have studied ancient gods for so long cannot summon an ancient god. God descends.

Lawrence was wrong.

But he Mansis is correct.

Mansis's hands trembled and picked up the remains of Kos's orphan. He looked at the corpse carefully, as if looking at a treasure.

He was awakened from the ecstasy of obtaining the treasure until the popping sound from the tower above his head. Above the tower, a violent explosion broke through the glass on the top floor, and flames burst out from the broken windows, and the surrounding ground was blazing red in a flash.

The explosive air stream destroyed the windows of the building, and Mansis raised his hand to block the glare of the fire and squinted his eyes. The corpses of many monsters were thrown out in the explosion, and the flames swallowed the tower layer by layer, but in this flame, among the monsters where the monsters were collapsing, a figure was falling toward the location of Mansis. The priest of Ahagul suddenly widened his eyes, Zelin flipped back in midair, and with the fall, he fell Mansis to the ground, and the hidden Hidden Blade pierced the priest’s neck. Entering, Zelin gave a strong pick, and blood was immediately ejected from the cut blood vessel.

Mansis fell to the ground without a word.

Zelin didn't stop, he rolled forward on the spot, and a cutting knife smashed into the place where he was before. The hunter, attracted by the explosion and fire, was walking out of the corner of the alley. His eyes were bloodshot, as if tiny parasites were crawling in his eyes. These blood parasites will enter the brain. Once in the brain, Zelin has no choice but to try it with grass, but the grass trial may not be able to solve such a troublesome parasite problem.

However, as soon as Zelin raised his weapon, an arrow suddenly appeared on the hunter's head, and he fell straight forward, behind him, Simon was holding his bow blade.

"Great fighting skills." Simon looked at the tower that was falling into flames. "If I didn't know the result, I would think that you ignited the fire in Old Yanan. What's the gain?"

"The remains of the Koss orphan." Zelin picked up the baby corpse he carried. It had a human appearance with a necrotic black appearance. "And Mansis."

Simon jumped off the researcher's hood with a bow and blade. He carefully looked at the corpse's face. "No, he is not Mansis. No matter who you kill, he will not be Mansis." The bow hunter raised his head and looked. The baby in the arms of the demon hunter "Orphan Kos...very pitiful, isn't it?"

"Where is Mansis?" the demon hunter asked. There was another roar of monsters nearby, and he looked back and forth, "Let's talk as we walk."

"No matter what you do, this dream will not change. This is not the reality we are familiar with. It is in another piece of time. No matter what happens, it will not affect other dreams." He and Simon followed along. As the street progresses, fire can be seen elsewhere, and someone is burning Yanan. People believe that flames can purify these monsters and plagues. "What are you going to do next?"

"Mansis School, Yahagul." Zelin thought of the nuns he rescued in the Unseen Village. Someone was hunting for humans. "Go to Yahagul, the answer must be there." Lawrence failed, Master William Give up the research, and only the Mansis school is left, and only they are still studying the ancient gods. Maybe after he goes back, he can have a good talk with Amelia. As the last bishop of the healing church, she must know something. Although Zelin prefers to dominate the church after Lawrence's death, the Mansis school dominates the church behind the scenes.

"Are you going to Yahagul now?"

"No, let's go to the small fishing village." Zelin shook his head, he lowered his eyes and looked at the orphan Koss in his arms. Unintentionally---all should prepare a ritual, otherwise they will become some kind of monster that attracts resentful spirits."

"Are you kidding? This is the son of God." Simon shook his head. "Your actions are futile."

"How can you know if you don't try it, unless you have a better way." Seeing that Simon was speechless, Zelin sighed. God took the whole of Anan's people."

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ps: Immortal cultivation failed. I touched it... As for Maria’s double swords, I still use the Chinese translation that comes with the game.

Chapter 573 Scarlet Moon

The flames in the small fishing village have been extinguished.

Only burnt out ruins and wreckage remained. Zelin had never seen Simon come here, but the archer hunter was familiar with the car here. In fact, in countless nightmares, Simon had already arrived in this village many times. He is familiar with every building here.

"Have you ever come to this workshop?" They took the elevator into the underground, which was exactly the elevator Zelin didn't want to take when he left the small fishing village for the first time. In fact, this elevator was not far from the workshop, separated from the burnt-down longhouse by a fence gate.

"When I left the small fishing village, I had to go through this road."

In the distant workshop, the white worms still existed, but these worms seemed to have died, limp on the ground weakly.

"When I first saw these things, I thought it was an extremely evil place."

"I guess you haven't seen a more disgusting place." Zelin thought of Osenfurt's biology laboratory. Those specimens and organs immersed in formalin are also terrible, but in fact, many medicines for curing diseases are researched in laboratories like the college.

They walked along the cave, and the women who looked like mollusks all worshipped in the direction of the sea. They knelt down in the cave, keeping their kneeling posture all the time. But the **** they worshipped is dead, and the body is on the beach at the exit of the cave. These human beings, who had become soft creatures, were indifferent to the arrival of the two hunters, and they kept their kneeling posture until they died.

There are some soft sand on the beach, boots step on it, every step will leave a clear footprint. Zelin walked forward holding the corpse of Orphan Kos. The huge white creature, as white as a white feather, was lying on the beach, letting the water slap its body.

Human facial features, close to the eyes, tentacles on the face like hair, scattered on the ground, hands stretched out to the sides, resting on the ground. However, apart from these, his body was a soft, huge, scaleless fish, half soaked in sea water, slapping, with a greasy feeling.

Coss still has many small tentacles, but they are all weakly limp at this time, showing that their owner has been dead for a long time and will never move them.

"God, even the ancient gods can't escape death."

On the distant sea, the moon was extremely bright, and under the bright moonlight, the sea was glowing with waves. The cold wind on the sea is blowing in, mixed with the peculiar smell of sea water, and the mottled light spots on the sea appear beautiful.

It's beautiful. It's really beautiful.

"I thought that the disaster of Yanan was brought about by these ancient gods. But I was wrong. I was wrong from the beginning." Simon looked at the moon. "I had hoped that I could find a solution to the plague. I had I hope I can find a way to save Yanan. But when I realized that I was a fool, there was no remedy."

"It's not your fault, Simon. Everyone has a dream of becoming a hero, but few people can remember it all the time and really do it. We have forgotten a lot of things."

The waves crashed against the beach. Zelin found a wooden boat used by a small fishing village. He dragged it to the beach, wrapped the remains of the Kos orphan and placed it on the wooden boat.

"This is not the fault of the ancient gods, nor the fault of the villagers in the fishing village, nor the fault of the poor orphan. This is human beings, this is our fault for the endless desire of the unknown, and it is we who brought the ancient gods. , And will not stop when the crisis emerges."

Master William is correct.

Fear the ancient gods, fear the blood of the ancient gods. If at that time, after Bayer Workkins was sealed, the knowledge in it and the ancient academy were covered by dust, today's Yanan would not have such a tragedy. Lawrence has paid the price for his actions, but there are still people who continue dangerous research. They must be stopped.

"If there is no gold in this world, many people can become heroes."

Looking at the candles lit at the bow and stern, Zelin sighed, "Don't you want to say something?" He asked Simon, "This is the first time you have seen this orphan, right?"

"What can I say, it's dead, I apologize to it, can it end this?" Simon dropped his shoulders. "What should I do?"

On the distant sea, the mast of the sunken ship pierced the water surface, showing a sense of existence on the endless and wide sea. Zelin crossed the orphan's hands on his chest. It was so thin that only a handful of skeletons remained. Its skin hadn't grown well. Its muscles had lost nourishment due to the death of its mother. , The human five senses, human limbs and body. This made the demon hunter think of the babies he had seen before, the babies who died because of disease, war, plague, robbers or monsters.