The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 705

"Don't we check it often?"

"I'm serious this time."

"Okay, okay, you can do anything after you go back. Rest, it's already late."

After this period of time, Zelin almost figured out the law of the time difference. When this world is at night, it should be morning in his world.

"I'm going to rest, you...good night."

Looking at the dimmed telescope, Zelin sighed lightly, holding on to the wall with one hand, turning over and leaping off.

Chapter 1283 The Sentinel: Part Two

The sudden heavy rain concealed Constantinople in a gray rain and fog.

Standing in front of the Galatian headquarters, the courtyard washed by rain showed a refreshing emerald green, and the slender green leaves of the potted plants nodded uncontrollably under the beating of water droplets. Zelin moved his shoulders, and the sound of rain dripping between the eaves and the fence brought bursts of crisp and sweet rhythm. It has been dry for a month, so that Zelin almost forgot the appearance of rain. Thanks to the rain, there were a lot fewer pedestrians on the street, only a few scattered people wearing cloaks and oiled paper clothes hurried past.

The assassins were exhausted by fighting for more than ten days. Yousef gave most of them a vacation and allowed them to rest for two days. The rain seemed to give the two sides of the melee a truce. Not only are pedestrians scarce on the streets, the Byzantine patrols also disappeared. Only a few assassins are responsible for continuing to monitor the Byzantine strongholds in case they take advantage of the rain and fog to attack. Although Zelin believes that this possibility is minimal, the necessary vigilance is absolutely indispensable.

"Good morning, Master." Aziz, the janitor, was one of the few assassins who didn't take a vacation. Seeing Zelin leaning on the door frame to admire the rain outside, she quickly paid tribute to him. In fact, the assassin apprentices did not take a vacation, because Yusuf was worried about sending them out to fight the Templars, so even on rainy days, these apprentices still hone their skills in the headquarters and strongholds, hoping to be able to Come in handy in the next battle.

"Your letter." She took out an envelope with a corner wetted by water. "A gypsy girl delivered it early this morning."

"Good morning, Aziz." Zelin took the envelope, moved his neck, stretched his shoulders and took a deep breath. The fresh air made people feel comfortable. It was already nine o'clock in the morning, but the sky was still gloomy, making it difficult to tell the time. "Who went out this morning?"

He tore open the envelope and glanced at the contents. As usual, the Templars were like a rat whose spine had been interrupted, hiding in their lair and refused to come out, and there was no movement in the whole city.

"Master Ezio, he said he is going to Ms. Sofia's bookstore." Aziz leaned forward slightly and replied respectfully. "Captain Yousef went to inspect the stronghold in Saint Sophia today. He left early. Degan sent a report on the Grand Bazaar stronghold, and Sukhdin went to the racetrack stronghold..."

Aziz spoke about more than a dozen names. Although the Brotherhood took a break for the past two days, Ezio helped recruit a lot of new people during this period. They need to be familiar with the new way of life and accept the assassins. Training, learn how to use the Hidden Blade and Hook Sword, as well as climbing and hiding skills. This is not so much a vacation, as it is that the Brotherhood must have a time to settle down and regain its combat power.

As he spoke, the corner of Zelin's eyes noticed a gray figure, walking towards the stronghold in Galatia against a canvas.


Aziz quickly let the door open, and the Assassin Instructor stepped into the porch. He grumbled, and handed the rain-stained canvas to the door girl. "I thought you would stay in Sophia's bookstore until the rain was a little bit lighter and come back."

The hem of Ezio's clothes were soaked in rain, and the sleeves under his elbows were soaked in rain from gray to black. The canvas did not have much effect, but Zelin noticed that there were many traces of sewage on his fingers, which were traces left by climbing in the rain.

"Sofia found the location of the second Masyaf library key. Sophia's cracking speed was very fast. When she worked hard, how could I hide under the roof and do nothing because of a rain." Ezio told the assassin. From the pocket of the robe, he took out a round cake wrapped in brown-green cloth. There was no need to open it. Zelin knew that this was the second Masyaf library key he found, the magical obsidian disc.

"Let's go in and say, where did we find this key?"

Ezio walked to the fireplace in the headquarters, and Aziz closed the door again after they entered, shutting out the wind and rain together. The Assassin Instructor put his clothes wet by rain on the fireplace to bake.

"The Maiden Tower is an abandoned tower on the reef outside the Golden Horn. Can you imagine? There is a rectangular space more than ten meters deep and full of institutions under that humble tower. The keys are hidden in places where ordinary people are hard to find. Master Altaïr gave him the commission, and he completed it brilliantly. And his son, Marco Polo, retrieved Altaïr from the place ruled by the Mongolian Khan. Handwriting."

"You might become the second Altaïr in the Brotherhood." Zelin only knew that Altaïr was the master of the Brotherhood two hundred years ago. He didn't know exactly what Altaïr did, but Ezio did it. In terms of the past, he is already qualified to be called a master. In fact, all the assassins here respect him as a master, but Ezio still humbly puts himself in the position of an ordinary assassin mentor. He never seems Think of himself as a master, just an assassin, just like other assassin brothers.

He settled on the chair, stroked the disc in his hand, and chuckled twice, "Haha, I can't reach the level of Master Altaïr now. This time I came here to get from Altaïr's library. Looking for enlightenment. I should write a letter to Claudia. I don’t know if she received the last letter. Where has Yousef been?"

"He is patrolling the stronghold near Hagia Sophia." Zelin repeated what Aziz had told himself, his eyes still on the obsidian disk. This kind of stone is not rare in his world. Does this mean that obsidian can also be a carrier of some mysterious power? He can't say, but it means a possibility.

"I don't know when this war will end." Ezio sighed lightly. Zelin knew he was referring to the conflict between the Templars and the Brotherhood of Assassins. This conflict has lasted for thousands of years, and it seems that It will continue forever.

"There is always an end."

Zelin flipped through the attractive disc, which exuded a warm white light, while Ezio was busy writing letters to his relatives. For a while, only the pen tip rubbed the paper in the compartment. Rustling.

Until Zelin's ears heard the headquarters door was slammed and pushed open, an assassin hurried in and pushed the door open. The door panel almost hit Aziz in the face.

"What's the matter?" Zelin put the disc back and raised his head. Ezio also stopped writing. In his eyes, Zelin also saw confusion.

Then, the door to this room was pushed open, and the messenger took off his hood and said to Ezio eagerly, "Master, Degan asked me to inform you, that traitor, Barry, he has found Barry's trail!"

Chapter 1284 Practical Faith


Had it not been suddenly picked up, Zelin almost forgot the Brotherhood traitor who had escaped in their hands. Recently, the Brotherhood has made a lot of progress. Whether it is capturing a stronghold in Constantinople, collecting information on the Templars, or expanding the Brotherhood, recruiting new people, no matter how you look at it, the Brotherhood can now use its vitality. Bright to describe. There are too many good news, and it is inevitable that people will temporarily forget the bad news before.

"Traitor? This news is not at the right time."

"It seems that my friend did not stop to rest because of the rain."

The Assassin’s Messenger ran in a hurry, his boots were covered with muddy water, and his clothes were already soaked in the rain. When he ran in, he left a row of footprints on the ground. He wiped the water droplets from his forehead that was about to flow into his eyes and reported to Ezio, "Master, Captain Degan found him in the Galata stronghold. The Captain was worried that this might be the Templar plan, so let me report quickly."

Zelin frowned slightly when he heard the traitor appear. Galatia stronghold, since he was once an assassin, he must know that the Galatian stronghold is the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Constantinople. If it is just a team of Templars, it can be considered that they came here accidentally during patrol, but for an assassin traitor, his presence near the headquarters will inevitably make people guess in other ways.

"I see, I will go now."

"Wait." Before the messenger left, Zelin hurriedly stopped him. "Did Degan find any traces of other Templar knights?"

The Gypsies just sent a letter to Zelin, saying that the ferry in the Golden Horn had not carried any armed persons in the past two days. The reason why the Brotherhood made Galatia its headquarters is precisely because it wanted to get from the city. To attack here from other places, they must take the ferry from the Golden Horn to cross the river. They can directly monitor the ferry to determine whether the enemy wants to attack. If the Templars are going to desperately attack the Assassin's headquarters, they can't just let one or two people over to perform the attack mission.

"No, we didn't find any traces of other Templars." The messenger shook his head. "There was no news of the Byzantine attack from the other surveillance posts in the main city. Only a few people from the Galatians went to the main city by the ferry this morning."

As Zelin expected, the nearby assassins on alert found no sign of the Byzantine assembly.

"But we can't take it lightly." Without hesitation, Ezio put down the pen, covered the ink bottle, stood up and walked to the fireplace to get his still damp coat. "The Templar, as we said before, it is a nine-headed Hydra. We cut off his bright face, but he can still bite us with other heads hiding in the shadows." He While wearing his jacket, he stretched out his fingers and said to the messenger. "Go and tell Degan, following the traitor, I'll be there right away, and let other assassins who are on standby in Galatia block this area. We can't let him escape anymore."

"You don't need to go, Ezio, we have found him. This time he has no help from the Templars. The Galatian area is our territory. We can set up an ambush here. In an hour, we will be able to Here ask the traitor, what plans the Templars and him are cooperating with. I can go there. You are familiar with these assassins. It is best for you to stay in the headquarters. Just like what you just said, the nine-headed Hydra."

The messenger had already trot away and several assassins walked out of the cubicle in the headquarters, staring at each other in confusion, still not understanding what happened.

Ezio had turned into that gray assassin again. He looked down at the letters on the desk and examined the letters he wrote about his relatives. After a while, he sighed, folded the letter paper, and pressed Under the books on the desktop.

"I have been betrayed twice, Zellin. The first time, I lost my father and brother, and the second time, I lost my uncle and Monteriggioni Manor." Ezio's chin had left. The untreated beard, half of his beard and hair were pale, as if he was an old man who was reminiscing about his life, not an energetic master assassin. "The Templars used power and money to buy countless people to work for them. The first betrayal was because the Pope gave power to the betrayers, and the second betrayal was because the Porgia family paid more money to hire them. But they have never succeeded in bribing the assassins within the Brotherhood, and power and money have never eroded the creed, but this time, I don’t understand why a person who accepts the creed would willingly serve the Templars. He must know the temple. What the knight did, but still willing to go with them."

Ezio tied the Hidden Blade to his arm and looked at the carvings on the metal wristband. He shook his wrist slightly, and the sharp Hidden Blade pierced out with a brush, reflecting the cold light of the candlelight.

"Zelin, if you firmly believed in the creed for decades and were easily abandoned by a colleague, what would you think? I always thought...this creed would be attractive to all good people, and this For more than ten years, I have seen this fact."

The demon hunter frowned slightly. He had never thought about what creed he would have. It was strange to say that, but it was true. Demon hunters have not mentioned any creed since they appeared. Their duty is to deal with monsters and collect some rewards during the period to make a living. Later, this became a job, collecting money to do things, Zelin never thought about ancient times. Does the demon hunter have any creed at all? After rebuilding the demon hunter academy, he did not think about writing any rules that he hoped all demon hunters could follow. This is meaningless to them.

Zelin shrugged.

"I don't have any creed, Ezio. What is practical is the best. All I have is work, not war."

"Your ease is really enviable." Ezio smiled. "Even if it is not because of the creed, we should catch him. We will not make any mistakes halfway through the day when Tariq and Manuel meet."

"I still envy you for having a younger sister." Zelin joked, knocking his hand on the desktop. "Go, Ezio, I will stay here, in case this is the Templar's turn of the tiger away from the mountain, if we all go to catch a traitor, and when we come back, we find that there is a Templar flag floating outside the headquarters. ."

Ezio didn't say much, he nodded, put on his hood, and walked to the headquarters gate. The messenger waited there. Soon, the two of them disappeared into the mist outside together.

Chapter 1285 The Cold Trap

The assassins on standby to rest and encircle the Galatians.