The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 475

"Nothing feels right in this ghost place. Don't worry, the Brotherhood of Darkness has been annihilated. I originally thought they were completely annihilated when they were in Cyrodir. Who knows that there are still fish that slip through the net in Skyrim."

"Dark Brotherhood, vampires, dragons, I miss my days at Cyrodir more and more. At least Cyrodir doesn't have so many bad things."

The curtain of the tent was opened, and the moment the cold wind poured in, the flame in the brazier in the middle of the tent was tilted and dimmed a lot. The soldiers inside shivered, and one of the soldiers stood up, preparing to re-press it with stones. Live at the corners of the tent curtain to prevent it from being blown away by the wind again. But at this time, the soldier suddenly realized that the curtain was not blown away by the cold wind outside.


Before he could finish his words, he was punched hard in his temple. Like a drunk man, he staggered twice and threw himself on the low wooden table in the camp, and the map on the wooden table. The iron plate crackled and fell to the ground. The other two soldiers in the camp were awakened by the sound of fighting behind them. They stood up one after another. One of them rushed towards the demon hunter, and the other ran over, ready to pick up the iron sword placed on the weapon rack beside the camp.

Zelin grabbed the leaping soldier's arm, fell to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall, and then stepped on his head. Without the protection of a helmet, the soldier spread out his limbs and fainted. The third soldier drew the iron sword out of the weapon rack, but seeing the two colleagues who had fallen on the ground, he immediately turned around wisely, swung his sword and prepared to cut to the tent on the side, trying to cut a crack in the tent. Run away by himself and warn the other soldiers. He knew that he alone would not be able to defeat the intruder in front of him.

However, the sword he raised could not be swung down, his arm holding the sword seemed to be clamped tightly by iron tongs, and then his head was touched, his eyes turned white and he fell to the ground.

Zelin pushed away the soldier who had fainted on the wooden table, picked up the map scattered on the ground, and spread it out on the table. This is a map of Hafingal, and the sharp-eyed eagle liaison is right. The map is marked with a symbol on the sea not far north of Solitary City. A notebook fell on the ground. Zelin bent over to pick it up and turned it over. The opened page recorded many guests who visited on the Emperor’s battleship. Days ago, the emperor’s warship fell into the hands of the Senate.

Take out your own map and mark the location of the Emperor's warship on it. Zelin then put away the map and drew a thin slit in the tent with a dagger. After confirming that there were no soldiers passing by and that would not attract the attention of the sentinels on the observation deck, he quickly left the tent and disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the vast rain and fog.

From time to time, there was the sound of soldiers talking in the nearby tent. Soon, Zelin found the simple wharf not far from the camp. The two wooden boats on the wharf were fixed on wooden stakes by cables, and they were ups and downs with the waves. The rain quietly hit the lush branches and leaves on both sides of the river. There were no soldiers guarding nearby. It may be because it is not far from the camp. It seems that no one wants to stand on the simple wharf behind the camp in such bad weather, just to guard the two small boats. Canoe.

To reach the pier, you must pass through the camp. How could there be a thief who wanted to steal the boat? Just for two canoes, he broke into the camp of the sharp-eyed eagle. This made it easy for the demon hunter to find the ship. He originally thought it would take a lot of effort.

Zelin walked to the canoe and swung his sword to cut the rope. The guards did not turn the canoe over and buckle it to the shore, so that some rainwater accumulated in the boat. However, this didn't affect Zelin much. He knew how to drive the canoe and how to control the canoe on rainy days so that it would not float to other places due to wind and waves.

Picking up the wooden oars near the wharf and pushing hard against the wharf stakes, the ship lifted by the rolling current swayed, slowly sailing away from the shore, towards the location of the emperor's warship marked on the map.

Chapter VIII The Cataria

The visibility at sea is very low.

The lighthouse in Dugu City was the only reference point. With the help of distant lights, Zelin could roughly determine his position on the sea and how far away he was from the coast.

After searching cautiously for almost an hour, Zelin finally found the trace of the huge warship on the misty sea. The black shadow in the mist outlines the outline of the emperor’s warship, and the huge iron anchor fixes the ship on the sea, so that the ship will not follow the current. The sails on the masts had already been put away. Zelin controlled the canoe and circled the vicinity of the warship before confirming that there was no frigate near the ship.

According to his observations, only a few soldiers on the deck of the warship were busy fixing cables or clearing water on the deck. Most of the guards—the guards replaced by the Senate—are staying in the cabin. This is completely different from the strict security that the eagle eye liaison said. The security level of this ship is not much different from that of a cargo ship floating on the sea. However, in the past, when the sharp-eyed eagle controlled the ship, they had to guard against the assassins who were hiding in the dark and plotting unruly.

But now, the people who control this ship are the masters behind the assassination of the emperor. Naturally, they don't need to guard against any assassins, because they are assassins.

He took out a bottle of Killer Whale Potion from the package behind him, raised his head and drank the light blue potion in the bottle. Although he still has a ring enchanted with water breathing, he is more inclined to reliable potions in such wind and rain. It does not mean that the enchantment of underwater breathing is meaningless, but he is neither an Argonian nor a half-murloc. Enchanting a ring cannot change the structure of his lungs, so he cannot really breathe in the water, although this ring He can stay underwater for a long time, but he doesn't understand how this kind of magic works, so when it's important, he believes in these potions that he has used for decades and knows the principles and materials.

The tumbling sea was cold and muddy, and Zelin avoided the place full of water plants to prevent him from being entangled in the water plants and affecting his actions. He couldn't drive the canoe directly close, even if there were few people on the deck and how thick the fog, it was impossible for the soldiers on it to see a canoe approaching slowly. His primary purpose is not to kill the robbers, nor is it to find a way to defeat everyone inside when fighting the White Rose Knights. He is here to find the unaccounted emperor, Titus Maid II.

Zelin didn't know why, after the group of people took control of the ship, they had yet to kill the emperor. This is very abnormal. It stands to reason that they completely controlled the warship five days ago. Today, the Rift Valley city that is chasing close to Cyrodir should be able to spread some rumors, such as news that the Senate controlled the Platinum Tower. Perhaps it was because they didn't want the Civil War in Skyrim because the emperor was assassinated, allowing the storm cloak to gain an advantage on the battlefield, so that they did not kill the emperor, or blocked the news after killing the emperor.

This is a three-masted sailing ship. The flags of the imperial emperor are drooping on both sides of the ship. They are soaked in rain and cling to the sides of the ship. There seemed to be no weapons such as ballistas on the deck of the ship, and no lights to illuminate the nearby sea. When the two sailors standing on the side of the ship fixed the cable and moved to the other side, Zelin slowly floated up and swam towards the anchor.

Originally Zelin planned to climb up the deck along the anchor, and then find a chance to enter the interior without disturbing anyone, but he noticed that there was a movable door on the outboard side of the ship, which seemed to allow the sailor to put the anchor into the ship completely. And the place of design. However, Zelin didn't know how many times he had used this place, but he was sure that this place was just enough for him to sneak into the ship.

Unlike the outside, the inside of the boat looks dry and comfortable. When Zelin opened the movable door on the ship's side and got in from the inside, he waited to close the movable wooden door again, as if the rain and cold wind were all shut out.

"Our mission should have been completed, why should we stay here?"

Taking a deep breath, wiped off the water droplets on his forehead, Zelin heard the voice of soldiers talking in the distance.

"I heard that the commander was in conflict with the assassins."

"What's the matter? I don't want these assassins who killed the sharp-eyed eagles to turn their hands and scratch our necks, just for some stupid reason."

This is under the cabin, a place to store cargo. There are sacks and wooden crates all around. The two guards who seemed to have just finished their work and were sitting on the wooden planks were talking at the door of the warehouse. There are a lot of goods in the warehouse, which is just convenient for Zelin to hide behind the wooden crates and approach the two guards at the door without anyone noticing.

"These people are really amazing. The assassins of the Dark Brotherhood were defeated by the Sharp-Eyed Hawk. As a result, they succeeded in killing the Sharp-Eyed Hawk."

"It’s best not to mention the Dark Brotherhood in front of those people. They are the Morrag Gang. They say the Dark Brotherhood is a group of traitors who betrayed from the Morag Gang. When allowed to operate in the empire, they will kill all remaining members of the Dark Brotherhood."

"Aren't these assassins all dead? They were all burned to death in their caves."

"Who knows, I don't want to know about this. These assassins are too dangerous." A guard shrank his neck as if a knife was about to be put on his neck. "I'm going to sleep, it's **** it." It’s bad weather, I feel like it’s going to be moldy. I will call you when I change shifts."

After all, the guard walked into the warehouse and walked to the stairs on the other side, and soon disappeared at the end of the stairs. Another guard, who should have just arrived to guard the warehouse, walked into the warehouse, and he began to count the goods inside.

Suddenly, his hands stretched out from behind the wooden crate he was facing, and he pulled him behind the wooden crate. Before the guards could react, his head hit the wooden floor severely, making him unconscious. Past.

"Good night." Zelin dragged the guard from the Senate to the innermost part of the warehouse, threw it into an empty long board box, and covered it with wooden boards. When leaving the warehouse, close the wooden door of the warehouse. Until the next time someone comes to change shifts, they won't notice that there is a missing guard here.

The liaison officer didn’t know much about the ship, but he still gave some valuable information, such as where the emperor’s study should be located on the ship, so that after he enters the ship, he won’t be chaotic like a headless fly. Go, following the direction in his memory, Zelin walked carefully into the cabin along the stairs.

Chapter VIII Morag Gang

"You have violated the agreement we had negotiated at the beginning."

The quarrel seems to be audible through the wooden door of the room. As the chief veteran's special envoy, Servius is suppressing his anger as much as possible. If in peacetime, he should have started yelling now, but now, he must ensure that everything goes smoothly and absolutely cannot appear here. Any questions. He is trying to turn his words into a request tone, but sometimes he does not need to be able to suppress it. The cold rain outside is enough to calm many people down. If this is not enough, add a few shining cold lights. Dagger.

"Where is the deposit?"

Assassins of the Morag Gang, these dark elves from the Morrowind controlled the emperor's study, as well as Titus Maid II himself. It stands to reason that the assassination should have ended, because the Senate hired the Morag Gang and promised that after the chief senator won the throne, the previous ban on the Morag Gang’s activities in the mainland would be lifted, and they were recognized as a legal organization. They don't need to stay in the Morrowind Province activities of the dark elf.

It is very dangerous to allow these killers to operate legally. No one knows whether they will receive a commission to assassinate themselves on which day. But this is worth the risk. The assassins of the Dark Brotherhood have already failed, and they cannot fail a second time. The Morag Gang is obviously more reliable than these Dark Brotherhood assassins. They solved the Sharp-Eyed Eagle, or it may be that the Sharp-Eyed Eagle relaxed their vigilance after killing the Dark Brotherhood, and the Morag Gang took advantage of the situation. As for the process, the special envoy of the Senate didn't care at all, what he cared about was the result.

"We are sending people to directly take out all the rewards we have agreed to give you."

However, there was a deviation in the plan. The Senate was the first to send to the sky, and Almond, who had been in contact with the Dark Brotherhood, disappeared, as if the world had evaporated. He carried the deposit of the Senate, two in total, one for the money to hire the Dark Brotherhood, and the other to prevent the Dark Brotherhood from failing to hire other killers.

As a result, after they hired a killer from the Morag Gang, they found that Almond could not be found, and naturally they could not find where Almond had hidden the deposit. The envoy can be sure that if it were not for the Senate, the killer of the Morag Gang who had just solved the peripheral sharp-eyed eagle at that time would most likely kill him directly after learning that there was no deposit.

"I have been waiting for five days."

The dark elf killer looked at the envoy without emotion in his eyes. The Morag Gang did not endure for centuries with its generosity and tolerance. Now, the killer would not even look at the envoy again, but instead played with the sharp weapon in his hand called the Wind Blade. The envoy lowered his eyes to look at this weapon that resembled the Red Guardian's desert scimitar. He wouldn't want to try it personally, how sharp this weapon was.

"Gold will not run away with long legs. I will give you a good reward, 20,000 Septins, no more, no less." The envoy took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions. They were now not far from Solitary City. Turius was the most powerful general under Emperor Titus, so he was transferred to Skyrim to quell the rebellion. Had it not been for the dragon attack in Helgen, the rebellion would have ended a year ago.

They have been procrastinating for five days, who knows what will happen if they procrastinate. He came to assassinate the emperor, not to die with the emperor. If Turius knew that the emperor’s ship was controlled by the assassins, it was now surrounded by the Imperial Legion.

"Kill the emperor, and then we go to a safe place, I will give you all the deposits promised, one will not be less. I sent the best riders, and the fastest from Cyrodir Ma, they will be able to bring the gold coins soon." He took a deep breath, wondering how many times he proposed this way. But he did not hear any response. These killers took control of the ship, but they never did anything to the emperor, because they neither saw the deposit nor the reward to be paid to them.

The commission of the Senate has no credibility for the Morag Gang now.

As a result, the guards brought by the envoy were not opponents of these killers at all, and these killers controlled the emperor's room. They didn't do anything, and no one could kill the emperor. Every time he saw Titus Maid II's scornful look at him, he could raise his anger towards Almond in his heart. Some people say that the Mortiere family may have betrayed the Senate and fled with more than 20,000 Septin gold coins, otherwise the Dark Brotherhood could not be so easily annihilated by the sharp-eyed eagle.

Twenty thousand Septin gold coins, this is not a small amount, even the gold coins with the highest gold content need to be put in a jar and pulled over with two carriages. He could not raise so many coins from Skyrim in a short period of time, and it would take at least a month to bring in new rewards from Cyrodir.

As for the truth, the envoy is no longer willing to think about it. Fortunately, Almond is not alone in knowing where the coins are hidden. When the gold coins are in hand, he can let these killers take the emperor's life and return to Cyrodir as soon as possible. At that time, all that remains is to stay in the imperial capital. After the chief veteran gets the blood of the dragonborn and crowns the emperor to establish a new empire, he and his family will have a place in the new dynasty.

"My lord, the messenger is back."

A guard brought him good news. The envoy looked at the killer of the Morag Gang and immediately walked to the other side with the guard. Although the look in the guard's eyes gave him a bad feeling, he still asked.

"What about the money Almond brought to Skyrim?"

"Our people searched the entire Warrenrude Crypt where the coins were hidden." The Senate soldier's voice was trembling. "But... not only did we fail to find the coins, the urn containing the coins was gone... Someone stole the money." !"